more eager to forgive Tory and accept her help. Distracted, Miguel ends up speeding through a yellow light and Daniel warns him on what to do if he were to take Sam out on drives. Sam and Robby's family situations couldn't be more different. In the community hearing about the tournament, Councilperson Roberts is summarizing that the All Valley Tournament should be banned because of the school brawl and the City Council thinks that karate is the problem, but then Miguel shows up. Ace Degenerate; Strike First; Esqueleto; . Eli joins Cobra Kai after witnessing Miguel using his skills from Cobra Kai training to beat up Kyler and his gang. Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) stood in front of his karate students and opened up about a dark and painful time in his past the time he joined the Cobra Kai dojo. As the relationships between Miguel and Tory and Sam and Robby progress, they cross paths at the roller-skating rink where Tory works. She kept shaking her head and saying she couldn't believe the odds of doing this cut twice. Hi allHope u all well and good. Awards Affiliation I left the industry at some point to become a Fireman and Aux. They meet in the school's cafeteria, where Demetri introduces them, and immediately become friendly due to being somewhat outsiders and bullied by Kyler and his gang. The Karate Kid (1984) - IMDb As Kyler becomes aggressive, Miguel inserts himself and easily disarms Kyler and the others that attempt to aid the bully. Menu. He . The Artist Librarian's New Hair - Karate Kid Style: Fandom Friday After Miguel is able to walk again, he returns to school, where he is welcomed back by Hawk. Currently, he is the best of top tier younger fighters on the show. Despite their love of karate, sharing a karate style and a mentor in Miyagi-Do and Daniel, and. Favourite Miguel hairstyle. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from With Miguel initially being upset over his breakup with Sam, Tory, who had joined Cobra Kai and taken interest in Miguel, helps him get over his breakup. He recruits Johnny's help once again, this time, forming a new dojo away from the merciless teachings of John Kreese. Strike first, strike hard, no mercy! Sam, however, has bad blood with Tory and disapproves of Miguel dating her. During the fight, him and Sam are the referees for the match. According to IMDB, the Cobra Kai dojo is physically located at 25002 Victory Blvd. Miyagi's karate focuses on defense, avoiding attacks, and counterstriking. During the flight, under is mom's urges, Dre attempted to say (Chinese for: "How are you?") Back at Miyagi-Do dojo, Miguel and Sam are chatting and celebrating their accomplishment of saving the tournament, and Miguel jokingly gives Sam a hard time about Miyagi-Do. I have spent the last 20+ years in the salon industry, tech and fashion. However, this backfires, as an enraged Robby attacks Miguel and Miguel flips over a railing, rendering him unconscious and severely injuring his spine. However, while being repeatedly hit by Kyler, Miguel remembers the encouragement Johnny gave him while in the coma and his dream about competing in the tournament, as well as imagining Robby as his opponent. Star Trek: The Next Generation did not have a well-received first few seasons, but the show dramatically improved around the time actor Jonathan Frakes grew out his facial hair, so when a show finds its voice, it's called "growing the beard.". Dre later faces off with Cheng, who easily wins the first round, knocking Dre off the mat. Mr. Han made a deal with Master Li which meant that Cheng and his friends will not bother him so that gives Dre time to train since Mr. Han finally agrees to train him. Thanks to his patient prodding, Samantha finds the strength to listen to Tory. Many people felt thatstartedthe demise of the series, giving us the phrase "jump the shark." The fight ends but Miguel leaves Miyagi-Do after realizing the merge failed. After defeating her ex-boyfriend Kyler and his gang during the lunch altercation, the two go on a date and become a couple. Before the finals, Miguel and Sam reconcile and takes an Uber home. Despite Hawk's abrasive personality and actions, as well as the two getting into a fight over Mr. Miyagi's Medal of Honor that Hawk stole, they remain close friends. Hawk offers to go practice at a Chinese restaurant, but Miguel tells him his mom has to pick him up. Miguel still does not see this as justifying the fight Tory caused and the brutality with which she fought Sam, and he tells her that she needs help, which angers Tory, as she feels he is calling her crazy. He sends her some apology texts, but she doesn't respond. (initially unaware until the end of Season 5 that the match had been fixed by Silver and she should've won). Dre shows her what a pinky swear is and they share a kiss. As