The radio operator misheard the signal. There are theories that STENDEC was an abbreviation or acronym of a much larger phrase, and when you break it down you can imagine a whole host of sentences could be constructed using these letters. "Santiago tower even navigator doesnt exactly know" [10] However, Star Dust never arrived, no more radio transmissions were received by the airport, and intensive efforts by both Chilean and Argentine search teams, as well as by other BSAA pilots, failed to uncover any trace of the aircraft or of the people on board. Jos Avery has been posting his impressive photos Twitter continues to crumble bit by bit. Furthermore, whilst it is relatively easy Pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place in 1998, when mountain climbers in the Andes found the planes Rolls-Royce engine. Why would A more plausible theory is that the message was misinterpreted due to a spacing error in the Morse code. At around 5:41pm, after transmitting routine communications to the plane as usual, the control tower at Los Cerrillos Airport in Santiago received this morse code message from Stardust: Perplexed by the final word in the telegram, the Chilean operator requested Stardusts radio officer, Dennis Harmer, to relay the message back to him, only to hear the same word, STENDEC, repeated loud and clearly twice in succession. The Chilean operator wasn't able to read the airport code and prosign sign off as merely procedural.Possibly having English as a second language, he just wasn't sure what he was hearing. Some politicians have irresponsibly suggested that every new IRS employee will be a gun-toting enforcement agent. An explanation of STENDEC .. - Fly With The Stars The trekkers had abandoned their pack mules lower down, and ascended with what they could carry. On 2 August 1947, Star Dust, a British South American Airways (BSAA) Avro Lancastrian airliner on a flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile, crashed into Mount Tupungato in the Argentine Andes. Read on these 10 strange mysteries that were solved later. Discussion Actually, the With so many people packing heat the country must be safer, right? Its certainly reasonable that they would have jumbled their message in a hypoxic state. Things like air turbulance (in my case, rough seas) also affect that rythm. STENDEC Solved (Mystery message from 1947 Andes plane crash) - LGF Pages The "STENDEC mystery," referring to the cryptic message sent by a Lancastrian airliner before it vanished in the Andes, is a staple of the UFO culture. The theory about it being a code for the airport makes a lot more sense. The Avro Lancastrian was a civilian version of the wartime Lancaster heavy bomber. 1947 BSAA Avro Lancastrian Star Dust accident - Wikipedia The unit had to finish quickly. Perhaps with more time, an additional transmission would have been sent explaining STENDEC, but, as things stand, while Some Try Explaining, Nobody Deciphers Enigmatic Code. However, while the aircraft was unpressurized, its crew had been supplied with oxygen. hypoxia (lack of oxygen) as the Lancastrian was unpressurised and ATLANTA (AP) The woman flying out of Philadelphias airport last year remembered to pack snacks, prescription medicine and a cellphone in her handbag. Though it had as its General Manager a pilot of exceptional distinction -- Air Vice Marshal D.C.T. You can find yourself trying to send quickly between the troughs ,drops and bumps, making your send hard to decipher. This is fascinating. Furthermore, Between 1998 and 2000, about ten per cent of the total expected wreckage emerged from the glacier, prompting several re-examinations of the accident. STENDEC and STAR DUST are coded similarly in both English and Morse code, causing some to theorize that Harmer sent one when he actually meant the other. - /. The crash was a result of controlled descent into terrain. These included suggestions that the radio operator, possibly suffering from hypoxia, had scrambled the word "DESCENT" (of which "STENDEC" is an anagram); that "STENDEC" may have been the initials of some obscure phrase or that the airport radio operator had misheard the Morse code transmission despite it reportedly having been repeated multiple times. It has therefore been suggested that, in the absence of visual sightings of the ground due to the clouds, a navigational error could have been made as the aircraft flew through the jet streama phenomenon not well understood in 1947, in which high-altitude winds can blow at high speed in directions different from those of winds observed at ground level. normal for the Radio Operator to start the message by transmitting the name 1 "The Bloop" is an underwater mystery that took nearly 10 years to solve. Yet one mystery remains:. Discussion Not understanding the word "STENDEC" he queried it Its civil certificate of airworthiness (CofA) number 7282 was issued on 1 January 1946. They were so far off course they were trapped in the mountains struggling to survive for 72 days before they were rescued, and then only because of an incredible hike out of the mountains by two of the severely weakened survivors with no climbing gear or experience or any idea where they really were. message from Star Dust -. 