Bent County Correctional Facility Closing, Articles D

Please check your work." I hope that you feel inspired. Hi, I am getting the message: Something went wrong while executing the Augment Temp Class node: Duplicate field TempClassCan you help me with my JSON? Thanks much :), Hi I am getting the bellow error. PFB for the json{ "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "saqlExpression": " (Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "name": "Acreage", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank", "alias": "Seed_Chart", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }}I am getting the below error even after adding the lens correctly. i have completed my step 7 already but could not proceed because of step 6 issues. Challenge 5: Test callout logic. This special superbadge is designed to test how well you really grasped the underlying material and not just walk you through yet another predictable tutorial. Check the challenge and confirm required field setting." If you are familiar with report and dashboards, this challenge should only take 30 or so minutes to complete. Thank you for the pointers i made some new changes the data flow ran fine finally after the drill. @shruthi"name": "Seed Bank","alias": "Seed_Chart",alias has to be Seed_Bank as well , let me know if that works out ! thank you for the light, tried the below ways nothing worked "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank", "alias": "Seed_Bank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "seed bank", "alias": "seed_bank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }. Data Integration Specialist : What You'll Be Doing to Earn This SuperbadgeConfigure outbound application and integration securityConfigure inbound integratio. 5. Start by uploading the dataset then create the dataflow. Tried this }, "Augment TempClass": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "Country" ], "left": "Load Seed Bank Agencies", "left_key": [ "ShippingCountry" ], "right_select": [ "TempClass" ], "right": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue"But Still throwing the same error. @Trailhead Baby Can you post your JSON for the same? There is not a field named Acreage in the zip file - It is a field you create by calculation within the data flow. You signed in with another tab or window. I made two dollars today! Data Integration Specialist: Challenge 5: Why Is This Not Working? Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct. can anyone help me out in this? Data Integration Specialist Superbadge - Step 7 I'm getting an error message when triggering the SOAP call from the UI via record update: System.CalloutException: IO Exception: External server did not return any content When I import the WSDL into SOAP UI and send the same package body, I receive this message: HTTP /1.1 500 Server: Cowboy Have you guessed the theme of the photos that go along with the Trailhead - Process Automation Specialist Superbadge series?They are a few of my favorite day to day processes! This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. ), Hi please help in update the data flow.i can't update my data errors in that. I understood! This is my journey- a normal kid by day- a Trailhead explorer by night. After you've imported the Account object, you'll be ready to tackle the challenges. Process Builder sketch Last night, I drew a rough sketch of my process: Was it pretty? There are a couple of YouTube channels that cover almost every Superbadge step . The dataflow was completed, but the LookupSingleValue node didn't augment any columns. Below are tips and gotchas for each report / dashboard. contd"Load Temp Class Mapping": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Temperature_Classes_Mapping" } }, "CleanUp": { "action": "sliceDataset", "parameters": { "mode": "drop", "source": "Augment Temp Class", "fields": [ { "name": "HighTemp" }, { "name": "LowTemp" } ] } }, "Define Temp Range": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Calculate Acreage", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "0", "precision": 18, "name": "LowTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, 1, 2))", "scale": 2, "label": "LowTemp", "type": "Numeric" }, { "defaultValue": "0", "precision": 18, "name": "HighTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, -2, 2))", "scale": 2, "label": "HighTemp", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }} please share me your insights to fix my code or data. If you could just post the JSON for your data flow, I will take a look. . I am the Trailhead Baby! @trailhead baby,i just updated one alias name in above postsfrom :::"name": "Seed Bank","alias": "seed_bank"to:::"name": "Seed Bank","alias": "Seed_Bank"and re ran the dataflow still have the same old issue no progress ! Hi All, Need help for the below: I am trying to complete "Einstein Analytics Data Preparation Specialist" superbadge Challenge 4, I followed all the steps and cross checked multiple times still getting below error: Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find the 'Load Seed Chart' node in the dataflow. On to the next error LOL, Hi All,I am having a really hard time with Step 6. The data flow is running properly. "Create Seed Bank": {"action": "sfdcRegister","parameters": {"source": "Calculate Acreage","alias": "Seed Bank","name": "Seed_Bank"Wrong alias and name. First of all , thanks for prompt reply. I have made several attempts. I made it through all of the tempkey/temp class definitions, and everything appears to run fine but when I go to check the step in trailhead I get this "We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly" error. The error is in this - A name/alias is not correct:"Create Seed Bank": {"action": "sfdcRegister","parameters": {"name": "Create Seed Bank","alias": "Create_Seed_Bank","source": "Calculate Acreage". thanks a lot. Salesforce Trailhead Superbadge 'Data Integration Specialist' Data Integration Specialist is one of the superbadges of Salesforce trailhead (A New Approach to Learning Salesforce). Here is my Json in 2 messages if someone can help : { "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression","parameters": { "source": "Filter 2015", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "Continental", "name": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "case \nwhen Temperature < 25 then \"Polar\" \nwhen Temperature >= 25 and Temperature <= 50 then \"Cool\" \nwhen Temperature >= 51 and Temperature <= 85 then \"Continental\" \nwhen Temperature > 85 then \"Tropical\" \nend", "label": "TempClass", "type": "Text" } ] } , "Filter Agency Records": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE", "source": "ID Agency Records" } }, "Load Account": { "action": "sfdcDigest", "parameters": { "fields": [ { "name": "Name" }, { "name": "Phone" }, { "name": "ShippingCity" }, { "name": "ShippingCountry" }, { "name": "ShippingPostalCode" }, { "name": "ShippingStreet" }, { "name": "ShippingState" }, { "name": "AccountNumber" } ], "object": "Account" } }, 2nd part of Json : "Create Seed Bank Agencies": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank Agencies", "alias": "seed_bank_agencies", "source": "Augment TempClass" } }, "Load Climate": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Global_Climates" } }, "Load Agency detail": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Agency_Detail" } }, "Add Agency Fields": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "left": "Load Account", "left_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "right_select": [ "Acres", "Currency", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Region", "SubRegion" ], "right": "Load Agency detail", "relationship": "AgencyDetail", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Filter 2015": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "Date_Year:EQ:2015", "source": "Load Climate" } }, "Augment TempClass": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "Country" ], "left": "Filter Agency Records", "left_key": [ "ShippingCountry" ], "right_select": [ "Temperature", "Date", "TempClass", "Country" ], "right": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "ID Agency Records": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Add Agency Fields", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "name": "IsAgency", "saqlExpression": "\"case when Phone is not null then \\\"True\\\" else \\\"False\\\" end\"", "label": "IsAgency", "type": "Text" } ] } }}Thanks for help, Hi, I have a problem with the step 6: When I run the DataflowLoad Seed Bank Agencies w/Climate Data it give me this error: Something went wrong while executing the Augment TempClass node: Right select in augment node must properly refer to the right input column. Please support me on Patreon: thanks & pra. "Augment TempClass": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "left": "Filter 2015", "right": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue", "left_key": [ "Country" ], "right_key": [ "Country" ], "right_select": [ "TempClass", "Country", "Date", "Temperature"This Worked. Check the challenge and confirm the node name and required fields.I'm checking the Dataflow Alias: Seed Bank Name: Seed_Bank and seems ok to me, but i guess i'm wrong in a way i don't understand. This part is the JSON from the original Load Seed Bank challenge which executed without error. Challenge 4 is not difficult if you follow the instructions precisely! still i'm facing the same issue. Salesforce: Trailhead : Data Integration Specialist Challenge 5Helpful? Processes. Tonight's challenge involves the creation of two processes. | Content (except music \u0026 images) licensed under CC BY-SA | Music: | Images: \u0026 others | With thanks to user TSmith (, user John Mutuma (, user Daniel Deepak (, and the Stack Exchange Network ( i tried switching them and the dataflow was successful. The Trigger doesn't seem to be saving either on the Developer Console or the Apex Trigger in Setup. { "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric", "precision": 18, "scale": 6 } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed_Bank", "alias": "Seed Bank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }}do i need to delete the flat file and need to upload with seed_bank as the api name? In the superbadge there's no indication of what naming convention to follow. Confirm the node name matches the name as described in the challenge. "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Filter 2015", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "Continental", "name": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "case when Temperature < 25 then \"Polar\" when Temperature >= 25 and Temperature <= 50 then \"Cool\" when Temperature >= 51 and Temperature <= 85 then \"Continental\" when Temperature > 85 then \"Tropical\" end", "label": "TempClass", "type": "Text" } ] } }, "Filter