Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Kenosha, New York City. Spending helped make the police force what it is, but first and foremost, New York police have used computer data to send police where the crime is. At least 25 Americans were killed during protests and political What America needs more than anything is Jesus, is genuine revival, which begins with genuine repentance. James P. Pinkerton. In one of them, a 19-year-old kid who was trying to get January 6th Violent Terrorist Insurrection and 2020 During If the GOP doesnt advance conservative ideologythen what use is it? That is just picketing. 'Summer of Love' No More? Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan In 2016, 2b1 Multimedia and The Council of Light, once again, began the planning for the 50th Anniversary of the Summer of Love in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. We are not exciting a rebellion. August Hundreds of people riotedand looted stores in Chicago between August 9 and August 10 after a man was reportedly shot by police. [30], Musician John Phillips of the band The Mamas & the Papas wrote the song "San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)" for his friend Scott McKenzie. No wonder the Bush-Republicans hate it. I think Orwell put it best All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others.. [12] After taking psilocybin, a psychoactive chemical produced by certain mushrooms that causes effects similar to those of LSD, Leary endorsed the use of all psychedelics for personal development. The art had a generally psychedelic emotion reminiscent of the 1960s. While shefiled fundraising paperwork to do so back in February, the city has since endured an unprecedented pandemic, months of civil unrest, a deteriorating downtown, and a nasty battle at City Hall over police defunding that resulted in the premature resignation of Chief Carmen Best. On February 6, 1967, Newsweek printed a four-page four-color "Dropouts on a Mission". He has written/co-written 31 books, e.g., The Unstoppable Jesus Christ, American Amnesia: Is American Paying the Price for Forgetting God?, What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? Surge Summary: 2020s violent, destructive Summer of Love is coming to an end and it had little to do with the kind of revolution staged by Americas founders over two centuries ago. On his popular Fox News program, Tucker Carlson noted (8/27/20):Our cities are burning because people in charge have allowed them to burn., The scary thing is the notion that this could all be prelude for something bigger. Nikkita Oliver, a police abolitionist who ran unsuccessfully for mayor under the banner of the Peoples Party, has been one of the public faces of efforts to defund SPD this year. When I was a kid, I loved summer and dreaded the fall, returning to school with playtime over. News Corp is a global, diversified media and information services company focused on creating and distributing authoritative and engaging content and other products and services. But Haight Ashbury was not about drugs. Lost your password? Raid (Ghostlife Remix) 2. The Summer of Love was a social phenomenon that occurred during the summer of 1967, when as many as 100,000 people, mostly young people sporting hippie fashions of dress and behavior, converged in San Francisco's neighborhood of Haight-Ashbury. 2020 Other Voices: Seattles summer of love experiment shows how As Alexis introduces David as the corpse, it quickly becomes clear that he is attempting to tell the story of Davids death before he goes on trial, helped by his teacher who urges him to write about his experiences. The Marxists in the streets have turned some parts of America into the wild, wild West. Seattles mayor says in a video that she had to choose between spending the next year campaigning to keep this job or focusing all my energy on doing the job. More likely, Ms. Durkan realized that if she ran, shed probably lose. Sure, home and business owners felt unsafe and endangered, but Durkan told them to turn their frowns upside down. I could spend the last year of my term campaigning to keep this job or focus all my energy on doing the job. But this year I am glad to see summer is over. So much for addressing the problems of police brutality and excessive use of force. [26] But this year I am glad to see summer is over. Copyright 2023 PJMedia.com/Salem Media. Seeking solace after the premature death of her father, Amanda embarks on a passionate affair with a visiting artist Michael, much to By the beginning of 2017, the council had gathered about 25 poster artists, about 10 of whom submitted their finished art, but it was never printed. Yes, and this is exactly the arrangement that Bush-Republicans are fighting so hard to preserve. Heres How Democrats And The Media Have Responded To The The data of two exhaustive studies, for instance, indicate police shootings are mostly the consequence of real endangerment with no evidence of racism. Lessons from Former Jesus Revolution for New Jesus Revolution, How Green is My Planet?