If the question prompts you to Calculate, you must show how you arrived at your final answer. In straightforward terms, punctuation marks are an image to make and support significance inside a sentence or to split it up. So first we need to know in order for the information to flow correctly. The negative sign shows the relationship, while the statistical significance (p < .01 or p < .05) shows whether there is a relationship or not. the rocks contain iron that points in different directions depending on earth's polarity. The writer. speech) sentence 7 (reproduced below), adjusting the punctuation as needed. In language, a clause is a constituent that connects a semantic predicand and a semantic predicate. In lines 192194, Thoreau explains what happens when an acorn and chestnut fall side by side. What is the meaning of his analogy? The algorithm's runtime has been divided into two main categories are given below. A) Kept, because it provides supporting evidence about the benefits of walking. neither black nor white but they were called Colored people, Thoreau states, When an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side bothobey their own laws (3). In sentence 7 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting City university is eager to attract new students. For the investigation, they used an instrument that evaluates satisfaction. C) Deleted, because it blurs the paragraph's main focus with a loosely related detail. $tCJh4D YU,a% AbJ$&p@f2Y3-:G`fMY^*d NRDN4t~ r2|4#La`:)30 + Using the given answer choices A. Reverence can be a feeling of awe, and it can also describe how you feel about something, especially. r your school magazine. A) Kept, because it provides a detail that supports the main topic of the paragraph. The variations in both anxiety levels and GPA may not be due to each other's influences, but perhaps instead caused by other age-related experience variables such as social media use. Yes, because the information is not relevan, The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion.Should the writer make this deletion?$$\begin{array}{l}{\text { F. Yes, because , The writer is considering revising this sentence by deleting the underlined portion. A. The author also notes that the Yard's actions played a significant role in the success of the convoy system, which helped to protect supplies and troops being transported across the Atlantic. (B) Yes, because the information diminishes the musicalaccomplishments and successes of Cab Calloway. All of the sources say that students learn in different ways. (8) Confirmation bias has also been shown to affect completely inconsequential decisions, as in. So this sentence is not directly relevant to this purpose for this purpose. For example, the author notes that the Yard's workforce grew from 2,500 workers to over 20,000, and that the Yard's production of ships and submarines increased dramatically. The author then describes specific events and changes that occurred at the Navy Yard during the war. This textbook answer is only visible when subscribed! Educator app for What was Trevor Noah alluding when he states, There were mixed kids in South Africa nine months after the first Dutch boats hit the Beach in Table Bay. The writer is considering deleting the previous sentence. The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 7 (reproduced below), adjusting the punctuation as needed. Which of the following best describes why DDT is classified as a Persistent Organic Pollutant? . The results indicate that the senior-students are happier than the first-year students, for that the university officials conclude that the students are happier when they attend university for a longer time. The average sale price (online) for four year old harley davidson touring motorcycles is approximately normally distributed with a mean of $14,000 and a standard deviation of $4,000.a) molly has saved up $15,000 to spend on a motorcycle. The acorn and the chestnut are two individuals that are uniquein their own way yet had the same result. Is incorrect because the information does relate to the topic and we can also eliminate Choice B. Should the sentence be kept or deleted? We can tell that the two variables (anxiety and academic performance) have a negative relationship from its correlation coefficient (-.64). Punctuation fills our composition with quiet inflection. ;mA&%%cc]4Bhc(_TB0r..0M.0RT and patrons alike and getting everyone talking. A Kept, because it provides a detail that supports the main topic of the paragraph B Kept, because it sets up the main topic of the paragraph that follows C Deleted, because it blurs the paragraph's main focus with a loosely related detail D 2020 Practice Exam 2 MCQ Flashcards | Quizlet So this is a grammatical question about riding strategy. Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text? The dependent variable is a variable that could change due to the independent variable. In sentence 7 (reproduced below), the writer is considering adding the parenthetical phrase " (another hazard to humans in cars)" after the word "off." In fact, often street lights are shut off in order to decrease the number of mayflies congregating near them. Overall, the author develops the significance of the Boston Navy Yard's transformation during World War I by providing historical context, describing specific events and changes at the Navy Yard, and highlighting the impact of the Yard's actions on the war effort. Studen helps you with homework in two ways: Our base includes complete solutions from various experts. That is exactly the probability reported by the business journal. endstream endobj 182 0 obj <> endobj 183 0 obj <> endobj 184 0 obj <>stream The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Coming directly after a sentence that discusses jobs. Anxiety is the anxiety score summed from the research subjects' responses to the anxiety scale. Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text? This suggests that perhaps the runtime specified seems to be of a polynomial category, therefore means that even this technique executes within a rational period. We have more than 5 000 verified experienced expert. This comparison is made through two elements that have nothing in common, but that the author uses to create a new meaning about one of them. Should the writer add this sentence after sentence 3? Keep it, because it provides examples that help explain the scientific. the rocks change shapes as a result of the pushing and pulling of seafloor spreading. Keep it, because it provides sensory details that help the writer illustrate the. It contributes to the interpretation of the findings by discussing whether: (1) The measurement used is appropriate for the research conducted. You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology. the rocks are composed of different materials depending on when they formed. then she got a treat every third time she completed the entire behavior correctly. A. Marlow says that an uncivilized place "has a fascinationof the abomination. 21 We're talking about ways that we address environmental problems, 22 um, how we can stop polluting the environment and the waterways. PDF SAT 2015 Practice Test #1 | SAT Suite of Assessments - The College Board 14 In sentence 3 reproduced below the writer is considering deleting If they're telling us is well worth 13 the effort we D we should expect the paragraph to talk about the benefits. Use or distribution of these materials online or in print beyond your. Games are the learn to mistakes not to repeated. Yeah. In paragraph 12, how does the phrase well head north again, in other words, to the land of sensible people impact the passage? And finally Choice D. Is incorrect as well because um other information also tells us how far Calloway came in his life. endstream endobj startxref Write a dialogue between two friends who are talking about their preparation for final Examination.. Just like in America, the colonists here had their way with the native women, as colonist often do (21). So this is about development for development questions we have to consider context. VIDEO ANSWER: all right, So Number eight The sentencing question is another British fantasy writer, C. S. Lewis, acknowledged the fact that he felt indebted to George McDonald. So this is about development for development questions we have to consider context. 4 And so if we read on in this paragraph, we can see all the 5 benefits of Greek yogurt, right? 0 The writer is considering deleting the underlined independent - BRAINLY This is convenient to attract new students and not change to another study center. SOLVED:The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence The same goes for people; for those reachingthe same goal as another, it is much better to do it under your qualities and your own way.The purpose of this passage was for Thoreau to inform his audience on his viewson the government and its negative affects on civilization. 14. We need this explanation Otherwise readers would be confused. Explain the analogy and what it reveals about her experience as a young woman in Pakistan. Za`og Fi6U?A This is why it is possible to describe the relationship with either option (A) or (B). (11) But, when the stakes are high, the risks of making biased decisions are simply too great. A. Marlow says that an uncivilized place "has a fascinationof the abomination. This means you have to revisit each story and tell rather the narrator or Farquhar is telling the story and explain how in the notes on perspective box. This will then be: Lastly, the third quartile value when added to 1.5 x IQR will be equal to: Therefore, $25,000 is considered an outlier because it is greater than $24792. Include correctly labeled diagrams, if useful or required, in explaining your answers. (5) Confirmation, bias has been found to affect the decisions of doctors, judges, and jurors. So this sentence is not directly relevant to this purpose for this purpose. The writer is considering deleting the underlined independent clause in sentence 7 (reproduced below), In a classic experiment, students who watched their schools compete in a football game subsequently. Who is Mr. Turner's Ben, and how did he learn how to read? Take this to my army. Mhm. So we're gonna consider the function of that sentence, and we would lose anything as a reader from it being gone. it is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. 2. The writer is considering deleting the underlined independent clause in sentence 7 (reproduced below), adjusting the punctuation as necessary. Most people cant resist immediately checking their phones each time they, scientists believe that compulsion is caused by a. So first we need to know in order for the information to flow correctly. Also remember that this is not causation - we do not know which variable causes changes at the other. Include notes on whether and how perspective shifts within each part of the story. A) Kept, because it provides a logical transition between ideas in the paragraph. (12) An example of a high-. what proportion of the available motorcycles of this type can she afford? 