he writhes in pain, the medic tends to Miguel's injury. The second round theb takes place with Cheng fighting on the offensive, much to Dre's advantage he defends well and uses his flexibility to sleep the latter's leg and strike him in the face, with Dre winning the round and making the score 1-1. So, he then persuades Carmen that she should let him back into his dojo and he promises not to fail him. Daniel LaRusso "The Karate Kid" Haircut Breakdown - YouTube The referee of the final match between Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence was Pat E. Johnson, who not only was a former student of Chuck Norris, he also was the martial arts choreographer for The Karate Kid. Miguel compares the situation to the merge and how they need to put his and Daniel's differences aside in order to defeat Cobra Kai. But what about Chuck Norris? Have you seen the newestKarate Kid movie? What was the original ending to the movie? The main reason Sam and Tory become such instant bitter rivals is because of how fundamentally different they are as people. Favourite Miguel hairstyle | Fandom Chuck Norris may have also turned it down because he was busy killing two stones with one bird. "Karate legend Miyagi Chojun gave the name 'hard-soft' to the style in the mid-1930s," explains Bayer. More understandable when you notice that Sam and Robby are, After getting out of juvie in Season 3, Robby finds Sam having an intimate moment with Miguel and paranoidly accuses her of dumping him for. Daniel tells Miguel certain facts about Johnny and his rivalry with Johnny, which Johnny never told Miguel, helping Miguel realize both sides to the rivalry between the two senseis. This gives the appearance that his hair is parted in the center, though that would not be a completely accurate description. Like any true Cobra, however, he can turn on the offense when he needs to. It looks like Miyagi is going to take Kreese out with a chop when instead he tweaks his nose, a move that Daniel does at the end to his opponent Chozen. And for those of you toobusy with Easter p Start a new Easter tradition by making some panoramicsugar eggs this weekend! However, after few flashbacks of what happened to Miguel when he got kicked out of the second floor, he decided to back down. #thesalonguy #hairtutorial #thekidlaroiHere is The Kid LAROI haircut tutorial. However, the two most often seen on him since he became famous in his own right are the afro that has grown quite wide while being flat on top, and cornrow braids. If you want to be an unstoppable force, you're not going to train with jokes like Ra's al Ghul or Yoda. After the car is fixed, Miguel and Daniel go on a test drive where they are listening to "Sailing" by Christopher Cross. The Next Karate Kid made in 1994 featured only Mr. Miyagi, and the 2010 Karate Kid was a remake set in China. The match is even until Robby gains the upper-hand, and when Robby tries to help Miguel up, Miguel instead yanks Robby's arm and further injures his shoulder. when she finally gets a firsthand glimpse into Tory's home life, she feels horrible about her previous dismissals of it and regrets being so insensitive. See how many of these questions you can answer before the premiere of the show! Miguel and Sam both go to prom together but they get distracted by Robby and Tory. Initially, Miguel wants to make things right and rekindle their romance, but Sam wants nothing to do with him due to his actions. This is similar to the appearance of a plowed field, hence the name, cornrows. Later, Miguel and Sam go with Bert to confront Stingray about Kreese's assault. Before: After: It's actually a very simple cut. Miguel reaches out to Sam to apologize for his actions the past few weeks, but Samantha reminds him that his actions don't match his words anymore. Miguel can speak fluent Spanish and English. He is unaware of the rules but later proves himself to be a worthy competitor. William Michael Zabka ( / zbk /; born October 20, 1965) [1] [2] is an American actor. However, after learning from Demetri that Hawk broke Demetri's arm, Miguel confronts Hawk and shows disapproval about him letting Kreese get inside his head. After gaining the upper-hand on Robby, Miguel notices Sam and Tory fighting. I'm celebrating Spring with a tutorial to make these lovely Ribbon & Pearl Necklaces! When Miguel wakes up from his coma in the beginning of season 3, he is cold to Johnny at first, as it was Johnny's teachings that he followed that led to him ending up in the hospital. He ultimately begins to date Sam, which displeases Johnny due to Sam being the daughter of his thirty-year rival Daniel LaRusso. He then explains to Johnny that he made him a champion and needs to think outside the box. Watch The Karate Kid | Netflix Although Cobra Kai will reunite onYouTube Red in 2018, true