It's him, isn't it? Shortly after their marriage, Rachel got into a vehicle accident with Eric that resulted in the loss of his leg. Eric is happy that Rachel's wedding ring still means something to her. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. In Eric's case, he can be impaled by a stalagmite or a vampire's hand. There are so many different endings in The Dark Pictures. The anthology currently consists of Man of Medan, Little Hope & House of Ashes. He will return to the temple with possibly a dead vampire, Salim, or nothing. Starting with Man of Medan, released back in 2019, the series developed by Supermassive Games is a spiritual successor of sorts to the well-received Until Dawn.The games have been watered-down versions of Until Dawn that are fun but have never quite reached the same heights. In Eric's case, he can fall into a deep hole. You were always better at changing this thing than I was.Eric to Rachel if she tries to fix his prosthesis leg. Wait, wha- what did you just said? If Eric was killed by Salim, Rachel will be horrified and angered by this and can even avenge his death by killing Salim. The Dark Pictures Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Poor Eric, he won't win her back now.The Curator if Rachel died in Act 2. Eric then walks through the palace with Jason guiding him around. This House of Ashes achievement is a bit more complicated: Ensure that Eric is dead before you reach the Strange Aeons chapter. Eric touches the topic of their wedding rings and in the end may recognize that their relationship might be over or tell her he wants her back. Eric is the only protagonist who can be killed by the Iraqi soldiers, as he can be shot by both Dar and Salim. Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?Add a guide to share them with the community. Are little hope and House of Ashes connected? If Salim confronts him, he can be shot in the head depend on whether Jason shot the fleeing shepherd or not. When fixing the generator with the gasoline and the ducktape, Eric will mention the topic of conversation they started in the briefing room, to which Rachel can be distant or warm. I couldn't cope, couldn't function. . Eric apologetically reveals to Rachel that he is in charge of her team. One of these is called Until Death, and it involves Rachel and Eric's relationship. Eric arrogantly reveals to Rachel that he is in charge of her team. Old Dog: Balathu made two kills with his spear (Old Dog trophy guide) House of the Ashes Trophy Guide - Guides All Secrets & Pictures Trophy guide Still, despite his inexperience in both combat and leadership, Eric has superior knowledge in military tactics than anyone else in his squad, and is able to stand up for himself. (Theatrical Cut), Eric accuses Rachel for leaving him. Casualties are starting to mount. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Depending on your actions, some characters may die and others may live. Rachel snaps at Eric after he fussed over her. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". After dealing with an ordeal, they continue to hear the vampires' screech, to which they retreat to the main hall. Eric's decision not to let go of Rachel cost him more than what he ever expected. Its time to solve their relationship problems to earn the Climbing Out of Hell achievement. Can you save Joey in House of ashes? The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes voice actors and cast Does The Resistance Of A Light Bulb Change? Here, Rachel takes a spill and ends up hanging by a rope. (Curator's Cut), Jason refuses to let Eric take the lead to investigate and orders him to stay put. Press J to jump to the feed. I'll go back and work twice as hard to rewrite the program. Rachel is Eric's wife. Nick tries to convince Rachel to put her relationship with Eric to an end, to which she can make a promise or stop with Nick because her husband is here. It's over, Rachel has moved on, open, honest, no lies, no back-stabbing. The couple begins to explore the temple. House of Ashes is a horror video game that's part of the Dark Pictures anthology series. In the meantime, Eric arrives in the base with his assistant Clarice. (Theatrical Cut), Rachel tells Eric his work sounds like an excuse. If the group engaged in combat with the vampire and Eric died, Rachel would be horrified by his death. The following is a list of albums, EPs, and mixtapes released in 2005.These albums are (1) original, i.e. He was voiced and motion captured by Alex Gravenstein and was modelled on Dawid Kocieda. Certain - Eric has the UV wand and is the only protagonist alive other than Jason and Salim. Floral Pursuit Day 3 Guide (Observant Wind) Genshin Impact, Bungie warns that hasty Guardians can accidentally skip the Defiant Battleground: EDZ cinematic. 