The diagnostics service did not have enough allied health staff with the right qualifications, skills, training and experience to provide the right care and treatment. The trust took immediate steps to put this right. I'm so glad we've chosen Russells Hall as our hospital to give birth in. the service is performing exceptionally well. Dudley It is great to hear that you received excellent care and treatment in the Day Surgery Unit. It is great to hear that you received excellent care and treatment in Maternity Department. If you need sub-specialty input, you will then be referred to different specialties. Please be assured that your kind comments have been shared with the team and senior management who will be pleased to hear of them. Of the 14 trusts inspected under the Keogh review for the quality and safety of their services, The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust was one of only three trusts that were not put into special measures. In 2011/12 33,000 ambulances turned up at our Emergency Department. would be relayed to the hospital and to just tell the staff when I got there I had been referred by them. Front the bottom of our hearts to all of the staff in all those departmentsTHANK YOU!! There were no clear criteria for patients that could be put into the fit to sit areas of the department. All the best and take care. The hospital trust said concerns related to Mitie's offices. My wife drove me to RH A&E, I checked in and waited for a few minutes before I was called through. Any other browser may experience partial or no support. Inspection Report published 30 July 2013 for Russells Hall Hospital - PDF - (opens in new window), Published The trust have worked with us and have kept us informed of developments and changes. Also thank you to the lovely staff of russells hall A&E. The nurses there found out I hadnt even seen a midwife yet despite chasing (as I'm an out of area patient) and instantly sprang into action making sure I'd had all the required tests and booked in correctly, each member of staff were friendly and caring. Yes these are difficult times and I understand pressures but that is no excuse for not retaining professionalism. There was a lack of accountability for the safety of patients pre and post triage who were located within the waiting room. For Covid-19 Test Results or Patient Portal registration please call the number below. WebRussells Hall Hospital is an NHS general hospital located in Dudley, West Midlands, England, managed by the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust. Our rating of well led was requires improvement overall. aec russells hall hospital. We carried out an out of hours, unannounced, focussed inspection. The Foundation operates exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes to enhance the quality of life for those [], DUE TO COVID-19, WE ARE NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! I want to especially thank the Our rating of responsive was requires improvement overall. The department is working hard to achieve targets laid out in reforming emergency care as follows: The department also sees approximately 6,000 patients per year in follow-up clinics. There are six bands within the monitoring system so this Trust had a relatively lower risk. This caused me to get upset and concerned and seeing this a nurse came over to me,calmed me down and reassured that I was going to be fine and it could be fixed.All staff were friendly and helpful and honestly couldn't fault any of them The Acute Medical Unit at Russells Hall Hospital, in Dudley, will treat seriously unwell patients and help to reduce winter pressures on health services. It added they were well away from patient areas of the hospital and its own strict control measures were in place, applying to all contractors. AEC/RAB (ext. We are thrilled to hear that staff were able to put you at ease during what must have been a difficult time for you. Can Nigeria's election result be overturned? We don't rate every type of service. Stourbridge, The trust MUST ensure all service users are safeguarded and protected from abuse and improper treatment. 2023 BBC. We saw that new mattresses had been purchased in the emergency assessment areas and one person told us 'It is really comfortable'. The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust operates acute hospital services from three hospital sites: In addition, the trust provides community services in a range of community facilities. We were not assured that all patients allocated to wait on the corridor were safe. Full blood test, chest X-ray and seen by dr for my results within 3 hours. I was then asked to sit in an isolated area, which was not a problem. Requires improvement The overall star rating is based on how well a hospital performs across different areas of quality, such as treating heart attacks and pneumonia, readmission rates, and safety of care. We are currently in the Yellow category for Visitor Risk Level. We are pleased to hear that you were impressed with the care and treatment you received with us. 4 July 2012, Termination of Pregnancies Review Report published 8 June 2012 for Russells Hall Hospital - PDF - (opens in new window), Published Read about our approach to external linking. My family and I would think to thank every single staff member in Children's ED, resus and ward C2 for looking after my 1 year old son. The numbers of reporting radiographers available could not meet the reporting demands of the service. Staff we spoke with did not realise this. If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. Close menu, I just want to say a massive thank you to the kind nurses who made me feel at ease and understood how nervous I was. Browser Support After this inspection in June 2018 we took further enforcement action by varying the conditions upon their registration. 28 March 2013. The environment was clean and people we spoke to confirmed that this was what they had experienced when they used the services available. Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your experience at our hospital and rate our services After firstly being admitted with a cellulitis infection in my left leg The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. I phoned 111 and after a series of questions, they booked me an appointment at RH A&E. The announced inspection took place between 26 and 27 March 2014, and unannounced inspection visits took place in the two weeks following this visit. People told us that they were happy with the care that they had received at the hospital. WebResponse from Russells Hall Hospital 3 years ago Thank you for taking the time to post feedback about your recent experience with the Ambulatory Emergency Care (AEC) Unit Call our main line for general inquiries. Our hospital brings together high-tech state-of-the-art technology for improved Copyright 2021 WSFA 12 News. First amu then onto ward A2. B65 8DA, In It will also help create the Benjamin Russell Endowed Chair in Geriatrics, by the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees, pending an approval process to be held by the medical director of the advanced care facility. The Russell Legacy Project will be located on the hospital campus in Alexander City. Caring for your child and their burn injury, Shoulder injury soft tissue and fracture, 98% of patients to be seen, treated and discharged within four hours, Ambulance turnaround times have been improved dramatically, Ground floor, west wing, Russells Hall Hospital. Russell Medical and our physicians are committed to providing the highest standards of patient care and customer service. Russell Medical | 256.329.7100 | 3316 Highway 280, Alexander City, Alabama 35010, Russell Medical Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine. 6 December 2011, 'I've not been told what is happening but it's really busy', 'I've been in and out a lot recently, can't fault them', 'My care was discussed and information was clear', 'The most positive thing is that I know that when there are hiccups they will be sorted out and I will be listened to'. Report review titled Amazing birth experience as unsuitable, Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your experience at our hospital and rate our services as 5 star. I started this pregnancy feeling forgotten and ignored and left yesterday feeling supported and cared for. Send your story ideas to:, Ministry of Defence confirms what caused 'sonic boom' that shook the Midlands, Country music club returns to Stourbridge pub after 50 years, Special police stop and search powers to continue for another eight hours across Birmingham, Senior Labour MP says she contacted police over threat, New data reveals train commuters spend up to 2450 more a year than car-owning colleagues, Virtual Reality used to soothe anxious 15-year-old with curved spine before surgery, Street fighting in Bakhmut but Russia not in control, Russian minister laughed at for Ukraine war claims. We specifically looked at the safe and well-led aspects of our key lines of enquiry within the emergency department at Russells Hall. The Emergency Department (ED) is located at Russells Hall Hospital and is a 24/7 service. Acute Medicine Department - The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Staff were really lovely. Whilst some of the core service areas within the trust required improvements in leadership, we found the executive team and the trust board had a clear focus on improvement and as such we rated this trust as good for its overall leadership. We are thrilled to hear that staff were able to put you at ease during what must have been a difficult time for you. It has developed as an independent organisation, and is now contracted to provide its services by Dudley Health Authority. Departments and services - Russells Hall Hospital - NHS 2654/1783). The hospital is south-west of the town centre on the A410 1 road, which connects to the Kingswinford area of the borough. A 15.6 million medical unit has opened at Russells Hall Hospital to help ease pressure on A&E services. Dudley A&E/AEC | Care Opinion Thank you for taking the time to post feedback about your recent experience with the Ambulatory Emergency Care (AEC) Unit at Russells Hall Hospital. Staff continued to be frustrated at the focus on sepsis and did not fully engage with the need to assess for sepsis. The ED sees approximately 97,000 patients per annum. The care I received from start to finish was exceptional. Wed also like to use analytics cookies. The trust has established ongoing practice and review systems to ensure that the management of prevention of these infections continues to be monitored closely. The ophthalmology clinics require review to ensure that all patients are followed up as required and that there is capacity for these clinics. the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. Russell Medical became a part of UAB Health System in January, 2020. Some patients with suspected sepsis were not identified or managed appropriately. Our inspection of The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust included Russells Hall Hospital, Corbett Outpatient Centre and Dudley Guest Outpatient Centre. I'd also like to thank the cleaning staff lady who alerted a nurse for me when I couldn't reach the emergency button because my son was in a comfortable position where was just about able to breathe. Report review titled Genuinely kind and helpful staff as unsuitable, Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your experience at our hospital and rate our services as 5 star. They knew how to support patients experiencing mental ill health and those who lacked the capacity to make decisions about their care. Agency or bank staff predominantly staffed each area we inspected. Russells Hall Hospital - Wikipedia People we spoke to on the different wards and units were generally happy with the care, support, and treatment they received. Your kind comments have been shared with the team and senior management who will be pleased to hear of them. This is the major ED in the area and serves the population of