Yeah. It's like, my, my favorite alcoholic in the world said this to me. I think if my father was able to talk about his experiences, because, you know, he lost his father when he was very, very young. And this guy, this is about mental health. And I know that I can talk to these people, you know, and I'm, and I am part of something and I am not alone, you. And I think that's where a lot of therapy goes wrong, because it's not, it's not solution oriented, you know? John, I wish you a safe travel on the rest of the tour, man, and thank you for your time. Guitar History with John Rzeznik & Brad Fernquist from the Goo Goo Dolls 46,747 views Jan 16, 2018 676 Dislike Share Save Normans Rare Guitars 539K subscribers Norm talking guitar history with. John Rzeznik: He says that when writing a song, he often "runs tape and screws around with stuff," and his songs are often both biographical and autobiographical. He paid for his own apartment using Social Security Survivor Benefit checks. Those, those keys for success for you that you, you've tried to live your life by? And that's what it is. For example, "Iris" is played with the guitar tuned to BDDDDD. Whitney Newell It's pretty well-known that the Goo Goo Dolls are from Buffalo, New York, but lead singer John Rzeznik now lives in Westfield, New Jersey -- and he's using his musical talents to help support the local businesses in the town that are in financial straits due to COVID-19.. On Friday, Johnny performed a 15-minute Facebook Live "porch performance" to raise money for Westfield's We . Well, like some music, you know, it's like, there are people in my life who are medicine to me. No, I, I was actually, I was thinking of that when you, when, and you said that that's incredible. The band received early success with the single "Name" as well as being featured in Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare with the song "I'm Awake Now". Um, I believe it was innate, but that being said, you gotta work, you gotta do the work. So you better get over this fear. Because they all wanted to go out to the bar and drink. Does that just, do you walk away from that and you're like, Okay, we gotta keep on going. The twin-engine plane crashed and burst into flames shortly after takeoff near the Little Rock airport, the National Transportation Safety Board told CNN in an emailed statement. That's what I up, Mike Sarraille: I agree. Yeah, Yeah. It's like we all have potential. You know, that's mostly it. [6][7] Both of Rzeznik's parents were musicians, playing the clarinet and flute. [14], On November 29, 2020, he participated in a virtual fundraiser to help combat hunger and raise money for the Community Foodbank of New Jersey. I need to up in that boat. Uh, biggest or hardest decision you've ever had to make? We are living in really scary, tenuous times. Yeah. They applaud them. Um, you know, but one of the, one of the most amazing, brilliant things about being that young and, and being, being caught up in, in, in this pretty crazy situation is that, that I was, I was able to go, Okay, this is bad and this sucks and my heart is broken, but I have to keep going. John Rzeznik (singing): "Just give me thrills, so the truth don't creep in, and it's wrong." It's the first one he's ever produced for the band, and it was quite an experience. Um, but everyone, you know, even Isis, Al-Qaeda, Hell's Angels also offers a form of homecoming and belonging to, to a young impoverished kid who, who's never been part of a group to, to them that's, that's like a drug. Goo Goo Dolls Survived a Plane Crash (2000) - YouTube Yeah. I mean, how does a 15, 16 year old, I mean, you lose your father and you probably, you know, not that you're getting over that, but a year later you lose your mom as well. All three were strapped into their seats. Mike Sarraille: Now this is someone's opinion who, if they didn't like the record, it wasn't coming out. Interview: Goo Goo Dolls' Johnny Rzeznik | I Like Your Old Stuff That's a deal. Yes. I got you. I, I just hope that I left my little corner of the world just a little bit better than I found it, you know? It's, so, again, man, it's, it's, I love this because you haven't read this book and you're basically walking through the entire book. Like, like I think Thatt, uh, PTSD in, you know, the civilian population, it's a little bit overdiagnosed I think because I'm like, I'm like, well, maybe I do have p PTSD because, you know, I don't know. They broke in through the gate and did some crazy ritualistic shit in my backyard. I sucked at public speaking early on, and now, now it's become more natural. Like, people are down welcome dose. The song was released by Rzeznik as a solo track. No matter how distorted and crazy it is, it's just like, it's my life and I'll kill myself if I want to now get out, you know? Screw that. We dont appreciate the similarities we have, so maybe thats the place to start.. Mike Sarraille: But you have to believe as human being, we are moving towards, uh, like you said, a beautiful