- Many ClimateChange Concerns Driven by Politics More Than Facts, VIDEO: Lois Lerner Tries Barging Into Neighbors Home To Evade Questions, Investigator Says StemExpress Gets Fully Intact Dead Babies, History Repeating? Jenny Durkan isnt running for re-election in November 2021, and the world doesnt mourn. It was about exploration, finding new ways of expression, being aware of one's existence.[41]. It just moved east, to Denver.". Terms under which this service is provided to you, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. All Rights Reserved. Because they do not care about republicanism (small r) or our founding principles. The term "dropping out" became popular among many high school and college students, many of whom would abandon their conventional education for a summer of hippie culture. Let us not forget. google_ad_width = 300; There were many events planned for San Francisco in 2017, many of which were 50th Anniversary-themed. /* 300x250, created 7/16/10 */ [56] Resistance by arms against usurpation and lawless violence is not rebellion by the law of God or the land. Real Clear Investigations has a handy article and chart that compares January 6th Insurrection that was worse than Pearl Harbor, 9-11, and the cancellation of Firefly combined, to the mostly peaceful riots by Democrat surrogates during the summer of 2020 that were the voice of the unheard. Here are some of their takeaways. Followher onFacebook, Twitter,Parler,MeWe,Minds@VictoriaTaft, Victoria Taft is an award-winning journalist, writer and terrestrial radio talk host, heard in Seattle and on the rest of the Left Coast. Defund the police? [3][4], Hippies, sometimes called flower children, were an eclectic group. [4] A debate about the "threat of the hippie" ensued between Mayor John Lindsay and Police Commissioner Howard R. Dozens of accused Capitol rioters have been held in pretrial detention for months, where they have allegedly been mistreated. The so-called summer of love has brought nothing but looting, violence, destruction, and even death. Narratives, and the ways in which writing can help us reflect on past events and people, appear frequently in Ozons films, but as a result, his own stories sometimes lose themselves. Oh sure, the President isnt everything and there is plenty that the Congress is responsible for as well. On June 6, 1967, Newsweek printed "The Hippies are Coming". CHOP: Seattle mayor walks back summer of love comment. They also got thousands of guns off the streets without letting any crime pass by as an oh-so-what incident that was ignored. The event had fewer than 20,000 attendees from the local Bay Area. SUMMER OF LOVE OVER: Seattle Mayor To Dismantle CHOP google_ad_client = "pub-9945337162717206"; The terrorists burn and pillage our cities, and they think it is just wonderful, even the death. Trump wasnt that, but the GOP knew it had to work with him if they wanted any power at allbut the first chance they got to cut ties they took it. A politician who encourages violence has crossed the line and forsaken his Constitutional Oath. Yeah, about that. On Sunday, protesters surrounded Durkans home after hearing she planned to dismantle CHOP. While they seemed honorable at first, these protests quickly devolved into riots which resulted in massive damage to many cities across the country. During the summer of 2020, the largest share of the roughly 80,000 deaths that occurred during the pandemics second wave were in the southern parts of the country. But I dont agree. [32] Meanwhile, the song charted at number one in the United Kingdom and much of Europe. The lack of sensuality in the love scenes however, which appear childish and obtrusive amongst the rest of the narrative, are made up for by the tangible quality of the characters clothes and mannerisms, the delicate choices of setting, light and grainy image combined. This is why whenever someone says, vote for someone Trump-like but just not Trump I think, sure, but who else is there? For example, Virginia has passed a bill that lessens the officer assault charge. Todays cowardly and pandering politicians are a far cry from those who fought for the nations freedom. Its, I guess, a bully pulpit and a veto pen position; and now EOs. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. They were scared dont you know. WebThe Summer of Love was a social phenomenon that occurred during the summer of 1967, when as many as 100,000 people, mostly young people sporting hippie fashions of dress Resistance to lawful authority makes rebellion.. | PrivacyPolicy | Klicked Media. Not withstanding the assertions of Rachel Maddow (who posts under the psuedonym of Gary), the word does have a meaning. Violence followedand now continues, with Seattle already having 55 murders this year, nearly double the number for 2019. The terrorists burn and pillage our cities, and they think it is just wonderful, even the death. Good Riddance: Summer of Love and Its Chaos, Lawlessness Wrap Democrats are the worlds biggest lying hypocrites. Copyright Townhall.com/Salem Media. Let blue cities and their feckless leaders reckon with the destruction of the violence and looting. Ted sent bombs to people to protest corporate collectivism or something. She saw the protestors screaming in front of a police headquarters and seemed to believe that if the police went somewhere else, anarchy could transform their suffering into flourishing. Hunter S. Thompson termed the district "Hashbury" in The New York Times Magazine. If the officer isnt injured, its only a misdemeanor, per The Daily Wire (8/28/20). 14 Days Of Protests, 19 Dead - Forbes Early in the summer, a group of Marxists seized a few city blocks of Seattle and turned it into a supposedly different country than America, which they called CHAZCapitol Hill Autonomy Zone, then later CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest). The narrative is layered with flashbacks, told from Alexis point of view as he waits at a police station, pale and grievously uncaring, sporting the famously unfashionable double denim. Many were suspicious of the government, rejected consumerist values, and generally opposed the Vietnam War. However, as a result, crime increased among users because new laws were subsequently enacted to control the use of both drugs. Summer of '85 The life and death of summer love - strand (None) How much immigration reform, border security, etc.? All Rights Reserved. The Marxists in the streets have turned some parts of America into the wild, wild West. Goodbye, Summer of Love. (w/ D. James Kennedy), and the bestseller, George Washington's Sacred Fire (w/ Peter Lillback) djkm.org @newcombejerry www.jerrynewcombe.com. Netanyahu hints at military action. President Trump on Friday mocked the claim by Seattles mayor that a takeover of parts of the city could lead to a new "summer of love" there -- even after police May we truly see Christian love in our country---where the command to love our neighbor as ourselves is widely put into practice. Adapted from Aidan Chambers young adult novel Dance on My Grave, the story spans over a fleeting summer during which sixteen year old death obsessed Alexis and eighteen year old seducer David first meet and grow close, and then inevitably find faults in each other. Less than a month after it started, the Summer of Love, it would appear, is over. Copyright 2023 Silent Cal Productions, LLC. 'Summer of 85' is certainly an homage, but it sometimes also comes across as an imitation, relatively lazy in its ability to allude to past, beautiful moments without wholly displaying them. The rise and fall of the CHOP empire, Summer of Love turned murderous: The rise and fall of CHOP nation, U.S. financial concessions to Iran? The Bulwark, on the lefts summer of riots: The violence of last summer, on the other hand, was an incidentalif lamentablepart of the protests against state violence toward persecuted minorities. [4] In response, some people in the crowd threw various objects, and 38 arrests ensued. What is for Alexis his first passionate love affair with an adult and a glance at what it is to be older clubs, motorbikes, and ignoring his anxious parents who are more preoccupied by his studies than his love life quickly becomes a jealous rage as Davids sexual interest in other people grows clearer. That is just hooliganism. But this vexed the Americans, who as British citizens expected to enjoy their God-given libertiesalthough on a different continent, In response to this and similar acts, John Adamsa man who defended British soldiers in the Boston Massacre, on principlesaid this: I would ask by what law the Parliament has authority over America? Summer of Love turned murderous: The rise and fall of Kisses on your body in my memory, baby, nothing comes close. Bandet som str bak tyve-ti-tallets strste og kanskje viktigste norske lt, Styggen på ryggen», skal endelig ut på