Vital Assessment Strict I&O, regular diet, intake 50%. Safety Increased acuity, Physiological LOC Normal acuity Expresses fatigue, fear, concern, and desire for recovery. Rapid Response team arrived including anesthesia. Disoriented, confused = 4 How does the Med-surg simulator work? Scenario 5 Grieving True Localizes pain = 5 Full assessment Chronic Pain True Neuro WNL alert and cooperative. Verify call light/bed safety precautions Oriented to: Person Place Time She is with her physician. jessdevan. Impaired mobility: False Vital signs- Document results Fortune Salaire Mensuel de Ticketmaster Beyonce Koln Combien gagne t il -Inform patient to not get out of bed without assistance and place call light in reach -Reassess patient's physical status prior to leaving him in the hallway She has been documented as being obese, new onset. Scenario 1 He also complains that his throat is still very sore. He has a history of well controlled GERD with over-the-counter Tagamet (Cimetidine), and Tums. The patient has been scheduled for an EGD today and has an order for Omeprazole (Prilosec) and Carafate (sucralfate). Bleeding: True Scenario 1 The charge nurse tells you to get the Mr. Burgundy to the hallway because six more patients are inbound, and we need to clear out our trauma-bays. Evaluate understanding Need frequent reminder to stay in room and maintain mask precautions. Acute Pain False -Give NS liter bolus Tom Richardson Safety Mr. Greer has returned from the radiology where a CT scan was done after his fall and while no injuries were noted there were some suspicious areas noted making concern that the cancer may have spread to the bone. Pain Level Increased acuity He replies, "six times in the past four hours". Bowel Movement Total: x________________, Hygiene Times Skin warm and dry, all vital signs in WNL except 115 pulse, which is normal for him. Sa fortune s lve 2 216,00 euros mensuels Wound site clean, dry and intact NPO, NG-tube to low continuous suction. Put the patient on O2 NC and Fentanyl 25mcg IVP for pain. Check physician orders -Reinforce to the patient to not get out of bed Report current urinary output quantify per hour and color of urine Review pain medication order Our Swift River Simulations are designed to help students and practicing nurses master their skills of Prioritization, Delegation, and Sequential thinkingwithout the requirement of being onsiteor even having to download software. Document results and findings IV NS is started, and lab work is sent. Swift River MedSurg 1.pdf - MED-SURG SCORE: 100 TIME Mr. Sturgess is uncomfortable with experiencing urinary frequency that keeps him from resting. Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction: False He does not want to return to the nursing home, and does not wish to burden or live with his children. Hopelessness False. Upon entering the room, you find Ms. Rails sleeping. Vital signs -Temp 97.2, BP 96/74, P 82, RR 20, SaO2 97%. Skin cool to touch and appears pale. This information is HIPAA protected and you cannot share anything with them. Educate about recovery from appendectomy and care to wound. Toggle navigation Swift River. Hep-Lock in place left AC. You, his prior nurse, notice the family and respond to them. Establish second IV LLE: Non-pitting Pitting ___+ The patient is being prepared for discharge and his IV has been removed. After two hours, Mr. Dominec is alert and cooperative, nauseated and concerned about impending surgery this evening. Inform his partner that everything is being done to keep him comfortable. Place call light and check bed for safety Mr. Thomason appears now better oriented and MD arrives unexpectedly to examine him. When completing the shift change neuro check, you notice the patient's left pupil is sluggish. You observe Ms. Getts being assisted by another nurse who is being blatantly rude and disrespectful to her. The patient has sustained an injury to her head, that is bandaged, and is bleeding from a wound to her right arm and chest area. : an American History (Eric Foner), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Wash and glove hands Fear/Anxiety True. Vital signs- Temp 98.7, BP 114/67, P 115, RR 20, SaO2 98%. Document findings/results, Ann Rails, 38 years old, c/o back pain, non-significant past medical history. Full assessment A few hours after speaking with the sitter about the patient needing complete observation, you notice the sitter outside of the room talking on the phone. 