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The spread of cards before you is a layering of outlooks on your consciousness. The best thing you can do is to work on your own skills and life when the Queen of Swords Reversed appears. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you can create a more positive reality for yourself by letting go of those self-limiting beliefs. Eight of Swords Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: In a general context, the Eight of Swords can represent feeling trapped, confined, restricted or backed into a corner or having your hands tied. Friends - The Eight of Pentacles tarot card in regards to friendship means things are going well. Getting the reversed Eight of Swords is a good sign, since it shows maturity and self-acceptance, and a recognition of one's own power and responsibility - especially after a long struggle of doubt. The Eight of Swords is weak here, it is never a card to serve as the foundation of the reading. There are few classic "good" combinations. Cute! You may be over-thinking things, creating negative patterns or limiting yourself by only considering the worst-case scenario. At her feet, a small river meanders, representing her intuition and allowing the woman a way out of her precarious situation if she finds the courage to follow her inner voice. Promise. Want to become a more powerful Tarot reader? The Tarot Deck advises us in many ways. 2 of Swords: Don't block yourself off from a potential new friendship . When you have put yourself in a bind from which there seems no escape, when you are lonely and might only have yourself to blame, when you adamantly refuse to take any responsibility for a bad situation you are drawing the Eight of Swords in a Tarot Reading. Sometimes this card can be associated with trauma - one which may be shameful for you to confide with others about, and all the psychological responses that come from experiencing that trauma. Eight of Swords. Often we realize what our heart really beats for only after a few years of professional life. This is a major moment! If you are single, the Eight of Swords reversed indicates that you may have let go of any fear or anxiety that had been holding you back from finding love. Ask if local businesses need a writer for their blog. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thetarotguide_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-medrectangle-3-0'); In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Eight of Swords is not a great omen as it can represent feeling trapped, confined or backed into a corner in your relationship. Anxieties may be lifted, and it can now be clear to you what needs to be done in order to feel happier in your romantic life. The Eight of Swords is a card that is stronger and more intense when it is in the company of cards from the Major Arcana. Be sure you are not doing that. At times, the Eight of Swords indicates that you are confused about whether you should stay or go, particularly if you are in a challenging situation. You may be feeling powerless when it appears, this can take the form of feeling trapped in your life or confined to a religion or spiritual path. It might not be as bad as you think. In a health Tarot spread, the Eight of Swords reversed can represent recovering from or overcoming mental health and anxiety disorders such as PTSD, agoraphobia, depression or panic attacks. Top 10 Tarot Cards for Abusive Relationships | Biddy Tarot Blog That exhaustion can come from the fact that you have many quarrels among yourselves, which cost a lot of energy. A no is, in any case, the better answer. As you take off the blindfold, take a long clear look at your romantic life. First of all, free yourself from your fears and talk to a good friend about your situation, so you will experience relief and get new perspectives and ideas. You may think that you are not lovable enough. You should be feeling empowered and hopeful in relation to love. Read below to see the boundaries that each one of these eights signifies when it appears in your Tarot reading. But if you can apply your knowledge of work to your everyday life, your job will take on a different meaning in your life. They can confuse you at first but at second glance reveal the truth about your counterpart. II. Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. Your own thoughts and doubts tie you down more and more and rob you of the power to escape from your prison. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Upright Nine of Swords Meaning. The Nine of Swords is often associated with fear and anxiety, about all the things that worry you and keep you up at night. Another aspect of Eight of Swords Reversed for your profession is that you should use the freedom to follow your dream job. As such, it can also indicate that severe depression will have a negative effect on your relationship or, if you are in an abusive relationship, that your partners controlling behaviour will escalate to extremes. The more tolerance and openness you show when first meeting someone, the better your chances of finding a new relationship. Talk to a mental health professional or confide in family and friends. There are eight swords placedstrategically around herin a way that restricts her movement as though she is in some kind of trap or jail. When we take a look at the Eight of Swords we are greeted with a striking and oppressing image. Keywords for the Queen of Swords Matriarch, perception, female intuition, first impressions Other associations of the Queen of Swords Element: Air As a Yes or No question: Yes I - Ace of Swords II - Two of Swords III - Three of Swords Have you ever found yourself in a metaphorical pit of despair? If youve recently purchased something expensive, you might be keeping it in good condition but remember, its there to be used. Hello and welcome to Valaros, your