outcome. And now I'm, now I'm fine in a swimming pool, you know what I mean? And I know we were talking before we, uh, recorded here, but this is like a trip down memory of the lane cuz I grew up on, uh, on your music. What was it about the, that drew you in that that, that, you know, sparked that passion dude behind, uh, music? So what I had to do, what I had to do to get over that anxiety and that fear was, it was the first time we went out on tour and we were staying in these crap motels. But if your wife's bitching at you or, or your family's bitching at you or you're in trouble at work, consequences mean nothing to an addict. And I think, I think, and that's why I always played in bands like playing music. We step on the planes every day and it's almost like pilot, I hope you're well trained and do your job well. He recalls going into the recording of the one-off collaboration in a state of numbness. An exclusive HITS dialogue with the Goo Goo Dolls' Johnny Rzeznik and Robby Takac by Lesley Zimmerman As the Goo Goo Dolls ' founding members Johnny Rzeznik and Robby Takac embark on their 16th year together as a unit, they've finally achievedand sustainedcommercial success and mainstream acceptance. That, that's really easy. I, yeah. What happens when 2000 people like me? But we could come together, put our needs aside for the good of the group, identify, Hey, what's the objective we need to achieve this week or this day? Or what would you have wanted your legacy to be? Rzeznik grew up in Buffalo, N.Y., with a father who was an abusive alcoholic and a mother who was, as he once told the Buffalo News, a "German disciplinarian." He had a tough childhood, but. We knew why we existed. I agree with you. You definitely have to find the right group that wants to heal and move forward. It was pretty crazy. Um, you know, and, and, and, and, you know, we still meet up every day on tour. To always pick yourself up by the bootstraps? That's why I love the military so much. There is, and I think covid accelerated it, in my opinion, is everyone was isolated. They were soon picked up by a small record label, Celluloid. Last and brother, I have no doubt that she will, if you continue to give her advice like that is have your dream, but you gotta work for it. It's like musicians, they're great musicians and then there are musicians that are not that good. We gotta move forward. And, um, and then we're picking up in the fall, we're gonna do, uh, a theater run in smaller cities across America. John Rzeznik: Uh, I'm looking forward to hearing this, uh, this new album. Mike Sarraille: Mike Sarraille: airplane, interview | 71K views, 921 likes, 37 loves, 39 comments, 69 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Howard Stern Show: The Goo Goo Dolls told Howard about the time their plane crashed on the. It just, their lives revolved around the bar. You know? John Rzeznik: And I'm up there like six, seven times a year. Uh, you know what I mean, man. [8] The original pronunciation of his last name Rzenik is "Zhezh-neek" (zh as in beige) [ik], Polish for "butcher". Mike Sarraille: And what out the airplane? And that's insane to think about that, but. And I just felt like, well you just want my 200 bucks an hour to like hang out. Is that correct? John Rzeznik: That there's, there's music is definitely, it Marks time in our lives. I like, well, I think we, we, we hit on, on this before. You know. Just like people. Fast forward to their album Dizzy Up The Girl, the single "Iris" became a critical success due in large part to the release of the film City of Angels and it being a featured music video for the film. Mike Sarraille: He is recognized by many for being both talented and handsome. And again, that's my opinion of regardless if you have mental health issues, and first off, lemme tell you that somebody said it, great mental health issues does not mean mental weakness. Cause I, I, I know you've been married, divorced, you're married, now you have a little girl, but it seems like Robbie is the most consistent staple of your life. And I know it's heavy for a five year old, but I just want to keep instilling that in her mind, that she's got to do the work. And, and I couldn't deal with it. Yeah. So first one is, biggest regret of your life in here. And he would tell me, it was like he was preparing me. Um, you know, I know you spoke about your wife prior to, uh, to us hit and record here, but you know, I've, I found a woman who was very strong-willed, but will break down and cry when she knows I'm, uh, I'm in pain. And, you know, and, and just, just plagued with self doubt and worry. Mike Sarraille: And we, we did send you to prep. ON STAGE: Goo Goo Dolls playing Riverworks his Sunday. And it's, it's, uh, he has been probably the most stable person in my life. Wow. They will find a way back. Mike Sarraille: I've never heard that, but I do, I think I do know where you're going. You did say it earlier, man. The whole audience was singing a song with me and I thought, theoretically, in