'The Lord giveth and The Lord taketh away'. Rachel and Eric separated in life, but reunited in death. At Camp Slayer, Eric will be seen interrogated by an agent, he informs them about the creatures characteristics and then concludes that he will make sure the creatures stay buried underground. They do not interact much past this point but Eric shows reluctance in allowing Salim to carry a pistol when Jason chooses to give one to him. This figure turns out to be Dar, who rappels down on a rope and starts shooting at the couple, forcing them to escape from the temple. If Eric was killed by the Iraqis, Rachel will be aggressive towards the killer. Deny Air Support . I'm sorry. In the main hall of the temple, Eric may inspect Caelus's scans, the dead vampire, or talk with Salim, but he'll be distracted by a figure passing behind him. If you dont cut the rope, Eric will die and Rachel wont get sick. New! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. That said, he can be quite resentful, reminding Rachel of her guilt over the accident and even leaving Nick to die upon learning of his affair with Rachel. If Eric survives he can be shown to be somewhat sympathetic towards Salim with him offering a bottle of water to drink, Eric blames Salim for the "death" of his wife Rachel at the cliff but even then Salim can open up about his son towards Eric even giving him his son's name which Eric in turn tells him Rachel's name. He can ignite Joey with the UV wand if he previously ignited the dead vampire or shoot him. Eric can find the least pictures, at 2, which ties him with Rachel. The appeal of House of Ashes was not very high. The couple lived together for two more years, until in 2002 their relationship deteriorated so much that they decided to separate. If they are the only survivors in the elevator ride, they can speak fondly about Rachel's memory; or they can argue with one another - Nick will call Eric a "pencilneck". Rachel is annoyed when Eric brings back the topic on how he lost his leg and tells him to move on from the past, to which Eric reminds her he did move on but at the same time reminds her she was the one behind the wheels. They made their way towards a crack in the ground that was suspected to be the location of the new nest. He can be heard calling out for Rachel. One wrong step can mean a bloody death, and despite Ashley (and in turn, Rachel) being House of Ashes poster child, shes no different from any of the other characters. Make no mistake, ladies and gentleman, this is how we stop Saddam from using those weapons.Eric raising the morale of his troops. (Theatrical Cut), Rachel tells Eric they had both made mistakes. The third option would be to leave Clarice behind. However, the main factor influencing the outcome of a relationship occurs when Rachel falls into chasm and Eric can either hold her rope or cut it. (Curator's Cut). (Theatrical Cut). Rachel will kill Eric if he either failed to stop her or decided to help Nick. Eric tells Nick that Jason told him everyone call Rachel the "Queen Bitch", but Nick will reply that he knew her better than that. House Of Ashes: The Ancient One - Scene Walkthrough - TheGamer HOA and TDiM are my favorites so far because the threats actually existed. If Rachel gets infected, Eric can use the UV wand on her to cure her infection. House of Ashes | How to keep everyone alive | I'll learn from this. (Theatrical Cut), Rachel tells Eric she meant what she said on the base. These are unauthorized. They can also yell out "Oorah" with Jason and Salim if they make it. Beautiful As The Day - Chapter 17 - You1gnorant5lu1 - The Dark Pictures Caelus pulled me out of that pit.Eric to Rachel if he acts aggrieved when they are repairing the engine together. If Salim was taken prisoner and the creature wasn't killed, Eric will interrogate Salim. The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes (Video Game) Relationships: Jason Kolchek/Salim Othman Nick Kay/Rachel King Eric King/Original Female Character (s) Characters: Jason Kolchek Salim Othman Nick Kay Rachel King Eric King Original Characters Additional Tags: Jason Kolchek is a mess Loss of a family member Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD I have read one of the possible way to " keep everyone alive " in CC is to do most of our choices as Rachel on Heart choices, that way the AI chooses heart choices later on. If Eric finds out Nick is the man that Rachel is seeing, the relationship becomes significantly more tense - however, if Nick and Eric are nice to each other and Nick chooses to be honest with Eric, they can bury