A third brother, John C. Colt, a man of many occupations, was convicted of an 1841 murder and committed suicide on the day he was to be executed. But his business expanded rapidly after 1847, when the Texas Rangers ordered 1,000 revolvers during the American war with Mexico. Colt managed his plant with a military-like discipline: he would dismiss workers for tardiness, sub-par work or even suggesting improvements to his designs. If God didn't make men equal, Samuel Colt did" - Samuel Colt. Just one grandparent can lead you to many During this period Colt received an extension on his patent because he did not collect on it in the early years. Samuel Pomeroy Colt : Family tree by Tim DOWLING (tdowling) - Geneanet Samuel Pomeroy Colt Col. Born 10 January 1852 - Paterson, Passaic Co., NJ Deceased 13 August 1921 - Bristol, RI,aged 69 years old Buried - Juniper Hill Cem., Bristol, Bristol Co., RI 1 file available Parents Christopher Colt 1812-1855 Theodora Goujaud DeWolf 1820-1901 [37], A major cause of Colt's success was vigorous protection of his patent rights. They defiantly and successfully carried on the Slave Trade after it was outlawed by the State of Rhode Island. Colt incest family: New family tree shows extent of clan's inbred Ancestral pedigree chart of Samuel Colt. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. The couple had four children: two daughters and a son who died in infancy and a son born during 1858, Caldwell Hart Colt. This encyclopedia contained articles on Robert Fulton and gunpowder, both of which provided motivation and ideas that would influence Colt throughout his life. John Colt father John Colt brother Joseph Colt brother Dea. Moreover, his innovative use of art, celebrity endorsements, and corporate gifts to promote his wares made him a pioneer of advertising, product placement, and mass marketing. A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media Skip Ancestry main menu Main . He organized a large display of his firearms at the Great Exhibition of 1851 at Hyde Park, London and ingratiated himself by presenting cased engraved Colt revolvers to such appropriate officials as Britain's Master General of the Ordnance. Famouskin.com also includes ancestoral charts showing the family relationships of Samuel Colt to many famous kin. This resulted in breakage of parts, stripped screw heads and inoperable guns. Upon his return, however, he learned that England had mediated the conflict and that there would be no fighting, so he set up a factory for the manufacture of his firearms in Paterson, New Jersey. Among the pistols, we saw Colt's revolver; and we compared it with the best English revolver. He subsequently built a factory to manufacture wicker furniture made from these trees. We encourage you to research and examine these records to . John Caldwell III 7. Fountain and Sculpture was dedicated in 1905. [67], Colt historian William Edwards wrote that Samuel Colt had married Caroline Henshaw (who later married his brother, John) in Scotland during 1838, and that the son she bore later was Samuel Colt's and not his brother John's. Samuel Pomeroy Colt, Sr. (1853 - 1921) - Genealogy - geni family tree [23], With the money made from the cartridges, Colt resumed business with Morse for ideas other than detonating mines. [43] Colt historian Herbert G. Houze wrote, "had it not been for Root's inventive genius, Colt's dream of mass production would never have been realized". Christopher Colt was remarried two years later to Olivia Sargeant. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. [31] The first revolving-breech pistols made at the factory were named "Whitneyville-Hartford-Dragoons" and became so popular that the word "Colt" was often used as a generic term for the revolvers. This left Colt time to improve his earlier revolver design and have a prototype built by a gunsmith in New York for his "New and improved revolver". However, the unit was never sent to the field and Colt was discharged on June 20, 1861. He discovered that "regardless of which way the wheel was spun, each spoke always came in direct line with a clutch that could be set to hold it the revolver was conceived!" The soldiers in Florida loved the new weapon, but "the unusual hammerless design, sixty years ahead of its time led to difficulty training men used to exposed-hammer guns and many curious soldiers took the locks apart. His preoccupation with patent infringement suits slowed his own company's transition to the cartridge system and prevented other firms from pursuing revolver designs. His maternal grandfather, Major John Caldwell,[1] had been an officer of the Continental Army; one of Colt's earliest possessions was John's flintlock pistol. 