While you can find out what happened to most of the remaining gang members, certain ones like Javier Escuella and Bill Williamson are left unaccounted for despite seeing them run away with Dutch and Micah the night Arthur died. John starts fresh right in the middle of the honor scale. Arthur Morgan is a member of the Van der Linde gang, having been picked up by ringleader Dutch Van der Linde when he was a young teen. Leopold Strauss is kicked out of the camp and the gang after the final loan sharking mission, when Arthur becomes fed up with taking money from poor people. Therefore, its assumed the Red Dead Redemption 3 is currently not in the making. Red Dead Redemption 2: 20 Things To Do After You Beat The Game What is the average 401k balance for a 70 year old? So what happens to Arthur's belongings in the Epilogue? *Spoilers* So that $20k is given to you after prologue part 1? Finding Arthur Morgans grave in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a fitting way to tie up the end of the game and to pay tribute to one of the greatest characters in the franchise. That's where you can find the grave of Arthur Morgan. Reveal hidden contents Expand You lose everything at the end of the main story but get your guns back after Epilogue 1 and all your money and more back after Epilogue 2. Once the epilgoue starts go back and get the money behind the picture when you first enter the house and all yourmoney will be there. What happens to Arthur's money? We'll start you off on your hunt. All Arthur horses are Lost. If your Honor meter is high, Arthur will point out that he tried to become a better man. A young woman in love with Dutch, Molly dies in the game's fifth chapter. Mexico is mostly gone in Red Dead Redemption 2. After a fight, Adler and Marston have Micah at gunpoint, only for Dutch to appear with weapons aimed at both. Please enable JavaScript to see comments. They find Micah's corpse and even track the Marstons to Beecher's Hope. Reverend Orville Swanson, who sobered himself up from both alcohol and drug addiction and quietly left the gang during Chapter Six, is mentioned in a newspaper article, detailing his rise to ranks as a highly successful minister in New York. In Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Will Cry When His Horse Dies If the Bond Is Strong Enough By Grant Huff Published Dec 2, 2018 A Reddit user noticed an insane detail in Red Dead Redemption 2,. Advertisement saintsrow. What happens if you go to jail in Red Dead Redemption 2? Create your ReedPop ID & unlock community features and much, much more! After dumping dozens of hours into Red Dead Redemption 2's main story and subsequent epilogues, it'd be understandable if you zoned out or skipped the end credits sequence - but seeing the names. Jenny Kirk and Davey Callender, who died before the game's events, can be found in the northwest corner of the map. By using GTAForums.com, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. GTANet.com 2001-2023. However, it doesnt save him much time anyway, seeing as how in a few years, John, Sadie, and Charles end up gunning the man down anyway. Rains Fall is at the train station in Annesburg; his tribe settled in Canada. Even with the benefits of modern medicine like antibiotics and vaccines, if someone's inactive, "latent" TB develops into the active kind, it's still a serious issue. The 10 Best Open-World Games [March 2023], Red Dead Redemption 2 has sold over 50 million units lifetime, VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast Ep.11: Best game that you were ridiculously hyped for as a teen, VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast Ep.10: Best game that is really bad, VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast Ep.9: Best game with balls that isn't a sports game, Rockstar confirms what everyone suspected: Red Dead Online won't be getting any major new content. Ok, so we lose everything after the last mission. If you help John escape while having low honor, Micah will shoot Arthur in the head. Locke90 posted. But if you're a completionist, and want to see everything that the wild west has to offer Arthur Morgan, then Red Dead Redemption 2 should take you a grand total of 139 hours to beat. Yes. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? After years of hiding, his failure to stop civilization from domesticating the Wild West, his refusal to believe Arthur's dying words, his blindness to Micah's betrayal, the multiple gang members who have needlessly died (especially Hosea and Arthur), the betrayals of the bureaucrats he wanted to make deals with, and the multiple failed heists or lost scores, Dutch loses many of the key attributes he proudly displayed during the first half of the game. With everyone engaged in a Mexican standoff, John pleads with Dutch to say something in regards to Arthur, Micah's betrayal, and the situation at hand. The Secret Life Of Dutch Van Der Linde: After Finishing RDR2 On 11/10/2018 at 8:12 PM, ShadyCreeksKiller said: Best Work Writer's Discussion 2016 [The "I Love Karen Daniels" fanfic]. Cheap GTA 5 Shark Cards & More Games: https://www.g2a.com/r. Other in-game dialogue, both main mission and otherwise, suggest that Arthur was 15 when he joined Dutch's crew. There is a way, using the encounter at the Aberdeen Pig Farm. If you choose to go back for the money, Arthur heads back to the burning camp of the Van der Linde gang. And its made even more tragic by the fact that Arthur dies alone. Because of a lack of a tuberculosis cure in RDR2, Arthur becomes weaker, and so too does the gang lose its sense of strength. As Arthur's personality changes throughout the game, so does Dutch's. This includes familiar locations like the town of Blackwater, Armadillo, Tumbleweed, MacFarlane's Ranch, and Fort Mercer. There is, however, a loophole involved with avoiding Arthurs succumbing to tuberculosis in RDR2, even if its not exactly a cure. Follow him on Twitter @JonahSchuhart, or reach him by email at schuhartjh@gmail.com. 26 minutes ago, Money Over Bullsh*t said: *SPOILER* What Do We Lose, What Do We Get Back? The epic journey is nearly at its conclusion. The money too, but u will get 20k after epilogue. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Level up with the latest games and esports news, reviews and films. If Arthur had high honor when he died, then players will find the grave adorned with flowers and in pristine shape. This can happen when you hit a tree, your horse receives too much damage during a firefight or gets gravely injured by a predator. Despite its colossal world, gorgeous visuals, twisted satire, gunslinging showdowns, and plethora of things to see and do, Red Dead Redemption 2 is ultimately a story about people. Plus, if you did all the strangers as Arthur, you'll come across them as John with dialogue about the past. Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Hunting Loctions, how to get perfect pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2. There's nothing in RDR2 that even hints at the idea that Arthur can muscle through his condition, or that some hermit is hanging out in the trees, ready to cure Arthur's tuberculosis with a mystical mixture of natural herbs. The weapons u keep them all. Sadies age is never really confirmed anywhere, but the running idea is that shes somewhere in her mid-to-late 20s, so landing right in the middle is the safest bet. Hamish Sinclair, the one legged veteran who Arthur helped by lassoing his escaped horse, will take John fishing. The Ending Of Red Dead Redemption 2 Explained - SVG.com LOLSUP_IMSGOOD 4 years ago #138. The Irish wild card of the Van der Linde is saved from the government early on, only to take an errant bullet in Chapter 3. Outside of simply stopping game progress, though, theres no RDR2 tuberculosis cure. Arthur succumbs to tuberculosis and dies while watching the sun rise on a new morning. The most prominent example of this is the gang's leader, Dutch, whose moral and mental decay over time causes him to lead the gang toward danger and even betray some of his closest supporters. You can spend hours sightseeing, or completing Stranger missions, or collecting dinosaur bones, or hunting for perfect pelts. Approach the man and allow him to attack the hero (Downes attack will fail). There's cigarette cards, which you can collect and sell as a set. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. If the player has low honor, Arthur is directly betrayed by Dutch and killed by Micah, either by being stabbed or shot. All rights reserved. After Arthur dies and players take control of John Marston, Arthur's grave can be visited in the Red Dead Redemption 2 overworld. If players put effort into making Arthur a good man with their actions throughout the game, it will be reflected not only in the final moments of his life but also afterwards in the memory of NPCs. Simply put, you, Arthur Morgan, can not pick up a prostitute. Used caskets lie out in the open, presumably because the townspeople lack the time or the energy left to bury them. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. john marston gets them but you will need to do a few missions till you get them back. Arthur and Charles try to save him, but ultimately he dies from mortal wounds. What Happens to All of Arthur's Items in the Epilogue? What are secret conversations on Facebook? Josiah Trelawny left the crew after its reach its final camp, before the group got involved with the U.S. government. Unfortunately,Hamish dies and gives his beloved horse, Buell, to Arthur as a parting gift. MOST side missions - I still had the side mission with the mayor of St. Denis active when I finished Arthur's story. Admitting he liked their son, Isaac, Arthur would visit and give them money sporadically throughout the years, despite the outlaw life he was already living. There's treasure maps, and dinosaur bones. The sheer amount of content gives the game great value. Dont go back as arthur. But there is still plenty to do. Ingrobny, burger_mike and LegendarySaiyan 3 This sets up the events leading into the first game, where Ross and Fordham kidnap Jack and Abigail and force John to hunt down the remaining gang members at large. The town of Armadillo has a cholera outbreak. If you keep up with the newspapers, you can even read about Reverend Swanson, who started a new church in New York. GTANet.com 2001-2023. So, with all this information, you might be left wondering: How long does Red Dead Redemption 2 actually take to beat? Dutch knows Micah betrayed him, which is why Dutch turns his back on Micah during the good ending of Red Dead Redemption 2 after Arthur Morgan dies. A few missions into the epilogue, John does inherit all of Arthur's outfits and weapons. Red Dead Redemption 2 takes place in 1899, well before treatments like those available today were commonplace. However,the most important aspect of Arthurs tombstone