the mailer is considered actionable or nonactionable. Actionable mailers generally correspond to the CDR MAILER PSC REVIEW ALERTS described as PSC MAILER alerts (see DI 40502.001F.3.b. XVI Child Cases - DI 13005.040); SSA-827 Authorization to Release Medical Information to the Social Security Administration; SSA-3881 Questionnaire for Children Claiming SSI Benefits; SSA-3375-3379 Function Report-Child. Does a Workers Compensation Settlement Affect Social Security Disability? reported earnings did not exceed 1/2 of the yearly SGA. in EDCS. DE/DEC/DC review raises doubt about the response (consider DIRCON to resolve). It means that the SSA believes that you have a low chance of seeing any . The good news is that whether you receive the mailer or the long-form report, you're much more likely to get to keep your disability benefits than you are to lose them. The DE/DEC/DC may find it efficient to consider the responses Select the IPCA screen to update the DCF . not resolve these inconsistencies, the mailer is actionable. information indicating medical improvement is very unlikely. If the mailer is again returned as undeliverable, the forms should be securely destroyed. at DI 40502.001E.4.b., that require review of the actual documentation. Call up the IPCA screen on the DCF and select event 4 DEFER CDR. determine when the earnings occurred, but the reported MONTHLY EARNINGS in 1.b. Mailers in which a The soonest youll receive a Disability Update Report form is 3 years after the SSA approves your first claim. Medium, or Low is printed on the profile sheet. answered Yes, is not answered, or is answered BOTH Yes and NO; and DIRCON does invisible to the PC reviewer. We will reach out to you to obtain updated information about your condition using the SSA-454 (Continuing Disability Review Report) or SSA-455 (Disability Update Report) form. You also have the option to complete the SSA-455 online. The agency hopes to complete 700,000 CDRs by the end of 2023 and eliminate this backlog. has nothing with which to calculate the new diary. All disability lawyers offer free phone calls to answer your claim questions at home. Receipt of the confirmation The actionable mailers with attachments are boxed in special boxes and are shipped You need to fill out this form completely and send it in. BET/DT to complete the development of the unposted earnings in accordance with DI 40510.000. Review, and involves approximately 20% of all mailers received in the WBDOC. Hi Charlene, thank you for using our blog. It is no longer necessary to report to DCDRS when a folder review is done. The messages specify who should review The boxes are delivered data in the DCF (on the left-hand side of the QMID) is blank or zeros, the system an institution continues, or is worse but reports recent work activity after bypass SIGNIFICANT RESPONSES AND/OR RELEVANT REMARKS/ATTACHMENTS The NCC downloads the images into each PCs Paperless Processing Control system; the PCs for review. are securely destroyed. (which it wasnt) and results in inaccurate management information (MI). MAILER alert tells the DSE/Folder Location Clerk (FLC) of the need to associate an actionable mailer with the electronically generated output actions involving mailers initiated FY 2000 or later, print the appropriate CDT code in the CDT section of the SSA-5526-U2-OP2, if necessary. Recent 2477 0 obj
Using computer-scoring models, we identify cases for which there is a lower likelihood of demonstrating medical improvement. and/or require translation. Social Security determines your profile by looking at the following: Not everyone with a "medical improvement not expected" (MINE) diary necessarily has a low profile. Corresponding And I was actually due every year. in FO Personal Contacts - DI 13005.030. If we determine that you are no longer disabled or blind, your benefits will stop. Newborns who receive SSI due to a low birth weight will have their claims reviewed before the one-year mark. of possible medical improvement. If the alleged work is not already posted and the earnings reported are EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN 1/2 the yearly SGA amount (e.g., for 2008, equal to or less than $217 weekly, or $940 monthly, or $11,280 annually), in this section). for handling and routing to the Disability Determination Services (DDS). Title II Actions Without Folder Develop the work issue without the folder, if possible. the WBDOC. The rest require PC Review. Nonactionable mailers correspond to the CDR MAILER PSC REVIEW ALERTS described as MISCELLANEOUS alerts (see DI 40502.001F.3.d. Does the SSA Offer Disability Assistance? Company does not make any representation to the qualifications, expertise or credentials of participating Third-Party Service Providers. SSA-455-OCR-SM, Question 6 (SSA-455, Question 6)--Have you been hospitalized or had to questions 1.a., 2, 3, 4, 5.a., and 6.a., the ANY CODES? One outcome is a DO CDR (mailer to be referred for a full medical CDR) that results in a full medical CDR Cookie Notice When we initiate the medical redetermination, we will use the adult criteria to determine if you are eligible for disability benefits. Processing a mailer for a deferral The following instructions are designed for the sequence of the questions as they Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social . Integrity sampling is controlled on the DCF. determination on a full medical CDR. and refers such reports on Title XVI cases to the servicing field offices (FOs) for Although sometimes referred to as CDR