Hi Carsten, Im guessing you mean multi-file movies (e.g. RS (RackStation): A rackmount design server with drives placed horizontally. Video Station - Synology Knowledge Center I admit to feeling frustrated that Synology still doesnt put 10Gbit on the motherboard and requires add in cards to get NVMe caching nor puts USB-C gen2 onboard, but I hope that the market will pull them that way. hi Dong, . Over the last few years I have seen nothing but widespread acclaim for proprietary network-attached storage (NAS) devices. The models start with one of the following: DS, RS, DX, RX. In recent years you have to enable the video info plugin, go to the information provider and register an account, get an API key and then add that key to your MediaStation setup. Love your site. You get little in terms of hardware for your hard-earned dough. Unfortunately, I did. One big issue is encryption of the backups. The Synology supports encryption itself for the entire volume which you can turn on or off depending on your needs. Granted that Synology makes a fair home product, and while the Software and Applications are nice, you can get the same performance (or better in most cases) along with more expandable storage options (if you are willing to invest the time) in a DIY server running ZFS/BTRFS and FreeNAS or Unraid and all of the Apps that Synology has, has an open source counterpart and you are not forced to choose between cache options and networking options. Im typically using enterprise or near enterprise drives, WD Gold, HGST, Seagate Exos, or WD Red Plus/Pro/whatever it is today. What about QNAP? At first glance they appear almost nonsensical. file naming conventions for video station? : r/synology - reddit Thanks. If you dont want an account with Synology, you can skip QuickConnect and use Dynamic DNS. Specific servers also have a PCIe add-on slot to host a 10Gbps network adapter or SSD cache. And thats about it. There are three volume size limits, 16TB, 108TB, and 200TB. In the enterprise account sidebar, click Policies. In choosing this option then I assume using hyperbackup daily to backup to C2 AND a usb external drive would be the safe way to move, yes? More than enough HP but it . I went outside of the Synology family for the first time in over a decade last year (for performance we do live streaming and ProRes recordings are slow to transfer). Quite annoying. Do you happen to have any checklist or recommendation on how to configure the Synology DS1019+ with an ASUS RT-AX89X. After that, download and install the Synology Drive Client desktop app on your computer. So if we go forward setting up a fresh SHR with new hdds on the existing, recently purchased 420j, will I be correct that a safe way to move is to run a full hyperbackup to C2 and set it to run everynight to update files that have changed AND also get her to start saving files also to the external HDD I am adding to our setup? MLC: The 2-bit data multi-level cell (MLC) flash generally takes up to 3,000 write cycles. Its wanting to use Doc West 2 since they were released in the same year. We can finally make use of Synology's RAID calculator tool to help us visualize this. The downside is less flexibility with how the files are named. mean. Weve found that theres little difference in price between buying a NAS with preinstalled disks and buying the NAS and disks separately, so if you can find a model with the right capacity disks already installed, then that would be the best option to buy. I have link aggregation successfully configured on them and it uses the Lan1/Lan2 ports on router and shows as Bonded in the DSM. NAS Selector. This app is one of the many streaming features of a Synology NAS. honestly for transcoding 4k content i would highly recommend not getting a Synology system and building your own instead. Synology today released the DiskStation DS1823xs+, an 8-bay server with built-in 10Gbps Ethernet capability. By the way, this post on how to conserve Internet bandwidth might apply to your situation. Maybe someone else can fill in the details that I'm not as familiar with. Crucial P1 Review: Low Cost Meets Wild Performance, Best Wi-Fi 5 Routers: On a Budget? I hope you can use it and be happy with it! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Buy Seagate IronWolf Pro or Western Digital Red Pro hard drives. Starting with DSM 7, all Synology NAS servers have the option of a 2-Factor Authentication login, which you can enforce on individual accounts or a user group. QNAP is just way behind (or just lost) in terms of software. iSCSI Naming Conventions - VMware The price gap between Value and J is usually quite small and the expansion capabilities of the Value series will always trump the J series. Oh wait, let's throw on the tinfoil hat for a moment. Both XT8s are using wired backhaul and 42095 FW. Download Station is the best way to download anything from any source. Other times shows with a title (in the file name) similar to some TV series shows up as that series. Synology has quietly added support for M.2 SSD volumes. You can see that in the cheapening of the hardware line occurring the past two years. I see the processors are different Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a07c348ca7236340828e8a0b5b359006" );document.getElementById("e141a2b30a").