Having exhibited both local artists and artists from abroad, and catering to an international customer base, we offer an extensive collection of original contemporary, illustrated, graphic, commercial, and narrative art - all of which are carefully catalogued on our website. All rights reserved. For an exact quote, please use the 'Quote Shipping' option and we will invoice you separately after the close of the exhibition when your package has been prepared for shipment. The roster encompasses exceptional young artists at the onset of their careers to internationally established masters. The URL of your website if you have one. You are welcome to send them your project proposal. "Art Genre(s):Contemporary Art, Fine ArtArt Form(s):Painting, SculptureAbout the Gallery:Established in 1983, A Gallery / Allen+Alan Fine Art balances contemporary trends with fine art traditions. 12:00 Buenos Aires. As theGRAND PRIZE, onejury-winning artist is awarded a solo exhibition at JONATHAN FERRARA GALLERY to take place the following year. Only successful applicants will be contacted. 401 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 126 Top 10 Art Galleries in Downtown San Francisco - Tripadvisor 23 Art Galleries That Accept Submissions from Photographers (based in They host four exhibitions per year. Their mission is to provide space to artists & creative professionals who demand a unique and inspiring environment to create and exhibit their work.>>Blue Mark Gallery Submission Process, Bucktown Gallery Artist Submissions (Illinois)A gathering place for local artists and creatives to showcase their work. They work from various media outlets via exhibitions, workshops, live web radio and an open source art library. "Artists wishing to be considered for representation by the Addison Art Gallery are to make their submissions via email. Waltman Ortega Fine Art | Miami - Paris - London France. In this email, please include the following: A personal website link of your artwork If you think your artwork would make a good fit for our gallery, please send us an email to info@moderneden.com with "Artist Submission" in the subject line. Plinth Gallery Artist Submissions (Colorado). From large-scale projects to personal endeavors, our team is here to support you in whatever way you need. Within three (3) business days of the City's issuance of a Notice of Intent to Award. After working in the art world for over 20 years, New Canaan native Betsy Jesup opened Handwright Gallery in 1998. Bass & Reineris a curatorial project with the goal of introducing artists to a broader audience in San Francisco, expanding beyond traditional regional boundaries. All Rights Reserved, We use cookies to analyze and improve website functionality. Cash prizes and an invitation to Fusion Art's Annual Group Show in Santa Fe in 2024 for Best in Show winners. Images uploaded may be used for PR, so it is in your best interest to include a press-ready hi-res jpg image (300dpi) with each piece. IS THE A GALLERY/ALLEN+ALAN FINE ART GALLERY RIGHT FOR MY ARTWORKS? is an artist owned studio space and gallery run by Erwin Overes and Lisa Stefaniak. 44 West Brook Street DESCRIPTION. In the '90s, the exhibition was open only to New Orleans artists and subsequently grew to include artists of Louisiana. Blue Sky Gallery (Portland, Oregon) Blue Sky Gallery, also known as the Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts, is now accepting. 210 Post Street, Suite 205 San Francisco, CA 94108 Phone: 415.956.3560 info@dolbychadwickgallery.com Eden Gallery is proudly host to a house of successful artists, enhancing the modern, dynamic, and creative environment of the gallery. Artist Submissions (Illinois), "Open to all local and national (including Canada and Mexico) artists, all mediums accepted, excluding video art and installation art. Do not be surprised if a gallery does not respond to you at all, especially if they are not accepting submissions. To apply, submit 1-6 images at www.callforentry.org and pay an application fee of $30 ($35 for non-Pence members). Artists may submit a link to their website by email to info@marciawoodgallery.com.". NDA 2018 Finalist - REWAwas born and raised between Nigeria and England and received a BSc. Please email artistsgallery@sfmoma.orgwith any questions related to the SFMOMA Artists Gallery. Never having received formal art training, she is self-taught and developed her innate talent from a very early age. Situated just a stone's throw from King's College, the gallery is in the heart of the beautiful, historic University city. Once payment has been made, edits cannot be