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In "Face the Music with the Casagrandes", it is shown that Ronnie Anne flubbed her first-grade play by tripping over a piece of scenery and had stage fright for years afterward. Lincoln and Clyde: We dont want to talk about it. I wonder what his method of attack will be? LORI: Phew. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! (The siblings (except for Lily) all rush to Vanzilla, and quickly drive off. In Luna and Luans room, Luna is deciding which of her old instruments she would like to keep and which ones to hand down, while Luan is tossing out either used gag props or props that arent funny anymore). - Ronnie Anne concluded - Hang on (Ronnie Anne then pants Lincoln, she laughs at him), LINCOLN: (annoyed) She's like Lynn, but nicer. They look outside to see the inflatable slide open), (The girls see a sticky note on his bed, it reads Reminder: Season Premiere of ARGGH!. "Yeah, just got hit is all." he answered This shocked the sisters. - Lori said happy, LINCOLN: It's good to see you again, Lori! (These words from the heartbroken and enraged child causes the sisters to stop laughing and look at him completely appalled. Luan: He said that you have to perform an act of kindness that would lift his spirits. (Lincoln and Clyde jump into the truck, and drives off to the Loud House. The original premise for this story was VERY different from the final product. Its okay. After accidentally causing a massive power outage while hiding in the small town, Sonic is found by Eggman. Im glad that things between me, Ronnie Anne, and Lola are settled.. No one was surprised when they started dating. The moment Lincoln and Lowie sees Lola, they briefly scowl, but then, Lola presses the play button on the boombox, and These Dreams by Heart begins playing. Boredom has taken over me and I was just reading a Loud House fanfiction so why not XD The sisters watch Lola perform from Lana and Lolas bedroom window. Lola: (slightly confident) I think I know exactly what to do. - Bobby comforted, (The two share a hug, they then kiss; Lori realizes something), LORI: If we're stuck here, that means Lincoln will be stuck at your place! I couldn't help but ask her curiously. BOBBY: Actually, I do miss Lincoln, as well. I decided to make this comic because I, myself, am a huge fan of comic books, and what better way to say that by making your own. Lola: (sadly) Ronnie Anne, I think you need to learn something, and its not going to be pretty. Bobby: Why?! (As Lola continues to cry her eyes out in sadness, the girls look at each other, and eventually begin to cry alongside with Lola, since they werent aware of how heartbroken Lincoln was when Ronnie Anne broke up with him. Tell us! Clyde runs into his bedroom, and the sisters, Bobby and Ronnie Anne jump into the truck and drive off. Lincoln glanced at Ronnie Anne and shuddered slightly, hoping she wouldn't try to do anything to him at the party. RONNIE ANNE: Thanks, it's not compared to your house and your rambunctious sisters. - Lincoln thanked, (Lincoln then eat his eggs, Ronnie Anne turns on the TV to the news forecast). They destroyed something I loved, so I hate them, too. - Ronnie Anne said nicely. - Lincoln thanked - You know, it's been great having fun with you, Ronnie Anne. - Lincoln laments - They always have more fun, when I'm not around. - Lincoln thanked, (At the Loud House, Leni is sitting on the couch, sighing, Lori approaches her), LORI: Leni, why the long face? Lola: The moment they told me that, I knew that doing this dance solo was perfect, because you were actually my biggest supporter the moment I joined that dance contest. My sisters and I were hard at work going through stuff we wanted to keep, and what we wanted to get rid of. Lincoln: Aww. Lincoln: (spits the bar of soap out of his mouth) Girls? (Lincoln wakes up with a sour mood on his face. I really like this show because I like to make fun of and criticize the male contestants on the show. *, (Its almost bedtime for the Louds. Lori: Lola, we have to tell you something, and it's not happy. After a few minutes of waiting, Lola appears, wearing her tap dance attire and with a boombox. LINCOLN: (excited) Why didn't you say so? "S-so many people" Clyde muttered and rocked on his feet. In her prototype design, her skin was light, her hair was red, her sweatshirt was yellow, she wore black sandals, and she didn't wear any socks. RONNIE ANNE: (putting her hand on Lincoln's back) It'll be alright, I know you miss