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Sign me up for Dong Knows Tech's newsletter. need to expand your storage), you'd buy the respective DX or RX model. I have gone through at least four of them in my lifetime and even wrote an article about how to configure one. By the way, if you know what youre doing, they are also excellent for media streaming. One of the best naming conventions I've ever seen involved fictional beverages from TV and film. Log Manager And it come with a real time built-in Log Viewer of your naming conversion activity. Most apps are half-baked and unreliable. Back here at the office we use a 7 year old 12 Bay XS series Synology server with a 12 Bay add on chassis. Accessing the server directly means you wont need to store data on the computer, which is great if you want to share the same data with others in the network or your computer has limited space. So yes thats the case. 3. I dont envision storage capacity issues, so the 923+ should be enough. Simply enter your requirements below, and this tool will recommend the most suitable NAS server for you. Make sure you confirm via the link in the email. Select Network Settings from Control panel. On the router, in the LAN > Switch Control, i just enable Bonding/LA. So let's assume we are going to use a Synology Hybrid Raid (SHR) and we're looking at that sweet spot of 4 to 8 drive bays. In general, the first number indicates the maximum number of bays that the unit can expand to. SYNOLOGY_NFS_HDD_01. If you buy your hard drives from multiple retailers (say half from Newegg.com and half from Amazon.com) you'll likely get a bunch of hard drives that were manufactured at different times and maybe even in different factories. Synology also provides full technical support for longer than you'd think. I have several current and 2 older MACs and would love a 5 drive nNAS USING 4 TB SSDs. DX/RX for Disk/Rack Expansion. Maybe a period or an underscore. Youre welcome, Brian. Lot's of people keep asking if they can buy me a beer or a coffee for helping so here's my PayPal. And thanks again. E.g. And your assessment is fine. Supports privilege settings of domain/LDAP users' and groups' access to shared folders and applications. Essentially what you're doing is trying to avoid buying a whole batch of faulty hard drives that just happened to go to a single retailer. Before you can choose your number of drive bays there is one crucial benefit of a NAS that you must understand and may possibly never have heard of. Log in!Click here if you need help allowing ads! You can share anything, not just photos. Thank you very much for your information. So it seems some of my older units are from 2013 and 2015and you know what, theyre still awesome on dsm 6 for just being storage, easily maxing out gigabit even with a single drive. Id stick with ready-made servers, building a customized NAS is fun but troubleshooting can be daunting. Shared Folder Sync works locally and over the Internet via VPN or QuickConnect. . Synologys latest NAS OS, the DSM 7, supports servers as old as the 2013 model year. It automatically organizes movies and TV shows and casts them on the DS Video app, which is available on many platforms, including iOS, Android, Roku, Xbox, Fire Stick, etc. Ill be honest though my recommendation isnt to make the filenames good for people to view (e.g. This is accomplished easily with MakeMKV and using the following steps: Place the Blu-ray disc in the reader, and then open MakeMKV. Luckily Synology published a list of possible combinations on their forum here: Synology Video Station TV Show Naming Convention. Is it because I am new to synology products or does synology really have confusing name for their NAS. Your naming TV Show Name/Season 1/TV Show Name Episode Title S01E01.avi is not correctly identified anymore by syno. I manage 6 Synology NAS and have had much better durability and less instance of bad sectors with Exos. Well, for example, Synology DiskStation DS720+ will be able to meet our needs? My take is Synology has decided to exert more control over the hardware, and removing support for third-party USB dongles is part of the effort. But they are all unreliable, at least mine was. Before getting a Synology, you should remember some possibly unpleasant items below. Read the post and you can figure it out yourself, its all there. Looking at the DS923+, 1522+, and 1621+ (I recall having 4 disks and an SSD for cache. Under "Default branch name", enter the default branch name that new repositories should use. Supports home folders for domain/LDAP users. 