made to your submission so please do so only once completed in full. Each year the gallery invites a panel of renowned arts professionals and collectors to select the newest creative talents. Besides being a place to produce and display our own original art, Studio Oh! The gallery reviews submissions every eight weeks, only successful submissions will be contacted. We are working on obtaining more info regarding the gallery's submission requirements, the gallery's reputation (per reviews and media coverage), the gallery owner/founder's professional and educational background, and what the gallery does to promote its artists works. Calls for Artists | San Francisco Arts Commission Max is a place for exploration and expression where creativity, imagination and the arts flourish in an environment that encourages and nurtures the artist in each of us. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art SFMOMA 151 Third St San Francisco, CA 94103 About SFMOMAView on map415.357.4000Contact Us Hours Mon-Tues 10 a.m.-5 p.m. "A Gallery/Allen+Alan Fine Art reviews submissions on an as needed basis. Prior to submitting your work, please review the artwork on our site, in our current show (revolutionartgallery.com/exhibitions).". Specialising in handmade prints, paintings, sculptures and crafts, the gallery shows the work of over 100 UK-based artists, with a new exhibition every month. We update our original guide to the best contemporary art galleries in San Francisco. The Elaine Fleck Gallery is accepting submissions from artists with an emphasis on painting, mixed media and photography. 'On the Edge': 'The de Young Open' exhibition calls for submissions Please contact us for options, or select 'Quote Shipping' at checkout and follow up by email to info@moderneden.com. Buy art online or visit us in San Francisco! If you wish to stay updated on the information we obtain during our research, join our mailing list by clicking on the link below! Cute Gallery with wonderful staff. If we feel your work will be a good fit for a future show, we will be in contact. The Gallery aims to be a gathering place for local doers, thinkers and creators to share experiences within the context of contemporary culture. Step 1: We prefer digital JPEG files for our initial viewing. Whitespace is a contemporary gallery active in Atlanta and across the southeast that seeks to foster an immersive environment of free-expression, intimacy, and dialogue. Submissions should include an online portfolio, website link or a maximum of 10 jpeg images (not to exceed 2MB), CV & artist statement. An anchor in the North Naples Art District with 13,000 square feet of original art, the gallery offers abstracts, expressionism, contemporary realism and sculptures. Their extensive inventory represents a wide variety of styles from abstract to impressionism and realism. Apart from representing local artists, the gallery also exhibits works by artists who have captured the beauty and history of Cape Cod.About the Gallery:One of the most successful galleries in the country astounding the public with art by newly discovered artists and masterpieces by established artists. American Art Collector. ", Established in 1986La Luz de Jesus Galleryis the brainchild of entrepreneur and art collectorBilly Shire, considered primarily responsible for fostering a new school of California art and prompting JUXTAPOZ Magazine to dub him the Peggy Guggenheim of Lowbrow., Showcasing mainly figurative, narrative paintings and unusual sculpture, the exhibitions are post-pop with content ranging from folk to outsider to religious to sexually deviant. Volcano Art Center (VAC) is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) educational organization founded in 1974 by a band of eclectic and energetic artists. You can send them unsolicited material, preferably a link to your website. Submissions and acceptances are on a rolling basis with accepted artists being . The best way to stay on top of new available opportunities is to sign up for our Newsletter to be notified when opportunities become available. Use the form below to get in touch and an experienced art consultant will get back to you shortly. Submission Policy:First of all, thank you for your interest in exhibiting your artwork at Modern Eden! Axom Gallery Artist Submissions (New York), "AXOM Gallery and Exhibition Space reviews artist proposals on an ongoing basis. Submissions - Sparks Gallery 2325 Valdina Street Dallas, TX 75207 214-688-0244 info@artdallas.com @artdallasinc The 700 square foot wood floored loft space is divided into a boutique and a gallery. Wednesday - Saturday, 12- 5PM ABOUT. The panel of jurors for the 27th Annual NO DEAD ARTISTS reflects a somewhat different model than years past. Spectrum Art Gallery in Essex, CT opened April 2014, an addition to theArts Center Killingworth, a non-profit arts organization founded in 2003, serving the Connecticut shoreline and river valley from New Haven to Hartford, including Madison, Guilford, Chester and Old Saybrook. ", "If you are interested in exhibiting your work the gallery, and feel your work fits in with what we have shown and are interested in showing it to us, contact us and we will try respond at our earliest convenience. San Francisco Arts Commission. CALLS FOR ARTISTS - arc gallery & studios Artists cansend submissionsto exhibit throughout the year. San Francisco Art Galleries : The Official San Francisco Guide "Art Genre(s):Contemporary ArtArt Form(s):Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Photography, Digital, Printing, Mixed MediaSubmission Scope:InternationalCost(s) Involved:Submission Fee - $50Representation Cost (upon acceptance) - $3,450 + (depending on promotional options selected)Commission Structure:Gallery 30%About the Gallery:Agora Gallery was established by the late Miki Stiles, MFA, to provide opportunities to artists entering the global art market. Click on the link below to find out more about the gallery's submission requirements, the gallery's reputation (per reviews and media coverage), the gallery owner/founder's professional and educational background, and what the gallery does to promote its artists works. Art Dallas Inc Submit Your Art Whether sculptural or functional, Jonathan and Dorothy provide exhibition opportunities for both emerging ceramic talent as well as established career clay artists. Digital media and video submissions are limited to 15 minutes in duration. Digital submissions are strongly encouraged by completing the form below. In addition, artworks from the artists that we promote are also exhibited through dozens of associate, high-level, Fine Art galleries across the globe and online. Some galleries are good, others are great. in Physiology and Pharmacology from University College London (UCL). Gallery Studio Oh! The exhibition itself is installed in the gallery for the entire month of September with an opening reception in conjunction with the Arts District New Orleans' First Saturday Gallery Openings inSeptember 2023 from6-9 pm. Art consultant, curator, and art dealer Elaine Fleck welcomes and reviews submissions, however only those submissions the curator is interested in will be responded to. How to submit: We prefer that you submit your work as a photo or video post. Our contemporary aesthetic ranges from Realism to Surrealism with a strong focus on illustrative works. Sweet Art Gallery is leaving it's mark on Southwest Florida's thriving art scene. synthesiswelcomes artists tosubmit their VR/AR artworkson an open-ended basis. Please do not mail, email, or bring any hard copies of submissions - use this form only. IS THE AUSTIN ART GARAGERIGHT FOR MY ARTWORKS? Suite 10 Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 948 . Welcome to the Atlanta Art Gallery We do not accept international submissions." Their extensive inventory represents a wide variety of styles from abstract to impressionism and realism. They represent a range of emerging and mid-career artists whose practice is based around the medium of paper. Works in our current exhibition will ship after the exhibition closing date. The Patchogue Arts Council is accepting submissions for potential solo exhibitions at its Satellite Galleries in The Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts as well as inclusion for exhibitions at the PAC Gallery located at 20 Terry St., Patchogue, NY. $250 check, juror's award ribbon, recognition certificate, and the show catalog will be awarded to top three works. Blue Sky Gallery, also known as the Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts, is now accepting submissions for gallery exhibitions taking place from 2024 onward. They host a variety of events open to the public for feature artists with various mediums.