I put information out there that I cant validate, because few people can validate some of the high levels of Intel. Its not not necessarily unless required. 48:03 But everything goes in the description of these videos. !https://tinyurl.com/6j3yjczwMEDIA REQUESTS ONLY - ALL OTHER EMAILS DELETED IMMEDIATELY: patriotstreetfighter@gmail.com The Patriot Streetfighter Information Warfare Platform is taking shape. But Im hoping a lot of you guys come forward like like the one did today. Talk about stepping out into stepping into the Dragons Den and making a film like that about Hollywood and hes a career Hollywood guy. Yeah. Please consider donating to our page. Pal Bulletin is trying to build a Pro Trump community & it is our goal to add whatever the deplorables need and want to see on this website. The lies, the CDC bullshit, the NIH. So anyways, you guys are great. But this is pretty interesting. Patriot Streetfighter - Scott McKay - Our Great Awakening Im like, Well, you know what? If you missed getting bitcoin seven years ago, you wouldnt want to miss this. all the evidence is there all the truth yet again, this is a lazy person that didnt want to do it. Because I pretty much stay stay out in the crowd as much as I can. Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. Ive got the thing over my nose and not my mouth. So my thesis said that HIV was actually latent in monocytes, that the T cell wasnt the target for drug therapy as Tony Fauci had pushed for the previous decade. Now, you know, eight years earlier, in 2011, my entire career destroyed everything, or they thought everything taken out of my office, and thank God for, you know, my student Max, who also kind of lost everything. So any, you know, were gonna make sure that we stay, you know, on the sidelines, we dont get in the way of that schedule, I have no idea what the schedule is, I just heard this, its just, its just my natural, you know, thought processes hate, lets make sure that, you know, we have a clear path. i locked about a house which is my office its raining, 1:06:37 ABOUT OUR PAYMENT PROCESSING: When Gallo and Fauci had, the first human disease causing retrovirus was isolated and associated with disease by my mentor of 37 years, Frank resetti, who was fired by Gallo forgetting Bob Gallo, for at the NCI forgetting too much credit. Im isolating virus from from people with AIDS from their saliva. Also, this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Quite honestly, my viewers know to have been talking about it for a week. But I figured strategically we only have a warning here. Follow Rose Rambles on WordPress.com Recent Articles. Popular Mechanics, radioactive diamond battery will run for 28,000 years. This isnt for me to say, you know, that this, this is the reality that I know to be 100% true. Thats where most folks go to find the mobile Connect. Theres nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. So I direct people to these other patriots out there, so you can gather information from them. Theres nothing that can be done for you nothing. I just poor guys. Whats the motivation? I think thats where the religious order the satanist gun control, the religious order made us believe. So even Starbucks, even some nutritional supplement companies have to say if there theres a chance you get these cancer causing fumes. Santa Barbara is a is an unbelievable echo chamber. Patriot Streetfighter - Scott McKay. 50:42 So make sure you take that into account. So I get a chance to finally connect with some Texas patriots. Its 10 oclock in the morning, the flights 11 oclock in the morning, I sit and work on my computer and give continuing medical medical education slides to a doctor. And as we we told many of these, we build many of these events in our book plague of corruption, and well tell a lot more when Frank resetti talks for the first time in our upcoming book, ending play. She refused to put a mask on, and they brought the police in that King shit, Santa Barbara redekop Airport ran a cop that came in with a badge and decided he was going to use his badge. Join our Locals page and see our free content or subscribe for $3 a month to help us stay in operations and see bonus content @ Palbulletin.locals.com! Thats a difficult one for many people, because its far its far outside of the parameters of things that weve been taught to understand. It was actually called a reduction in force. You know whos responsible here? I mean, they make fun I wouldnt be here without Big Pharma. LAST CHANCE! Join Scott McKay TONIGHT at 8:30 PM (EST) for "Ask the Sorry, I just wanted to make sure they were clear who, 23:07 say i didnt say you know who you talking to bitch but in sheet one a guy with to mask on and you know is already in the seat and im looking around me in it and think about it ive already gotten on the plane youre in a bit in an airport everybody wants to get to their flight and get on the plane first class all lined up theyre all getting on the plane they want to get their drinks and it occurs to me nobody gets on behind me as she comes down the aisle after me and when and when the gate agent said my name wrong and i said mike of ids you know and they got the and i got the hat on i didnt have the i do not comply button but i got the we the people red hat on and it occurs to me oh no this just isnt happening and and she said youre not wearing that mask and i said barred me i said oh yes i am and i said this mask was given to me by my doctor for my medical condition none of the master our fda or anything approved in fact thats the most toxic rescue could wear im on my way to it i just keep talking and she said ms and i said dr mike of it and and you do not have a medical degree you are not a medical professional you have no authority whatsoever to tell me what to wear and and i sat down and and shes like and she came with one of these she went back up and she got there goes king. Thats, you know, patriots certainly, I mean, need to work together. (Recommended). So, of course, I walked in with no mask. But I want you other police officers out there to hear this. Yeah. Scott McKay | Patriot Streetfighter - Telegram And I want to get this in here for you, Judy. Its theyre not really in my wheelhouse, but looks good to me. And so thats thats what you have to do when youre going to doctors conference, you wont get MD committed continuing medical education if theyre anything but science. Tony Fauci scared him into it when when we were seeing all the damage done by the DTP shot. Im going to go to that article real quick before I continue down through this Intel radioactive battery that will run for 20,000 years. You are a peace officer. It sees its bureaucrats in the law enforcement community, that are forcing you to do these things under the threat of losing your job or whatever else, believe me, we the people rise and back your play, will drive