the hatchet and have a newfound respect for one another by the end of the game - in this case, Eric will lend Nick his UV wand in the vault that can possibly save Nick's life during certain outcomes. They run for the shepherds' hut to defend for six minutes, according to Eric. #me needs requests! With that in mind, then, its worth mentioning that not all choices are the same but there are spoilers ahead. Eric responds to Nick's call for help after Nick blows the main cocoon mount. An ambiguous situation is that both partners blame each other for a broken relationship. After that Eric can tell Jason to leave Salim behind, his reasoning is that Salim's not one of them. I won't allow them on this mission.Eric forbidding Jason and Nick to bring W.P. (Theatrical Cut), Eric flees and leaves Nick to deal against the Ancient One alone. He will be able to do an autopsy on a creature later on. Rachel asks where Eric is and is shocked when Nick tells her that he is dead. The Ancient One crawls out of the hole, causing the duo to run. (Theatrical Cut), Eric sides with Rachel when Jason wants to kill Clarice. Nick complies and avoid giving the hint Eric needed to deduce Rachel was having an affair with Nick. In the first case, Nick will try to smoke but find out he doesn't have a lighter, letting Eric know that he is the one Rachel had love with while Eric was separated. Rachel reminds Eric of the incident in the chasm and says she knew Eric would always be there for her. (Theatrical Cut), Rachel tells Eric she's tired of waiting. If youre looking for our take on the latest installment in the horror saga, be sure to check out our House of Ashes review. I dedicated an entire playthrough to this one and finally figured it out. Eric will survive if you do this. As the group explores the Star Chamber, Rachel can talk to Eric and offer to help him to fix his prosthetic leg. Explosion. Eric arrives on Camp Slayer with Clarice, who is greeted by Jason. Clarice was brought to the sacrificial chamber; Eric survives the ambush. If you cut the rope, Rachel will fall into the chasm. !Rachel to Eric over the phone before the latter hangs up on her. If Rachel was infected, Eric will console her and take part in her rescue, in particular by using a UV lamp to take out the parasite (if Eric knows about the vampires weakness). I've move on, Eric.Rachel talking about her wedding ring to Eric if she acts detached. Once the scene arrives where Rachel talks to the two men about her feelings, have Eric say that she is choosing Nick. You will have to make a decision about whether to hide or stay with the group after that. While traversing through the chasm, Rachel will slip in the next area as the ground beneath her shifts, forcing Eric to tie himself to her and hold on. Rachel decides to give Eric another chance. The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes is about 6 hours long when its focused on the main objectives. How to save Eric in House of Ashes? - Pro Game Guides If Eric died while holding the rope, Nick reply that he died trying to save Rachel. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This will allow him to perform an autopsy on a creature. Unlike Rachel, he keeps his ring close to his heart, wearing it as a necklace. We went through all this shit for what? Salim reply that he wanted to make conversation since they're both stuck and Eric snaps and asks Salim why he fights a war that Iraq has already lost. Eric is a man of light complexion. If Eric doesn't cut the rope, he will plunge his knife on the ground. Otherwise, if Rachel is alive, she will help him out if the hole, but Eric can fall if they fail. They both loved and lost under the Arabian sands their choices have driven a wedge between them which can never be lifted. If Eric is alive, the chapter will begin in the chasm. Contents 1 Overview 2 House of Ashes 2.1 Prior to the events of the game 2.2 The Briefing 2.3 The Raid 2.4 Pazuzu 2.5 The Temple 2.6 Breaking Up 2.7 After the Fall 2.8 Slayer 2.9 The Truce 2.10 Bloodbath 2.11 The Signal Eric can be killed by Dar, which will later make Rachel seek revenge towards him. Lost in Time: Rachel was not rescued from her cocoon. Salim and Nick allies to kill or sneak past the creature. House of Ashes: I was wrong, Rachel and Eric's Marriage can be salvageable (In a toxic way) Manugames92 32K views 1 year ago Evil Rachel shoots or punches Salim to avenge the death of. When Nick takes out his cigarette, Jason playfully tells him it will kill him. Clarice immediately guesses that it's Nick and asks her if Eric knows, to which she replies positively. Things weren't so great between us.Rachel to Eric. In the briefing room, Eric and Rachel greets