1. phone numbers that just ring forever. There is no right Plex naming convention, but generally, movies use a (year), so that you can organize chronologically. This works for models such as the DS116 (one drive bay) and DS216 and DS416 but youll occasionally come across a model that doesnt fit this format the DS1515, for example, has five bays. The aim is to have a single point of storage (the Synology DiskStation NAS), but two separate libraries - one one the Vero 4K with Kodi/thetvdb.com scraper, and one on . Yes, there are things I wished some servers had, but they are all relatively minor. We run through Synologys range and explain the differences between its models. Dependent on the number of drives they can house, their hardware specs, and release year, you'll see names like DS1621+, RS1619xs, FS1018, and so on. an alphabetical sort will arrange all the files into seasons. Synology has quietly added support for M.2 SSD volumes. What makes the Plus series the sweet spot is that it typically has a fast enough CPU for enthusiasts with a decent amount of RAM that is upgradable. Your email address will not be published. This format is recommended by Plex itself to ensure the link to TVDB and their metadata crawling app can correctly identify and label media. Its straightforward to set up any Synology NAS box. Your best bet is to start with the latest model year for the number of drive bays you want and work backwards from there. On the other hand, using Synology Drive to sync means you always have a backup on your computer (as well as the server). Going back to the car analogy, the J series would be no different than buying a baseline Toyota Corolla. Synology DS1823xs+: Powerful SMB NAS Server - Q9 Magazine Hello. Heres my questions We had a ds414j running 3x3TB disks as one SHR volume. () If you represent a company/product mentioned here, please use the contact page or a PR channel. As the Synology Media Server bases its indexing, cover images and descriptions on the filename of your movies and TV shows, its critical to get the format correct. Synology Community Synology tends to change this each year with its range refresh, so in the past few years weve had DS212, DS213, DS214 and DS215, for example. This function works within the local network or over the Internet (via QuickConnect or a Dynamic DNS connection). It might be that of the computer you use. I plan on getting one and going to use everything that you mentioned you use. Its by far the most advanced and robust NAS OS. Read more SynoForum.com is not owned by, or affiliated with Synology Inc. May be unrelated but when i try to configure the external access, the RT-AX89X is not listed in the list of routers for automatic configuration. Ive always wondered what the model numbers meantand now I know! Do the following and click OK . Report an Issue - Review of the Synology DS1019+, a storage workhorse 6 WD HDDs were used over 5 years (4 are Green and 2 WD Red), and 2 Seagate HDDs were used for 1-1/2 years (1 barracuda and 1 Iron wolf). In any case, AMD is the new Synology way for the foreseeable future. And thats generally more bad than good. But no matter what Synology NAS you get, youll experience most of what I previewed above, if not all. It is at this point in time that I cannot really make any concrete suggestions because this is an entirely subjective decision based on how much storage you think you'll need and how many hard drives you're comfortable purchasing. Desktop form factor NAS come in 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 12 bay options. But with hard drive capacities getting increasingly high, this flexible RAID, which has no longer been Synology-exclusive, is not as significant as it used to be. Dongs note:I originally published this piece on March 14, 2018, and did a major update on December 1, 2022, to include additional, up-to-date, and relevant information. Especially when there is additional functionality on top of basic RAID. The D is for a standalone "desk top" model and the R is for a rack mountable model. Because two DX517 expansion units can be connected to it, each of which have 5 drive bays themselves. It opens up the hardware to endless possibilities. And theres one more thing. I understand that DS 2** is 2 bay and 4** is bay(then there is 2 bay which is 7** which I guess ara expandable with 5 bay unit hence 7**) but what with +, Play, J, SE. Assuming that you are purchasing a desktop form factor NAS there are essentially four types of series you will encounter which I will list here from best to "worst": The simplest breakdown of these series I can give is that the top two (XS+/XS and Plus) are for enthusiasts or those approaching small business use cases. File Naming Conventions | Data Management - Harvard University Recently I decided to make use of the extra space available on the NAS and began coverting films and comedy shows. I will redo the bonding. I was curious about your explanation of RAID 1. Their product support status page has 2015 model year products that still have full technical support. Or could I use 5 drives with 4TB each for a total 20 TB of storage and 10 TB mirrored? Thats it! I will note one major change to Synology products that may have taken effect since the original publishing date of this article Synology no longer universally works with all make of drives. Would the 923+ and 1522+ be about the same except for capacity (Figure I would eventually upgrade memory, so Im not worried about the difference in out-of-box memory)? That thing is awesome). But dont take my word for it. People should know if youre going to run one with external internet access they need to only allow it via a VPN connection. That said, I now need to get that QNAP up on eBay. When fitted with three or more disks, a Synology NAS will be able to tolerate one disk failing without the loss of any data and all you sacrifice is the capacity of a single hard disk. I buy the 1gb or 2gb lower version NAS and max