2021-22, Historia de la literatura (linea del tiempo), Respiratory Completed Shadow Health Tina Jones, CH 02 HW - Chapter 2 physics homework for Mastering, BI THO LUN LUT LAO NG LN TH NHT 1, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. Regardez le Salaire Mensuel de Tthuchicago Org en temps rel. Mrs. Smith shares with you that even though she signed the operative consent she was not sure if this was the right surgical procedure for her. Patients within the Swift River Online Simulators Med Surg - Patients SROL Med Surg Female and Male Patients Female Male Ann Rails Carlos Mancia Estelle Hatcher John Duncan Kathy Gestalt Robert Sturgess Lithia Monson Tom Richardson Marcella Como Ramona Stukes Sarah Getts Viola Cumble Dosage Calc - Patients SROL Dosage Calc Female and Male Patients Scenario 5 Urinary Catheter: N/A Indwelling Short-term Indwelling Long-term Date of Insertion:________ Size: _____F Deficient knowledge: False c/o headache- medicated with Lortab 5mg PO at 0900, takes Lomotil 10ml PRN q 4 hours last dose at 0834. Mrs. Smith's surgery has now ended. Document findings Notify lead nurse/doctor Fall Risk Increased acuity -Notify HCP of fall, complete incident report fallout 4 save wizard quick codes death and wheel of fortune tarot combination; gambling meaning in english urdu alpine spiced apple cider gluten free; how to use v2ray samsonas sequential gearbox subaru; lg magic remote power light stays on -Ask the patient if it is okay to discuss his care in front of his children. -Advise patient not to get up and walk on his own Safety 1Perform full assessment and provide anti-nausea medicine. Use therapeutic communication/active listening Offer bedpan Non-significant past medical Hx. Senario 1 Assess Upon entering room, you find Mr. Sturgess is quiet, appears tense and rigid but states, "I am feeling fine." Upon entering the room, you find Mr. Sturgess is quiet, appears tense and rigid but states, Mr. Dominec leaves the room and you discharge him and escort him and his partner to the car. Document results, Care of the Patient with a Cardiovascular or, NCLEX - Care of Patient with an Immune Disord, Quiz: Chapter 54, Care of the Patient with an, Chapter 54: Care of the Patient with an Immun, Chapter 17, Section 5; Providing First Aid fo. -Assess the patient's anxiety level while using therapeutic communication to decrease patients' stress. Administer antipyretic medication Scenario 3 Electrolyte Imbalance, Risk for True Senario 2 But that's changing. The Elbe River - NKDA Assessment The client vital signs are: Temp 98.7, BP 114/67, P 115, RR 20, SaO2 98%, Neuro WNL alert and cooperative. Assume role in response team of documenter Monitor and evaluate fluid intake Physiological- ADA diet, intake, 25%. Electrolyte Imbalance False Estimate the length of the Neptunian year given that the Earth is 1.50108km1.50 \times 10^{8} \mathrm{km}1.50108km from the Sun on the average. Medical-Surgical - Swift River Online Learning Disturbed Sensory Perception False Regardez le Salaire Mensuel de Ubah Kalimat Efektif Online en temps rel. Sa fortune s lve 10 000,00 euros mensuels Family Health III-Pediatrics (NSG 6435) Emergency Medical Technician (EMS 1150) Applied Research In Business (MIS 781) Anatomy & Physiology I With Lab (BIOS-251) Molecular Biology (BP 723) Newest Marketing Management (D174) Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461) Professional Capstone Project (PSY-495) Theology (104) The nurse identifies self to the nurse triaging patients and is directed to trauma room 4. -Determine when a hospital provided sitter will be necessary The oncologist is recommending Docetaxel as opposed to an orchiectomy. Fortune Salaire Mensuel de Tthuchicago Org Combien gagne t il d argent Flexes & withdraws = 4 Bowel sounds: Active, Hyperactive, Hypoactive, Absent (listen for full 5 minutes) Contact Social Services Ramona Stukes, 69 yr-old, third day post-op cholecystectomy. Decreased cardio tissue perfusion: False Electrolyte Imbalance True Verbal response Oriented converses = 5 Acute pain: False RLE: ______________ LLE: _____________ school system of the host country and may not know how to choose the programme, Question 34 Correct Mark 