Dudley and surrounding areas. WebThe Thrombectomy-Capable Stroke Center at Holy Cross is known as one of the best centers in South Florida for stroke care. We have shared your compliments with the team and senior leaders who will be thrilled to hear of them. After completing the form and handing it in, the receptionist seemed alarmed and asked about my symptoms. Video, Russian minister laughed at for Ukraine war claims, Latest news and updates from the West Midlands, Harry: I feared losing memories of mum during therapy, US-made cheese can be called 'gruyere' - court, AOC under investigation for Met Gala dress, The children left behind in Cuba's exodus, Alex Murdaugh's legal troubles are far from over, Saving Private Ryan actor Tom Sizemore dies at 61, Walkie Talkie architect Rafael Violy dies aged 78. We specifically looked at the safety aspects of our key lines of enquiry domain on the evening of 15 March 2018 at Russells Hall Hospital. NHS England Same day emergency care Menu The service made sure staff were competent for their roles. (Purple), High WebRussells Hall Hospital jobs Sort by: relevance - date 19 jobs Cleaning Supervisor Mitie 2.9 Dudley DY1 11.14 an hour Full-time Responsible for a front of house catering team, These were staff who may not fully understand the hospital processes and systems to keep patients safe.The staff we spoke with could not always locate clinical presentation information or history of the patients that could result in poor quality and unsafe care and treatment. The medical and nursing cover across all areas was not sufficient to meet the needs of the patients. It is great to hear that your son received excellent care and treatment in the Childrens Emergency Department, Resus and Ward C2. 4688/4676) Lisa Evans-Dimmock. The Dudley Group of Hospitals, which runs Russells Hall, said it was proud to have protected patients, visitors and staff throughout the pandemic and had some of aec russells hall hospital Russell Medical is a progressive, not-for-profit, acute care facility serving the needs of east central Alabama since 1903. We have shared your kind comments with the team who will be pleased to learn of them. The project was made possible thanks to a $25 million donation from Ben and Luanne Russell. Our mission is simple: Being the best because, we care. I was really apprehensive about attending A&E for my mental health but I'd feel able to attend again if I ever needed too. Although the centre is located within Russells Hall Hospital, the service is provided by a company called Malling Health. AMU has in-house vascular ultrasound for conditions like suspected DVTs seven days a week, run by Vascular Sonographer Corinna Gomm and Mostafa Heydary. If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. It is great to hear that staff were able to put you at ease and reassure you during what must have been a difficult time. this provider under Section 31 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 by imposing urgent conditions upon their registration. [Very happy with 'Staff skills'] We took this action as we believe a person will or may be exposed to the risk of harm if we do not do so. Patient Experience Team. I had to visit EPAC yesterday as I'm 11 weeks pregnant and had some worrying symptoms. Out NHS is amazing all staff were professional and amazing. AEC is located next to Ward A2 (formerly ward A1) and consists of four trolleys for assessment, three clinic rooms and a room for triage and treatment. I was induced after the consultant identified a large amount of fluid around my baby. The trust has responded well to the Keogh review in 2013. Pensnett Road, Dudley, West Midlands, DY1 2HQ. We further focussed on the areas of assessing and responding to patient risk, nurse staffing, medical staffing, leadership, governance and risk management. All the best and take care. We rate most services according to how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led they are, using four levels: Outstanding Video messages to our community from our Physicians and our Staff. Care records were not always written and managed in a way that kept patients safe. The trust must review its capacity in phlebotomy clinics as this is seen as insufficient. The improvements required by the trust were within the grasp of the trust and its leaders. Patient Experience Team, review titled My visit to A & E after an accident. The service provided care and treatment based on national guidance and evidence of its effectiveness. A contravention notice was issued by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), calling on Mitie to make improvements at Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley. The level of care I was given not only by the day surgery unit but neuclear imaging and theatre staff was outstanding. Following this inspection, we imposed an urgent condition to safeguard patients safety immediately following the inspection. This means there is low to moderate transmission of COVID in the community. Russells Hall Hospital AEC was well run and escalated patients that they couldnt manage. Only low was that when my transport came for me non of the staff were around for me to thank in person for an excellent job in getting me well Patient Experience Team. 8 June 2012. These included 482 medical staff, 1,225 nursing staff and 2,440 other staff. All rights reserved. Our rating of safe was Inadequate overall. Ratings and reviews Ben and Luannes extraordinary act of generosity reflects a caring family who are great supporters of Alexander City, the Lake Martin area, and the medical community in Alabama. About: Your kind comments have been shared with the team and senior management who will be pleased to hear of them. There are planned changes to improve the way that food and drinks are offered and served which should improve people's satisfaction with the meals offered. there are some services which we cant rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. There are a number of areas of good practice in the trust, which should be encouraged.