Attempt to solve the puzzles using the rings and Harrim will show you how it's done. Annexing the region will unlock a new project, "Restoration of the Bronzeshield Fortress". However, they are accompanied by a Boomsayer who will make your life hell if you don't kill him. After your victory, talk to Bartholomew, go to his laboratory and head down. Grab the three volumes of 'Transmutations and Bodily Poisons' for Bokken and make sure that Valerie is in your party. It's tough and you start unbuffed but your whole party should be able to hack it to death easily enough. I told Bart to release him, but now he is acting vold towards me, but worried Octavia will freak out if I say continue with experiments. If you were successful, you will earn 2800G. Note that the Lawful Good response really does lead to no reward. You can help him back to the road (NG, LG . There are two locked chests (DC23). If you come back later, there will be three Dire Boars here. Search a nearby body for some minor loot and a Greatclub +2. The fighters and archers will target Jaethal preferentially so she may spend a while on the ground. This encounter will give you the name of the troll leader, Hargulka. Head immediately north and examine the body by the wall to update your journal. The traps hit you with Glitterdust and Entangle. Trolls stand about 14 feet tall, but their hunched postures often make them appear shorter. Talk to the witch Old Beldame and learn that, apparently, she did not do anything wrong. After you've cleared the areas, backtrack to the fork and take the path leading southwest. Initially, you will be fighting six Giant Spiders. This will take a while because he has +20 to Fortitude saves and the DC starts at 20 and increases by 1 per round. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Regardless of the outcome, Kargadd himself will appear to do battle. There are five more at the bottom of the slope in two groups. Ask why you should show mercy rather than killing him outright and you can get more information out of him. Search a nearby log for a Token of the Dryad and a Shard of Knight's Bracers (4/10). All trolls spend most of their time hunting for food, as they must consume vast amounts each day or face starvation. Harrim will express his contempt for the "traitor god". Afterwards, you will have to make an alignment-based choice: Your choice will determine options in a future kingdom event; see here for details. Save your game and continue further into the throne room to find Hargulka accompanied by Tartuk. There is a Ferocious Slurk to take care of. It's perfectly doable at 8th level. You cross Bridge over the Gudrin River. You can murder hm if you're in the habit of murdering harmless creatures. Sad to say, but being a man of the people is not the best choice here. A male troll tends to live a solitary existence, partnering with a female for only a brief time to mate. Head back out of the room. Head to the top left corner of the room where you will find three containers with the Commandant's Journal (Second Half) and the Old Dwarven Chest Key. It's physical AC is high (AC34) but its touch AC is pathetic, so touch attacks (e.g., Acid Splash boosted by sneak damage) are quite effective. A couple of days after the letter arrives for Valerie, Jaethal will demand to see you in the throne room. Hopefully, your buffs should keep you safe: it will breathe fire to little effect and miss with its other attacks due to concealment. Loot the enemies and grab some gold and gems from some nearby dead bodies. Return to your capital and speak to Jenna who is suitably grateful. When you've killed them, you can open a trapped chest (DC22) by the side of the road which contains 1GP. You will learn that she told her son in anger to drown himself in Candlemere Lake. After the place has been made safe, search the hidden and trapped (DC22) panel in the northern wall to find a Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2. Do not take the Neutral Good choice - it will cost you your rope! You will have random encounters with cultists as you travel. If you use my Valerie build, she has True Strike, Mirror Image, Displacement and Dragon Breath (which is quite effective). You will find the dog near where Amiri used to train. He was caught in the blast from one of the traps and is now too frightened to move. Remove any armour from the party member with the highest Athletics ability, quick save and interact with it for a storybook segment. You are looking for the "[Knowledge (World) check passed]" option which is required for the best outcome for Harrim's personal quest. Head further up the slope and you will meet a (sort-of) friendly Troll named Jazon. Select one of the events to go to the throne room. After looting their bodies, look under a tarpaulin for a Cloak of Resistance +1. Outside the chief's hut is a sack filled with minor loot. Tell that the Scythe Tree has been destroyed for an XP reward. They