Mel tied it with a glass root beer colored bead, Knowles said. Knowles' Rootbeer Midge - Dally's Ozark Fly Fisher The segmented body is similar to that of a natural, and the white Antron wing looks as close to the pupal wing buds as you can get. Desert Storm ChartreuseSizes: 20 22ACFMC2090, Beadhead CDC Emeger OliveSizes: 18 22ACFMC2085, Beadhead CDC Emerger BlackSizes: 18 22ACFMC2084, J.J. Chironomid OliveSizes: 12 18ACFMC2097, GT Perfect Midge EmergerBlackSizes: 20 22ACFMC2091, Bodens Brainiac MysisSizes: 18 22ACDPBR1005, Brennan Midge OliveSizes: 16 20KCFMC2016, B Smos BWO Glo EmergerSizes: 18ACDPBS1007, B Smos Purple Glo MidgeSizes: 18ACDPBS1006, B Smos Montana Glo MidgeSizes: 18ACDPBS1005, Skeriks Supa Pupa RedSizes: 16 20KCDPAS1087, Skeriks Supa Pupa OliveSizes: 16 20KCDPAS1086, Skeriks Dew Drop MidgeRootbeerSizes: 16 20KCDPAS1078, Skeriks Dew Drop MidgeOliveSizes: 16 20KCDPAS1075, Skeriks Dew Drop Midge RedSizes: 16 20KCDPAS1076, Skeriks Dew Drop MidgeBlack PurpleSizes: 16 20KCDPAS1074, Skeriks Dew Drop MidgeRed IceSizes: 16 20KCDPAS1077, Skeriks Dew Drop MidgeBlack IceSizes: 16 20KCDPAS1073, Crystal Midge OliveSizes: 16 20KCFMC2027, Crystal Midge BlackSizes: 16 20KCFMC2025, Crystal Midge BrownSizes: 16 20KCFMC2026, Chironomid BomberGreen SilverSizes: 14 16ACFMC2089, Chironomid Bomber Black RedSizes: 12 16ACFMC2088, BH Brassie Bi ColorSilver RedSizes: 18 20ACFMC2119, BH Brassie Bi ColorSilver BlackSizes: 18 20ACFMC2118, BH Brassie Bi ColorGreen BlackSizes: 18 20ACFMC2117, BH Brassie Bi ColorCopper BlackSizes: 18 20ACFMC2116, Bodens Toxic Midge PupaSizes: 18 22ACDPBR1001, Bodens Toxic Midge PupaBlackSizes: 18 24ACDPBR1007, Bodens Holo BloodwormSizes: 18 22ACDPBR1004, Bodens BnB Midge LarvaSizes: 18 22ACDPBR1002, Bodens Bday Midge LarvaeSizes: 20 22ACDPBR1006, Zebra Midge PurpleSizes: 18 24KCFMC2111, Zebra Midge Black RedSizes: 16 22ACFMC2125, Glass Bead Thread MidgeRoot BeerSizes: 16 20KCFMC2049, Glass Bead Thread MidgeCreamSizes: 16 20KCFMC2045, Shanafelts Root Beer JailbirdMidgeSizes: 18 20ACDPPS1001, Shanafelts Lucent Bead LarvaRedSizes: 18 20KCDPPS1004, Shanafelts Jailbird MidgeSizes: 18 20ACDPPS1005, Poison Tongue Olive BlackSizes: 18 22ACFMC2101, Poison Tongue Gray BlueSizes: 18 22ACFMC2060, Mercury MidgePink ZebraSizes: 16 20KCDPJN1035, Mercury MidgeBlue ZebraSizes: 16 20KCDPJN1034, Mercury Zebra Midge CreamSizes: 16 20ACFMC2100, Mercury Zebra Midge BlackSizes: 16 20ACFMC2099, Mercury Midge BlackSizes: 16 20ACFMC2056, J.J. Chironomid ZebraSizes: 12 18ACFMC2094, J.J. Chironomid BloodSizes: 12 18ACFMC2093, John Woods Imposter Pupa(Purple)Sizes: 16 22ACDPJW1025, John Woods Imposter Pupa(Olive)Sizes: 16 22ACDPJW1024, John Woods Imposter Pupa(Red)Sizes: 16 22ACDPJW1026, John Woods Imposter Pupa(Blue Dun)Sizes: 16 22ACDPJW1022, John Woods Imposter Pupa(Brown)Sizes: 16 22ACDPJW1023, John Woods Imposter Pupa(Black)Sizes: 16 22ACDPJW1021, Ice Cream Cone RedSizes: 16 20ACFMC2092, Glass Bead Thread Midge RedSizes: 16 20KCFMC2048, Glass Bead Thread MidgeBlackSizes: 16 20KCFMC2044, Bjorns Flash Midge PupaSizes: 16 20ACDPBO1042, Bjorns Flash Midge LarvaSizes: 16 20ACDPBO1043, Erics Electric Midge RedSizes: 16 20KCFMC2037, Erics Electric Midge BlackSizes: 16 20KCFMC2036, BH Electric Blue MidgeSizes: 16 20ACFMC2121, BH Disco Midge RedSizes: 18 20ACFMC2122, BH Disco Midge GreenSizes: 18 20ACFMC2120, Petes Dick TeaserSizes: 16 20ACDPPS1012, Deep Brassie BlackSizes: 16 20ACFMC2028, Crystal Chironomid TanSizes: 14 18ACFMC2115, Crystal ChironomidRed BlackSizes: 14 18ACFMC2114, Cranfords Quill Midge RedSizes: 16 20KCDPJC1003, Cranfords Quill Midge BlackSizes: 16 20KCDPJC1001, BH Chironomid Pupa RedSizes: 12 18ACFMC2123. I know better, but here goes, with [] Good to hear that the setup works Innes books on salmon flies and salmon fishing, The Monster Brown Trout of Thingvallavatn. Its pretty easy to identify a true Root Beer Midge by the segmented rubber body, and the WD-40-like thorax (if that makes any sense). There are no substitutes. Ive caught lots of brown trout on my favorite fly, the root beer midge. What fly? Michael can tell his clients the back story on my flies and how they