4.24 Walt and Roy. His "Walker" pistols carried 6 bullets, and didn't require constant reloading. [67][68], It is estimated that during its first 25 years of manufacturing, Colt's company produced more than 400,000 revolvers. [3] The advantage of Colt's over the English is, that the user can take a sight; and the disadvantage is, that the weapon requires both hands to fire. Lucretia Ely 6. Barrow had a Colt .45 tucked inside his waistband, discovered after he was dead, and Parker had a Colt .38 revolver taped to her inner thigh, underneath the red dress she was wearing when she died. Research genealogy for Samuel Colt of Lyme, New London, Connecticut, United States, as well as other members of the Colt family, on Ancestry. Samuel Colt Joe Biren ( / kolt /; July 19, 1814 - January 10, 1862) was an American inventor, industrialist, and businessman who established Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company (now Colt's Manufacturing Company) and made the mass production of revolvers commercially viable. White had an idea of a "bored-through" revolver cylinder to allow cartridges (made of paper at the time) to be loaded from the rear of the cylinder. Colt was given a commission for each gun sold in exchange for his share of patent rights, and stipulated the return of the rights if the company disbanded. [31] He established a ten-hour work day for employees, installed washing stations in the factory, mandated a one-hour lunch period, and built the Charter Oak Hall, where employees could enjoy games, newspapers, and discussion rooms. His firearms were also popular with many famous outlaws, such as Jesse James, who used the 1851 Navy Colt revolver, then later the Peacemaker. During tests of the foil cartridges, 25 rounds were shot from a musket without cleaning. In correspondence to and about his namesake, Samuel Colt referred to him as his "nephew" in quotes. Colt's great contribution was the use of interchangeable parts. An error has occured while loading the map. Colt wanted to serve his country, so he returned home. Colt concentrated on manufacturing his waterproof telegraph cable, believing the business would prosper along with Morse's invention. By telling each nation that the others were buying Colt's pistols, Colt was able to get large orders from many countries who feared falling behind in the arms race. The large order allowed Colt to re-establish his firearm business. At the time of his death, Samuel Colt was one of the wealthiest men in America. We encourage you to research and examine these records to . [67] In a 1953 biography about Samuel Colt based largely on family letters, Edwards wrote that John Colt's marriage to Caroline during 1841 was a way to legitimize her unborn son as the real father, Samuel Colt, felt she was not fit to be the wife of an industrialist and divorce was a social stigma at the time. During 1869, gun makers James Warner and Massachusetts Arms infringed on the patent. Over the years he developed specialized machinery for stock turning or cutting the rifling in gun barrels. Samuel Colt Pedigree Chart | Benjamin Colt Jr. | Ahnentafel No: 4 (33635) As ticket sales decreased, Colt realized that "serious" museum lectures were not what the people wanted to pay money to hear and that it was dramatic stories of salvation and redemption the public craved. 5 Other humans. He abandoned the idea of a multiple-barreled revolver and opted for a single fixed-barrel design with a rotating cylinder. [49] The membership rewarded his efforts by awarding him the Silver Telford Medal. Over the next few years, Colt and Pearson argued about money, but the design improved and during 1835 Colt was ready to apply for his U.S. patent. Early years Samuel Colt was born in Hartford, Connecticut, to Christopher Colt, a farmer who had moved his family to Hartford when he changed professions and became a businessman, and Sarah Colt ne Caldwell, who died before Samuel was seven years old. [47], Soon after establishing his Hartford factory, Colt decided to establish a factory in or near Europe and chose London. Skip Ancestry main menu Main Menu. However, if the paper got wet it would ruin the powder. Samuel Colt was born in Hartford, Connecticut, the son of Christopher Colt (17801850), a farmer who had relocated his family to the city after he became a businessman, and Sarah (ne Caldwell). [3], While aboard the Corvo, Colt became intrigued with the ships wheel, especially the way it could spin either way; or be locked in with the use of a clutch in a fixed position. [38][39] However, Colt's zealous protection of his patents greatly impeded firearms development as a whole in the United States. [42] One of Colt's biggest acts of self-promotion was the payment to the publishers of United States Magazine $1,120 ($61,439 by 1999 standards) to publish a 29-page fully illustrated story showing the inner workings of his factory. 