100 out of 100 Flag question Question text hr tag, efefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefefef, arbitrary parameters a b will be a complete solution of 38 The main problem then, Reduces costs of providing on site office space To individual Makes more time, METHYLXANTHINE DRUGS-Chemistry FinalsExam PrepNotes.docx, 237 Mitzel Corporation has provided its contribution format income statement for, looks like a lack of focus B In short what is stimulating to one person may be, MAN4162 - Verbal and Nonverbal Communication COPY.docx, Recall that in the Black Scholes model the stock price follows the SDE dS t S, make SOAPE and SBAR Ramona Stukes Room301 Ramona Stukes,69 yr-old, third day post-op cholecystectomy. Vital signs -Temp 98.8, BP 102/76, P 102- irregular, RR 22, SaO2 90%, cardiovascular on telemetry with Sinus irregular rhythm. student name date: nur 113 assessment swift river patient: robert sturgess handoff robert sturgess, 81 years old, metastatic ca of colon, hx of diabetes. All our products can be personalised to the highest standards to carry your message or logo. Her husband and children remain with her in the surgical holding area awaiting transport to the OR. Use therapeutic communication/active listening Seznam uivatel, kte vlastn, prodvaj nebo shnj film. -Start IV Imbalanced Nutrition True Bleeding, Risk for True Grieving False Insert Foley catheter -Medicate for pain Evaluate understanding Replace oxygen nasal cannula that had become disconnected Scenario 5 Deficient Knowledge False Remind staff that Universal Precautions are practiced at this hospital for all patients regardless of known infectious diseases. Isolative, appears fearful, crying, and refusing to see her husband. Regular diet. Dr. Suculo, Physiological Since the finding was low-grade dysplasia and is considered the early stage of precancerous changes, the gastroenterologist recommends another endoscopy in six months, with additional follow-up every six to 12 months. #ozerysnackingrounds I am so excited to be partnering with Ozery Family Bakery today. Assess toe movement and capillary refilling Scenario 2 Vital signs -Temp 98.4, BP 116/76, P 96, RR 20, SaO2 99%. Pain: No Yes: Location: ______________________ Acute Chronic Constant Intermittent -Ask the patient to verbalize understanding of teaching and reassure them that yourself or any member of their care team will be available to answer questions. Palliative care. -If gastric reflux is suspected administer PRN antacids (GI cocktail) Scenario 1 Fatigue True You enter room one hour after the physician has left the patient. Fall Risk Increased acuity Assess for bowel sounds Discuss his understanding about the plan of care. Fall, risk for: True Senario 2 Scenario 1 Surrounding skin: Moist/Intact Red/Erythema Irritation Document results Dx- urinary stones with 3 episodes/5yrs. You escort them with you to the ICU. Several hours later, Mr. Duncan is now complaining of nausea. The patient tells the nurse that yesterday he was, "concerned about having an erection, and now they want to cut off my testicels". No known allergies. Combien gagne t il d argent ? Swift River fisheries research | -Verify that discharge orders have been written, provide discharge instructions, and in inform provider about the chest pain. Evaluate medication effectiveness Skin warm and dry, may sit up on edge of bed today. Vital signs -Temp 98.4,BP 178/105, P 112, RR 28, SaO2 94%; Neuro- WNL's. No response = 1, Range of Motion: Full, Limited Encourage fluids Remind physician to wash his hands before examining the patient Impaired comfort: True Psychological Needs Normal acuity Scenario 2 Students will form a preliminary assessment based on reported assessment data for medical surgical patients in a virtual clinical environment. Encourage to ambulate with assistance to void if needed Observe closely first hour Social worker with patient this morning. -Ensure patients is positioned in bed properly Safety Evaluate/modify plan of care Teach patient about safety when getting out of bed Document conversation Full assessment of patient. Sitting, BP 109/60, P 114, Standing the patient becomes very lightheaded and the nurse has them lay back down. Impaired Gas Exchange True Vital signs- Temp 98.7, BP 114/67, P 115, RR 20, SaO2 98%. If the source voltage for the a phase is Van=12080V\mathbf{V}_{a n}=120 \angle{ 80^{\circ}} \mathrm{V}Van=12080V, and the line impedance is zero, find the phase currents in the wye-connected source. He is complaining of pain in his left arm, and pain in his left chest when he tries to take a deep breath. Obtain vital signs machine Encourage fluids and fiber diet Sarah Getts SANE nurse to make second visit today. 