Agency Records": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE", "source": "ID Agency Records" } }, "Load Account": { "action": "sfdcDigest", "parameters": { "fields": [ { "name": "AccountNumber" }, { "name": "Name" }, { "name": "Phone" }, { "name": "ShippingCity" }, { "name": "ShippingCountry" }, { "name": "ShippingPostalCode" }, { "name": "ShippingState" }, { "name": "ShippingStreet" } ], "object": "Account" } }, "Create Seed Bank Agencies": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank Agencies", "alias": "seed_bank_agencies", "source": "Augment TempClass" } }, "Load Climate": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Global_Climates" } }, "Add Agency Fields": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "left": "Load Account", "left_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "right_select": [ "Acres", "Currency", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Region", "SubRegion" ], "right": "Load Agency Detail", "relationship": "AgencyDetail", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }. I didn't look through the whole JSON yet, but that's my bet. Report Modifications: Sales Two words: Filter Logic Support If you get this errortry stacking to 100% and make sure that you have a "horizontal" style chart. I am getting this error from step 4 Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find the 'Load Seed Chart' node in the dataflow. Here is my JSON:{ "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Define Temp Range", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "name": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "case when LowTemp < 25 and HighTemp < 25 then \"Polar\"\nwhen LowTemp >= 25 and HighTemp <= 50 then \"Cool\"\nwhen LowTemp >= 51 and HighTemp <= 85 then \"Continental\"\nwhen LowTemp >= 85 then \"Tropical\" end", "label": "TempClass", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640 ", "name": "Acreage", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank", "alias": "seed_bank", "source": "CleanUp" } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Augment Temp Class": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "TempClass" ], "left": "Add Temp Class", "left_key": [ "TempClass" ], "right_select": [ "TempClass", "TempKey" ], "right": "Load Temp Class Mapping", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Load Temp Class Mapping": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Temperature_Classes_Mapping" } }, "CleanUp": { "action": "sliceDataset", "parameters": { "mode": "drop", "source": "Augment Temp Class", "fields": [ { "name": "HighTemp" }, { "name": "LowTemp" }, { "name": "Climate.TempClass" }, { "name": "Climate.TempKey" }, { "name": "TempClass" } ] } }, "Define Temp Range": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Calculate Acreage", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "0", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, 1, 2))\n\n", "name": "LowTemp", "label": "LowTemp", "type": "Numeric" }, { "name": "HighTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, -2, 2))", "label": "HighTemp", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }}, I am so lost on step 6. Please check your work. The report is a beta feature.We welcome your feedback on IdeaExchange.Flow DetailsFlow Name: X5_Automation_oppType: WorkflowVersion: 4Status: ActiveFlow Interview DetailsInterview Label: X5_Automation_opp-4_InterviewLabelCurrent User: Henrique Ortiz (0051I000000LP7k)Start time: 12/6/2017 2:00 PMDuration: 0 secondsHow the Interview StartedHenrique Ortiz . This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Leave a comment for the Trailhead Baby! Hi I am completely new this superbadges. Check the challenge and confirm the node name and required fields.Below is my JSON details. Thanks in Advance (split in 2 for upload reasons){ "Load Temp Class Mapping": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Temperature_Classes_Mapping" } }, "Load Seed Bank": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "seed_bank" } }, "Define Temp Range": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Load Seed Bank", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Numeric", "name": "lowTemp", "label": "lowTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature,1,2))", "precision": 18, "scale": 6 }, { "type": "Numeric", "name": "highTemp", "label": "highTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature,-2,2))", "precision": 18, "scale": 6 } ] } }, "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Define Temp Range", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Text", "name": "TempClass", "label": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "\"case \\nwhen lowTemp < 25 and highTemp < 25 then \\\"Polar\\\" \\nwhen lowTemp >= 25 and lowTemp <= 50 and highTemp >= 25 and highTemp <= 50 then \\\"Cool\\\"\\nwhen lowTemp >= 51 and lowTemp <= 85 and highTemp >= 51 and highTemp <= 85 then \\\"Continental\\\"\\nwhen lowTemp > 85 and highTemp > 85 then \\\"Tropical\\\"\\nwhen lowTemp < 25 and (highTemp >= 25 and highTemp <= 50) then \\\"Polar-Cool\\\" \\nwhen lowTemp < 25 and (highTemp >= 25 and highTemp <= 85) then \\\"Polar-Cool-Continental\\\" \\nwhen lowTemp < 25 and highTemp > 85 then \\\"Polar-Cool-Continental-Tropical\\\" \\nwhen (lowTemp >= 25 and lowTemp <= 50) and (highTemp >= 51 and highTemp <= 85) then \\\"Cool-Continental\\\" \\nwhen (lowTemp >= 25 and lowTemp <= 50) and highTemp >= 85 