them, and we'll see them again. (As Lucy goes through the books she owns, she comes across her Princess Pony book. (A split screen of Lori appears with her phone), LORI: Lincoln, are you okay?! As the sisters continue to head towards Clydes house, a truck catches up to them, and honks its horn. (The students all shrug their shoulders, since theyre unaware who gave away the information). Despite being considered a major character for the series, she only made four onscreen appearances total in the main show before moving to Great Lakes City. Lola: [furiously] Dang it! (Lana walks around the classroom, letting the students pet El Diablo. Lincoln began walking away. Hope you all brought something you would like to share with the class. Ronnie Anne is the only character to appear in the episode ". Chandler: We heard that you like to watch a girly show. - Bobby said, joy - So, you're ready for our date? -Okay- Evil Lincoln answered accumulating a ball of energy, Ronnie Anne did the same with her powers. Lola enters his room). Mayor Davis, who looked like Lillie Brinket (Effie Trinket), with her black hair with white streaks. After a bad day, Lincoln comes home stressed and angry. I said with a smile. Lori notices this). (Those words from Leni cause Lola to begin crying). Lola arrives upstairs, and sees all the sisters dumbstruck). Ronnie Anne is Lincoln's best female friend, and former classmate, who moved to Great Lakes City to live with her extended family, the Casagrandes. (The sisters all walk out of the room, grab a sheet of paper and a pencil from Lisa and Lilys room, head downstairs into the living room and start drawing right away), (Lincoln is seen reading comics in the attic. - Lincoln said, (A split screen shows the two then went to sleep), (Lincoln is sleeping on the couch, Ronnie Anne then walks to him with a plate of eggs, he wakes up). After saving Lori from nearly getting hit by a car, Lincoln ends up with 10 overprotective sisters and one very changed Lori Loud. Lisa: Carefully (Lisa uses a pair of pliers to grab hold of a flask thats holding an explosive concoction. Lincoln Loud glanced both ways to make sure no one was around. Lana: I know! Her goal implies she enjoys cooking too. - Ronnie Anne replied, (Ronnie Anne then gotten closer to Lincoln, and she kisses him on his cheek), LINCOLN: Thanks, Ronnie Anne. - Lincoln complimented, RONNIE ANNE: Thanks, I like yours too. CIA Agent David Steele is sent on a mission to track down a dangerous female mercenary as she works with M.A.L.I.C.E. Lana: (with an armful full of empty bags) Five bags of dog biscuits, most of which werent for me. Lori: Leni! Er, I mean, done. While cleaning out the stuff from my room, I found this journal. When Lucy sees that Lynn didnt see the book, she sighs in relief and goes back to sorting out her books. RONNIE ANNE AND LINCOLN: Bye! After Lola read these two scenarios, the students would begin to bad mouth the sisters, accusing them for being horrible siblings. The van was filled with the whole Loud family and Bobby. - Lori said - Bye, Linky. I dont deserve to be his little sister because of how I treated him! Lori: Why did you put our comic in the trophy case? Lori: We better get an explanation, right now! In Lana and Lolas room, Lana is confiscating the empty bags of food she finds, and Lola is polishing all of her pageant awards). Ronnie groaned before thinking to herself for a bit. (Lana moves her eyes with suspicion) Well, time to toss them out. Madeline called out with a smile grazing her face. (Lola turns the page to see the Meet the Characters page), Damien Dome - The Hero (inspired by me)Dean Dome - The Snob (inspired by Lori)Demi Dome - The Prettiest (inspired by Leni)Dawn Dome - The Singer (inspired by Luna)Dana Dome - The Funniest (inspired by Luan)Dora Dome - The Dangerous (inspired by Lynn)Dian Dome - The Scariest (inspired by Lucy)Debi Dome - The Messiest (inspired by Lana)Dove Dome - The Brat (inspired by Lola)Dicy Dome - The Brains (inspired by Lisa)Dell Dome - The Cutest (inspired by Lily), (The sisters look at each other in confusion). Once shes done, the students applaud Lana for showing off El Diablo. Then I thought to myself, "What if Lincoln harshly insulted all his sisters?". He gets dressed up and walks out of his room. Luan and Lynn are holding Lincoln). Leni: Oh, Linky. Were sorry for way we acted a few days ago. Halloween is a time for scares, trick-or-treating, and lots of candy, but Lincoln wasn't expecting any of the candy he got this year. She's a sassy girl who isn't afraid of a good fight and is #lincolnloud - Ronnie Anne ask. Lincoln: (yawns, then groans. Come to think of it, my sisters all looked scared. Clyde said to his best friend. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He said with a smile and the two exited out of the room hand in hand. I yelled out something so bad, it felt like the whole town was horrified. We got to stay on schedule today. (Lola nabs the comic and walks over to the couch to read it. In Lisa and Lilys room, Lisa, who is wearing a hazmat suit, is carefully confiscating her chemicals). - Ronnie Anne replied - If you want, you can come. (he opens up the book and begins reading it). - Lori said happy, (Lori then gets up and she see's someone, she narrow her eyes and she see's a familiar face with Ronnie Anne), (Lincoln see's Lori running to him, he then runs to Lori and the two hug each other), LORI: I can't believe it's you, Lincoln! I was just heading back home after picking up my sis from the arcade. Lana: Yeah! The Loud family used the boatload of money they had to fix up their house and buy a new van after Vanzilla was destroyed. Lola: There seems to be a mistake! - Lori said cutely. (Lola, with tears in eyes, hugs Lincoln in happiness, knowing she regained Lincoln's trust. As the song plays, Lincoln and Lowies anger slowly goes away as he begins to laud Lolas performance. He looks around and notices a stack of paper on the table. Clyde ran over catching up with his friend. At 15, having confessed their love for each other, Ronnie Anne visits Lincoln to have their first date since becoming a couple. RONNIE ANNE: Hey, guys! - Lori said, excited - (realizes something) Wait, where's Lincoln? Most of the students are playing on the playground, except for a specific group of first graders). (Bobby drives off. You got severe injuries because Lincoln punched you in the face after spilling an embarrassing secret. (whispers) I have marshmallows. However, the task wasn"t simple. Lincoln mumbled to himself and decided to head upstairs and check his room. Horrified, the students immediately head off to class to avoid Lolas wrath. - Lincoln accepted nicely - And I'm sorry for all those mean things I'd said during that time, I hate how we're teased for dating. Lincoln looks on with utter shock in his eyes. No explosions going off this Spring Cleaning. - Lincoln said, (At the Loud House, Lori is brushing her teeth and applying ointment on her face, she then went to her room and find Bobby already asleep). - Lori said cutely. I know this because hes my bro. Lana: Yeah! - Ronnie Anne greeted. Maybe you should seek advice from an expert comic book artist. The sisters, Clyde, Bobby and Ronnie Anne slowly back away from Lincoln, and dash off. Im surprised how hard I just insulted them. Lincoln yelled the insult so loud, that the surrounding neighborhood is woken up from it. Just great. He has one grandson and ten granddaughters. (The sisters leave the bedroom, and head back downstairs where they see Lola sitting on the couch in depression). Im happy that you and Lincoln are back. LORI: It is, we'll talk later little bro. Lola: I just polished them yesterday. Christian Car Rides (September 30, 2022). Kid #2: He had poop covering his entire body. Dive in as some of the Loud kids and their friends get married. Then after a moment Luna starts to talk to him. Luan: Shes right. As long as youre happy, Im happy. "The Dome Home" by Lincoln Loud Author's Note: The comic you're reading is a representation of my life living in a house with ten girls. Suddenly, a snowball hits Lincoln on his head, making him fall). - the girls said sadly, LORI: (sighs) I do miss my little brother. I just had a bar of soap shoved down my mouth because of a very harsh insult. Lori managed to empty out half of her closet, but Leni hasnt even decided on which one to give away. When they get to the elementary school, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana and Lola jump out, and the others quickly drive off. (Hearing Ronnie Anne say this horrifies Bobby). You girls were insulted just because I implemented you in a story that I made! The sisters were aghast at his attitude, so they got back at him by cleaning out his mouth with some soap and gave him a beat down. Unaware at what happened, Lana and Ms. Taber head back to their respective desks so they can get back on schedule), (Its recess time. Im back. But the opening of the front door got their attention. In Lincoln's room, Lincoln is writing in his