are fishing and thats why they sell.. I have medium stretch tubing, tan and shrimp color. If you have Color Sharpie Permanent marks, your tubing can be any color, just use the Sharpie. He advised that its been the best fly at Beaver for the last three years. That may be stretching the time line a bit, but Knowles admitted this week that its been hot for a good while., Sturgis added, Its a very good fly in the hands of experienced fly fishers.. Relief from summer swelter found on refreshing waterways - Arkansas Online David has never touted me on a fly that didnt work. I have come to find out with my field testing that the darker ruby midges with more black wraps work better. David Knowles is Mr. Y2K, Sturgis said. Flash, thread and a bead _ it's remarkable that a fly so simple can be so productive. Now, I will say that I tie my own ruby midges with eight wraps of black floss, Knowles said. Yes, this is a trick question and easy to answer - it's g! Fly fishing with midges has been proven very effective for those who wish to try their efforts with something different than live bait. When it comes to the Brassy, it's an excellent nymph pattern that offers three features. We have a great place, Northwest Arkansas. When it comes to tying a successful midge, there are some key attributes worth nothing. Then, I want feedback. If you want a detail printout of this Root Beer Midge, just click to the ROOT BEER MIDGE below and a pdf file will be down loaded to your computer. "But I call it the Prism PT because that has a better ring to it than Ice PT," Knowles said. "I was about to go to. As mentioned on Fly Lords Mag, they recommend that you start with a midge nymph in the morning. He might spend a few nights in a motel to catch up on the world and rest. Their midges fished in the Pennsylvania limestone streams fascinated Knowles. I think the cotton gets fuzzy after a few fish and it gets buggier, he said. Now 20 dozen is about all I can do. stripper glitter, anyway. Now, just so were clear, you dont want to go out and buy any midge thats just root beer colored. 3 for $0.96 ea ; 6 for $0.93 ea ; 12 for $0.87 ea ; Add to Cart. A Fly Fishing Report and Blog for the White and Norfork Rivers in The midge pupa's newly formed wings can trap gas bubbles, and that allows the midge to ascend to the surface. A lot of those who fish will tend to shy away from using this bait because of its difficulty. So a good selection of nymphs, emergers, and drys is important to have in your collection. He learned bass fishing in Texas, fly fishing in Georgia. And, if you will try them, theyll work anywhere else where there are trout. Roaring River and the White River below Beaver Dam are refreshing places to spend summer days when nature cranks up the heat. Some days Ive probably been close to double digits, but who counts? Circle of life. In addition to co-founding Fly Fishing Fix with his father, Matt, Zach also runs a personal finance blog called Be The Budget. My first experience with a D-Midge was about 5 years ago, and while I havent had the chance to try this in as many places as the other flies on this list, from what I can see, fish will hit this thing just about anywhere you go. Female midges lay their eggs usually on the surface and in a gelatinous mass that can sometimes float down to the river bed. Sign Up for Our Newsletter: . It was sometime around 2001 when a sports writer got into fly fishing. So almost all of my flies had some sort of influence from others.. Fixed the links, folks. Silver bead designates it as tungsten. the article would have been much better So I wasnt very creative and called it my Y2K. A native of Carbondale, Ill., Born moved to Arkansas in 1972 with his wife Carol. Ryan likes to tie this fly with a tungsten bead to get down quickly, but it can also be tied with a glass bead, or with no bead at all should you want a lighter fly. Sturgis relies on the Knowles midges and has fished them with great success in spots on Montana rivers suggested by Knowles. Ive showed a lot of tiers how, but Mel OConnor is the only person I know who can tie them to look and hold up like