each other and briefly confronts about Eric becoming the new leader of the squad. [PDF] Download Pillar Talk: Or Backcloth and Ashes *Read Online* ~ eric Deciding to bomb the cocoon mounds, Eric will receive Nick's radio signal if the latter advanced and succeeded to plant the bombs, to which he can comply or ignore it. When the Americans are assaulted by soldiers of the Iraqi Republican Guard, Eric acts worried and searches for Rachel, but falls with her to the caves during the earthquake. The Americans run into the temple and are about to close the gate when they hear Rachel's voice and let her and possibly Clarice inside. He paid the ultimate price for his loyalty.The Curator if Eric refused to cut the rope twice on Rachel. Ah, and here we have Colonel Eric King, our in-house genius. If Rachel hasn't been infected yet (thanks to Salim), she can either save Eric or escape. Rachel feels guilty when Eric brings back the topic on how he lost his leg and Eric is regretful on how he acted towards her about that in the past. Salim is surprised and Eric confirms he has been attacked on the cliff, and she fell as a result. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Same condition; Rachel refuses to cut herself loose (Curator's Cut). (Theatrical Cut), Eric says he missed Rachel. Their meeting is interrupted by The Ancient One crawling out of the hole, causing the trio to flee. If Eric and Nick are the only survivors left in the elevator, they argue and antagonize each other. If he doesn't cut the rope, he will continue to hold onto it. Rachel says that she has always loved Eric. Caelus pulled me out of that pit.Eric to Rachel if he acts aggrieved when they are repairing the engine together. After the Americans manage to find and turn on the radio, Nick grabs a cigarette to smoke, to which Jason can playfully say that smoking kills or that now is not the time. (Theatrical Cut), Rachel thanks Eric warmly. This is what gets us out of bed every morning! Can't you see we're no good for each other!Rachel to Eric if she dumps him for Nick but Eric hadn't cut the rope. The following pictures are: Eric is one of many characters in the game, as well as in the anthology who can die from: Being shot. Your characters will most likely survive even if you fail once or twice, because the events of House of Ashes are not very strict. She must save Eric to keep him alive, or he won't make it to the end. Eric appears in 3 pictures: Ultraviolet, Fallen, and. Nick arrives and asks what happened and where Rachel is, to which Eric replies that Dar attacked them and he had to cut the rope, as Rachel pulled him with her. Jason went back for Salim and they both made it to the elevator There are many endings to the game where everyone has died. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I understand you're not the brightest, Nick, but even you must know what I'm talking about. If you cut the rope, Rachel will fall into the chasm. Before leaving the office, Rachel can explore it and find a photo of her marriage and her wedding ring in the drawer. excluding reissues, remasters, and compilations of previously released recordings, and (2) notable, defined as having received significant coverage from reliable sources independent of the subject.. For additional information about bands formed, reformed, disbanded, or on hiatus, for . But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. There are rumors that if all 36 numbered playing cards are collected, they can escape, one at a time. Eric and Jason attempt to hold the door shut, which may either succeed or fail. If Rachel asks Clarice the reason she became a physicist, Rachel can reveal she has been seeing someone else. You cut that rope and let me fall. The couple will talk about Caelus's mistake, where Rachel can either point out Eric's fault or say that they both made mistake. It wasn't a bad way for Eric to bow out. You either, Nick. When Rachel is repairing the engine and spots the broken part, Eric grabs it from her hand and slightly brushes it in the process. 'Semper fidelis'. House of Ashes: Can you save Eric and Rachel's relationship? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Falling to their death. Eric remarks after holding Rachel's hands that she doesn't wear her ring. Then make sure Jason does not shoot Rachel but refuse to go into the cocoon. Although sent to lead the operation, compared to Rachel, Eric is a mediocre leader. Subscription. This one can also be combined with "Climbing out of hell, into the sunset, and no time to bleed" For "Climbing out of hell" you just need to alter your conversations with Rachel via Nick and Eric so they are all negative all the time. Coincidentally, Angela, Conrad, and Eric feature two death scenes about them in the black pictures. Eric to Rachel if he acts romantic when they talk about their wedding ring.I want you back, Rachel. Nick chose to retreat from the motherlode OR Eric ignored his radio signal; Eric fails to fight The Ancient One in the hut. House of Ashes (Novelization) Chapter 2 The Briefing, a dark pictures The heart is always the first to fall And there are always unexpected casualties with any separation.The Curator if Eric cut the rope. After the survivors escape the caves, dont fail the QTEs, and Rachel will survive. After the briefing, the couple continues the conversation, in which Rachel can later either talk about ending their relationship or talking when the time is right. News, reviews, tips and guides for the biggest and best games. Otherwise, Eric, accompanied with Jason and Nick will flee back into the temple. (Theatrical Cut), Rachel is aggressive towards Eric when he sides with Jason. Eric was born on July 28, 1967 and was a cadet at the United States Military Academy, where he met Rachel during climbing classes. If you cut the rope,Rachel will plummet into the chasm. You've been back from my life for one day and look what's happened. It does not store any personal data. In the game's announcement trailer, he can be heard talking to. If Rachel is about to be cocooned, Eric can be one of the people Rachel says goodbye to, either saying that he loves him or that they should kill all the vampires. Although sent to lead the operation, compared to Rachel, Eric is a mediocre leader. Eric isn't saved; Eric fails QTE to release himself. A head crush. Salim doesn't join Dar; Jason fails to shoot the rubble OR Jason is injured; Nick fails to shoot Dar to save Eric. Eric says to Rachel that he wants her back. Rachel spends her final moments with Nick or Jason before being cocooned. Eric is an atheist, which is revealed when Jason asks him if he believes in God. Eric and Rachel arrive at the edge of the chasm while retreating from Dar. Rachel can save Eric, Eric can save himself, or he will be killed by the Ancient One. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Afterwards, Nick is separated from his teammates and Eric will go search for him. How to get the Climbing Out of Hell achievement in The Dark - Gamepur Eric will be shot if he doesnt cut the rope as Rachel falls into the chasm. Alternatively, you can send Eric if you tell Salim to run off instead of staying. The Gang's Back Together Again: Eric (Nick If Eric Is Dead) This scene opens as the other survivor (s) of the assault (Nick, as well as Rachel and Eric if they are still alive) awaken throughout the ruins and reunite if possible. Eric along with the others, fight the vampires with two flares, whom he can survive or die. 1 The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes is out now and is the latest adventure in the series of interactive horror experiences from Supermassive Games. If Eric knows about the affair, he will fight Nick, allowing his and Rachel's relationship only to decrease. House of Ashes (Novelization), a dark pictures anthology fanfic | FanFiction House of Ashes (Novelization) By: The Reference Man At the close of the Iraq War, special forces hunting for weapons of mass destruction unearth something far deadlier, a buried Sumerian temple containing a nest of unearthly creatures. (Theatrical Cut), Rachel tells Eric he'd done enough damage with the satellite Caelus. Eric and Rachel is a complicated romantic relationship in The Dark Pictures Anthology 's third installment, House of Ashes . They began a romantic relationship and got married. Damn, I like that story idea, but we definitely didnt need another its all in their head thing right after Little Hope, lol. If Jason shot Rachel, before leaving Eric will say goodbye and that he loves her. Eric then tells Nick that he knows nothing about him and Rachel. Eric joined Nick; Salim doesn't choose to hide OR Nick and Salim alert the Americans; Salim chooses to shoot Eric (Curator's Cut). Merwin is a place where no one can escape fate. Eric wears a crumpled white Henley shirt with rolled up sleeves, a black watch on his left wrist, classic jeans, leather belt and boots. Nick, the side-man, has been seeing Rachel behind Erics back. Nick is relieved about Rachel being alive and hugs her in front of Eric, much to his displeasure. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates on Esports, Gaming and more. If Eric knows about the affair, he will first hug Rachel and then fight Nick, allowing him and Rachel's relationship to both increase and decrease. In order to save Rachel, you have to decide if Eric cuts the rope or not.