-Maybe one of us should go talk to him, suggested Leni. Would you be interested? Meanwhile his sisters, sans Lily were sitting in the living room, still feeling flabbergasted by Lincoln's outburst. The next day the circus performers had set up the big top in the next town, and were all practicing their acts for the next show. And I promise, that I will never treat you so horribly, ever again. -Let me handle this girls, said Lynn Sr., What this needs is a little father-son time.. the water an unnamed officer gave Lynch was poisoned when they pour the remains of it in a potted plant, and it immediately withers and dies. Lincoln found a another motel, and went in. Lincoln Loud & Justice League Lincoln Loud Son Goku (Dragon Ball) Broly (Dragon Ball) Bruce Wayne Clark Kent Diana Prince Multiple Crossovers Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Harem Living with 10 sisters, Lincoln was used to crazy things happening to him. Rita: He has to stay in bed, because he is sick. -It's been a blast buddy, said Skip, as he gave Lincoln a big hug. -Oh man this is it Lincoln, said Lincoln to himself. -Yeah! -How dare you? shouted Lola, as she and Lori argued. The rest of the circus folk all headed to the dining tent, while Lincoln looked to the audience, I'm home! said Lincoln happily, as he went to join the rest of the circus family in the dining tent. -Another great show, said Mr. Rolan, as all of them were in the dining tent. When his stomach grumbled, he got up on his crutches and tried to go outside. Lori: No I did not say that he was feeling literally under the weather. Lincoln Loud/Luna Loud - Works | Archive of Our Own Lana: Then if this is a mystery, then there's clues!, I'll go find some! I will get you a pail. -WHERE IS HE? said all of the sisters, as they all came up to the door. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS LINCOLN! The Loud House: Broken (REMASTERED) 11 parts. Later that night, Lori was in her room, texting on her phone). And let me tell you, I love Lori, I love all of my sisters, but if I had to say which sister makes me annoyed all the time, it would be Lori. -But when all is said and done, we're always there for each other, and always remember the most important thing in life, is family, said Ezra. Now kid you want to tell us why you're snooping around here?. The Palmers and Lincoln, along with the monkeys and Daisy all went out to perform their act, which began with the group of monkeys doing their first trick with all of them doing flips to construct a monkey pyramid, with all six monkeys, and Bongo being at the very top. En un mundo postapocalptico, Lori Loud, la ltima superviviente de la familia Loud, lucha por permanecer con vida. Lori: Easy Linc, you can't go downstairs with those crutches. leniloud theloudhouse lisaloud +14 more # 2 Lincoln: Loud Ace Of Crime by Alex Debi 28.6K 358 53 I AM a Monster! Lori: Hey Lana, you look like you're having fun (All of Lana's animal friends began to growl at her, to which she quickly ran back inside. Before he left, he walked into Lisa and Lily's room to say goodbye to Lily. -What are you doing here? shouted a circus barker, as Lincoln ran to get away from him. One day, his parents find a girl living on the streets- and adopt her as a surprise for the Loud kids. Can you let me check your tummy. I said Lincoln could come in here! Bongo then began his solo act with Skip and Lincoln, as he went onto the beach ball and began to balance on it, while Skip and Lincoln tossed him the spheres to juggle. Leni you're brilliant, said Lori as she called Lincoln's smart phone. After which Mr. and Mrs. Palmer began the next trick, with them setting up hoops, and the monkeys all leaping through the hoops; followed by the monkeys trowing spheres through the hoops with the Palmers and Lincoln catching them, and then throwing them to Daisy, who caught them all in a bucket. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth living with ten sisters for here. Lincoln: That's why my family needs a doctor in the house. And on the bright side, it's always great to have someone who's got your back. I WAS supposed to watch the finale of my favorite TV show, but Lori always takes up that time because since she thinks she's the oldest, she's the boss around here. Things get worse when the poor boy is gunned by a criminal (and survives to disown almost the whole family): now the family must be prepared to face the consequences of their actions; at the same time, it becomes clear there was more behind Lincoln getting shot than the boy simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. One Boy, Eleven Girls! We should like, do it again sometime! Your family is even bigger than mine, and you all get along great. It's going to be great having another kid in this show, Skip. Lisa: Okay Lincoln. Lynn: Oh really? -Goodnight Lincoln! said the Palmers in unison. Lincoln is moved