fans may have missed their reunion, courtesy of the band No More Kings. She rushes to her audition that she did not know was re-scheduled to a day earlier and Dre follows and watches. Robby won by attacking Miguel and kicking him off the railing after the latter released Robby from a hold and apologized for their skirmish. Miguel and Sam then have an argument about why he is dating Tory, followed by Tory and Sam get into a physical altercation resulting in Tory falling. Miguel shows that he's upset with Tory for not coming to visit him in the hospital. He tells Hawk, and the two find out that Robby is Johnny's son. He can defend and attack with alot of speed, this allowed him to make easy work of his opponents during the tournament, including skilled fighters lile Zhuang. When he gets home, he notices Johnny train and tells him he doesn't care about their rivalry. S1E1 - S4E1. During prom, Miguel and Sam share a dance but get distracted with Robby and Tory dancing. Rosa is the first person who asks Johnny to be there for Miguel, and reminds him that that Miguel needs him. Johnny begins to act like a dad towards Miguel but he is upset with how Johnny and his mom's relationship is going. When the Miyagi-Fangs tried to protect Anthony by forming a circle around him, Miguel was one of the five remaining fighters standing in the circle as the rest were being pulled away from the group by the cobras. Alive However, Tory witnesses Miguel and Sam kissing the night before the first day of school. He begins to accept the new form of teaching, allowing him to be merciful in the school fight. (the 2010 version with Jaden Smith). In the end of Season 1, she is seen cheering on Miguel from the beginning to the finals of the All Valley Tournament. Eli and Miguel, along with the others Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang begin to train with Chozen. Karate kid Hairstyle #karatekidhairstyle #karate #karatekid Both Miguel and Hawk are scolded by Johnny for their cheating/cheap moves during the tournament, stripped of their black belts, relegated to white belts along with the rest of the class, and forced to do 50 push-ups under Johnny's order. We saw the end of the Cobra Kai dojo in 1989 in The Karate Kid Part III after Daniel LaRusso defeated Mike Barnes at the All Valley Karate Tournament. After a series of misunderstandings between Sam, Miguel, and Robby, the friction reaches its breaking point during a bonfire party. Kung fu's not about fighting, mom. After becoming Hawk, he would go on to become one of the top students along with Miguel. The two then referee their rematch but can't come to a decision on who's the winner. Projectra (wife) Affiliation Legion of Super-Heroes Base Of Operations Legion Headquarters Status Alignment Good Identity Public Identity So if you want this cut but have a stylist who doesn't know what it is here's the low down. In The Karate Kid, we are introduced to Cobra Kai but we don't get the backstory as to how the dojo was created. Then the two share a kiss, which they both immediately regret. During the flight, Dre spent the time sleeping, talking, learning to speak Mandarin Chinese (), and reading books in Chinese. Cheng proceeds to beat him up. but gets inebriated enough to kiss Miguel where Tory can see, and is in no condition to return home, causing Robby to take her to crash at Johnny's place. In 2013, Zabka for Halloween got into a skeleton outfit and walked around Boston. The next stylist had not only seen the movie, but said she had a girl request it while she was in school. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Karate Kid: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Cobra Kai, JOHNNY (WILLIAM ZABKA) DOESN'T WANT TO FIGHT YOU, YOU'RE THE BEST (BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ROCKY). He is also a star in his own right with careers in acting, rapping, dancing, and writing songs. Then he's on the run and in juvie, and by the time he gets out and Sam could clarify things, she's already gotten back together with Miguel. Head of the Snake They confront Johnny, but the latter angrily tells them to mind their own business. Unfortunately, in that moment Robby just so happens to walk in on them together, having come to see Sam after his release from juvenile detention center, and he accuses Sam of cheating on him with Miguel. Miguel does so, but is blocked by Sam the same way Daniel blocked Chozen's attacks in Karate Kid 2. Before Tory leaves, she calls both Miguel and Hawk traitors. But wait, can you actually train with Cobra Kai IRL? Karate Kid Johnny Cobra Kai Wig Officially Licensed Blonde Wig for Men Dre was an average 12-year-old boy, who was enjoying life in Detroit, Michigan. The two cross paths with them at Stingray's house and end up fighting with each other. However, after the school