>>Bucktown Gallery Submission Process, Carolyn and Howard Alber Gallery Artist Submissions (Pennsylvania), "The Carolyn and Howard Alber Gallery at Allens Lane Art Center has slots available for each season and encourages area artists to submit materials for consideration for an exhibition. Given the high costs associated with exhibiting at the gallery, some artists question its legitimacy. The best way to stay on top of new available opportunities is to sign up for our Newsletterto be notified when opportunities become available. Cloned 4,886. Only .mov files accepted. Over 20 artists exhibit artworks at our exclusive galleries, located in New York, Miami, London, and Mykonos. The art galleries listed feature contemporary and traditional fine art, painting, prints, fine art photography, glass art, sculpture and many other types of visual art. Artplex Gallery is a commercial gallery in Los Angeles, showcasing established and emerging international artists. (415) 252-2266 We are looking for artists to join the team that represent contemporary expression and convey an optimistic and colorful view of life. Be the first to receive information about new collections, new artists, and event invitations. Discover new artwork, get inspired and receive invitations to gallery happenings and events. JONATHAN FERRARA GALLERYproudly hosts the 27th iteration of our annual call for artists - NO DEAD ARTISTS: International Juried Exhibition of Contemporary Art. Martin Lawrence Galleries. The guide may be worth looking into for those of you who are interested to hear from a seasoned gallery owner.If interested in checking out the guide, check it out at this link --> "Starving" to SuccessfulCircus Living is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Today, Volcano Art Center continues to operate a successful fine arts gallery showcasing handcrafted art works by over 230local artists, as well as developing and offering programs for residents, keiki (children) and visitors alike, including the award winning Na Mea Hawai`i Hula Kahiko performance series at the kahua hula in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park.>>Volcano Art Center Submission Process, West Branch Gallery Artist Submissions (Vermont), "Artists are invited to submit their work for consideration by emailing images along with resume, artist statement and image list." Come see some featured art for yourself at one of our three galleries. Gagosian Gallery (San Francisco) - All You Need to Know - Tripadvisor The Gallery will begin accepting submissions based on these criteria for the annual juried Exhibition in March of 2021. 401 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 325 Anglim Gilbert Gallery Art Galleries Dogpatch Originally named Gallery Paule Anglim after. Rotating exhibitions in the interior gallery feature a diverse array of paintings and sculptures by regional, national, and international artists, while large-scale works in stone, steel, and bronze await discovery in the adjacent outdoor sculpture park, open year-round.>>West Branch Gallery Submission Process, Whitespace Gallery Artist Submissions (Georgia), "We accept proposals for our smaller exhibition spaces, whitespec and shedspace, on a rolling basis. We are dedicated to promoting the appreciation and collection of art as a way to support the work of contemporary artists, and as a way to enrich and heal our lives, our communities, and the world.>>Elisa Contemporary Art Submission Process, Fireworks Gallery Artist Submissions (Washington), "Fireworks is always on the lookout for new and upcoming artists to represent in our galleries." We are always interested in new artists and if you would like to consider having Art 3 Gallery represent you, we welcome submissions of new artwork based on the following criteria: We welcome submissions, althoughwe do not respond unless we are considering representation. Regional artists are juried into two month long self-curated exhibitions." Linda Hodges has over 30 years of experience advising corporate and private clients in the acquisition of fine art. The de Young Museum is requesting submissions from artists across the Bay Area for an exhibition that will display up to 1,000 pieces of art from the local community. Gallery pickup and local delivery options are available. Our mission is to present art that transforms us. Our artists are featured in some of the foremost museums and galleries across the United States, including the Guggenheim, the Brooklyn Museum of Art, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. "We review submissions of original, contemporary ceramics on an ongoing basis for solo exhibitions and gallery representation." San Francisco art galleries to check out Photograph: Courtesy Anglim Gilbert Gallery 1. IS THE ADDISON ART GALLERY RIGHT FOR MY ARTWORKS? Several .jpg files of your work (up to 6) that you feel demonstrate your best work, Please include medium, dimensions, retail prices, and availability of any attached images, A short artist's bio, including your current location. You may submit your artwork as a general submission or to a specific exhibit." The call is open through 19JUNE2023and the exhibition participants are selected by an ever-changing group of three prestigious arts professionals. They feature exhibitions of established and emerging artists.