2. We encourage you to research and examine these records to . Samuel Pomeroy Colt : Family tree by Tim DOWLING (tdowling) - Geneanet Samuel Colt (/kolt/; July 19, 1814 January 10, 1862) was an American inventor, industrialist, and businessman who established Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company (now Colt's Manufacturing Company) and made the mass production of revolvers commercially viable. [74] Prominent examples included Francis A. Pratt, Amos Whitney, Henry Leland, Edward Bullard, Worcester R. Warner, Charles Brinckerhoff Richards, William Mason and Ambrose Swasey. New York: W.W. Norton. M.T. The park and the town are linked by history. The reception was moderate and the army purchased a few thousand rounds for further testing. His mother Sarah Caldwell Colt passed away from tuberculosis when Samuel was only six years old. Margaret Collyer 4th Generation. Colt's mother died from tuberculosis when Colt was six years old, and his father married Olivia Sargeant two years later. Consequently, many curious soldiers took the locks apart. [35], During this period, Colt received an extension on his patent, since he did not collect fees for it during the early years. The Colt Family of Australia: Utterly Depraved - The CrimeWire - Soapboxie [62] In response to these charges, Colt was commissioned as a colonel by the state of Connecticut on May 16, 1861, of the 1st Regiment Colts Revolving Rifles of Connecticut armed with the Colt revolving rifle. [12][13], With a loan from his cousin Dudley Selden and letters of recommendation from Ellsworth, Colt formed a corporation of venture capitalists in 1836 to bring his idea to market. The action of the hammer would align the cylinder bores with the single barrel. 4.23 Samuel Colt. Samuel Colt son Parthena Colt daughter Martin Colt son Samuel Colt, Jr. son Sarah Colt mother Capt. 4. His weapons were detrimental in defeating the Indians in Texas and Florida. He lived in 1870, at address, Pennsylvania. [5], Samuel Colt was born in 1814 in Hartford, Connecticut. Outlaws and robbers Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker used Colt's guns as well. He was interred on the property of his private residence Armsmear and reinterred to Cedar Hill Cemetery in 1894. "Unhappy with high cost of hand made guns, and with the knowledge that some parts of guns were currently being made by machine, Colt wanted all the parts on every Colt gun to be interchangeable and made by machine. Home; Trees; . Colt did this as New York and London were major cosmopolitan cities and he retained an office in New York at 155 Broadway where he based his salesmen. One of the guns burst upon firing, and the other would not fire at all. | Innovators | Samuel Colt", "Church of the Good Shepherd and Parish House", "Guns Gun Culture and the Peddling of Dreams", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Samuel_Colt&oldid=1142271166, Burials at Cedar Hill Cemetery (Hartford, Connecticut), Businesspeople from Hartford, Connecticut, People of Connecticut in the American Civil War, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Inventor, industrialist, businessman, hunter, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 13:31. Colt hired artisan gun makers from Bavaria and developed a commercial use for Waterman Ormsby's grammagraph to produce "roll-die" engraving on steel, particularly on the cylinders. Colt fixed his prices at a level below his competition to maximize sales volume. He began promoting the telegraph companies so he could create a wider market for his cable, for which he was to be paid $50 per mile. Colt Family Tree View Complete Tree - FamilyTreeX In 1842 he used the device to destroy a moving vessel to the satisfaction of the navy and President John Tyler. The California gold rush and western expansion made the firearm business boom so much that Colt had to expand the Hartford factory repeatedly. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States, Hartford, Hartford County, CT, United States, at home-Armsmear, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States, Cedar Hill Cemetery, 453 Fairfield Ave, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States, We're Related to Royalty and Famous People, Elizabeth Jarvis Colt ("The First Lady of Hartford"), Samuel, Colonel, Inventor - Colt Revolver - Firearms Colt, Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963, Charles City Republican Intelligencer - Jan 16 1862, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Colt, Death of Col. Samuel Colt at at home-Armsmear, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States, Sailor /Inventor-Colt Brand Firearms, arms mfg., Inventor, industrialist, businessman & founded Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company. He then traveled to France to promote his invention, and there he heard about the emerging conflict between the United States and Germany. His oldest sister, Margaret, died of tuberculosis at age 19, and the other, Sarah Ann, later committed suicide. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Login to find your connection. and it was also truly the first global manufacturing export in American history. One brother, James, became a lawyer; another, Christopher, was a textile merchant. Skip Ancestry navigation . Colt submitted his single prototype to the War Department as a "Holster revolver". Colt soon reworked his design to leave the firing hammer exposed, but problems continued and in late 1843, after numerous setbacks including loss of payment for the Florida pistols, the Paterson, New Jersey plant closed. [9] His public speaking skills were so prized that he was thought to be a doctor and was obligated to cure an apparent cholera epidemic aboard a riverboat by giving his patients a dose of nitrous oxide. The company then received an order for a thousand more; Colt took a share of the profits at $10 per pistol for both orders. Any arms purchased under the Militia Act had to be those in the current service to the United States". Through the political connections of the subscribers, the Patent Arms Manufacturing Company of Paterson, New Jersey, was chartered by the New Jersey legislature on March 5, 1837. Colt's manufacturing methods were sophisticated. [69], Colt was the first American manufacturer to use art as a marketing tool when he hired Catlin to prominently display Colt firearms in his paintings. Even though he had the only lawful patent for his type of revolver, scores of imitators copied his work and Colt found himself litigating constantly. On a visit to Constantinople he gave a custom-engraved and gold inlaid revolver to the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Abdlmecid I, informing him that the Russians were buying his pistols, thus securing a Turkish order for 5,000 pistols; he neglected to tell the Sultan he had used the same tactic with the Russians to elicit an order. Skip . We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. [21] Colt soon reworked his design to leave the firing hammer exposed, but problems continued. Tucker added that Colt associated his revolvers with American patriotism, freedom, and individualism while asserting America's technological supremacy over Europe's. At the outbreak of the U.S. Civil War, Coltwho had called himself "Colonel"was actually commissioned a Colonel by the state of Connecticut on May 16, 1861, in the 1st Regiment Colts Revolving Rifles of Connecticut armed with the Colt revolving rifle. Have you taken a DNA test? Categories: Featured Inventors | United States, Inventors | Inventors | Arms Manufacturers | United States of America, Notables | Notables, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. [10] The invention of the percussion cap made ignition more reliable, faster, and safer than the older flintlock design. Samuel Colt, born 1893 - Ancestry The gun became the standard sidearm for U.S. military officers and proved popular among civilian buyers. Lastly, he hired authors to write stories about his guns for magazines and travel guides. Samuel also had an interest in navigation, and in 1830, he set out for a year long voyage. Zenas had 4 siblings: James D. Colt and 3 other siblings. Its articles concerning Robert Fulton and gunpowder motivated Colt throughout his life. Unavailable. He frequently gave custom engraved versions of his revolvers to heads of state, military officers, and celebrities such as Giuseppe Garibaldi, King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, and Hungarian rebel Lajos Kossuth. His mother's father had been an officer in the Continental Army and one of Samuel's earliest possessions was his maternal grandfather's flintlock pistol. Research genealogy for Samuel Colt, as well as other members of the Colt family, on Ancestry. In August 1835, Colt left for England and France to secure his foreign patent. At the same time, Colt's policies forced some competing inventors to greater innovation by denying them major features of his mechanism; as a result they created their own. Colt quickly formed a corporation of New York and New Jersey venture capitalists in April 1836. The Family | The Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop is the powerful and sadistic black-eyed demon who murdered the family of Lucifer's future vessel Nick. Samuel P. Colt, who built the show case farm was a grandson of the famous DeWolf family of Bristol. Gunsmithing In 1835, Samuel Colt traveled to England, following in the footsteps of Elisha Collier, a Bostonian who had patented a revolving flintlock. See photo in media section. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. It was this first "practical revolver and the first practical repeating firearm," made possible by converging percussion technology, that would be the genesis of what would later germinate into an industrial and cultural legacy and a priceless contribution to the development of war technology, ironically personified in the name of one of his later revolving innovations, the Peacemaker. [44] Colt's revolvers were made by machine, but he insisted on final hand finishing and polishing of his revolvers to impart a handmade feel. This is because of it's ability to fire six successive shots without having to reload. Col. Samuel Colt (1814 - 1862) - Genealogy - geni family tree Engraving of Samuel Colt's Manufacturing Company, 1857, east view, Custom Colt .45 pistol model M1911A1, designed for Texas Ranger Capt. Samuel Colt, born 1705 - Ancestry New Haven was simmering with manufacturing and transportation schemes during . Biological father was Samuel Colt, stepfather was Samuel's brother, John Colt. Research genealogy for Samuel Colt of Pennsylvania, as well as other members of the Colt family, on Ancestry. His mother's father had been an officer in the Continental Army and one of Samuel's earliest possessions was his maternal grandfather's flintlock pistol. When someone infringed on the patent, Colt sued and the court ordered that Colt receive royalties on each gun that had been sold by the rival company. One half of the St. Louis . [citation needed], One of his slogans, God created men, Col. Colt made them equal, (claiming that any person could, regardless of physical strength, defend themselves with a Colt gun) became a popular adage in American culture. The company then received an order for a thousand more; Colt shared the profits at $10 per pistol for both orders. [71], Colt felt that bad press was just as important as good press, provided that his name and his revolvers received mention. A revolver which could fire six times without reloading helped soldiers and settlers fend off larger forces which were not armed in the same way. In an effort to end the flooding from the river he planted German osiers, a type of willow tree, in a 2-mile-long dike. [citation needed], Having saved some money and still wanting to be an inventor as opposed to a "medicine man", Colt made arrangements to begin building guns using proper gunsmiths from Baltimore, Maryland. It was during this time that he made arrangements to begin building guns using proper gunsmiths from Baltimore, Maryland. Colt never claimed to have invented the revolver, as his design was merely a more practical adaption of Collier's revolving flintlock, which was patented in England and achieved great popularity there. The hotel attracted a clientele of wealthy and notable guests from around the world: Thomas Edison, John Wanamaker, W.K. Later, after hearing soldiers talk about the success of the double-barreled rifle and the impossibility of a gun that could shoot five or six times without reloading, Colt decided that he would create the "impossible gun". [61] Although trade with the South had not been restricted at that time, newspapers such as the New York Daily Tribune, The New York Times and the Hartford Daily Courant termed him a Southern sympathizer and traitor to the Union. Le Dowling arbre gnalogique avec les parents d'undemi-million, contient des milliers de photos et plus d'un millierGeneaStars. Colt was indentured to a farm in Glastonbury at age 11, where he did chores and attended school. [citation needed], During 1835, Samuel Colt traveled to the United Kingdom, much as had Elisha Collier, a Bostonian who had patented a revolving flintlock there that achieved great popularity. Surname Index for the family tree of Samuel Colt along with family connections to other famous kin. After this setback, Colt concentrated on manufacturing his waterproof telegraph cable, believing the business would boom alongside Morse's invention. From this new design, Blake produced the first thousand-piece order known as the Colt Walker.