have fairly weak Will saves so Hideous Laughter is useful. Don't worry about this for the time being. Fighting them will aggro an Alpha Worg, another Apha Wolf and a Dire Wolf from the right, so position your squishier characters accordingly. The first thing you want to get off is Stinking Cloud. When it's defeated, search the various containers for an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 and minor loot. Dimwit - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki She won't have anything more to do with you for the time being. If you have the complete set of Restovic relics, he will trade these for a story, earning you 4000G and 600XP. Check the timer for the Ancient Curse quest. He deserves to be hanged in chains! Ask about Trobold and you can question him about Tartuk and Hargulka. Continue west towards Verdant Chambers. You will find four Ferocious Wolves fighting a single Trollhound. Grab a diamond from his remains. And that is why Regongar gets to kick his heels in the throne room in my playthroughs. Climb back down from this area and go immediately south. You have 14 days before the situation becomes urgent again. Start making your way back west across the area, disarming all the traps on your way. There are three Branded Trolls just inside the doors that you need to fight your way through. He will ask you to put the coins on Erastil's altar. You do not start off in combat so you have an opportunity to both equip him and treat his wounds which are quite severe. A short distance to the west of the bandits is a well-hidden (DC22) container. You starting point is approximately halfway down the eastern edge. A gnome on the riverbank is calling for help. These are 6th to 8th level enemies, although one of them will transform explosively into a rather more powerful Owlbear. A trolls appetite and its regenerative powers make it a fearless combatant, ever prepared to charge headlong at the nearest living creature and attack with all of its fury. When you return to the Throne Room, there will be a new piece of Curse research waiting for you. Black Whip is a quest item in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Return to your capital and go to the Capital Square. At the destination, go forward and look around the big tree on the right. Summon Nature's Ally III Trap (Perception DC 20, Trickery DC 20 - 45 exp): Summons 2-3 Giant Spiders (Vermin 7) if triggered. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Wikipedia For the best outcome to Jaethal's character arc, allow the elf girl to die. When there are sixteen days remaining on the curse timeline, you will receive an event, "Troll Invasion". Afterwards, head back north to the Murque River. You get 450 experience points as a reward. Hit the road again. Depending on your choice - after troll trouble he is either a potential advisor or stays grumpy in the house. Head to Narlkeep and return the armour to Dragn to make him a happy dwarf. The objective of the quest Guiding Beacon. When they're dead, have Kallike use her Water Blast ability on the flames surrounding the trapped Water Elementals to free them. If you do so and Octavia begins to verbally bait him, you must intervene or fight him. Talk to her and learn about the missing son. Select it and Harrim will call you a blasphemer and strike the anvil a second time, knocking a jewel free. If you killed the leader you will be able to loot his magic weapons, armour and gear. This is not really a fair fight because Sinnet is much stronger than Valerie can possibly be by this stage. Leave them to it but kill the Trollhound with acid yourself because it regenerates. Try to heal him again and everyone (apart from Harrim, who rejects the blessing) will receive the Good Hope buff. There is a chest to the right of some steps containing a Rusty Dwarven Key along with the Commandant's Journal (First Half). Head west along the Skunk River and you will come to a crossing point. The latter is quite powerful and uses Rapid Shot so take it out as a priority. You will also start to find Dizzyhead plants. Follow the path south until you see a dog beckoning you to follow it. Continue round to a fallen tree leaning against the wall. There is a sack by the fire containing a Dwarven Helm Shard (9/10). Help them get the better of their attackers. There is also one group of bandits who help distract the trolls. Head north, keeping an eye out for traps - there are two of them (DC19). Another trap. The door to the east is sealed. This quest takes some time to play out, so you can get it underway before doing other stuff. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 4. Keep an eye out for a hidden stash of minor loot underneath a tree. Find Lykka and tell her about the Cyclops for 300XP and some gold and gems. Unlock the square container (DC26) for a unique greataxe, Second Execution. Keep bludgeoning weapons equipped and backtrack to the room where you met the bandits. