Id love to move to vic but I have my teen at high school, caboolture high. Visit the Abbey Museum. There's wonderful beaches nearby & the bike tracks, walking paths, lakes, playgrounds, bbq facilities sounds like a nice lifestyle. I have got to know some of my neighbors in all 3 properties and had times where I could be there for my neighbors and they were for me also. Cig butts everywhere and you certainly can't take your baby or toddler out in Caboolture without risking their health and safety. Its close to bribie island, the sunshine coast, and not that far from the Brisbane airport and City. Like everywhere there's good and bad. But I'm playing for keeps. I guess anything can be better than where an individual has come from if they know of nothing else, especially when the inital appeal, ie; affordability, loses its shiny, glossy coat of innocent naivety and becomes worn and dull with good dose of reality. This is the stigma most people have of the place. I can only strongly suggest to rent before you buy (this can be taken as general advice, no matter where you are), in or around the same street you might like to buy - I know it may be impractical but better safe than sorry Of course you are going to say that if you didn't have a good experience, which is why you have posted your own review. 30 years in, wow would have thought you should have moved by now seen as its such a hole lol. I went to high school there and later in life moved there as I had family in the area. Once you get to know it and fit in you'll enjoy visiting the range of activities you can engage in on weekends. What pros and cons do you have about the riverbank estate area? We introduced ourselves and kindly asked to turn down the volume. Buyers - If you sign a contract, within the 5 day cooling off period, go introduce yourself to the immediate neighbours and ask a few questions about the neighbourhood. What is with all this 'socio economic' snerk. cody crone age. Caboolture | Queensland, Australia | Britannica id love to get to know the other families i really feel we will fit right in. We chose Central Lakes Estate in Caboolture as it was a new estate with recycled water. Just another bogandenile person form cabo lol. There have been several retirement villages built and these have proved to be popular. It is not a good area. Yes Caboolture has bad areas and with the govt approving more and more estates on small blocks they are only going to increase in number.The 100 acres being developed behing the Market Place shopping centre on Morayfield Road for so called "affordable housing" should prove very interesting. Overall, Caboolture is not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. Ive lived in caboolture 4 years or so, its not really where Id like to settle for the rest of my life. Our direct next door neighbours from England had enough (they were directly facing them) and sold, moving to small acreage. Burn outs yes all the time, drag racing yep, fights and drugs drugs drugs everywhere. Access to Bribie beaches and Caloundra 30 mins then country 15, heaps of shops got absolutely everything, Love Caboolture, will never leave. Visit the Caboolture Historical Village. It strikes me as a little too rural unless you are within an hour from Melbourne, qld seems to have a lot more to see and do, its just a shame its too hot to get out half the year! Although I dont like the area we are in and will be moving.. but, I much prefer the summer here in Victoria! where not to live in caboolture - My neighbours are characters (the good kind) and are happy to keep a lookout for us. Mary River cod are a no take species . We moved to Cabby simply because I worked on the Sunshine Coast, and my husband in Brisbane plus we got the property and land we wanted for the right price. They are disgusting - everyone and I mean everyone does drugs - even the geeks! After moving our children are excelling in every area getting awards for academics, spots and music and at the old school they were not even passing? We thought that was diffierent as not many estates offer recycled water. So if you want to live on the 2 bedroom side for a year or so with your brothers you can rent the other side out. But who wants to put up with them in the meantime when you could just live somewhere better in the first place. In 2017/18 16,000 Australian bass were stocked from SIPS permit sales. Its a high crime area, as its the city and apparently drug users everywhere. But it's not at that stage yet so of course it's going to be crowded, I'm sure the council isn't made of money. Have being through 2011 and 2022 floods. feeding westchester mobile food truck schedule. It was the gateway to the hinterland, to Bribie Island, to the Sunshine Coast and only 35 minutes to Brisbane airport. It was terrible. It used to be semi rural, but now the developers are moving in, block sizes are getting smaller and smaller. To our left was a family with 4 or 5 dogs, doing illegal dog breeding (only one dog was allowed as per Council, but this never bothered us even though one dog was always yapping). I built a brandnew 4 bedroom house there. I got a job in Caboolture when I finished school and unlike many other parts of the country housing affordability has never really been an issue. Yeah there's drugs, deros, wannabe gangsters, welfare bludging deadbeats but there's also a growing number of professional and working class people moving to the suburb and changing it for the better. Prices have come down and everybody competes with everybody. Yet you can still have large acreage and keep farm animals such as horses and chickens. I hope i see you there, id like to see if your a true blue "aussie" or just another "dero" as you put it. Still a quite place after all these years too. Who lives here? They are oldies looking in - we were those kids now grown up and I'm thankful every day I'm still alive. I would never be buying in this environment. Its a 45 min train trip into Brisbane thanks to the new timetables introduced. where not to live in caboolture - Sunshine coast, Bribie Island and beaches are approx 30 minutes or less and being only 35 minutes it is an easy commute to the airport if you travel a lot. Caboolture has plenty, a lot more than many other places. 1,628 posts. There have even been some serious and hideous crimes over the years including the torture of a child at the caravan park, the shooting of a police over, the home invasion & murder of an old man, just to name a few. could you give me any information on the impacts of decreasing greenspace? I live in West Caboolture and the same people in the street including myself have being there for 18 years or more. I have rented since moving here and have lived in 3 different areas of Caboolture (apart from the first 15 months I was here in share houses). My thoughts exactly Melissa.It sounds like someone is trying very hard to sell the place. The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of If theyre decent they will talk and you will get a feel. I wish I could love it here the way you do. What happens to Alex Murdaugh's assets? Easy peasy!! Although my old neighbours were from VIC and if I didn't know any better I would of sworn they were originally from QLD lol. Search Caboolture, QLD properties for sale, Compare all real estate agents in Caboolture, QLD, Be notified when others review this Suburb, Plenty of community events and celebrations to join in, Wide range of community services and groups, Trouble makers like anywhere for you to get involved with if you so desire, Can't go out at night or you will get mugged. You can drive to the beach close enough. Visit the Caboolture historical Village, take a cruise down the Pumistone Passage or spend the day at Alma Zoo. The area had long been occupied by the Kabi Aboriginal people when European settlement began in the 1840s. McAndrew Street is lovely owned 2 houses in the Street. UFC 285 live stream - Bloody Elbow They considered "playing" and "enjoying life" meaning all things noisy, from loud parties until 4am, yelling, screaming, mini motor bikes, occasional burnouts in the streets, power tools in the garage or work shed, barking dogs that get never trained or even walkedetc Really hope that Caboolture has now finally turned into a great place with great people. Do you live here at all or are you just bagging the area for no reason?. There were young very nasty kids who were riding their push bikes through my new front garden bed WHILE I was working on it! I wouldn't walk the streets at night - its common sense, but that would be the same regardless of where I lived. I lived there for 20 yrs and moved march 2018. I understand that growth occurrs and is inevitable but this town/s could have been so much more than what it has become. swimsuit catalog request . even the new things they've built to clean up and refresh the place are quickly being wrecked by out of control and unsupervised kids. This website isn't created to being debates, it is somewhere to post your own personal review. We didn't fee it changed anything. NEW! Agree ..I moved up from an expensive area in Melbourne and purchased 3/4 acre in South Morayfield area and really love it here. We have lived all over Australia in some posh places, we love Caboolture. Hire a boat at Sandstone Point and go fishing. If you go looking for horrible things you will find them in any town or city. Caboolture: Cost of Living, Salaries, Prices for Rent & food Though when it does happen it will weed a lot of people out of "way town".They are my responses to the comment on this page only. I invested my own money, blood, sweat and tears into this house and created a beautiful garden on 900sqm. from AU$249/night. In the last 6 months the prices have risen a lot. There were regular neighbourhood watch meetings but only a few of those concerned attended but most of those who should have attended didn't and of course the bad guys did not. Hey there are even stabbings at the private schools at Caboolture. There is the train station right in town, Caboolture bus lines with all it's services including buses to all the schools. Like most people who live in Sydney, I time comes when you want to buy a home which is just not an option for most people in Sydney. Close proximity to fantastic beaches, close to the glass house mountains, all the shops anyone could need and more, an airfield, the best markets in Queensland, a handy train station, surrounded by strawberry/pineapple farms and Pine tree plantations. On more than one occasion, I was also at Coles and same thing happened. Nothing like advertsing a 'small' area as 'affordable' (aka cheap/housing commission) high density living and not have the infrastructure to support it. oh, but then this justifies knocking down more trees and flattening more bushland, the homes of many native wildlife (I wonder if they understand that koalas are territorial) to widen roads. There is a lot of money in the area and some great business that are thriving. I have lived in the Cab West area since 2004 and I work in the city. They had a shipping container delivered and were emptying it. The Estate was originally built for owner occupiers now a few rentals are here but it is a lovely neighbourhood. I have been living in this estate for over ten years. I would never live anyone else. Inside Caboolture West - what it will be like to live in monster new The government is not in a "crazy rush" to sell everything and it will continue to have a presence in four strategic sectors, including telecom, said Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. 