these bastards out, will drive them out, will recall them. He said, 54:45 11:37 Yeah. Retuning soon to Patriot Streetfighter. These people are scumbags. - Supports Healthy Inflammation Response. Ive made all the rules. they know this they know what you know they know that this is a this is the long term multi decade murder machine. GET DAILY BANNED NEWS IN YOUR INBOX @https://www.survivethenews.com/newsletter/ Join the conversation on Telegram @https://tinyurl.com/TelegramSurviveTheNews45 Podcast by:https://scottmckay.us. Apparently, some really bad stuff that the world is going to learn inevitably here, its gonna turn turn bad for politicians and scumbags. I promise you it doesnt think thats the question youre asking last appointment to a new place, same thing. Theyre great up there thats all thats in my wheelhouse for the moment. Do you now and several young women off to the right when I hang up the phone said okay are you Dr. Judy? By Kerry Cassidy September 24, 2022 1 Min Read. SEE AND JOIN MY TELEGRAM CHANNEL Got fork in Mackay. Proudly powered by WordPress 2:08 Its always more than that. Thats what my PhD thesis show. he locked him out of the house youre locked him out of your office, 1:06:35 I have setup a telegram channel and chat group, setup telegram (https://telegram.org/) on your device, and follow my updates here:https://t.me/patriotstreetfighter for the BROADCAST CHANNEL https://t.me/patriotstreetfighters for GROUP CHAT CHANNEL Connect with all my social media by going to: http://patriotsriseup.com where you can also access patriotstreetfighter.com for fun Patriot Streetfighter gear Rumble (PRIMARY) https://rumble.com/c/PatriotStreetfig Brighteon https://bit.ly/31gR5jI Bitchute https://bit.ly/3tPQOAx \"The Tipping Point\" LIVE radio show: Mondays 8-10pm EST http://revolution.radio/ in STUDIO B (Mobile device tilt sideways to landscape view for STUDIO B) Call-in listeners 641-793-7038Tunein Radio is a good option if the web servers or phones are jammedhttps://bit.ly/3lKgyM1Or use the app for Android or AppleSearch for Revolution Radio and select Studio B The Plan To Save The World by Joe M https://bit.ly/3rqKJctThe video that launched Patriot Streetfighterhttps://tinyurl.com/jfmunvkz The founders knew every single word in that constitution and why they put every word in there. THAT DIDNT AGE WELL! If you purchase something from these links we or the owners of those links COULD get paid for that. Good to have you folks. Proudly powered by WordPress This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The Tour is a whole separate animal. So thank you for being on the show. Its at Scott mckay.us. But you know what, what we need to do is go to these city council meetings or any of these other meetings where these people are held responsible. interjected word in there about Fauci scumbag folks. And many of you guys know, you know who the worms are in the police department that do this bullshit. And Ill fix them later because they were pretty detailed. Its perspective. And if you listen, if youve listened to Sheriff Mack, if you havent seen a sheriff Mack video on on rumble when I interviewed him, your responsibility that you took an oath for is that constitution and these people, not these scumbag bureaucrat political worms, who cant survive out there in the real world where theres ethics and honor and integrity, integrity and conviction of what what America stands for. yeah through this angry crowd you know not all yeah yeah just throw away the key kind of thing you know and by then im like you moron you want to kill yourself i dont care thinning of the herd yeah thats what we need im just not gonna stand by while innocent children die you know from those toxic mess there is no law called the sheriff there is no log all the sheriff you know as theyre pushing me into the elevator they take me out to the curb and and the guy i never see you know either has a finger in the middle of my back remember they just keep touching the handcuffs so my left arm you know they can get their little scream so they could see if they could get this you know this woman you know to squeal or scream whatever as theyre abusing me and and i dont know whats in my bag a gun baton a finger you know who knows there are two suv police cars i think it said santa barbara city police you know and i resisted saying fucking rent a cop but i did that once before and it didnt go well for me i did gollum rent a car that was all the way back in the 80s i called the military police at fort dietrich redekop when when he was stupid enough to come arrest me at work in the lab because i hadnt worn a helmet on my bike into the post at fort dietrich so he said go home and get one you know go ride the bike six miles home and get one oh that makes a hell of a lot of sense you moron yeah lets just its dangerous so lets just go ride cata just go to work and remember it tomorrow because i wear the helmet over the baseball cap because i always have and i forgot i didnt have it on in any rate so these guys take me off to the way side of the airport not directly in front of the airport where they can people could see where people might recognize dr judy while people might see these assholes beaten up an innocent woman for nothing with the mask in my hand you know really in handcuffs behind me you know i didnt refuse to wear a mask and you dont get to say what kind of mask i get to wear thank you very much so you know and they take me off to the side and by now im realizing after you know experiencing the force they they is spurlock and inflicted on me on the plane and since that they could take me out on the side of the airport santa barbara everybody knows its just the field nobodys over theres theres not you know 20 people in the airport at any given time theyre two suvs theyve you know and they could do anything they want and they could say oh they took the handcuffs off and i assaulted them and shoot me i dont know or beat me up with the baton you know so they spend the next 20 minutes half hour trying to force me to sign this citation and i said i will not there is no law call the sheriff call the sheriff call my lawyer oh you could do that later as a no im not im not im not signing anything then well take your right to jail and they start to put me in one of these suvs you know hurting me all the way and they arent gentle unkind is they were a little bit kinder in 2011 when they arrested me at least they went back and got my, 1:04:56 Public Library Pushes Back Against 'Wholesome' Kirk Cameron Book Swedish seismologists reported that one of the three explosions measures 2.3 on the Richter Scale of earthquake intensity, but this was no earthquake. I dont think that happens. If youre around that weekend, Ive been hearing a lot like Scott, why dont you just do an event in Dallas for the last couple months because we have a lot of Texas people here.