a vacuum, half this audience voted for [Donald] Trump and half voted for [Hillary] Clinton, but everyone in the room is singing in a room together. That was a hard generation. Now, there are, now there are things that I wanted to talk you about as being in probably the most elite intense group of military people. Yeah. I call them when I'm in trouble. And yes, when we use that word, it's not cultural, uh, appropriation. And, and luckily someone saved me and I was a little kid. So I, I'm a tandem master. But, but, um, Yeah. Um, it in, we just, well, I, you know, George Silva who helped coordinate this and that guy's like my right hand man, a guy named Jason Belay and a guy named Brian, uh, Gordon, uh, we just finished up a book. But, uh, um, but there are people in my life who are, are medicine and there are people in my life who are like candy and I, and I hang with them and talk to them when I just wanna have a good time. Following the album Gutterflower, Rzeznik wrote "Always Know Where You Are" and "I'm Still Here" for the Disney film Treasure Planet,[11] which were also released as a single independently from the band. They're like, I've never had this and now I belong to this, this group, regardless if they're a criminal organization or, or, or, or nonprofit. Um, and, and I, in retrospect again, you know, it's like, Oh, I understand why my father was so dark, You know, because he grew up in a screwed up situation. If it's not right, oh my God, I'm gonna lose my fame, I'm gonna lose my status. Um, and it's coming back in this really amazing way. We just finished the manuscript called The Everyday Warrior, A No Hack, Practical Approach to Life. John Rzeznik: Get outta my house, I'm gonna get loaded. You know, the end game is, is to have a better life. I don't always, I, I, you can't always keep your word, but you do your best to keep your promises and keep your word, um, you know, and honor your commitments. And you've gotta have the balls to walk away from any situation. Is that like fuel for you? And, um, and, um, so, you know, and they would say things like, Look, if you're gonna create art or you're gonna make music or do whatever you're doing, uh, or you're gonna go out and you're gonna make a billion dollars in the stock market, try to leave the world a little bit better than you found it. Mike Sarraille: John Rzeznik: (Photo by Gabriele Holtermann/Sipa USA) RM Image ID: 2J8PTYP Preview Image details Contributor: Sipa US / Alamy Stock Photo File size: Was it the environment? Um, but, uh, what I, what I did realize, I've come to realize this is, uh, you know, I always talk about how we, I, I led through love in the military and, and a lot of guys led the same way. Cheers. So get up and go. JOAN SANCHEZ April 5, 1991. Now without an amplifier, Rzeznik borrowed a near-identical Marshall JCM800 from a mutual friend of the band, Charles Root. 16 Rock Ballads From The 90s You'll Never For, Watch Ozzy Osbourne Star as an Office Worker in Up, Remembering Eddie Van Halens Mind Blowing Erupti, 6 Songs You Didnt Know Dolly Parton Wrote, RIP Renee Geyer, Legendary Australian Singer has D. We were determined that we were gonna do something great, you know? This is ridiculous. He, he was in so much pain, he could not work in the, the rice patty. My wife and I. John Rzeznik: Yeah, yeah. No, because they're entitled to them because their life experiences are different than yours. I believe that there is, um, a positive end to this story. You. That's why I enlisted in the Marine Corps. Joahn Rzeznik is the founding member. Um, you know, just like everybody, uh, there's times we really don't agree. concert in New York, Rzeznik performed a duet version of the song Iris with Canadian pop-punk singer Avril Lavigne. But I, I, I think there, I think we have, uh, some darker days ahead of us than than son of your days. You know, so not really, but, you know, he wanted, you know, you know, he wanted to, you know, punch my head in. And there seems to be, now in the modern world of the future, I think there's an epidemic of loneliness, especially among men disenfranchisement. Again. It's very, very small and a lot of people would consider it trivial. But you also bring up something that I think is the, and it's not a pandemic cuz it's not global, but I think within the United States, there's this epidemic of victimhood that, so you talk like people just want to talk for five years about their problems. And, and that's why I've been very wary of where I go in my sobriety to, to get help, to find my community, to help find my tribe of drunks that I can, that we can help each other through this and stay sober. And the disease got him. And then, and you know it, and then you see their faces. Its just some stupid quirk in my writing and I have been reprimanded for it many times, but fuck you, Im writing it how I want to write it! It made me want to drink more. [citation needed], On July 4, 2004, Rzeznik and his bandmates returned home to Buffalo and played a free show to