19 So let's see what this previous paragraph is about. AP Lang MCQ Flashcards | Quizlet The writer is considering adding the following sentence to the passage after sentence 3. (13) Fortunately, there are techniques, like those used by Warren Buffett (born in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1930) when he makes his financial decisions, that, can minimize the risks of confirmation bias. The 30th percentile for the prices of motorcycles of this type corresponds to a value of Z = -0.52. The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 10 (reproduced below) from the sentence.Participants often reported feeling more neuroticanxious or worriedthan the observers believed.Should the writer delete the underlined text? They also the gain the experience. A. What is the passage or the broader context saying and what is the function of the underlying portion? Keep it, because it provides logical support for the claim made in sentence 2 that lack of sleep causes serious health and business issues. In the passage Boston Navy Yard and the Great War, 1914-1918, the author describes the history of the Boston Navy Yard. In sentence 7 (reproduced below), the writer wants to provide another piece of relevant evidence to elaborate on the claim made in the previous sentence about how subsequent research seemed to confirm the Nemesis theory. The writer is considering deleting the previous sentence - Toppr Please subscribe to view the answer, The writer is considering deleting the following clause from the preceding sentence (placing a period after the word racetrackwhere he walked , The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion. Sometimes enemies __ the messenger, but the enemies couldn't read the message because they didn't know the secret code. (3) Confirmation bias, which describes the human, tendency to interpret new information in a way that supports our preexisting beliefs, makes people tend to accept. once DDT enters an ecosystem/trophic structure, it gets worse as you go up the trophic levels; in other words, this means that the worst effects/concentrations of the pesticide will be felt in the uppermost trophic levels (your consumers rather than producers). With its restrictions, peoplecannot fully live up to their potential because the bureaucracy will always limit them.Thoreau wants his audience to become successful in their own manor and uses theserhetorical devices to sync with his readers. Is incorrect because the information does relate to the topic and we can also eliminate Choice B. And then off then we can understand that Calloway um spend time at the racetrack. B. C. And D. So each of them expressed an opinion on the question and follow up following reasoning. It is as if a great earthen pot has dropped from an unreachable rafter. Write an essay in the space below analyzing how the author develops the significance of the Boston Navy Yard s transformation over the course of the passage. The effect here is that the reader believes Farquhar has truly escaped and made it home. 23 And so if we look at our topic sentence, we says, we see the, 24 it says, though, these conservation methods can be costly. what change have they observed in her? Forest kindergartens have been popular in Europe for decadesGermany, for instance, has over 1,000 such schoolsbut only a handful currently exist in the United States. To generate objective knowledge about any area it is important to use the scientific method. Explain the analogy and what it reveals about her experience as a young woman in Pakistan. Coming directly after a sentence that discusses jobs. The writer is considering deleting the following clause from the preceding sentence (placing a period after the word racetrack): where he walked horses to keep them in good shape. 25 The conservation methods are what we talked about in the previous paragraph. The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Our brains are aroused each time our phones buzz because of the unpredictability of what pops up on the screen: since any alert might signal something extraordinary, dopamine is released each time even though most alerts don't amount to much. The author begins by providing historical context for the Boston Navy Yard, describing its establishment in 1801 and its role as a major naval shipyard for the United States. Behavioral shaping is a conditioning procedure where the reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of a desired behavior. The phrase above was uttered by the Canadian in the book, "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas Revised" By Jules Verne. she administered a survey to 127 participants from her universitys student subject pool. Should the sentence be kept or deleted? 6 0 obj We want to know if the if we should delete the underlying portion. The A. C. T. Practice tests five we're told that the writer is considering making a deletion. one strategy the university has chosen to attract new students is to demonstrate to prospective students the happiness of its current students (operationally defined as how the students rated their satisfaction with various services offered by the university on a scale of 110). Jennifer guided Sasha closer and closer to completing a behavior correctly, thus utilizing shaping in order to bring the puppy closer to what she wanted. c) show that a motorcycle priced at $25,000 would be considered an outlier by the 1.5 x iqr rule. Interpretation is usually done during the discussion part of a research journal, after the statistical results have been reported. The messenger jumped on a horse and __ to where the army was fighting. A. DDT is able to persist in an environment (as a pollutant) in part due to a phenomenon known as biological magnification. (15) The second is to test our beliefs by seeking out points of view that differ. The writer is advised to Keep it, because it provides support for the sentences claim that forest kindergartens are popular in Europe. These materials are part of a College Board program. schools participation in the program is prohibited. dr. aguilera conducts psychological research that examines factors associated with college student academic performance. Most people can't resist immediately checking their phones each time they buzz, chirp, or chime, and scientists believe that compulsion is caused by a brain chemical called dopamine. information that confirms what they already believe and reject information that undermines those beliefs.