source of Tarot and Card Reading! This Minor Arcana card can also signify a relationship in crisis, drama, dilemmas and negativity so your relationship may not be in a great place at the moment. There is no display of physical intensity in this picture. It signifies a strong level of energy which states that different aspects of your life will be trailblazing. Working just for the money will not make you happy in the long run. Life might seem tough right now but just remember that its only a transitional period and the pain will go. In the worst case, you may be reaching the end of your current job right now, as the 10 of Swords signifies endings, and cutting one's connections. You can do this with a free tarot readingfrom our experienced, highly-recommended experts atKeenandPsychic Source. You may be feeling powerless, hopeless and helpless to improve you situation at the moment but you are the master of your own destiny. The Eight of Swords also represents that you feel very powerless and exhausted in your relationship. Free yourself from this dilemma by putting your mind in the background and letting your inner feeling decide about your further way. With time you will be able to remove the bandage around your eyes and see new abilities and talents in yourself, which were previously hidden from you by your self-doubt. The Eight of Swords reveals that you feel trapped and restricted by your circumstances. The swords depicted in the card are surrounding you but you can take the blindfold off and walk away at any time! If you hate your current situation that much, you do have the power to change it. Some people just arent meant to be together. Perhaps you have not recognized certain distances very well for a long time, or you have difficulty in reading. If it's nothing to do with you, follow your own feelings. As a single, the Eight of Swords Tarot card shows you that you have strong self-doubts and therefore dont dare to approach other people. Then you know exactly how much money you have left for expenses in the month and can plan accordingly. You surrendered your power to an external entity, allowing yourself to become trapped and limited in some way. The frustration and constraint overriding the tone of this card points toward an answer of no to the question you are asking. Do you want to know what your destiny has in store for you? These Retro Fridges Are So! And yes, you can change your circumstanceseven though the fear feels utterly paralyzing. Your circumstances will change, but the transition may be painful. You can come through this, dont give up! It is not as clear-cut as you would like, making the decision very difficult. The water pooled at her feet suggests that her intuition might see what her eyes cannot. On the other hand, this card may also represent receiving extra money that you were not expecting. Eight of Swords Reversed Tarot CardKey Meanings: In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Eight of Swords reversed can represent releasing your fears or anxiety regarding your relationship and overcoming obstacles so it can be a good omen if you have been experience anxiety about the relationship. In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Eight of Swords reversed can represent releasing your fears or anxiety regarding your relationship and overcoming obstacles so it can be a good omen if you have been experience anxiety about the relationship. The Eight of Swords Tarot card also reveals that you are currently confused and do not know how to move forward in a critical life situation. Do you have a talent that someone else would pay for? You need to get creative and think outside of the box if you want to make more money. 63. You will be feeling the pressure when this appears and may be in crisis or going through a dilemma or drama. Get professional help to get your financial situation back under control. The Eight of Cups Reversed. The numbered cards in the Suit of Swords just keep getting more serious and terrible until you end with the Ten of Swords, which is almost on par with Death. Eight of Swords as Advice . You should have a renewed sense of confidence having tackled recent struggles. On the Eight of Swords is a woman who is tied up and blindfolded. Or you might conclude you are too old to lose weight, leaving you unhappy with your body and your health. Its message can be very strong. Career Meaning - Upright 10 of Swords. The Eight of Swords is a card that is stronger and more intense when it is in the company of cards from the Major Arcana. Youre never alone, even if you think you are; the woman is blindfolded but not gagged. Learn to find them. How strong this message is depends on the surrounding Cards in the Reading, the Querant and the Question. Otherwise, you make yourself a prisoner of numbers on the account. Shortly, your power reserves will be strongly attacked. You might be being ridiculed and feeling ostracised by your so-called friends. Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) This isn't time for wishy-washy friends. A woman in a flowing robe is blindfolded and her torso bound. By standing up for yourself and not letting constrict yourself any further, you will take the first step towards more freedom and your partner will have to adapt to the new situation. Perhaps the suit is a warning that you'll corner yourself into oblivion if you rely purely on thoughts and logic. Maybe in a situation that has spiraled so far out of control that you feel like youll never get yourself out of it? As a destiny card, the Eight of Swords stands for the fact that you are a prisoner of your fears and doubts. Don't expect any arguments or gossip now or in the near future. Ace of Swords: Rely more on friendships that have a big amount of clarity in them. Spirituality and Mentality The Eight of Swords tarot card in spirituality can remind you to think about the relations in