is that it changes depending on whether players finished the game with high or low honor. While not part of the gang, Eagle Flies' grave can be found at Donner Falls. As there is no official . Like Sadie, Charles Smith joins Arthur on his crusade and later helps John Marston track down Micah Bell in the epilogue. Most of the early strangers' missions were driven by money for Arthur, but after the diagnosis, they turn into simply doing the right thing. The pair end up having a knife fight in the camp, with Micah gaining the upper hand and stabbing Arthur. Red Dead Redemption 2 contains quite an emotional ending, and regardless of player choice, Arthur Morgan will die. Just like in the first Red Dead Redemption, prostitution will definitely be a part of the world, but it wont be a part that you can utilize. Post Game Guide: Side Quests, Collectibles, and Things to Do After You In Red Dead Redemption 2, protagonist Arthur Morgan contracts a serious case of tuberculosis. Arthur's Money While Arthur gives John his satchel with his belongings in it, it doesn't contain all of his money. Caution: Red Dead Redemption 2 story spoilers ahead! Even more, the writing will be slightly different. Your title IS a spoiler. The biggest change in New Austin between the two games is the town of Tumbleweed, which is still populated with townsfolk and amenities but slowly becoming a ghost town. Tilly will even write you a letter, giving you additional information and context particularly about Karen, whom Tilly presumes is dead. Outside of simply stopping game progress, though, there's no RDR2 tuberculosis cure. After being ignored by Dutch and Arthur for much of the game, Molly returns drunk and angry. But if you visit Armadillo in Red Dead Redemption 2, it's a catastrophe. After chapter six, we dont actually see Dutch until the very end of epilogue two, although he can be read about in one of the newspaper reports. I was a strict "arthur's hat" guy, so I didn't pay much attention to the other ones. So what happens to Arthur's belongings in the Epilogue? As John Marston, Thomas Downes, and even Clint Eastwood's character William Munny in the film Unforgivensuggest, living as a farmhand/rancher during this time is full of low-paying, tough work. In this tale, you play as John Marston out for revenge against surviving traitor Micah Bell. He'll lose weight, become pale, and cough much more often. He's no longer acting vile to everyone, and his interactions become much more pleasant. His transformation is similar to Kurtz in Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness and its film adaptation, Apocalypse Now. You lose crafting materials I assume because they're no longer necessary. How Red Dead Redemption 2 Remembers Arthur Morgan Post-Story - ScreenRant Burial is often the simplest and most economical option. As Arthur and Lenny run across the rooftops looking for a way out, Lenny is shot by waiting Pinkertons. The answer is no. Falling from great heights is also deadly. The way it was: youd go to the aberdeen pig farm and drink. Pearson is thriving after the events of "Red Dead Redemption 2." Rockstar Games Around the ranch, you can have a fireside drink with Uncle or eat dinner at the family dinner table, but you'll. Of course, his last words also foreshadow Ross' betrayal and John's death. The leader who cared about the poor and disenfranchised sheds another layer of his identity, revealing himself to be a money-obsessed man of power, which puts him in the same lot as Leviticus Cornwall and Angelo Bronte as influential people who exploit those beneath them in order to get rich. Despite it being in the title, death is not the end in Red Dead Redemption 2. If the game's story progresses to a certain point, however, the effects of Arthur's TB will still start to set in. Alexandra is a freelance writer based in Montreal. Press J to jump to the feed. Miss Grimshaw shoots her through the chest with a shotgun to end Chapter 5. Three of those endings are easy to come by, based entirely on a choice you make towards the end of the game. Because of a cholera outbreak. Can Arthur Morgan get laid? The most iconic quote or the final words by Arthur Morgan were I gave you all I had which were also his last words to the Dutch. How do I get the symbol from phone keypad? Red Dead Redemption 2: What Happened to Sadie Adler and Charles Smith? So before you finish the mission "Red Dead Redemption," you might as well spend that saved cash. Honest, hard-working Americans were mostly unable to prosper during this time. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a sad story about the death of the frontier. After that, they will become unavailable. Although his fate is ultimately the same, Red Dead Redemption 2 players do have a choice in the way that Arthur Morgan is remembered in the world. And it's made even more tragic by the fact that Arthur dies alone. As noted in the endings above, he either dies from his tuberculosis, a bullet to the head, or a knife in the back. Also depending on your honor, you'll get an ending of Arthur's recurring dream sequences featuring either a deer getting enveloped in light (high honor) or a wolf in a storm fading into the dark (low honor), which is symbolic of his personality based on the player's honorable/dishonorable actions, and could be interpreted as Arthur going to heaven or hell due to his actions. Mary-Beth is writing trashy novels, and can be found waiting on the the train