mine, Knowles said. The Root Beer Midge is a much more simplified look and is not too fussy, which is essential when it comes to . And, if Knowles hands him flies, Sturgis promise to field test them. Then, there is a black holographic tinsel midge that I really like. The real benefactor is Trout Unlimited. CDC Transitional Midge (sizes 18 & 20) How about putting a pic and recipe for each fly rather than having to click on each one individually? I think there are a lot of similarities between my midges and the zebra midges. I came up with that mainly for Montana fishing, said Knowles, who spends the better part of a month bouncing around the great trout rivers in that state every summer. Dont go out on a tailwater fishery without a healthy selection of midge patterns, both subsurface and dry. They arent cheap rods, either. Whether that be in your backyard or finding their way into your home during all times of the year, Midges are an essential source of food for many animals and therefore are indispensable as a source of food. Midge patterns form an essential part of any fly box throughout the fishing year. The box that Knowles donated for each of the fly fishers who signed up for the TU trip during the week contains 36 flies. Thousands and thousands.. That said, Ill update these links today. And, I know that the copper beaded ruby has gotten good results, too. Knowles is tickled that the $2 threshold has finally broken since hes never changed his pricing to shops. I want people to enjoy themselves while they are here.. Firstly, making use of a light tippet is going to help make the midges more effective as they are smaller than other bait that you would usually use. The Tungteaser is able to imitate multiple species such as midges, black caddisflies, and Baetis. I stopped in a shop in Leadville, Colo., a few years ago to see $2.75 prices for a fly, he said. Is that why its designer named it the Manhattan Midge? Then, Bill told me to put a bead on it. And, there is that fuzz from the cotton floss. Missouri Trout Fisherman's Association Springfield Chapter 2023, Branson Fly Tying Rendezvous, October 2 & 3, 2020, @ Hollister-Branson Lions Club. If you plan on fishing the Taylor River or Gunnison any time soon, then you should stock your fly box with a few D-Midges in grey and red. Was there last week. If they look too fake, then you're likely to scare away the fish. Heres a Suggestion. Its green tinsel under black wrap of floss with a silver bead. Depending on the size of your tie will depend on the type of pattern you create. Its not an easy fly to duplicate. They have been married 55 years, and he speaks of her with the endearment of a newlywed. It is best to carry these in a wide variety of colors including red, black, olive, and cream. He was catching fish and I wasnt. The biggest orders come from Dally in Cotter. All the triggers are in his midges. thousand of something. Engineer or not, Knowles the fly tier has rich creations with great influence on all of the great Arkansas trout fisheries. Glass Bead Root Beer Thread Midge | Global FlyFisher As far as fly fishing goes, you should only worry about three of those stages. Copyright 2023, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. and Northwest Arkansas Newspapers, LLC (NWA Media). Copyright 2023, The Orvis Company Inc. The change to this old standard is the collar. Fly fishing with midges certainly makes for a more enjoyable experience, especially when you have a better success rate overall! The Y2K, root beer and ruby are front and center. I really love Orvis way of doing everything, and this is absolutelly out of your standard. You can also get this pattern tied with wires of different colors, including red, green, or two colors on a single fly. They are often difficult to fish with but appear to look like mosquitos on the water and can be an excellent way to dry fly fish. Sorry there was no pictures! I want the shop owners to make money. Hi Joel, this post is two and a half years old. With a heavy tungsten head, and flashabou wings, this thing sinks quickly, and draws the attention of every fish in the room. Get