97.4, Resp 16 and Pulse Ox 94%. Place pt on PCA pump Cardiovascular has pacer with rate of 82bpm on demand. They wanted to know and pressure you for the information. The sister of Mr. Mancia calls from home to speak with you. Taking HIV Meds prophylaxis. Vital assessment Answers to the questions - 1. Linda Yu Acuities Educational - Studocu Temp 98, BP 114/67, P 115, RR 20, SaO2 98%. Mr. Sturgess does not have a living will or durable power of care completed. Acquire daily weight and food intake -Teach the patient that there are several interventions for complications post-prostatectomy to include erectile dysfunction, post-op prostatectomies, and self-care involved with a foley catheter at home. Educate patient Elevate Extremity Health Change Increased acuity You enter his room and recognize that Mr. Thomason appears to be talking to himself and appears confused. Allow family to remain -Assess patient LOC, by walking patient and asking them to take deep breaths. The client is onDemerol 25mgSlow Intravenous Push (SIVP) for pain. Temperature spiked during the night to 102.4, BP now 146/94 which is slightly elevated, respirations at 30 bpm and slightly labored, heart rate 102 versus 84 from last night shift. Mr. Gonzalez's repeat troponin was negative and no significant elevation in his other enzymes. Begin post op education for day one His orthostasis is normalized after a second liter of NS was administered. You notice she is crying and is expressing fear that she "will always have this pain and numbness" and she doesn't think she can cope. Deficient Diversional Activity False Deficient knowledge: True Scenario 2 -Assess if the contents of lunch tray are intact. -Complete secondary assessment once the patient is in bed focusing on complaint of pain resulting from the fall Swift River Medical-Surgical. When the HCP realizes who he is, he tells the nurse to move the patient in the treatment room down the hall and put Mr. Burgundy in there. Ms. Getts is requesting water to drink. Administer PRN constipation medications Ms. Getts is being transferred as an emergency to Critical Care. This will treat any cancer that may have metastasized to the bone. : an American History, EMT Basic Final Exam Study Guide - Google Docs, Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY. She receives the pre-op medication. He is experiencing new onset of shortness of breath and has a nasal cannula with 2L of Oxygen in place. You take his vital signs which are: Temp 101.3, Pulse 88, Resp 24, B/P 116/84. -Explain to Mr. Burgundy that space in the ED is allocated based off of patient need Scenario 1 No response = 1, Mobility: Encourage fluids/fiber/ambulation -When the HCP arrives, stay in the room to determine whether you can continue care with the patient There is an initial triage provider written set of orders at her bedside for a STAT Chest X-ray, IV with NS, O2 NC, and STAT CBC and Chemistry. You arrive in room to find Ms. Monson talking to herself. Anxiety True Neuro WNL alert and cooperative. He was initially sedated with versed 2mg, and Fentanyl 100 mg by the EGD nurse, but the patient was not tolerating the procedure, so anesthesia was called to administer propofol. Pregnancy and labor and delivery are not typically associated with the concept of cellular regulation, Patient: Donald Lyles,52-year old male, was admitted yesterday evening for stabilization of his uncontrolled type II diabetes. She shares concern about patient's wife who is now coughing and having night sweats. His partner is not with him at this time but will arrive soon to facilitate his discharge home. The nurse observes an elderly lady who is crying and has not been taken care of yet. Emergency intubation and assisted breathing is provided for Mr. Thomason Tom Richardson, 46yr-old. Next time we'll spend our 60 on some food and nice beers. Combien gagne t il d argent ? Mr. Gonzales H/H is 12.7/38. The surgeon has suggested Androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) with surgical castration (orchiectomy). Clinical 2. Scenario 2 -Provide the patient with the time when HCP will come discuss options with him Yes Obtain patient record and follow patient as he is transferred to ICU Mr. Dominec had his surgical procedure and is doing great. Dr. Altace, Physiological- Reassure patient and help explain any new orders from physician to patient His original lymph node biopsy was negative. Educate patient Evaluate understanding Tube Feeding: Type:_________________________ Amount/Rate: ________________________ Bolus/Infusion Administer protocol antidiarrheal medication Educate patient regarding changes to POC LOC Increased acuity Scenario 4 Family in room with patient very concerned. He has a history of hypertension and is not compliant with medication. Educate patient Skin warm dry, bruises on forehead with small laceration. Ambulates with assistance. Pulse Ox: ___________ % on ____________FiO2; Room Air; Delivery Device Skin: Warm/dry Clammy/diaphoretic Skin Turgor: Brisk Tenting Love and Belonging Failure to Thrive False. Scenario 4 Deficient Knowledge False Safety Skin warm and dry, all vital signs in WNL sounds= 2 Deficient Fluid Volume True Stat lithotripsy treatment ordered. Deficient Knowledge True Reapply restraints Mrs. Stukes is a failed laparoscopic cholecystectomy that resulted in a bowel resection with a temporary ileostomy in place. List of American films of 2008 - Wikipedia Therapeutic communication. Impaired Skin Integrity, Risk for False The ER nurse reports that his cardiac enzymes were borderline, (Troponin?, CK/CKMB?) -Draw a repeat CBC per HCP order to determine current Hemoglobin status Document pt's statements. Disturbed Sensory Perception True Compromised Family Coping False Ineffective self-health mgmt: False, Disturbed body: False 20ga. Hx of dementia, from nursing home, fall one day ago. Scenario 2 However, he quit three years ago when he remarried; he and his wife have a nine-month-old baby. Failure to Thrive True. He has a 20-year one pack history of smoking. Assess food consumption and intake and output Some hair on the left side of his head has been burned off, as well. Risk for Infection True -Reassess patient VS: BP 158/90, HR 89, R 18, T 97.8 F. Eclectic Recipes Fast And Easy Family Dinner Recipes Odor: __________, *Types: Abrasion, Burn, Laceration, Puncture, Surgical, Pressure Ulcer, Vascular Ulcer, Maceration, Excoriation, Skin Senario 4 Today, clubs like Hamburg City Beach Club, Lago Bay, Hamburg del Mar and StrandPauli provide a relaxed summer atmosphere with a view over the Elbe. Because of the fall the provider has recommended that he stay in the hospital another night. Acute Confusion False You explain that he is receiving a higher level of care and was he was sedated before leaving the floor to make him more comfortable. Ruth Cummings Trustee Vice Chair Audit Chair . Toileting, Medications List/Times of Medications/Routes of medication, Neurological Assessment Skin moist, respiratory bilateral wheezes and rhonchi. Teach Cameron. Students also viewed Culture Concept notebook Development concept notebook Elimination concept notebook Gas Exchange concept notebook Apply restraint Ms. Cumble states that she has not had a BM for three days. Nr 325 final exam quizlet chamberlain - Love and belonging Scenario 3 The charge nurse tells you not to move the patient, because there is no special treatment according to social status. Senario 2 Verify call light/bed safety precautions The patient asks the nurse to explain about these medications and why they are in such a hurry. -Tell the patient to call immediately if the chest pain gets worse or they become short of breath Scenario 2: 1Educate about recovery from appendectomy and care to wound. Esteem Apical pulse rhythm: Regular Irregular Location: -Remove the lunch tray and ensure pre-operative consent has been signed. 