out the ram with crucial before first boot. There are numerous Video Station threads on dropped and missing codecs which have been ignored. Tomorrow I will also back everything onto a external 4TB drive. Still, running Synology's DiskStation Manager (DSM) operating system, it shares the Plus notion of non-xs servers, such as the DS923+, meaning it can host . That is why I said that picking the number of drive bays is going to be the most important decision. It tends to offer high-end hardware specs and fancy (largely useless) features, but the OS is bloated and convoluted. https://www.synology.com/img/products/getting_started/choose_01.jpg. Sure you can get the latest year which is going to have all the bells and whistles but you're gonna pay a premium. The number one mistake I think people make about NAS is thinking that it backs up your data. So, in the end, the most annoying thing about Synology NAS is the cost. Starts with two letters representing the form factor. Thank you for that. A file or folder name is displayed as something like 12HWA0 - Synology In the future, there will likely be new supported dongles that are explicitly approved or manufactured by Synology. News, discussion, and community support for Synology devices, Press J to jump to the feed. Naming guidelines for movies and TV episodes are as below: Movie - It should follow the format: Movie name (Release year).ext. I opened up their website and was immediately overwhelmed with options. Is that a possible issue? You can find Plus models with only 2 bays, J models with 4, and Value models with 8. 10 Best Practices for Naming Files & Folders for You and Your Team | by Synologys VMM is one of the most powerful NAS add-on features. Here's an image that shows how the model number breaks down (which I was I was trying to explain in my post): https://www.synology.com/img/products/getting_started/choose_01.jpg. Theres also a +II model, the DS216+II, which is identical to the DS216+ but has a newer processor, as Intel discontinued the old chip. I use a NAS strictly to share photos between a group of people using a mobile device. For home I just purchased a DS620slim, and I appreciate the well-informed and considered post you dedicated to that device, too. Naming Conventions - Devopedia That listing for Buffy that has a movie poster only shows two seasons within. Funny part is that using XT8 as wireless node is less reliable than using AX92U. QuickConnect is an easy and quick way to use your server remotely. Not sure if that is right. Im a newbie to Synology Video Station and want to properly manage the movie titles before putting them into the default Movies folder. Link to post OK in the long run for disk head its probably better to not be parking the head too much. 1. Compatibility Note: This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But I could live with partitioned weekly or nightly backups. The J is entry level, above the first model, will do quite well with most packages (applications) that run on Synology. The number of drive bays spans the entire game of series. There is no other option. Please allow ads when visiting Dong Knows Tech!Ads pay for the sites free and No-Nonsense content. normal i would put it under specials S00E## but i have two problems with that there are extras for every season and the other issue is there where already Special for the TV show, Scroll down to Tips for naming video files. It seems simple, but to me its confusing. This is a tremendously helpful article, much thanks. Just a lot more headache. To make things easier to understand, if you mix two disks of different performances, the system will have to wait for the slower disk to be done with the entire copy of data before continuing in other RAIDs, only a portion of the data needs to be written on each disk. Standardized CNAME Structure Start with your registered domain, and segment each piece of additional information as a proper subdomain going down from there. You are using an out of date browser. I have containers running stubby+dnsmasq (DNS over TLS), iperf3 (LAN bandwidth benchmarking), librenms (simple LAN inventory and stats), and mariadb. Ideal for business situations where performance is key. Increasingly, many servers give you the option for a 10GbE Ethernet upgrade. The price on those drives is in the neighborhood of 2x the equivalent unit by specification, and while the NAS may technically function to create storage, reports are that monitoring features (I consider it critical to know if my drive is healthy) are rendered useless on the unsupported drives. So Im not sure about that negative above. in a small deploy, names are more easy to handle, so I usually use these examples . That turned out to be the simplest decision I would have to make. Synology sometimes upgrades a NAS with a faster processor and more RAM, but without changing the model number. So wheres a prospective buyer to start? Choosing the model year for a Synology NAS is almost identical to choosing the model year for a car. After DS prefix comes the model number. Synology NAS / DS Video - The Movie Database (TMDB) As mentioned above, there are more than 100 official apps. This may seem obvious but some people would rather buy four 4TB hard drives rather than two 8TB ones for their 4 bay NAS.