then \\\"Cool-Continental-Tropical\\\" \\nwhen (lowTemp >= 51 and lowTemp <= 85) and highTemp > 85 then \\\"Continental-Tropical\\\" \\nend\"" } ] } }, Second part:"CleanUp": { "action": "sliceDataset", "parameters": { "mode": "drop", "fields": [ { "name": "highTemp" }, { "name": "lowTemp" }, { "name": "TempClass" } ], "source": "Augment Temp Class" } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "source": "CleanUp", "alias": "seed_bank", "name": "Seed Bank" } }, "Augment Temp Class": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "operation": "LookupSingleValue", "left": "Add Temp Class", "left_key": [ "TempClass" ], "relationship": "Climate", "right": "Load Temp Class Mapping", "right_key": [ "TempKey" ], "right_select": [ "TempClass" ] } }}, Following error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. You are responsible for your own actions. Salesforce: Trailhead : Data Integration Specialist Challenge 5Helpful? Either the node didn't find any matches, or a join key contains only null values. mistake was for the case statement I had an upper case "C" in Case (which is how its always done in VC++ and VB, Glad you figured it out! I was able to complete Data Preparation Super badge, now I am doing Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist and stuck at step # 3 (Calculate Subscriber Acquisition Costs)Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't confirm the Subscriber Revenue chart is filtering by the Tenure Length toggle. Trailhead Superbadge: Data Integration Specialist - Forcetalks September 11, 2020 18088 0 Challenge 1 Configure Outbound Application and Integration Security Install the unmanaged package from the prework if you haven't already. "I'm publishing my JSON file just to see what I'm really missing (I would really appreciate if someone knows what's going on), { "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Filter 2015", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "Continental", "name": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "case when Temperature < 25 then \"Polar\" when Temperature >= 25 and Temperature <= 50 then \"Cool\" when Temperature >= 51 and Temperature <= 85 then \"Continental\" when Temperature > 85 then \"Tropical\" end ", "label": "TempClass", "type": "Text" } ] } }, "Filter Agency Records": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE", "source": "ID Agency Records" } }, "Load Account": { "action": "sfdcDigest", "parameters": { "fields": [ { "name": "Name" }, { "name": "AccountNumber" }, { "name": "Phone" }, { "name": "ShippingCity" }, { "name": "ShippingCountry" }, { "name": "ShippingState" }, { "name": "ShippingStreet" }, { "name": "ShippingPostalCode" } ], "object": "Account" } }, "Create Seed Bank Agencies": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "rowLevelSecurityFilter": "", "name": "Seed Bank Agencies", "alias": "seed_bank_agencies", "source": "Augment TempClass" } }, "Load Climate": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Global_Climates" } }, "Add Agency Fields": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "left": "Load Account", "left_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "right_select": [ "SubRegion", "Region", "Longitude", "Latitude", "Currency", "Acres" ], "right": "Load Agency Detail", "relationship": "AgencyDetail", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Filter 2015": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "Date:EQ:2015", "source": "Load Climate" } }, "Augment TempClass": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "Country" ], "left": "Filter Agency Records", "left_key": [ "ShippingCountry" ], "right_select": [ "Temperature", "Date", "Country", "TempClass" ], "right": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Load Agency Detail": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Agency_Detail" } }, "ID Agency Records": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Add Agency Fields", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "name": "IsAgency", "saqlExpression": "case when \"Phone\" is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FASLE\" end", "label": "IsAgency", "type": "Text" } ] } }}. I actually deleted the dataflow and recreated it, too. It's been a while. so I hope this is good advice! Just in case my JSON{ "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Load Seed Chart", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Numeric", "name": "Acreage", "label": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "precision": 18, "scale": 6 } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "source": "Calculate Acreage", "alias": "Seed Bank", "name": "Seed_Bank" } }}. thanks.~. "Load Climate": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Global_Climates"The syntax on this challenge was a bit. insane.It took a ton of trial and error to get the right Alias names. { "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Calculate Acerage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank", "alias": "Seed_Bank", "source": "Calculate Acerage" } }}It will be helpful for me if someone tells me why I am getting this. Key value should be the same. It looks like the order of operations is a tiny bit out of order. I think I will have to post in two comments due to the html limit. Why the change of heart? Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct. The trickiest part is the formulas for Definie Temp Range and Add TempClass.