3Check surgical consent for correct procedure and make sure operative site is marked. Obtain recent chest X-ray reports and recent ABG's for physician to review ASA is held but morphine 4 mg was given after his GI cocktail. No known allergies (NKA). Swift River Reflection Questions day 7 Answer each question thoroughly in multiple sentences. Continue.Robert Sturgess Room 305 Robert Sturgess, 81 years old, Dx- Metastatic CA of Colon, Hx of diabetes. Scenario 1 The Physician tells you to have everything ready including a 22 French chest tube, and he will be in shortly to position the chest tube. Robert Sturgess Scenarios Swift River.docx - Course Hero Impaired Skin Integrity, False Your Swift River Virtual Clinicals account has been linked to your ATI Student account. RUE: ______________ LUE: _____________ She has arrived in pre-op and about to have surgery this morning. Explain to Mr. Dominec your concern for this opportunistic infection and usual treatment. Stoma: N/A Colostomy Ileostomy Effluent Consistency: -Complete incident report. When the nurse enters the room later that day to inform him that the procedure is scheduled for 1430, they see Mr. Gonzalez is sitting in front of a lunch tray. Provide verbal report to team members who respond to rapid response Sa fortune s lve 2 216,00 euros mensuels Skin Color: Consistent with ethnicity pinkish-tan light-tan dark-tan light-brown dark-brown Senario 1 The cycle of freezing and thawing damages the abnormal cells. Scenario 3 Generalized weakness, blood tinged urine and severe pain upon urination, GI- n/v. Provide comfort and pain measures Senario 2 The MD on site makes the decision to intubate the patient and start ventilatory assistance and move the patient to Respiratory Intensive Care. Dr. Altace, Educational Needs Increased acuity -Ensure patient privacy and call for help and assist patient to bed once help arrives Mr. Mancia is holding Catholic Rosary in hand and is crying as you enter the room. Senario 4 -Tell the wife that you will speak to the husband, and this is apprehension is expected with this surgery/diagnosis. Scenario 2 Skin warm and, dry, all vital signs in WNL except 115 pulse, which is normal for him. Fear True No known allergies (NKA). Refer call to contact health department Bleeding, Risk for: True Combien gagne t il d argent ? Skin Integrity: Intact No, describe below, Location Type Size Wound bed Drainage Apical/Radial Pulse Deficit: No Yes Murmur Valve Click Do not disturb Scenario 2 Notify doctor if condition is abnormal Scenario 2 Escort patient to vehicle -Perform neuro assess Document Results/Findings Cardiovascular has pacer with rate of 82bpm on demand. Scenario 4 After 3 hours, Ms. Monson is now crying asking to be released from these restraints and for someone to take her home! Insertion Site: Dry/Intact Redness/Erythema Drainage Tenderness Maceration Check pedal capillary refill Sensorium Normal acuity, Physiological Wash and glove hands -Inform Mr. Burgundy that he cannot report from the ED, as patient privacy is strictly protected by HIPPA Scenario 2 His VS are BP 122/64, P 89, R 12, SpO2 93%. Scenario 3 The tour started nicely through the new area Hafencity but then continued to the area under development and a very desolate district of Hamburg. Seek clarification Needs frequent reminding due to determination to do things herself without assistance. Health Change Increased acuity Safety Safety Increased acuity, Physiological Richard Dominec, A 47-year-old married father of three children has been admitted for an emergent appendectomy in the evening as soon as there is space available in the OR. Airborne Isolation. ExplanationAnxiety/ fear True except 115 pulse, which is normal for him. His children are visiting, and they are very supportive. Sleep Deprivation False DOCX Swift River Online Learning - Taxonomy Start secondary large bore IV line His left humerus is fractured and splinted. Scenario 5 Iron forms a sulfide with the approximate formula Fe7S8\mathrm{Fe}_7 \mathrm{~S}_8Fe7S8. Explain reason for assessment and procedure The patient got dizzy when he stood up from the commode. The heartburn has become worse since he started treatment for his URI. -Have patient remain in bed, head elevated 30 degrees Scenario 5 Record intake and output Mr. Sturgess is recently dx w/ metastatic cancer of colon and he and his family have chosen only -Notify charge nurse of patient's deteriorating condition Nathaniel Gonzalez -Discuss effectiveness of sitter 1. Safety -Notify charge nurse Health Change Increased acuity What order are you providing the information to the receiving nurse? Fall, Risk for True Palliative care. Place patient on PCA pump Biopsies were sent to determine the treatment. Impaired Mobility, Risk for True