back into the house, all his things are back where they belong, and most of the family have made peace with him; however, Lynn Jr. still makes him wear the squirrel suit to her games to bring her luck. Hurt (a Loud House fanfiction) - alex9076 - Wattpad Lincoln took the slide down, and as he walked off, he took one last look at the house, and seemed to really be thinking about what he's doing, but he finally turned around, and walked off. Lincoln turned towards his family, Lincoln: (angry), I don't want to see, or talk to any of you, and with that, he turned around, and headed upstairs, as his entire family sat there completely speechless. -Yeah! Lincoln Loud, A boy who is mistreated by his family and friends because his 'BAD LUCK' thanks to his sister Lynn jr who blamed him for loosing a baseball game (stupid ri What if Lincoln can feel the force? He couldn't even hear the words she was speaking even though he was this close, it was like his mind just blacked her voice out. Married to a Malfoy. He needs a lot of rest. These are recommendations made by Tropers for The Loud House fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. -Mr Rolan, you got to come see what Lincoln can do, said Bruno. (Luan continues to laugh til a fly comes into her mouth choking her to death Lola starts laughing mencingly), Lola: Because your a boy, and boys are gross, and mean, and ugly, Lola: Dang it Lincoln! This is Episode Fanfiction Careful or Careless. -Wow I didn't know Lisa still had this installed here. Daisy is really cool, said Lincoln, I love working with her, Just then Daisy came by and picked up Lincoln. Back at home, Lori was waiting anxiously on the couch. -Everybody, I have something I need to tell you, said Lincoln as he walked into the dining tent. -Lincoln, why would you runaway from home like that? asked Mr. Palmer. -This is all our fault, said Lori, about to break into tears. Leni, Lucy and Lisa are the only ones not fighting while watching and Leni deciding to speak up. But Lori? Let me get Mr. Rolan, said Bruno, as he walked out of the big top to inform Mr. Rolan. (Lori picked Lincoln up and threw him towards his room. -Don't you have a home and a family? asked the man from the primate act. However, Lori came in and immediately put Lincoln back onto his bed). -Keep it, as a token to remember us by, said Mr. Rolan. 12 Kudos: 9 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 579 One Helluva Loud House by Geo_Soul Well, here's my 7th fanfic. The acrobats came on next with the high wire act, and afterwards came a trapeze show, and concluded with the acrobats all leaping from a seesaw, with two of them being on the bottom while, the third leaped, and was held up by the other two. It's just a mix of everything he could find in the house that can (somewhat) save him from some bruises, like Lynn's football helmet, kitchen gloves, bubble wrap, and some thick jacket. So I had to do something about it. But today, there's not really much to do. You're the best surrogate family a boy could ask for., -Here you are Lincoln, said Mr. Palmer, as he handed Lincoln a gift basket. My name is Lincoln, Lincoln Loud. (Lynn and Lucy followed their parents home. Rita: I will call your teacher and tell her that you aren't feeling so good. (Lincoln dies, Lola laughs at his dead body, Leni comes in to the living room, Lola quickly throws the gun away). Believe it or not, but I feel teary eyed every time I re-read the part where Lincoln has his goodbye scene with the circus. Lincoln jumped in his makeshift protective suit. (Lana starts to sniff on the floor til she finds something). Lynn went into Lincoln's room, and noticed the walkie talkie was still there, and used it to call Clyde. Lori: Lincoln, I was being stupid. Lori looked really upset and guilty over what she just did to Lincoln. We'll supply all of you with passes to attend the show. Lisa: Let me listen to your heart Lincoln. Several other students were wounded. Rita was at home with the twins, who were too young to go at the time. Lynn and Lucy then headed upstairs to their rooms). The Loud House Fic: Unsuited - DeviantArt You know I didn't mean to hurt Lincoln like that! To complete the purchase of the only car that is within her reach, after several failed jobs, Lori Loud begins her most aggressive plan: She will become an elegant maid to attend to her embittered neighbor in his needs. With all of the family love he had seen by the circus folk, and how family is very important to them, he began to miss his own family, and he finally listened to all of the voicemails they had left on his phone. I can't let the same thing happen between me and Lincoln. -I can't just go back home, not knowing where my poor little brother is, said Leni, as she started to cry. (Leni headed downstairs, while Lori looked really upset. You're probably wondering why I'm upset. Lisa: Luna, Carribean is a set of islands. (to