He just needs to drop any false anti-vax arguments. His descent reveals how the plague. Millions in claimed donations from Silicon Valley's elite. I think a lot of covid deniers are in a similar psychological situation. Any guesses?? "Steve Kirsch was extremely helpful early on in the pandemic, stepping up to fund early treatment trials when the US government would not fund such studies," Boulware told me in an email. How does this compare to the theoretical picture? Here are 3 of them. It matters what a country does to control transmission inside the country, just as much as it matters controlling what comes in. You can see his list of promising drugs here: Id say these are all good choices. Many people in the 3rd world dont have access to vaccines. If each of these country had a 2.5% increase, that would be good evidence that there are some vaccine deaths, just 10 times less than Steve thinks. The misleading claims of anti-vaccine Steve Kirsch a review It will be published in The Epoch Times later this week. If so, how long did that take to occur? The next on the list, Camostat, has a good theory for why it might work. I think the fentanyl deaths are mostly an issue of the drugs being unpredictably strong, not so much deaths of despair. Tech entrepreneur seeks Covid-19 treatment using existing drugs July 28, 2020, 9:50 AM A COVID-19 vaccine is months away and existing drugs could be a better solution to fighting to virus.. Faced with a handful of studies of fluvoxamine against COVID-19, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration earlier this week declined a request for its emergency use authorization. But it sounds like Steve couldnt play well with others. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, had a good idea. Kirsch said no racetrack workers who took fluvoxamine had lingering symptoms at 14 days of follow-up, compared with 60% of workers who did not take the drug. In the 3 months prior to vaccines, excess deaths were running at 5.3%. Its totally possible that the covid vaccines have some dangerous side effects. Stev Kirsch Takes On The Academics And Demonstrates The Covid Vaccine Both will initially be with no out of pocket cost to the person being vaccinated. On Jan 6, my first class medical was deferred, due to 2nd AV block, Mobitz type 2 (see picture of EKG with diagnosis). I have been vaccinated and my entire family has beenvaccinated. Steve Kirsch is looking for an explanation for 171,000 excess deaths. It doesnt look like thats happening in the US, I have not yet checked across Europe. One post begins, "The fast, easy, safe, simple, low cost treatment for COVID that has worked 100% of the time to prevent hospitalization that nobody wants to talk about.". Thats how Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos spend their free time: Theyre not all exactly the same. When an outbreak first starts, CFR can be high because testing doesnt ramp up quickly enough. I believe that the actual rate of heart injury from these vaccines will be found to be well over the 29.7% rate of heart damage in the Thailand study. These days, he sees about 30 patients per day, 7 days per week. The article, written by tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, received more than 4,700 engagements on Facebook, including more than 2,600 shares. Both concluded that, while it was possible the vaccine had somehow awakened the varicella-zoster virus in these people, this cause-and-effect link could not be established. CFR goes up because testing numbers stay constant, but the true numbers of cases go up. - Steve Kirsch is an entrepreneur who created a company to fund research into off-patent drugs to see if they were effective against COVID-19. "The L.A. Times did a piece, 60 Minutes followed, and now there's some attention," he told MedPage Today via email. Its not like you were forced (or coerced) to take it or anything like that! Theyre caused by or related to covid. PROOF That COVID "Vaccines" Cause Prion Disease See the difference? In the US, possible vaccine deaths are filed in VAERS reports. Kirsch provided no evidence for his claim about the Covid vaccine being "the most dangerous vaccine." He went on to make several other unsubstantiated statements. Their justification is certainly worth debating. How are they ever going to explain the excess mortality data in Steve Kirsch Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early TreatmentFund stk@treatearly.org August 29, 2021 I am the founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund(www.treatearly.org). Steve offered a million dollars to prove that there had been less than 500 vaccine deaths in the US. This post is mostly a bunch of boring graphs explaining why thats not possible. And now, his ego is wrapped up in the generic drugs project. Steves friends didnt even agree with each other about covid, they just made 3 hours of noise. Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: "The mRNA Bezos flew to space in his own rocket. Ill take an educated guess as to why they did that. As far as his mouth is concerned, there were 150,000 vaccine deaths. This article about misleading claims from anti-vaccine activist Steve Kirsch was written by Dorit Rubinstein Reiss, Professor of Law at the University of California Hastings College of the Law (San Francisco, CA), who is a frequent contributor to this and many other blogs, providing in-depth, and intellectually stimulating, articles about vaccines, medical issues, social policy, and the law. How antivaxxers laid the groundwork to blame COVID-19 vaccines for Damar Hamlin's cardiac arrest. On page 43 of his document, Steve says: the death rate is not going to be proportional to doses. On October 24, 2022, the FAA quietly, without any announcement at all, widened the EKG requirements necessary for pilots to be able to fly. - He regularly exaggerates scientific findings and twists them to support his narrative that the COVID-19 vaccines are deadly and that off-patent drugs like ivermectin and fluvoxamine are highly effective against COVID-19. May 20, 2020. In 2020, about 500,000 more people died in the US than in an average year. The mRNA vaccines give some young men myocarditis after the 2nd shot. There might be risks beyond that, it might have taken out some 80-year-olds in nursing homes. Author: KSDK Staff So far, thats perfectly reasonable. Was the high CFR because of a bad outbreak? Add up all those categories and were at 91,000 excess deaths, with 59,000 that still need to be explained. Steve KirschPhoto: The COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund. The best way to test Steves claim is to look at the excess deaths to find all those unreported deaths. What would the troponin levels have been at one day post-injection? Read the Full Article. Lenze (who reports consulting fees from Jazz Pharmaceuticals, the maker of Luvox CR) and colleagues acknowledge that they could not validly monitor the most severe baseline symptom of COVID-19 over time, and that "the potential effects of fluvoxamine on symptomatic improvement are unknown.". Steve says the vaccine mostly kills old people, and that is supported by the data. "A lot of people started going online looking for someone to give them something preventative for COVID-19, so I started doing my own thing. The ethical problem here is the misleading claims," Joffe said via email. That means Steve actually thinks there were less than 500 deaths, or hes afraid that someone could win that prize. VAERS shows that cardiac damage happens at all ages, not just the young: Bottom line: The most logical conclusion is that the FAA knows the hearts of our nations pilots have been injured by the COVID vaccine that they were coerced into taking, the number of pilots affected is huge, the cardiac damage is extensive, and passenger safety is being compromised by the lowering of the standards to enable pilots to fly. Steve argues for 150,000 vaccine deaths in the US. During this time, VAERS received 10,483 reports of death ( 0.0022%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. I could not agree more! Think Im kidding about how they game the trials? That indicated heart damage in over 20% of pilots screened (. Bret Weinstein | DarkHorse Podcast: How to save the world, in three On Substack, COVID misinformation is allowed to flourish When trials came back with poor results for hydroxychloroquine, Kirsch blamed the researchers for doing the trial wrong. Fluvoxamine is the poster child of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF). Then Steve quietly changed the terms of his million dollar challenge without notice. Alex Berenson is making over $700,000 per year on substack. Like all members of its class, fluvoxamine has a long list of potential drug-drug interactions, and carries a black box warning for suicidal ideation in children, adolescents, and young adults. If the vaccines are toxic, what is Kirschs solution to the pandemic? Kirsch, who had received Modernas COVID-19 vaccine, talked to the carpet cleaner who came to his house. I am asymptomatic. This virus causes chickenpox when were young. The brashness that may have served Kirsch well in the business world, where a word like game-changer attracts investments, clashes with the subtleties of scientific research. More than a year after Covid-19 turned into a pandemic, there are few therapies that have proven to work. Kirsch says that earlier stage studies of fluvoxamine as a possible anti-inflammatory were convincing enough for the CETF scientific advisory board to fund Lenze's preliminary study. Now excess deaths are out of control. By the next day, half of the elevated troponin levels had come back into the normal range. However, the study relied upon patient self-report and self-measurement of symptoms. It was first FDA approved in 1994, and was sold in the U.S. under the brand name Luvox until 2002.