life. With the Eight of Swords, you are in intellect and logic, and one should think how happy the Swords must be now that they are with friends. Furthermore, the card represents a freedom-loving character. But what we do know is that there are too many of them to control. Future The Eight of Swords tarot card ask you to understand that life is just a series of trials. (A little dramatic, right?) There is nobody around the tied-up victim, she has her shoes on and could begin walking away from all those swords. You can get help if you are taking pain medication rather than pursuing physical therapy to mend an injury. The universe is organized in an epic manner and the Tarots intricacy delivers this energy. Oftentimes, the querent will then deny that there is any of that behavior going on. The card shows a woman petting a lion. There are six cards in the Tarot deck with the number eight and each of them depicts a situation where you can gain by simply understanding the boundaries in a given situation, relationship or an important area of your life. Eight (VIII) of Swords b - Truly Teach Me Tarot Freedom also means to decide for yourself if you want to be alone right now or in a relationship. However, on the other extreme, it can also represent severe depression and feeling like suicide is the only way out. Do you want to know how your professional situation develops? The 8 of Swords tarot love meaning can suggest that your perspective is changing now that you have a more clear and objective understanding of your relationship. Remember, there are organisations that can help if you are in that situation. Therefore, you should already plan enough time for recovery. Such a prison in a relationship only works if you put up with this shackling of your freedom. If you are single, the Eight of Swords indicates that you may be waiting for someone to swoop in and right everything that you feel has gone wrong in your life. Health You might feel like the odds are stacked against you right now. Explore how tarot can help you slow down and reconnect with your innermost self. In a general context, the Eight of Swords reversed can represent release, freedom, escape and finding solutions and options. The power is in your hands.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thetarotguide_com-box-4','ezslot_4',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-box-4-0'); Escape, freedom, release , finding solutions/ options,relief,taking control, standing up to abuse, self-belief, survivor, facing fears/ truth, releasing anxiety, hopeful, empowered, healing, mental strength, clear mind, overcomeobstacles, prison release, end of punishment, severe depression, paralysis, oppression, surrender. However, the overall theme of this card is that you are the one keeping yourself in this situation through negative thinking and allowing yourself to be paralysed by fear. General: In general, the Reversed 8 of Swords tells . She merely needs to remove the blindfold and free herself from the self-imposed bindings that hold her back. If you have been in an unhappy or abusive relationship where you felt trapped, this card would suggest that you will escape the relationship. Understanding self-awareness can open your eyes to seeing how your behavior affects everyone else as well as yourself. Romance The Eight of Swords card in love can mean that things arent going too well. This card is the foundation of the other cards bearing an eight that follow it. As you change your thoughts, you change your reality. The boundaries you set up might be constricting you. Its a cycle many people are caught in. Friends and enemies have had their say, and left her encircled her with their swords (representing words and ideas). Here, however, she must push back her doubts and fears and instead trust her own intuition, which can show her a way out of her oppressive situation. Take a break from your friends and see if your life improves. Even if one of you gets stuck or cant move forward, the other partner will use all their strength to help and rejoin the common path. Eight of Swords Linestrider Tarot Card Meanings | TarotX The Eight of Swords can also indicate a physical illness, whichmainly affects your eyesight. It can also represent judgement and consequences so if there has been any cheating in the relationship, this card sees the betrayal coming to light. The Eight of Swords. A good way to get a new perspective is to use your intuition and spontaneously write down all the solutions that come to your mind, even if they seem silly or unrealistic at first. By realizing that the shackles created by self-doubt and fear only come from your mind and your thoughts, you can just as easily get rid of them if you change your inner attitude accordingly. The swords depicted in the card are surrounding you but you can take the blindfold off and walk away at any time! The cards which come next will show whether it will be good to follow the advice given or not. She doesnt know what to do, but inaction also isnt a good choice. You might be in an unfulfilling job, an abusive relationship, a significant amount of debt or a situation way out of alignment with your inner being. If you are single, the Eight of Swords reversed indicates that you may have let go of any fear or anxiety that had been holding you back from finding love. Another aspect of the Eight of Swords Reversed is that you should not make your happiness dependent only on the extent of your wealth. The picture looks bleak and yet a closer look reveals that it might not be as bad as it seems at first glance. Allow yourself to let go of the old patterns of behaviour and belief systems holding you back. Freaking! The gloomy slate gray sky underscores that boundaries ignored can lead to isolation. Eight of Swords. However, do not rush your activities, but slowly get used to your new freedom. This card also represents consequences and judgement which may take the form of trial by jury, imprisonment and punishment. The striking element that's on the woman is the blindfold covering her eyes. Bad experiences help you learn and grow so we cannot avoid them at all. Eight of Swords This card often appears to let you know that you are your own worst enemy. The person does not let himself be chained by ineffective ways of thinking but gives his thoughts free space. Reversed Eight of Swords Meanings - Cardarium In a general context, the Eight of Swords reversed can represent release, freedom, escape and finding solutions and options. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. Your willpower is more than you think it is. You have one foot in, hoping things can work out, but your other foot is out the door, ready to leave. Have you surrendered to the idea of being trapped in a state of endless misery until the end of days? You could feel increasingly restricted, and the . If you are suffering from depression or feeling suicidal, remember there is always a better solution. Swords represent words. This is the card of the animal part of our brain where intellect and reason are controlled by emotion and instinct. Her upper body is also tied with several ropes, which make it impossible for her to move her arms freely and to free herself from the bandage around her eyes. Another aspect of the Eight of Swords Reversed is that you do not feel bound to the idea of entering into a relationship at any price. You believe your options are limited with no clear path out. Do you want to know how your love life is developing? Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. In a relationship, the Eight of Swords symbolizes strong feelings of confinement and being locked up. Draw your Love Tarot Card now for free! The Moon or Strength cards appearing in a reading indicate that you will find a way out of your mess. It may have taken a while, but you have finally found release from your anxiety about your career. When you are feeling creative, you often have many great ideas. The thing to do is to simply walk away, to anywhere else, as a way to establish good boundaries. Sign up to get the link! The suit of Pentacles represents money problems when the Eight of Swords appears amidst a few cards of that suit. Despite problems, if you continue it will all be worth it. Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings | Sometimes, this card can suggest a new job or position that you have attained, one that allows you to realize your full potential. And P.S. If youre single, this card can also point to being too passive in your love life. Companion to the Seventh Sphere Lenormand deck. The Eight of Wands illustrates how having too many options can often simply lead to chaos. The eighth card in the suit of Swords is the Eight of Swords. If you get this card, be ready to analyze the circumstances in order to find the best solution to the problem. Trust yourself. A modern Lenormand deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright colorful full-bleed illustrations. Her feet are free, so she could go and get help. All rights reserved. Draw your Destiny Tarot Card now for free! Have more confidence in yourself and set yourself small achievable goals and develop a concrete plan to achieve them. The Eight of Swords Reversed Tarot card stands for being open and tolerant in your partner search. The Eight of Swords reversed also suggests that you are more prone to negative self-talk and suffering at the hands of your inner critic. With all tarot meanings and more, this book is a comprehensive guide on using tarot for introspection, self-understanding and inner growth. Or Swords (Air) + Wands (Fire) = dominant masculine energy (both Air and Fire are masculine) and bringing ideas (Wands) into action (Swords). This is a card that is confronting you with the stagnant aspects of your current situation. The illustration of a blindfolded and bound woman indicates a closed mind and all discussion ended. A modern Marseille tarot deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright, gentle, colorful full-bleed illustrations. A minimalist iconographic tarot card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. Past You might feel trapped in the past but youre away from that now and experiencing a new level of freedom. Thereby you neglect many aspects which are very relevant to you. The more you think about the situation, the more you feel stuck and without any options. Amelie Rose Estrela is a gifted psychic and lead author for tarot-explained. Draw your Daily Tarot Card now for free! Many wealthy people are surprised to find this card in their readings, but their lifestyles are making them so comfortable that they are hardly living and avoiding reaching anything close to their real potential. Theyre both valuable experiences; its how we define them that is the source of unwanted pain. When reversed, it is a Minor Arcana card of self-belief, ignoring criticism, standing up to abuse and taking back control. The Eight of Swords card is representative of the times when you find yourself lost and confused, with no chance of help and relief. This card indicates that you may find you are ready for healing, to ask for help and to overcome obstacles. Your career isnt quite what you thought it would be. All of these illustrations and subsets mean something. In a financial reading, the Eight of Swords reversed represents an unexpected event. Whether its a toxic friendship, an unsatisfying romantic relationship thats gone on far too long, or a job that is no longer fulfilling, this is your opportunity to end it by initiating the breakup, giving notice, and ultimately standing up for yourself. The Eight of Swords represents restrictions, entrapment and being backed into a corner. You remember the struggles it took to get you to where you are now, it was certainly painful.