And Seattles top job has had its share of trouble. Must end this Seattle takeover now! Setting the Record Straight on East Palestine, Greenies and Commies Partner For Propaganda, Montenegros EU Membership Key to Opposing Russias Imperial Aspirations. [36][37][38][39], The Summer of Love attracted a wide range of people of various ages: teenagers and college students drawn by their peers and the allure of joining an alleged cultural utopia; middle-class vacationers; and even partying military personnel from bases within driving distance. And during the riots, where were the Never Trumpers? Two teenagers were killed and five people injured, one critically. Not terrorism:* carrying around Nancys podium. It always turns out that some people are more equal than others. The lack of sensuality in the love scenes however, which appear childish and obtrusive amongst the rest of the narrative, are made up for by the tangible quality of the characters clothes and mannerisms, the delicate choices of setting, light and grainy image combined. George Floyd's killer had a terrible record, for instance, but he hung around long enough to make Hitlerian history. [26] Summer of Love Spoiled by Murder, Robberies, Assaults Summer of 85. The former U.S. attorney-turned mayor appears to be all CHAZd out and announced she But 'Summer of 85' is, after all, an ode to the 80s, to sexual freedom; to The Cure (for which the title was changed from 84 to 85, as the films theme, Inbetween Days, wasnt released until the latter year); to dancing and to flannel shirts; movie poster ridden bedroom walls and to the classic 80s film 'La Boum', about teenager Vic (Sophie Marceau) whose Saturday nights revolve around parties, or boums, and who discovers first love amidst exams and her parents imminent divorce. [35] A Free Clinic was established for free medical treatment, and a Free Store gave away basic necessities without charge to anyone who needed them. Our founders were classically educated in Greece and Rome and understood the evils of democracy. The summer 2020 riots resulted in some 15 times more injured police officers, 23 times as many arrests, and estimated damages in dollar terms up to 1,300 times more It was on June 8 that the protesters stormed the Bastille and soon, with no holds barred by police maintaining their distance, defaced the Bastille as the streets became trash bins. Durkan said that she could either do her job or run for her job. Phew. Seattles CHOP Leader Says Im Not Here for Peace and Reveals What Comes Next, Uh-Oh: Violent Antifa Activist Crossed State Lines to Riot, Antifa and BLM Flee CHOP and Leave Behind Evidence of Their Real Goal a Voter Guide, The FBI Targeted Patriotic Conservatives Exercising Their First Amendment Rights: Theyre All Bleeping Terrorists, Watch: Russell Brand OBLITERATES MSNBC in Hack's Face on 'Real Time With Bill Maher', New York Times Discovers a New Source of Racism, and This One Could Be the Most Ridiculous Yet, Young Man Does His Own Taxes for First Time, Rage and Mirth Ensue, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. At Monterey, approximately 30,000 people gathered for the first day of the music festival, with the number increasing to 60,000 on the final day. The soldiers were with the Armys The Mayor was not even home she was working at City Hall. There was only one right choice for the city: doing the job. Whatever you sow, that shall you reap. Summer of Love Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit www.djreprints.com. our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. Police are utilizing this equipment because individuals associated w/the CHOP are known to be armed and dangerous/may be associated with shootings, homicides, robberies, assaults & other violent crimes., Seattle police also revealed that city workers had recovered makeshift spike strips designed to puncture vehicle tires in the area of the CHOP., Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best told reporters: Our job is to support peaceful demonstration but what has happened on these streets over the last few weeks is lawless and its brutal and bottom line it is simply unacceptable., Durkans executive order to clear out the autonomous zone cited several gun violence incidents two of which resulted in the loss of life hostile crowds, the inability of emergency personnel to move quickly and efficiently in the area due to the barriers, narcotics use and violent crime including rape, robbery, and assault increased gang activity, business harassment, noise disturbances, property damage, open fires, and ongoing violations of the Seattle Parks and Recreations Code of Conduct..