We're seeing mass die-offs of animals and biomes that are being put through very stressful situations worldwide. He declined to share details because the investigation is ongoing. Several more papers on Tanis are now in preparation, Manning says, and he expects they will describe the dinosaur fossils that are mentioned in The New Yorker article. If the data were generated in a stable isotope lab, that lab had a desktop computer that recorded results, he says, and they should still be available. "I'm suspicious of the findings. Melanie During suspects Robert DePalma wanted to claim credit for identifying the dinosaur-killing asteroid's season of impact and fabricated data in order to be able to publish a paper . [5] The fish were not bottom feeders. No part of Durings paper had any bearing on the content of our study, DePalma says. 01/05/2021. It is certainly within the rights of the journal editors to request the source data, adds Mike Rossner, an independent scientist who investigates claims of biomedical image data manipulation. Fossils from dinosaurs and other animals from thousands of years before the asteroid impact are very hard to come by, leading some to believe . [1]:p.8 The site formed part of a bend in an ancient river on the westward shore of the seaway,[1]:p.8192[4]:pp.5,6,23 and was flooded with great force by these waves, which carried sea, land, freshwater animals and plants, and other debris several miles inland. Even as a child, DePalma wondered what the Cretaceous was like. Last month, During published a comment on PubPeer alleging that the data in DePalmas paper may be fabricated. .mw-parser-output .citation{word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}^Note 1 This section is drawn from the original 2019 paper[1] and its supplementary materials,[4] which describe the site in detail. Hell Creek evidence pinpoints month of dinosaur extinction - Earth & Sky Today, their fossils lie jumbled together at a site in North Dakota. Paleontologist accused of faking data in dino-killing asteroid paper [20], Later discoveries included large primitive feathers 3040cm long with 3.5mm quills believed to come from large dinosaurs; broken remains from almost all known Hell Creek dinosaur groups, including some incredibly rare hatchling and intact egg with embryo fossils; fossil pterosaurs for which no other fossils exist at that time; drowned ant nests with ants inside and chambers filled with asteroid debris; and burrows of small mammals living at the site immediately after the impact. When we look at the preservation of the leg and the skin around the articulated bones, we're talking on the day of impact or right before. Fragment of the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs may have been Instead, much faster seismic waves from the magnitude 10 11.5 earthquakes[1]:p.8 probably reached the Hell Creek area as soon as ten minutes after the impact, creating seiche waves between 10100m (33328ft) high in the Western Interior Seaway. Tanis (fossil site) - Wikipedia She also removed DePalma as an author from her own manuscript, then under review at Nature. By Robert Sanders, Media relations | March 29, 2019. Tanis is a rich fossil site that contains a bevy of marine creatures that apparently died in the immediate fallout of the asteroid impact, or the KT extinction. Could NASA's Electric Airplane Make Aviation More Sustainable? This dinosaur, a giant reptilian, lived during the Early Cretaceous period in oceans. Using the same formula, the Chicxulub earthquakes may have released up to 1412 times as much energy as the Chile event. At the site, called Tanis, the researchers say they have discovered the chaotic debris left when tsunamilike waves surged up a river valley. Astonishment, skepticism greet fossils claimed to record - Science In June 2021, paleontologist Melanie During submitted a manuscript to Nature that she suspected might create a minor scientific sensation. The paleontologist who found extinction day fossils teases - Salon Help News from Science publish trustworthy, high-impact stories about research and the people who shape it. Melanie During, a paleontologist at Uppsala University in Sweden, submitted a paper for publication in the journal Nature in June 2021. Ahlberg shared her concerns. In fact, there are probably dinosaur types that still remain unidentified, reported Smithsonian Magazine. If I were the editor, I would retract the paper unless [the raw data] were produced posthaste, he says. By 2013, he was still studying the site, which he named "Tanis" after the ancient Egyptian city of the same name,[5] and had told only three close colleagues about it. "It saddens me that folks are so quick to knock a study," he says. FAU's Robert DePalma, senior author and an adjunct professor in the Department of