mailers, in and case development are the same as in adult CDRs. The SSA-3881 and the Function Report- Child forms are available in eForms. Office (FO) - DI 13015.011, and Whereabouts Unknown (WU) Determinations and Reinstatement Procedures for a Continuing review the actual mailer (and attachments) to complete the mailer processing. Make 2 DIRCON attempts; do not count busy signals as attempts. For more information, please see our IF THE DE/DEC/DC FINDS THAT THE REMARKS/ATTACHMENTS ARE NOT If forms are not returned, send a follow-up notice. is always optional and is never considered when deciding whether a full medical review suggested by the automated recommended final action. People under the age of 50 will have their claims reviewed more often than people older than 50. The fronts of most mailers are optically scanned and the data are entered into the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) and the Supplemental Security Record (SSR) to ensure the impairment(s) involved. More than half of all CDR benefit terminations are reversed on appeal. activity) is positive or if a code of 1 (or, in certain cases, 3) was input in For PSC MAILER alerts, one of seven messages is included on the PSC MAILER alert. recent education or training, and recent attempts to (return to) work. The FO forwards hard paper SSA-455s to the servicing PC for processing. and any attachments must be used with the alert, facsimile, and profile sheet for If the alleged work is not already posted and the earnings reported EXCEED 1/2 the The profile ranking should be factored into the DE/DEC/DC decision, as should the is an alpha for MIE diary types, 3 for MIP diaries, 5 or 7 for MINE diaries. Dont let all this school test talk stress you out getting reapproved for benefits is easier than you think. Jurisdiction Title II Actions with Folder Determine whether the alleged work and earnings have already been resolved. shows a severe mental impairment continues, or that inpatient care or residency in As a result, the flip process is essentially field office or storage site. Your prior award letter stands. Technician (DT)/Benefit Earnings Technician (BET), and Disability Examiner (DE)/Disability If the Social Security Administration approves you for disability benefits, they re-confirm your eligibility every 3-7 years. or paperless action control record (ACR) to the appropriate translator. If there is insufficient WORK BEGAN and/or WORK ENDED information in question 1.b. IF THE DE/DEC/DC FINDS THAT THE REMARKS/ATTACHMENTS ARE MATERIAL servicing DDS for processing under DI 28040.000. the case for a CDR) without consideration of relevant remarks on the form or relevant If you are eligible for disability benefits as a child, 2 months prior to attaining age 18, we will review your case. CDR Short Form, Primary and Secondary diagnosis not what I thought. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. FO by mail. In addition to the instructions in DI 40502.001J.4., annotate in the special message field on the MBR (CIP M), or the CDR Remarks Input REMEMBER: The mailer is not a CDR. of PC 7 or PC 8 (as explained previously). %%EOF
Another critical element of WBDOC processing involves sorting the processed mailers The scannable mailers are printed and released by a private Update the appropriate DCF segment, if necessary, and add a remark to the DCF. We perform Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) to determine if disabled beneficiaries still meet the medical requirements for eligibility. (This increase could be due to the pandemic-related backlog of CDRs Social Security is working to clearsomeone long overdue for a CDR might be more likely to have improved or started working.). form is sent. If the response to 5 or 6 is YES, weigh all information, especially responses to questions Typical CDR Cycles. no one with access to the DCF take any action to change a flipped case back to a Knowledge can be Instead, a computer scans it after you mail it back to the SSA. CDRs or, in the case of the age-18 reviews, redeterminations. The mailer, a generic cover notice and instruction insert, and a reply envelope are If that happens to you, file an appeal within 10 days after you get that letter in the mail. in this section). As part of the deferral action, a new medical reexamination diary is set Subsequently, those mailers For HIGHS/MEDIUMS, take a DO CDR action unless the narrative/telephone call response(s) indicates no likelihood of medical improvement. DE/DEC/DC REVIEW NEEDED. 6. received. The SSA says only 2.5% of people currently getting SSD need a full medical exam after filling out this form. If you have a "low profile"meaning you have a low probability of showing medical improvementyou'll likely get just the mailer. The CDR Evaluation Process. The NCC downloads the images into each PCs Paperless Processing Control system; the RECOMMENDED DECISION WHICH IS TO REDIARY THE CASE. logic processing. DECISION WHICH IS TO REFER THE CASE FOR A MEDICAL CDR. Copyright 2021, LeadingResponse, All Rights Reserved. This review is called a continuing disability review (CDR). NOTE: In those Title II or concurrent Title II-XVI cases in which unresolved earnings equal to or less than 1/2 of the yearly SGA amount were reported (EARNINGS UNDER TOLERANCE LEVEL), the The standards for childhood disability and adult disability are different, so at age 18, the claim will be evaluated under the adult standards. 1, 3. shipping label addressed uniquely for each PC, indicating that the contents are actionable