9 Mysterious Plane Crashes - Listverse As only one young woman was on board, it was assumed to have been that of Iris Moreen Evans, a 26-year-old from the Rhondda valley. normal for the Radio Operator to start the message by transmitting the name STENDEC - Solved?! Solve the Mystery of STENDEC 1947 Official Accident Report Below is the 1947 official accident report describing what was known at the time about Stardust, its crew, and its mysterious disappearance. just confirmed his time of arrival? Thanks SK. that final message from the ill-fated Lancastrian. French air safety investigators concluded in a 2012 report that the tragedy likely had been caused by an odd cascade of errors. The Stardust could not be raised and no wreckage could be found. of mystery, confusion and intrigue ever since. Blast From the Past: The North Texas Skeptic, May 1999, Republican Senator Claims 'The Left' Will Start a Civil War Unless Federal Highway System Abolished, A Christian Health Nonprofit Saddled Thousands With Debt as It Built a Family Empire Including a Pot Farm, a Bank and an Airline, Popular Instagram Photographer Revealed as AI Fraud, Cutting IRS Funding Is a Gift to Americas Wealthiest Tax Evaders, Record 6,542 Guns Intercepted at US Airport Security in 22, Interview With Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm, US: Russia Has Committed Crimes Against Humanity in Ukraine, Joel Cummins Umphreys McGee Keyboard Rig - January 2023 [VIDEO], Oklahoma Judge Transfers Lesbian Moms Parental Rights to Her Sons Sperm Donor. Discussion It was also noted that, despite being a pilot for four years and accruing a total flying time of nearly 2,000 hours for both the RAF and the BSAA, this was Cooks first flight across the Andes as Captain. [12], A report by an amateur radio operator who claimed to have received a faint SOS signal from Star Dust initially raised hopes that there might have been survivors,[11] but all subsequent attempts over the years to find the vanished aircraft failed. Without rearranging any of the inputs, and just separating the spacing differently, you can come up with the phrase SCTI AR. message from Star Dust - "E.T.A. STENDEC - The World's Most Mysterious Morse Code | When a plane goes missing over the Andes Mountains in 1947, it's unusual last message leaves the world with a 70 year old mystery still waiting to be solved. Americas owner-flown aircraft enthusiasts and active-pilot resource, delivered to your inbox! simple message SCTI AR (or in layman's terms "Santiago, over"). The public, still reeling from the now-famous flying saucer incident in Roswell, New Mexico, a few weeks earlier, went wild with theories, speculating everything from sabotage to alien abduction. This would have explained the suddenness of its disappearance, and the fact that large pieces of wreckage had not been spotted during a wide air and land search. Their curse was too much sky. So apparently the mystery hasn't been solved, because I don't see anything in the article suggesting anyone understands what Stendec meant. See link for the answer to this 63 year old question. attention it is common to use the dots and dash for V as a calling At 17.41 a Chilean Air Force Morse operator in Santiago picked up a message: ETA [estimated time of arrival] Santiago 17.45 hrs. NOVA Online | Vanished! | Theories (Jan. 31, 2001) - PBS most of the mysteries surrounding Stardusts disappearance, The disappearance and the odd message have remained a mystery for over sixty years. And even less likely that the same morse dyslexia would be repeated It also seems clear that the message was not anticipating a crash, Voice of the station they wish to contact. / -.-. A few years later, more debris was found on the mountain, suggesting that the plane had made a head-on impact with the ground due to the close proximity and condition of the wreckage. Here's The 51 Creepiest Mysteries That Remain Unsolved To This Very Day Part of the problem was that BSAA was operating types of aircraft that were at the extreme limits of their capabilities. STENDEC Solved (Mystery message from 1947 Andes plane crash) / -.. / . Then four years ago, several Argentinians climbing Mount Tupungato stumbled across part of a Rolls Royce engine, fragments of fuselage and strips of bleached clothing. Weird December 2010 Views: 31,751. Shortly before arrival at Chile's Santiago airport, she completely vanished, her final. On July 3, a rancher at Roswell, New Mexico, claimed to have found a UFO crash site with four alien bodies. Before this message a series of entirely routine messages had been STENDEC. The wireless operator did not recognize the last word, so he requested clarification. British Overseas Airways G-AGLX (the registration number) went down on March 23, 1946, and British Overseas Airways G-AGMF crashed on August 20. A Spanish magazine about UFOs appropriated STENDEK as its title, and at least one U.S. comic book illustrated the disappearance of the Stardust, pondering the meaning of STENDEC for its fascinated readers. (STENDEC). On August 2, 1947, the Stardust, a Lancastrian III passenger plane with eleven people on board, was almost four hours into its flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile. / - / . was that a small rearrangement of the dots and dashes (for example