journal), Lincoln: (voice-over) "Lola did it. - Lori ask, worried, LINCOLN: Yeah, we're fine, Lori. Lincoln: No, Leni. I should have been the prettiest! Lincoln: Its called conflict. How can a story properly move without conflict? She's fearless, free-spirited, and is quick with a plan. Im the victim, Lincoln is the criminal here! They rush downstairs and enter the kitchen. In one of many alternate universes, Rick Sanchez doesn't have just one grandson and one granddaughter. Her nightwear consists of a light purple shirt, and dark purple pants with white socks. LINCOLN: Cool, we've been hanging out, also. After Ronnie Anne moved to Great Lakes City, she and Lincoln would occasionally hold video chats (sometimes vlogs) to catch up with each other's lives and hang out in general, and either friend would occasionally come over to their house to visit (which occasionally happens on Lincoln's side from "City Slickers"), or to sleep over (which happened on Ronnie Anne's side when Rosa roped her family into thinking all of Great Lakes City was cursed[7]). Sonic, a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog, goes to Royal Woods to escape the roboticist tyrant Dr. Eggman, who destroyed the island where he lived. (she notices some slight damage on Lolas right eye) Uhhh what happened to your eye? The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. Lola enters her room). Lincoln really hates me now! (Lana runs out of the room to meet up with the others. This, along with "The Diary of a Loud", are considered my darkest stories. LINCOLN: We had fun, Lori, we had fun. Please message me via my pen name, GiovanniGo on FanFiction via the private messaging option. Hope you like it. When they arrive, Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne jump out). "Who is it?" (Lori grabs Lincoln by his shirt) Bobby broke up with me! Lincoln: Slightly. My sisters went to Aunt Ruths house one Sunday, and I managed to avoid going there by babysitting my youngest sister, Lily. Loud House Fanfiction - Gear Up Add to Favourites By FirstDrellSpectre Published: Sep 22, 2019 24 Favourites 12 Comments 8K Views Lisa was sitting on her bed and reading a book, when suddenly she was interrupted by Lola driving her toy car on backyard. RONNIE ANNE: My place. No matter what situation youre in, youll always be my little sister. LUNA: What are we waiting for? Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, and the Chang girls: *Sleeping* *the next morning in the loud house* Rita: *yawns* "Good Morning kids!" Leni: "Morning Mom." Lynn Sr: "Let me make some breakfast!" *later* Lynn Sr: "Breakfast is ready!" Louds: *came to the diner room to eat* Luan: *Noticed an Empty Chair* Luan: "Where's lincoln?" Lincoln: Yeah! The sisters all agreed that it was wrong for them to do such a nefarious act, that they had to find a way to get the boy to talk to them again. Lola: (voice breaking) I really did it this time. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Ronnie Anne Santiago. (Lana whistles, and El Diablo slithers up Lanas body) I can bring El Diablo! Why did you make us look stupid in this? Most of the kids began to form tears in their eyes due to laughing so hard, and some of them weren't aware that they farted. I decided to make this comic because I, myself, am a huge fan of comic books, and what better way to say that by making your own. Would you be interested? - Lincoln accepted, (Ronnie Anne then pulls out two more mugs of cocoa and she put marshmallows in each of them, they clink their mugs and drink their cocoa), (Lori and Bobby, in their PJs, are in Lori's room, watching a movie on Lori's laptop), LORI: This is literally the way to spend a winter. Both threw their energy balls towards the energy cube, once their forces impacted, that prison suffered a failure and broke into a thousand pieces, freeing Ronnie Anne in the process.-Finally- Ronnie said.-I am free! I deserved that. Lincoln: GIVE IT BACK! After years of abuse from his family Lincoln finally snapped and goes on a crime spree. Anyways, enjoy The Dome Home. Lincoln is in his room, working on something. She is skilled at pottery, but bad at engineering, knitting, and preparing calamari. Were so attached to Lincoln in some way, that if hes ever out of our lives, it feels like were missing a puzzle piece. Lana: This is my pet snake, El Diablo. What is it that you want to tell me? Quit it with the repellent! I scrapped this idea because I couldn't think of a way the sisters could try to regain Lincoln's trust.