Lincoln) You've really done it this time, twerp! Just then Lincoln heard music in the distance, and went over to see what it was. Lincoln: (frustrated) May I please be excused?. The finale with the entire cast of the circus came to a musical end, and the big top exploded with thunderous cheers and applause from the entire crowd. -Maybe your stupid pranks are what drove him away, said Luna to Luan. You physically injured your own brother. (Flashback to show Lincoln on the couch, watching TV. -Yes, and ever since Lincoln showed up I believe we've been getting the biggest reception we've ever gotten for our act, said Mr. Palmer. Rita: I think you may need a cup of hot chicken noodle soup. I better keep my eye out. -Ha, ha, ha, ha! laughed Luan. Leni ran over to Lori and she also hugged him very tightly, I totes missed you the most Lincoln, said Leni as she also teared up. -Don't worry Lincoln, we'll be back in Royal Woods next year, said Bruno. -No, I'm ecstatic. There's no telling where he could be, said the second cop, but not to worry, we're spreading the word throughout the county, and all the neighboring towns should be alerted as soon as possible.. -They love me! thought Lincoln to himself, I'm finally home! Lincoln was happy, as the receptive crowd applauded them. (voice breaks) And all the things I accidentally did to your things?! (Lynn and Lucy walked outside the room, where Lynn Sr. and Rita are standing). there is an actual Loud house movie, you'll need to have seen at least the beginning to undserstand this story. Lincoln: (takes his medicine) Hey. Then, the others came back home). Okay, when I first watch this episode, I was infuriated how this blunder turns out. After a while of playing the game, Lincoln gets up from the bed and stretches). Lincoln is still in bed. Lisa: I will be right back. Later that night, Lori headed into her room to get ready for bed, when she noticed that Leni was taking her pillows and blanket off her bed). -I love all of you to, said Lincoln, as he and his family all engaged in one last group hug. Once he reached the bottom, he became unconscious), (The other sisters heard the sound of Lincoln falling down the stairs, which alerted them to come out of their rooms to see what happened), (Luna runs off-screen to get the phone, while the rest of his sisters try to aid him. (Yes, NSL, STFU). -You've always been good to me Lily, said Lincoln, as he lay Lily down into her crib. qu pasar con las dems cuando la polica arresta a sus padres por negligencia?, sera un camino largo y dificil para que todos encuentren el bienestar perdido y el amor. Lori: That phone cost me EIGHT-HUNDRED DOLLARS! Lincoln got tossed, and he went through the hoop successfully, and the crowd was amazed and applauded. STAY, OUT, OF MY ROOM!! The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lily began crying, and Lincoln picked her up, and made her stop crying. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (20), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Satoshi no Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu, La Divertida Experiencia De Linka Y Claire, Lincoln Loud/Original Female Character(s), Alternate Universe - The Sin Kids (The Loud House), More tags to be added if I can be bothered, Dulce Dulce Halloween, chicas y das festivos, Loud House Movie Alternative Ending Creepypasta Role Play offer, The Loud House: We will Survive (Lincori), relationship tags and rating subject to change, I AM AWAKE AT 1:56 AM WRITING THIS HELP ME, Natalie Ouellette | Clockwork/Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack/Nina Hopkins | Nina the Killer, Jane Arkensaw | Jane the Killer/Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer/Liu Woods | Homicidal Liu, Nina Hopkins | Nina the Killer/Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer, BEN (BEN Drowned)/Sally Williams (Creepypasta), Jane Arkensaw | Jane the Killer/Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer, Jane Arkensaw | Jane the Killer/Eyeless Jack, Eclipsa Butterfly/Moon Butterfly/Marco Diaz, Zalgo (Creepypasta)/Original Female Character(s). The antics of the clown act really went well with the crowd, as the whole big top erupted with laughter. Lisa: Lincoln is sick so I need some medicine for him. Now, GET OUT OF MY ROOM! The Loud family were renowned for their large family with even larger personalities, so whenever anyone drove by, the house was almost always the source of chaos, commotion and general noise in one form or another. Lori: Girls! I AM a monster! . Lincoln: (cowered in fear) Please don't hurt me again! Lincoln where are you? he asked, as he noticed a lot of Lincoln's belongings were missing, and he saw a note on his bed. Reposted from AFF, and based off of assembled greenposts done for TLVG, enjoy nine chapters (plus a bonus chapter!) When Lincoln comes back home, I'm going to do everything I can to help