give back to their loyal fans, over 60,000 of whom attended. So I knew that I could get out, but I had to keep exposing myself to that fear and that anxiety until it didn't affect me. You, you know, you love all your family members. We were all tribes, but so is the Hell's Angels, So is Isis, so is Al-Qaeda, those are tribes as well. Thanks for joining us on another episode of the Men's Journal Everyday Warrior podcast. John Rzeznik: Rzeznik identifies the September 11 terrorist attacks as the point when the United States descended into a bleak phase of history. Your opinion of me is none of my business. Instantly they diagnosed me with PTSD and I'm like, Hold on, hold on. So I'm gonna teach you how to do the laundry. I'm full in on the music. Listen to Miracle Pill on Spotify Listen to Miracle Pill on Apple Music. And I know I have this five year old little girl, and I go and I tell her all the time, because I wish somebody would've said this to me. Rzeznik is known for his use of alternate guitar tunings in his songs. Mike Sarraille: Mike Sarraille: That was a generation when you look at it. However, Rzeznik was approached for writing the soundtrack of the movie City of Angels, and after watching the movie, Rzeznik penned down the song, which changed the band's career.[20]. And that's what's going on now. Goo Goo Dolls' John Rzeznik On His Daughter's Cute Request For Santa John Rzeznik has taken part in a great number of music projects, one of which is in his popular band Goo Goo Dolls. Under Celluloid, they released their first eponymous album on a $750 budget (later the re-prints would be referred to as "First Release"). Because all success is built on failure after failure, after failure after failure. He has also received numerous awards for his musical talent. Um, you know, women who have their own identity. It's like, we need to find solutions. It's like you're, you know why they call it self-esteem? That took a lot of moral courage to do that. I swear to God cuz because I was shy. [13], On March 24, 2014, Cash Cash released their new single "Lightning". John Rzeznik Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures 2023 But, uh, people are like, Oh, then you must have just liked every single guy in your team. interests, activities, website visits We gotta write more. 34 years ago: Northwest Flight 255 crashes after takeoff from - WDIV Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that Men's Journal Everyday Warrior Podcast Episode 28: John Rzeznik Like I am not the identified, I became the identified patient, which leads to victimhood in a way. This amp was then used to record Hold Me Up and Superstar Car Wash. Introducing Rzeznik in front of her sold-out Madison Square Garden audience in 2011, Swift stated, In my opinion one of the greatest songs ever written is a song called Iris. Mike Sarraille: Like, okay, we're going down and we had time to think about it. But we, I mean, we have seen, but it's also, you know, so I've got a good clinical psychologist friend who says, you know, mental health issues have increased exponentially since World War ii. John Rzeznik: The Howard Stern Show published this video item,. Right. I am always the bartender. Mike Sarraille: But I, cause I, I couldn't get warm, you know? And, um, you gotta be careful of it. Dec 11, 2019. To sitting in, uh, desert, uh, uh, God, I'm forgetting. You know, Mike Sarraille: data and in accordance with the. But John, before we get to our, our final questions, and one, I can't thank you enough for your time, um, let's talk a little bit about this album. John Rzeznik: And that's to present that kind of strength. And, and you know, it's, it's a bit of trauma, you know, in a way. Um, so the one thing with this book is I wanted to make it very inclusive of, it doesn't matter who you are, sex, gender, sexual orientation, uh, it applies to everyone. Some 21 years since Iris topped the Australian singles chart and parent album Dizzy Up The Girl went platinum, the Goo Goo Dolls new album Miracle Pill is an expertly executed wolf in sheeps clothing. John F. Kennedy Jr. was just 38 years old when he died in a tragic plane crash on July 16, 1999 and not everyone believes that it was an accident. I hope my daughter loves me and respects me in my, Mike Sarraille: John Rzeznik: [16] Rzeznik attributes his gift for melody to listening to bands such as Kiss, Cheap Trick, The Cure and Rush in the early 1980s. I've gotta go to the gym every day. But, but we'll eventually, uh, get there. Yeah, yeah, that is. Um, it was really a freaky situation. Try to keep your word. Podcast's a lot. And we all love to feel sorry for ourselves on occasion. An obituary in the Dallas Morning News said Dunn was "traveling with . Mike Sarraille: Be the best place. But we've all hung with poison from time to time, probably earlier in our lives Yeah. [24] On December 22, 2016, he and Gallo had their first child, a daughter, Liliana. John Rzeznik: And there's times where I want to pack it in and just be like, I'm done.