platform at Valentine. So what happens to Arthur's belongings in the Epilogue? *Spoilers* Red Dead Redemption 2 - How to Get Your Horse Back I could have been clearer about that. Reported, Can someone confirm something? Jenny Kirk's grave can be found at Spider Gorge. You'll get enough through the story. You can glitch over to that side of Rio Bravo, but there's not much there: Rockstar obviously built the stuff from a visual perspective, not a gameplay one. Even if you win, the characters involved lose, especially since many of them end up dying in Red Dead Redemption, which takes place chronologically after the sequel. If you happen to be riding Buell while fleeing the Pinkertons, it adds even heavier emotions and a deeper meaning to the horse death scene vs just a random steed you were riding. Final Fantasy 7 Aeris moment here: Arthur never walks away from either choice. All about those unique items like meteor and gold bars? This post contains major spoilers for RDR2Arthur's death in Red Dead Redemption 2 shouldn't have come as much of a surprise, even before players learn he contracted active tuberculosis. Once again, Dutch appears and Arthur fingers Micah as the Pinkerton rat. The graves of Hosea Mathews and Lenny Summers are north of Saint Denis. What happens to Arthurs horse after he dies? Heres what lies beyond. Williams is new to the journalism game, but he's been a gamer since the NES first graced American shores. I'm nearing 100% game completion and the advice I give people is this: How do you talk to someone you find attractive? So, spoiler warning from here on out. complete answer on rockstargames.fandom.com, View Can't seem to change outfits at the moment to check that. There are legendary gunslingers, whom you can duel for notoriety. Reddit community for discussing and sharing content relating to Red Dead Redemption 2 & Red Dead Online. For our Red Dead Redemption 2 guides, you can check out our main Red Dead Redemption 2 guides hub. There are no more main story missions. It's later revealed that he was captured by the Pinkertons and died during the interrogation. Arthur is characterized as the gang's muscle. KEEP . Agent Milton shoots Hosea in the chest in front of the entire gang as a warning. You lose everything at the end of the main story but get your guns back after Epilogue 1 and all your money and more back after Epilogue 2. If you played Red Dead Redemption 1, you already know what happened to them. What do you lose when Arthur dies? For her backbone, she gets shot in the gut and dies, then and there. complete answer on gamingbible.co.uk. So now it just lets me play as John Marston, but is there any way after beating the epilogue that you can play as Arthur Morgan ? That's about it, unless you also are worried about your attributes/honor rating then those reset as well. The character isn't mentioned at all in the first Red Dead Redemption, so it makes sense the prequel-sequel would follow in the footsteps of its predecessor and finish the story with the protagonist's tragic, untimely death. While the saying isnt overwhelmingly negative, it doesnt have the same positive connotations as the other tombs description. If you want to go for the White Arabian wait until the very end but there's a Black one available to buy in Saint Denis that I think is just as cool if not better. There are 16 legendary animals; it's unlikely you've bagged all of them by the time the credits roll. Prior to Leopold Strauss' debt-collection mission, Downescan be seen on a street corner taking donations for charity and breaking up a bar fight before it turned fatal. Missable Content in Redemption 2 | Red Dead Wiki | Fandom And then refilling ammo during the challenges, Gambling challenges = spending money for hours, Ammo for most challenges = spending money. Will it respawn? How to give Arthur's Money to John after Epilogue in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). The lead agent of the Pinkertons spends his time hunting down the entire Van der Linde gang, though all he really wants is Dutch. In Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Will Cry When His Horse Dies If the If you finished the game with a high Honor rating, Arthurs grave will be adorned with flowers. Red Dead Redemption 2 Missable Quests Guide - RDR2.org Unfortunately, Dutch simply treats them as pawns for another heist. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. With John- Kieran Duffy's grave is outside of Shady Belle. All Rights Reserved. Again, this is impossible. In 2018, the year Red Dead Redemption 2 was released, it's estimated that over a million people died from TB, according to a World Health Organization report. Tilly Jackson is seen after Abigail is saved from capture, ad later she appears in Saint Denis with her husband and child. Due to Arthur beating up Thomas Downes, who has Tuberculosis, under Leopold Strauss orders, while Arthur held him up against the fence, Downes coughs on him, which causes him to receive Tuberculosis. Next: Red Dead Revolver's Main Character Is Hiding In Red Dead Redemption 2, Jonah Schuhart is a Freelance Writer at Screen Rant. Unfortunately, the whereabouts of Karen Jones, who heavily descended into alcoholism near the end, are unknown. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absolutely colossal game in every sense of the word, and it's really easy to lose track of characters or plot strands. November 11, 2018 in Red Dead Redemption 2.