Lincoln get better, then maybe he will forgive me. (sighs) But don't worry girl, I've got a plan. We may be a family, but at the same time we are also a business., -Yes Lincoln, it's not always smiles for us, said Mr. Palmer. The grand finale was a stunt man getting fired out of a cannon. -I missed you guys too, replied Lincoln. He had suffered through so much, Sister Fight Protocol, Bad Luck, everything that was thrown at Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't have and runs away he returns 9 years later a changed man haven seen much After years of abuse from his family Lincoln finally snapped and goes on a crime spree. -Put him down, said the ringmaster, and the barker put Lincoln down. Lincoln: (rises from his bed) I don't feel so good. They're actually funny, said Lola. Lisa: It is a flashlight and I am gonna need it. Lori: I do, but I've literally had to risk everything I love just for him. -The kid's impressive, said Bruno. Lori: Yeah, but I've got some important business to do. Lincoln followed the Palmers into their tent, where he also got to meet the monkeys and gorilla that they use in their act. Rita: Lincoln is not feeling so good. The rest of the girls all nodded, and Leni's words gave them all hope. Lori: Looks like spirits are starting to sink. . I've had to do all of these nice things for Lincoln, and some of it's been a struggle! As a result Lincoln gets shot while wandering the streets at night. -Yes! replied Lincoln, and the waitress happily filled his glass. Lincoln Loud (A loud house Wall-E. by Ethan Deemer 25.5K 361 17 In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his paren. It took me quite a while to finish it, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had thinking up this story which originated from a thought I had about the possibility of there being an episode where Lincoln runs away. -Would you look at that, said Mr. Palmer, she doesn't usually take to strangers so quickly.. Lincoln: (breathes in) Alright, I'll go in there, but I have to be very careful if Lori shows up. Now, since it's so boring in here, I've asked everyone in the house if they wanted to do something, but they're all too busy at the moment. Chapter 9 ends with Simon Lynch confessing to Stone and Brookes. Lisa: Lincoln, I need to check your temperature so please open wide. blackpool north pier fishing permit; bradley cooper parents; best prepaid debit card to avoid garnishment I never came to this realization, until weeks into planning this. He picked up the note, and let out a huge scream. -HEY! complained Luan, as her sisters just laughed, while Luan sat there with her arms crossed. Lori: Uhh, hey Lincoln! Protocol Practice. -Yeah we appreciate for what you did for my baby boy, said Mrs. There weren't too many people who shared Lynn's vast enthusiasm for sports, except for, maybe, her father, Lynn Loud Sr. -Everybody! shouted the ticket guy, as he entered the tent, Lincoln isn't an orphan he. The primate act drew to a close, and then Mr. Rolan came back out, and with the rest of the cast all prepared to do the finale to close the show for the night. Lisa: I heard that someone is not feeling very well. Why are you disguised like that? This made Lynn angry. We've got a spectacular lineup for you tonight folks, so let's get started.. One of the issues I always had with The Loud House was that I always found Lori to be a very bossy and disrespectful character most of the time, hence why she's easily my least favorite sister. Maybe we should tell him that his favorite TV show got a renew. I'm sorry! He came across one, and went into the office. -They're on their way to Royal Woods now, and they wont be here until late tonight. It would be awesome to see Lincoln in the circus, said Lana. Lisa: Doctor Lisa is here. I mean, just look at what happened tonight, and look at us now, bickering over whose fault it is. We thought we'd never see you again, said all of his sisters and parents, as they all crowded around Lincoln hugging him. -Okay Lincoln now it's time for your new trick with Daisy, uttered Skip, as Mr. Palmer brought out a big hoop. -Whoa! said Lynn, completely amazed, but when her sisters saw her Lynn's expression of amazement turned into disinterest. I can't let it happen, not again! Lori: Rule number one, keep a closer eye on your stupid spider! -Well girls, your dinner is in the dining room if you want it, said Rita, as both their parents walked out of the room. And Lynn Sr goes to work. Pero con su corazn puro demostrara lo que es capas de hacer ju Lincoln's life changes when a woman comes to adopt him when he was left to die in a squirrel suit. Turns out there was a circus in town, and Lincoln decided to go check it out. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use. The Loud Family were all happy to hear Lincoln was safe, and that they would be seeing him soon. the loud house fanfiction lincoln heartbroken Friend #1: You don't care about me! CartoonsLoud House Follow/FavOne-shot collection By:nightmareking A series of one-shots centered around the Loud kids. -I forgive you guys, said Lincoln, as they all embraced him while Lori was still holding him. Well, here's my 7th fanfic. Work Search: Loud attempted to end it. Are you ready to see me bench press this bench with some of my circus co-stars sitting on it? Ezra sat in the middle of the bench, while an acrobat, and the female clown were sitting on the two ends. Well, I decided to take that negative feedback into mind and design a story where Lori's behavior ends . He looked out, and saw a rat near his room), (The rat suddenly ran off, and into Lori and Leni's room), (Lincoln quickly ran into the basement, and grabbed a small net, just the right size to catch the rat). Check, Polo? I'm sure of it, and I know we'll find him, and when that time comes we will make up, and everything will be alright again. said Leni. I wish there's some way to get away from all of this, and to just live a nice, peaceful life., Lincoln continued to to sit there angrily, and trying to think of a way out of his predicament. I know there are quite a few Pokemon x Loud House stories, but this one is a little different. " Simon Lynch's boss wanted him dead after Lincoln was shot: he hoped his mole Aaron could get the job done before the police would arrest and interrogate Lynch, but Aaron was too late for that. Ongoing. -There's nothing like my family seeing me as a circus star, said Lincoln as he looked to the audience. Lincoln: L-Lori? -We can't believe what an amazing show you put on for us Lincoln, said Lynn Sr. very proudly, but anyway, I believe it's time to go now son.. Completed theloudhouse love klynn +1 more # 17 Pokemon: The Loudest Ranger by Hollowhunter2 10.1K 333 13 Title idea from @Lance1889 check his stories out. Lisa: Whoa. and to also find out who hired the crook to shoot him in order to prove to him of this. Slag off! Lisa: But that doesn't mean you have the flu. Afterwards, I probably would've gone back to doing what I love doing most! Finally, Lori started crying on her pillow). -Thanks! said Lincoln, as he began to tear up. But, Lynn and Lucy's door was open when Lincoln was thrown. -We'll also keep in touch, and call you from time to time, said Tobias. It's kind of a shame too, because it's always a lot of fun spending time with my sisters. What I'm trying to say here is, Lincoln, I love you, and as your older sister, I should've been better towards you. -What happened? asked all of the sisters in unison. Takes place after no such luck. Lincoln continued to partake with Skip in their primate act, and even joined in with Bongo during his and Skip's act, where Bongo balances on a beach ball, while Skip and Lincoln toss him spheres for Bongo to juggle. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Lincoln: This is odd. Meanwhile, back in Royal Woods the Loud sisters sat in the living room completely depressed, after a week of their brother missing. Lisa: Throat is pretty swollen up and mangled. -Goodness Leni, that was quite profound, said Lisa. Lola. Hey, it's says here your from Royal Woods, and that's the next stop on our tour. (The shotter is revealed to be Lola) Lola: You are DEAD! -And you Lynn, said Lana, always hitting him, here see how you like it, and she shoved Lynn. -Maybe some entertainment will help, said Lincoln. Leni: Yeah! Well, I decided to take that negative feedback into mind and design a story where Lori's behavior ends up hurting someone she loves. (Lori patted Lincoln on the head, then took her broken phone downstairs). Lisa: Mom. Rated: Fiction M- English - Chapters: 578 - Words: 366,525 - Reviews: 6,978- Favs: 352 - Follows: 369 - Updated: 11/26/2020- Published: 9/17/2016- id: 12153129 + - Full3/41/2 ExpandTighten It's my room too, you know! Lincolnloud Stories - Wattpad The people all sat down, as Mr. Rolan came out to announce the show. -This house felt empty without you Lincoln, said Leni, as the whole family got close to Lincoln. Quite a number of Lincoln's friends and acquaintances were all there including: Clyde, Harold and Howard McBride, Bobby, Ronnie Anne, Maria, Arturo, the Casagrandes, Sid, Adelaide, Stanley and Becca Chang, Mr. Grouse, Mrs. Johnson and her mom, her new boyfriend, Norm the Janitor, Coach Pacowski, Nurse Patti, Principal Huggins, Cheryl, Stella, Ken and Judy Zhau, Liam and his Mee Maw, Zach, Mr and Mrs Gurdle, Rusty, Rocky, Rodney Spokes, Katherine Mulligan, Girl Jordan, Mollie, Carol Pingrey, Becky, Tad, Roger, Jackie, Mandee, Sam and Simon Sharp, Mazzy, Sully, Chunk, Benny Stein, the Drama Club, Francisco, Margo Roberts, Elliot, Maddie, Kaito, Lainey, Alice, Nadia, Theo, Darcy Holmandollar, Meli Ramos, Kotaro, Grant, the Yates', Paula, Pop Pop, Myrtle, the Residents of Sunset Canyon and all of Lincoln's classmates.