Geosciences, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, and a doctoral student at the . Why this stunning dinosaur fossil discovery has scientists stomping mad The lead author of that paper, and of the 2021 Scientific Reports paper, is Robert DePalma, a paleontologist who was the central character in a lengthy story published by The New Yorker a day . The end-Cretaceous Chicxulub impact triggered Earth's last mass-extinction, extinguishing ~ 75% of species diversity and facilitating a global ecological shift to mammal-dominated biomes. All of these factors seemed strange and confused the paleontologists. This explanation was proposed long before DePalma's discovery. Astonishment, skepticism greet fossils claimed to record dinosaur-killing asteroid impact. During and DePalma spent 10 days in the field together, unearthing fossils of several paddlefish and species closely related to modern sturgeon called acipenseriformes. But just one dinosaur bone is discussed in the PNAS studyand it is mentioned in a supplement document rather than in the paper itself. Get more great content like this delivered right to you! Dinosaurs' last spring: Study pinpoints timing of - ScienceDaily By Nicole Karlis Senior Writer. The fact that spherules were found in the fishes gills suggested the animals died in the minutes to hours after the impact. Tales of Dinosaurs Past | Biomedical Odyssey Dont yet have access? [1]:p.8 Instead, the initial papers on Tanis conclude that much faster earthquake waves, the primary waves travelling through rock at about 5km/s (11,000mph),[1]:p.8 probably reached Hell Creek within six minutes, and quickly caused massive water surges known as seiches in the shallow waters close to Tanis. Geologists have theorized that the impact, near what is now the town of Chicxulub on Mexico's Yucatn Peninsula, played a role in the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period, when all the dinosaurs (except birds) and much other life on Earth vanished. DePalma's team argues that as seismic waves from the distant impact reached Tanis minutes later, the shaking generated 10-meter waves that surged from the sea up the river valley, dumping sediment and both marine and freshwater organisms there. Paleontologist Robert DePalma Presents in NASA Goddard Colloquium on ", Since Tanis became an excavation site, several other fossils were found, including a pterosaur embryo. Han vxte upp i Boca Raton i Florida. The 112-mile Chicxulub crater, located on the Yucatn Peninsula, contains the same mineral iridium as the KT layer, and it's often cited as further proof that a giant asteroid was responsible for killing dinosaurs (perBoredom Therapy). In December 2021, a team of paleontologists published data suggesting that the asteroid impact that ended the reign of dinosaurs could be pinned down to a seasonspringtime, 66 million years agothanks to an analysis of fossilized fish remains at a famous site in North Dakota. The site, dubbed "Tanis," first underwent excavation in 2012, with DePalma and his team digging along a section known as the Hell Creek Formation (via Boredom Therapy). [23], As of April 2019, several other papers were stated to be in preparation, with further papers anticipated by DePalma and co-authors, and some by visiting researchers.[24]. In December 2021, a team of paleontologists published data . Their team successfully removed fossil field jackets that contained articulated sturgeons, paddlefish, and bowfins. In lieu of controversial New Yorker article, UCD Professor weighs in on Forum News Service, provided TV Paleontologist Facing Backlash After Reportedly Faking Data We may earn a commission from links on this page. We werent just near the KT boundary. [1]:p.8 Seiche waves often occur shortly after significant earthquakes, even thousands of miles away, and can be sudden and violent. In the early 1980s, the discovery of a clay layer rich in iridium, an element found in meteorites, at the very end of the rock record of the Cretaceous at sites around the world led researchers to link an asteroid to the End Cretaceous mass extinction. Paleontologist accused of faking data in dino-killing asteroid paper. That "disconnect" bothers Steve Brusatte, a paleontologist at the University of Edinburgh. Some scientists say this destroyed the dinosaurs; others believe they thrived during the period. "It's not just for paleo nerds. Robert DePalma made headlines again in 2021 with the discovery of a leg from a Thescelosaurus dinosaur at Tanis, reported The Washington Post. [8] The site continues to be explored. Some of the gripes occurred because DePalma first shared his story with a mainstream publication, The New Yorker, instead of a more academic-based journal, said Bored Therapy. Kansas University, via Agence France-Presse Getty Images