130 talking about this. I do my shopping at morayfield shopping centre and there are rude people there, there are kids screaming and swearing, people asking me for a cigarette even though i dont smoke , i say i dont have a smoke and i get called a rude name. If you hang around trouble makers you will likely find yourselves caught up in trouble. The first thing they pulled out was the stereo sound system and they played very noisy music for hours while unpacking for hours - what an introduction to the neighbourhood! If you want to be a part of the community, signing up to a club is the best way to go. Use your discernment with the neighbours and the street. Posted July 15, 2014. There happens to be a QUT near Central Lakes too. Caboolture has its quirks and is far from perfect, don't get me wrong, the 'bogans' that some people are weary of are certainly around, but for me I'd rather talk Bathurst than bank bonds anyway. Nightlife in Caboolture is by no means vibrant, there's a few local bars to watch the footy at, wouldn't be taking the missus there on a date, but 20mins down the road is the Sandstone Point Hotel which is by far the classiest establishment in the area and well awarded(gets some great acts there).Eating out in Cabo is alright, there's a couple of nice cafes, some decent fish n chip shops/burger joints, the typical fast food places and we have a 24hr bakery, which after a 10hr killer night shift is bloody awesome.A growing CBD attracts lots of professionals during the day and there's further development to come to make the place better.In the end Cabo is Cabo, it'll always have the name, if you're looking for an affordable place to live to raise a family or get into the housing market then Cabo is right for you. It's a place with a diverse range of homes and varying acreage sizes available. I would agree about Caboolture but there are lots of nice places and properties around caboolture and morayfield. Another neighbour two houses down put music up once or twice a week at very loud levels, even weeknights at midnight. Queensland Premier League. It has good schooling, gotta be honest and say some are better than others. Its boring and no community.. It's not because of Burpengary or Narangba it's because ice addict parents let their children do as they please because the parents don't even know how to pass on values or morals. where not to live in caboolture - When we moved to Caboolture I knew this was where I wanted to stay. The residential push out of Brisbane has seen huge growth in and around Caboolture and it is a place where many families have decided to reside. I am currently retraining so I can be employed out of the city. I've heard all the stories about Cabo. It happened to a few others and with these pests and their parents there is not a lot you can do unless you want to escalate the situation and risk your property and cars be damaged at night.Our other back neighbours (the block had a funny shape) were quite nice but they got separated and the house sold quickly to a Vietnamese family who were noisy with regular noisy karaoke until late. The local butcher was on the diagonal corner, across the road from Morayfield Primary School where the picture framer is now and the local veterinarian had acerage about where Martin Jonkers is. "There are some dodgy parts of town as there are in any town in any country." "Caboolture West will ultimately be a major regional urban centre that will support 17,000 jobs and have many social benefits including new health and education centres as well as sport and recreation facilities and plenty of new homes for Queenslanders," Mr Miles said. The only child hood memory that still remains is the vacant block on the corner of Oakey Flat Rd and Morayfield Rd, soon to be developed I understand.There are actullay 6 McDonals in Cab/Morayfield 2 at the super servos, 1 on Morayfield Rd, 1 in the Morayfield Shopping Centre, 1 at Caboolture, 1 at the Sundowner. I even went to his door and confronted him, but you could tell that he was a typical bogan with nothing to lose.We could not wait to be moving into our newly built home, even though we were a bit nervous realizing that there were two obvious sides to this newly established estate. Home is where u make itpeople are what help to make it like thatfamily, friends, neighbours etc. foam closure strips for metal roofing | keokuk, iowa arrests newington high school football coach 0 A great library. Let's face itthis area is more sought after by the lower demographics than other places, due to slightly to drastically lower pricing which naturally occurs. Caboolture River Weir is stocked by the Caboolture Shire Fish Stocking Group Inc. With the cheap/affordable rent comes the low socio economic families. It's just