brawl, Miguel is admitted to the hospital due to the fight with Robby, and Carmen is shown to be distraught and extremely distrusting of Johnny. Hector is Miguel's biological father who has been absent from his life. Miguel fights under Cobra Kai's banner with Johnny in his corner, while Robby Keene fights without a school backing him at that time. The Karate Kid (2010 film) - All The Tropes Miguel continues to fight aggressively and targets Robby's injured arm in ways that are barely legal in the sport. In this video I remake. Johnny passes on his Halloween skeleton costume idea to Miguel, though their situations are reversed from Johnny and Daniel in the original The Karate Kid. His other favorite hairstyle is the cornrow braids he wore in The Karate Kid. However, fans would have to wait until the third Karate Kid movie to uncover the true origins behind Cobra Kai. When it's time to decide who will represent Miyagi/Fang for the Sekai Taikai's admission match in the boy's division, he and Robby decide that the right thing to do is for Eli to do so, as the latter won the All Valley fairly. Forget lightsabers, phasers, suits of armor or even Super-Soldier Serums. Dre, dismayed, observed his friends and relatives in Detroit waving goodbye (while taking a taxi to the airport). Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Miguel gave Sam the push to hear out Tory for not revealing everything since he was in Cobra Kai with her. Jaden Smith Rapper Hairstyles: Afro & Cornrow Braids Hair It was this mentality that had Cobra Kai win a number of All Valley Karate Championships, and they would havewon the title in 1984 if not for that sucker Daniel LaRusso! And thankfully, it was just in time, since Tory interrupts the "party" with a group of Cobra Kai students, including Kyler. Biographical Information In the scene where Mr. Miyagi saved Daniel from being beaten by Cobra Kai members dressed as skeletons, Pat Morita was replaced by his stunt double, Fumio Demura, who taught karate to Steven Seagal in the 1960s. At the end of The Karate Kid, Johnny Lawrence accepted defeat and handed Daniel LaRusso the championship award. This causes more problems with Tory than there already are. He was about to start middle school. With Eli and Demetri's help, they found an octopus necklace, being able to afford it due to a discount. Deagreez // Getty Images. Robby then walks away and his relationship with Sam ends. A great ending to a climactic fight, but in the original script, that wasn't the actual ending. During a quiet moment together, Sam realizes that Miguel was the one who gave back the Medal, and she thanks him. This time, Miguel is the one badly injured by Kyler and his gang, and Johnny is the one to find Miguel and bring him safely to his apartment. His further proof of how much he has grown up since the past seasons is when he encourages Sam to understand Tory's position and then, after the Cobra Kai is shut down for good, he has the courage to tell Sam that he loves her but is willing to respect her feelings and choices. He is an actor and producer, known for The Karate Kid (1984), Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) and Back to School (1986). During the All-Valley, the two reconcile as Sam gets ready for the final round. There, Daniel witnesses Miguel using his signature move, the Crane Kick, against the opponent in the preliminary round, much to his chagrin. While at a restaurant helping Johnny with photos for his Facebook profile, Tory sees Miguel. You're The Best was actually written by Joe Esposito for Rocky III, but director and star Sylvester Stallone opted for the iconic Eye of the Tiger by the band Survivor. Despite learning of the rivalry, Miguel gains some respect for and accepts the teachings of Sensei Daniel, as well as repairing his relationship with Sam. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. She later helps show him the ropes to karate when he starts doubting his ability and confidence. Heartbroken, Miguel leaves without ever telling him about their relation and returns home with Johnny and Robby. He faces Liang in the semi-finals where he gets injured and Liang gets disqualified. She wants all of them to work together, which no one can agree upon except Sam and Miguel. By the end of the season, The Eagle Fang and Miyagi Do dojos have merged, and Miguel along with the rest are training at Miyagi-Do with Johnny and Daniel as the co-sensei's. Rumor has it that Chuck Norris was offered the role Kreese but turned it down because he didn't like the negative portrayal of a karate teacher. Dre meets with Meiying at the Shi-Shi festival. Miguel then performs a take down, causing both to fall. While Miguel defeated Robby in the All Valley tournament, their match was basically even, despite Robby's injured shoulder putting him at a disadvantage. I left the industry at some point to become a Fireman and Aux. The last time Cobra Kai fans got to see John Kreese and the rest of the dojo (sans Johnny) was back in 1989 with The Karate Kid Part III. Police Officer. Initially, the exercises aren't effective, frustrating Miguel. Sam is dealing with the drama of high school and her new clique, eventually finding out how quickly people can turn when her new boyfriend starts a smear campaign against her. In real life, Griffith is a black belt in Kenpo Karate and Taekwondo. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Johnny begins a dangerous training session and has Miguel become co-sensei. The Karate Kid: Samantha LaRusso / Characters - TV Tropes 22 Easy Kids Hairstyles Best Hairstyles for Kids - Country Living Miguel even teases her into taking him down a second time, reminding of their first date. Or in Demetri's case, took a lesson there before deciding their philosophy wasn't for him. He tells her that Hector is a good man and that he missed out on everything because of her. In spite of the training and confidence she built up throughout Season 4, Sam ends up losing to Tory in the 51st All Valley Karate Tournament. Romantic Ribbon & Pearl Necklace Tutorial + GIVEAWAY. After having a conversation with Sam, he sees a man and begins to follow him. Hawk believes that their sensei, Johnny, is indirectly responsible for the situation Miguel is in. She even confronts him about it, upsetting Miguel. At times, Miguel has the upper-hand, and at times, Robby has the upper-hand. Later, Johnny changes his mind when he reopens the Cobra Kai dojo. It's a variation of the flying kick called the Mae tobi geri and it's also illegal to use. Miguel tells Tory she doesn't have to do this, to which Tory says "it's too late". He is also the nephew of Caleeb Pinkett. Daniel tells his daughter to stay away from any Cobra Kai students, without knowing that Miguel and Sam are dating, which strains Sam's and Miguel's relationship. On the night celebrating Miyagi-Fang's qualification to the Sekai Taikai, Sam arrived with Miguel's necklace she found at Miyagi-Do, only to find him kissing another girl. Silver used his resources to help his friend form the Cobra Kai dojos, putting Kreese in charge of the flagship dojo. Thomas Ian Griffith Discusses Terry Silver's Ponytail | Sam is thankful for that. Miguel is the neighbor of former karate champion Johnny Lawrence, who convinces Johnny to train him. The Karate Kid (2010) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb Mikey, Doug, Big Red and the rest of the Cobra Kais. During the brief alliance between Daniel and Johnny, Miguel trains under Daniel and learns some Miyagi-Do tactics such as circling his opponent, blocking his opponents, and avoiding fights when necessary. The move that Daniel LaRusso used to take out Johnny Lawrence at the end of The Karate Kid was the crane kick. Dre starts school the next day. Put hair in a ponytail high on the head, then twist the hair around into a bun. Robby and Miguel have fought each other twice, and both have won once through unethical tactics: Miguel won by attacking Robby's injured shoulder, which includes him yanking it when the latter attempts to help up him by offering his hand. Sam later blocks him, making him further guilty and upset. Things like fear and pain don't exist in the Cobra Kai dojo, either, andSensei John Kreese will make sure you strike without mercy. {want to know to achieve this look? When he notices an octopus necklace, he is sad that he can't afford it. After the 51st All-Valley, Miguel arrives in Mexico. Miguel, however, manages to recover and get the better of Robby by flipping him over and trapping his arm in a lock. The gang remaining friends to this day. Make a part across the back of your head from ear to ear. The rivalry between Robby and Miguel also begins, as Miguel blames Robby for all the issues he's had that year with Sam, instead of taking accountability for his own choices and actions. Hawk is impressed with his idea and they leave. He wears makeup over his black eye. Much like how Miguel and Robby mirror Johnny and Daniel, Sam herself is like Ali Mills. Louie LaRusso Sr. | The Karate Kid Wiki | Fandom Sam asks Miguel to put the drum in his pocket and attack her. But what does Cobra Kai really stand for? Miguel and Johnny have opened up dojos together twice. He checks out the park by playing Basketball and Ping Pong. Buy My Hair Products!USE EXCLUSIVE CODE: YOUTUBE20 Johnny offers to make Miguel dinner but he tells him that he was going with Daniel to work on his mom's car. Hawk is one of Miguel's closest friends. This is why the ref says no kicks to the face, which is literally what Daniel uses to win. However, after getting into an altercation with Cobra Kai, all the students are kicked