>>Corvidae Collective Gallery Submission Process, Dacia Gallery Artist Submissions (New York), "Dacia Gallery has a year round open submission policy for our monthly exhibitions and accepts artwork from emerging and established artists in all media: painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography, digital art and mixed media. Since opening in November 2016, Revolution Gallery(1419 Hertel Avenue) has hosted dozens of art opening receptions and exhibits, live music concerts, comedy shows, dj parties, burlesque shows, cultural events, paint nights, cheese and wine pairings, and fundraisers; attracting a diverse audience of dedicated followers both locally, and online. Cole Pratt Gallery is a contemporary fine art gallery specializing in the works of Southern artists.>>Cole Pratt Gallery Submission Process, Corvidae Collective Gallery Artist Submissions (Nashville), "We feature exhibitions of established and emerging artists. And believe the extent of the experience inside the VR headset begins as the experience outside ends and have, in the past, worked with artists who aesthetically engage with the exhibition space or play with different art forms accompanying their VR piece. Addison Art Gallery Artist Submissions (Massachusetts). Gallery Director Dale Cotton has a background in fine art, photography, and book publishing. 260 Utah St, San Francisco. 9:00 Chicago, Mexico City. "Art Genre(s):Contemporary Art, Pop ArtArt Form(s):Photography, Painting, Illustration, Mixed MediaSubmission Scope:Local (artists must live in Central Texas area). San Francisco Arts Commission Reviews:There is some discussion among artists online as to the validity of Agora Gallery. Artist Submission - Merritt Gallery SFMOMA Artists Gallery They hold around eight exhibitions annually and accept unsolicited submissions. Whether you need to collect art submissions for a one-time occasion or year-round, our free Art Submission Form will let artists quickly and easily submit images of their work online. welcomes submissions from emerging, mid-career, and established artists," the gallery explains. Sanada is represented by Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco where the artist currently lives and works. Marcelina Morfin. The Atlanta Photography Group (APG) invites photographers worldwide to enter images using any photographic process for our upcoming, juried exhibition, Portfolio 2023. Horejs offers advice and suggests actionable steps to follow in order to become more successful when marketing one's work to art galleries. 200 Larkin Street San Francisco CA 94102. Please include the following materials with your submission: 1. If we choose not to move forward, it does not, of course say, anything about the quality of your art. Initially confined to their Bernal Heights neighborhood, there are a number of pieces painted. Hang Art scours the San Francisco Bay Area to find exceptional artists, giving art collectors access to a wide variety of the best quality original artwork being produced today.>>Hang Art Gallery Submission Process, K. Imperial Fine Art Artist Submissions (California), "Currently accepting artist submissions." Artistaday.com featured artist archives by average rating. >>Revolution Gallery Art Submission Process, Rotofugi Gallery Artist Submissions (Illinois). It is up to you, as an artist, to research and determine if exhibiting at the gallery taking into consideration the costs involved would be beneficial to you.Need help deciding whether Agora Gallery is the right gallery for your artworks? "If you are an artist or artist representative and you'd like to be considered for an exhibit at Rotofugi Gallery please submit your work via the online form." Opportunities - California Arts Council The exhibition was created in 1995 to give a voice to emerging artists. A contemporary-art compliment to WISH ATL, The Gallery is Atlanta's newest space for creative self expression. Make sure to follow their submission guidelines, and take note that your material will become the gallerys property dont send your originals. Thank you for your interest in Merritt Gallery & Renaissance Fine Arts. Submissions can take up to 2 months for review due to the volume of requests. Include your name, address, phone number, and email address. Again, thank you for thinking of us! The "Be Creative" Art Gallery