all the latest information on Events, Sales and Offers. In our latest fly tying video, Ryan Gabert ties the Iridescent Root Beer Midge. Recipe to Try: Quick and Easy Root Beer One recipe suggested using sassafras, sarsaparilla, ginger, licorice, and dandelion root. I am convinced the trout disregard things like the bend in a hook, Knowles said. It was just as good in north Georgia where competition for it in several fly shops eventually convinced Umpqua Feather Merchants to sign Knowles as a preferred tier and mass produced his Y2K. John Bush and Todd Fecho were catching a lot of trout on this little midge. Ive been fishing the root beer at my hot spots on the White the last three weeks. Add some to the box this winter and watch your catch rate increase! No, Im not saying where Im catching brown trout, other than to say Im not on the spawning beds. He thinks there are some common traits of a good fly. It can be tied with either prism dubbing or ice dubbing. All rights reserved. You are not allowed to post links (http://) in comments. Root Beer Midge | Fly Fishing Flies For Less | DiscountFlies This fly has been one of our top producers for years. And second of all, yes! Iridescent Root Beer Midge | Dakota Angler & Outfitter Black Hills Fly Ill find some prism dubbing later. Top 10 Midge Patterns for Tailwaters - Orvis News Stop being cheap. Copper Tungsten bead , subtle brown hues in the body, this is a great cloudy day pattern. My fly tying mentor picked it up from Mel OConnor, like David a retired University of Arkansas professor. I dont know a place where its been tried that it didnt work well. Is fishing in Arkansas better than in Montana? The CDC Transitional Midge, created by Rene Harrop, is one of the most effective floatin-midge patterns of all time. "Then, the root beer midge came along," Knowles said, noting it's been his go-to midge on his trips back to his native Montana for about the last five summers. Check with abes Fly shop on water quality before you go. "I take suggestions and adapt to what works. Little did I know that Knowles had a new favorite fly. Join the discussion or start a new one on the Forums. We do this when fish are feeding just under the surface film on emerging midge pupae. There was another shop in Georgia that wanted it and I think that had a lot to do with Umpqua calling me.. Root Beer Midge (lower right): A lighter brown fly that has proven very consistent. Tough to see on the water when fished alone, it is best fished trailing behind a slightly larger, more visible pattern, such as a Parachute Adams or Twilight Parachute Midge. Simply add a tungsten bead, and they can be an effective dry-dropper pattern. But hes down to McLellans and Unicoi Outfitters in Helen, Ga. I just cant tie in numbers like I once could, said Knowles, who has battled back from multiple cancer surgeries, the last at MD Anderson. I was fishing the root beer, the fly I thought they were most likely throwing. F3081 Midge Cactus Chenille at - Angler's Workshop The two big differences, the ruby and root beer have more shine because of the holographic tinsel. Knowles can tie two dozen Y2Ks in one hour. This is slippery slope. I started testing a version of the Y2K after fishing beside a man who was catching trout on an egg tied on a jig with orange and yellow yarn, Knowles said. Its a guide fly in that manner. With midges, you can fish all year round, and for those who have a love for fishing, that can make for a thrilling opportunity. Man I love that! Fishing below the surface is where you want to be to perfectly mimic the traits of a midge that hatches under the water. . With over 1 million print readers per month and the industrys most expansive distribution network, we have emerged as one of the largest outdoor publications in the United States and abroad, thus solidifying our place as a preferred resource. And finally, on our list of popular midges, we have the Brassy. In our latest fly tying video, Ryan Gabert ties the Iridescent Root Beer Midge. Before you start using midges, it's important to know about the benefits they bring as part of your fishing experience.