out. The Karate Kid: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Cobra Kai When he gets home, he tells Johnny and his mom that the reason why he came home late is because he was with Samantha. The next day, Miguel and Sam are hanging out but notice Hawk with a sledgehammer. Wenwen Han plays Meiying, the girl Dre meets in the park who plays the violin. Initially, Miguel will only fight for those he cares about, but the longer he's exposed to Cobra Kai's mentality, he becomes an aggressive karate champion who makes his former tormentors afraid to be around him. Cobra Kai Dojo (formerly)Eagle Fang KarateMiyagi-Do Karate He meets with Sam at a party place for Daniel's worker's child. Uncle Louie lived in Parsippany, New Jersey. After the class, the rest of his classmates are upset that he got to be co-sensei. After Sam tells him he is breaking up with him, Miguel accepts it but when he leaves Miyagi-Do, he is heartbroken and drops the necklace. He has also been seen in remakes of some popular movies from the past. So if you want this cut but have a stylist who doesn't know what it is here's the low down. Sometimes actors will get props from their iconic films (and sometimes they just take them). However, Carmen has car trouble and Daniel offers to help after telling Miguel about the tow company's prices. Love Interest(s) Robby arrives and stands next to Kreese, siding against his old sensei and father in the same move, and shocking Daniel and Johnny. Miguel goes from a wheelchair to crutches and eventually walking on both feet without the need of any support. The two briefly spar, but then stop and stare at each other (romantically). Miguel prepares to deliver a kick, but ends up pulling a muscle and collapsing. During the training, Eli offers to kick Robby's butt for talking with Sam, but Miguel disagrees, knowing that the two are simply friends. In season 2, Miguel and Hawk are rebuked and punished by Johnny for their dirty tactics in the tournament. Portrayed By Given the intense hold that John Kreese had over his students, it did seem like he ran his dojo less like a school and more like a way of life, showing no mercy to the weak. His father was a criminal with connections to a drug cartel. Miguel reaches the semifinals alongside Hawk, who is ultimately disqualified for using aggressive tactics. In season 3, Daniel has to coax Sam to continue practicing karate when she decides to give it up after the arcade fight. Daniel LaRusso is a karate student with a highly skilled teacher, Mr. Miyagi . Product Design: Inspired by Johnny Lawrence, this blonde synthetic wig is shaped in the swept, beach-bound style. The Karate Kid is one of the most loved,. However, their relationship becomes strained when Sam does not want to bring him to her house to meet her family, due to Miguel being a member of Cobra Kai, which is the rival dojo to her father's Miyagi-Do. Miguel's physical strength has come a long way since he began his training. Jan 7, 2022 450 Dislike Share TheSalonGuy 996K subscribers #thesalonguy #hairtutorial #thekaratekid Here is the Daniel LaRusso from The Karate Kid haircut breakdown. In many ways, Johnny becomes a Mr. Miyagi to Miguel, who is more often reminiscent of Daniel than Johnny. During the tournament, Miguel used Miyagi-Do's well known technique: The Crane Kick perfectly by pure imitations. I am in love with Alice's "Um" dress . Demetri brings him to a jewelry store to buy something to make up with Sam. He goes to Sam's house to return it, but when Robby opens the door Miguel gives the Medal to him instead, trusting that he would give it to Sam. The hair is long enough that it extends away from the head even after the back has been reached. Johnny continues to work with Miguel, sometimes with unorthodox methods, especially in comparison to the physical therapy Miguel also receives. Miguel said the necklace was meant for her, but didn't get to give it to Sam when she broke up with him. In Season 3, Hawk is one of the people who regularly visits Miguel in the hospital. As the two have finally forgiven each other, they learned that each of their parent is having a baby together, which got them excited. At the theatre, she tells him an old Chinese love story. After Robby defeats Miguel's friends, he runs to help Sam, only for Miguel to stop him. Miguel has a broken spine as a result of Robby accidentally kicking him over the railing, and he is paralyzed for a few weeks until Season 3, Episode 7, a few days before Robby gets out of the juvenile detention center. When he tells him and Demetri about Sam's messages, the binary brothers are nervous for him. The man then responds that he is from Detroit. Realizing that there will always be bullies and jerks no matter where Sam goes, she decided to get back into karate, training to put an end to Silver's reign.