will be the cumulative event of the campaign according to Byers. >>Spectrum Gallery Submission Process, Sponder Gallery Artist Submissions (Florida), "Although SPONDER GALLERY does not add to its list of represented artists often, submissions are welcome. The gallery is accepting submissions beginning September 1st, 2020 and ending December 31st, 2020. San francisco art galleries accepting submissions They are always looking for emerging talent and accept ongoing submissions. Our collectors/buyers are often just starting out their personal art collection, therefore lower priced work of obvious quality is what we seek. IS THE ARTPLEX GALLERY RIGHT FOR MY ARTWORKS? Complete contact information. NDA 2019 Finalist - A native Texan, Moore completed her MFA at Otis College of Art & Design in Los Angeles in 2016. Homepage - Tangent Contemporary Art More info NEW PRINT RELEASES Flow of Energy Fine Art Print. Waterhouse & Dodd Fine Art United States. APPLY HERE The selection committee meets twice a year to select artists for exhibition. Artist Submission | Kevin Barry Art Advisory | KBAA Founded in 2001, Seraphin Gallery specializes in the representation of vanguard contemporary art, as well as the dealing of works in the secondary market, including that of the Abstract Expressionists, the American Impressionists, and the Pop Art movement. Proposal Phase. Click on the link below to find out more about the gallery's submission requirements, the gallery's reputation (per reviews and media coverage), the gallery owner/founder's professional and educational background, and what the gallery does to promote its artists works. Welcome to the Atlanta Art Gallery To Submit Work For Consideration The Art Review and Selection Committee encourage artists to submit their work. Free local delivery andstore pickup options are available at checkout. But where to start? Los Angeles Showroom 2525 Michigan Ave., Suite A8 Santa Monica, CA 90404 (310) 893-0361 Las Vegas Showroom 5905 S. Decatur Blvd. THE BEST 10 "Art Galleries" in San Francisco, CA - Yelp This curated show will focus on showcasing exciting contemporary artists who are pushing boundaries within their artistic practice and creating something new. Available Works Available Prints Enamel Pins Chikkoi Warrior Erika Sanada Enamel Pin Erika Sanada $10.00 USD Shout Erika Sanada Enamel Pin Erika Sanada $12.00 USD Pulling Enamel Pin Erika Sanada $10.00 USD Phone: (415) 252-2247. Need help deciding whether Bass & Reiner Gallery is the right gallery for your artworks? Eachsubmissionis allowed up tothree additional detailimages per artwork. In this email, please include the following: Due to the high-volume of artist submissions we receive, there may be a long delay before someone is able to respond to your email. Cameron Contemporary Artin Brighton showcases established and up-and-coming British artists. Each artist is already established either nationally and internationally and has a distinctive style and brilliant technical abilities. Our team thoughtfully reviews every artist and will reach out to you directly if we feel you may be a good fit for an upcoming project. Notable one person exhibitions include Lynn Chadwick, Friedel Dzubas, Dan Christensen, Johan Creten, Michael Halsband, Jonathan Prince, Frank Stella, William King, Ernest Trova and Boaz Vaadia. You may submit your artwork as a "general submission" or to a specific exhibit that we have listed below. Featuring dozens of galleries and museums based in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Belgium . "About the Gallery:Bass & Reiner is a curatorial project with the goal of introducing local artists to a broader audience and bringing artwork from elsewhere to The Bay Area, expanding beyond traditional regional boundaries.Submission Process:>>Bass & Reiner Gallery Submission Process, Bear and Bird Boutique + Gallery Artist Submissions (Florida)"We are most often looking for artists who are starting out in their careers but who have an identifiable, consistent and unique style to their artwork. Whether its art classes for children or adults, amazing art exhibitions, or cutting edge plays on the mainstage, there is something for everyone at Allens Lane.>>Carolyn and Howard Alber Gallery Submission Process, Chandler Fine Art Gallery Artist Submissions (California)Established in 2003, Chandler Fine Art & Framing presents 8-10 exhibitions of contemporary art each year.>>Chandler Fine Art Gallery Submission Process, Cole Pratt Gallery Artist Submissions (Louisiana), "Prospective artists are encouraged to send materials to Cole Pratt Gallery in a digital format."