too much of a risk.We were very very lucky in the end by selling (it took 5 months to find a buyer, and this was in 2008).Caboolture has WAY too many properties, both second hand and newly built. The BOM forecasts the heat will begin to ease mid-week as cloudy conditions roll in . It is like being out in the country yet you are so close to everything. Caboolture is quite a large place know, yeah some compact areas of the CBD aren't too great but there are a lot more parts still technically in Caboolture which are lovely.If you think that the area is for the "lower demographic" then that is your opinion. This council spendsa lot of the rates on Redcliff (local beach-side city), whilst Caboolture and other parts of the Moreton Bay Regions suffer losses in infrastructure and repairs. Up the sunny coast. This one is going to be passed down to my kids. Caboolture.derived from Kabi words meaning "Place of the Carpet Snake". Only central lakes but watch out for the old summer field estate next to its real GETTO. There are plenty of things to make living here a positive, but if your hunting for it - you will hear/read a mixture of hugely exaggerated things and the type of things that go wrong in any suburb. Upper Caboolture is peaceful yet you are so close to the main shopping centre, supermarkets, takeaways, sports and recreational parks, transport and schools. The whole area (way town) used to be good till the dero's (& Kiwi's)moved in. I have a low mortgage and I happily commute to Brisbane each day which you do get used to. Central lakes estate whereabouts is the not so good area is stopford road good thank u, Copyright 2023 Homely Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.Privacy PolicyTerms of Use. We work in Caboolture and have made some really lovely friends. These people turned out to be the biggest headache yet. ; Disney Surprise Drinks Our life time of experiences is what we are basing our opinion on. This used to be a sleepy town but no more. We had moved to Cab from Sydney in early 2003, after we had bought a block of land (residential size) in a new estate, which was an extension of an existing one. Great community involvement. It aint Sydney or Melbourne but the weather is fabulous, the Caboolture markets is great for cheap and fresh produce and there are plenty of alternative and eco friendly, organic services/markets in the area. If you are a law abiding citizen, have a bit of common decency and respect you will see that you are not alone. There is a lot organised for families and being away from the city it is a great place to bring up a young family. Caboolture is under the Longman district and if you are into politics you can easily see Wyatt Roy around the place, not just during his campaigns. Vast majority of our neighbours have been broken into within our time here (which isn't actually that different from my last homes at Chancellor Park and Rochedale). I lived in a street where it was total ghetto, the house opposite me got set on fire in some rivalry, got burnt to a crisp but thankfully the people inside got out and survived, there was a police chase that ended on my street where the guy got out the stolen car and started firing his gun. Give your kids a fighting chance and stay away. Some streets are peaceful. There is also a large verity of sports and leisure activities to get into. I was not exaggerating. The weir joined the SIPS scheme in 2016 but was previously stocked from other funding sources. From what I read today, it has even gotten worse.Lastly, I found this sad blog very recently: Read this woman's story and check out her Youtube "videos" (audios really): (nfh stands for Neighbours From Hell).I wish you all the best and urge you to do your homework very thoroughly!Never buy a property unless you have rented in the neighbourhood first, I can't stress this enough. I hate going into Caboolture shops because the people are awful. Sure I reminisce. So if you are thinking of moving, go for it. Here in VIC it is generally always cold. when i returned to Australia and the local area it was so refreshing to see such positive advancement in many areas,New Roads,Bypasses to give quick access to various towns and cities,Housing popping up just everywhere ,i drove from Brisbane to the Sunshine coast and noticed all the way so many new homes being offered at very affordable prices. I get the occasional drunk coming up to me to have a chat, i nearly get run down at the crossing every time and i get dirty looks from the cleaning ladies. i think i can tell there are some easy going laid back people who enjoy the place, and others who are just a bit snobby & nothing better to do than to judge everyone else having fun. My memories are almost identical to yours.the old pink pub (I never knew it as Carmodys probably because I was on the lemonades), the only big place on Morayfield Rd was the Franklins where Harris Scarfe is now. Melbourne is NOTHING like Caboolture at all. The cop was not helpful.I will never forget how I watched nervously how yet new neighbours were moving into one of the vacant rental homes to the back of us. Caboolture River Weir - Department of Agriculture and Fisheries I have had no major issues living here, I have studied at the local QUT/TAFE, I have been part of community organizations and groups, and I have found work in a community I have grown to love. Neighbours make or break a place. I don't commit crime or take drugs so I just don't see it.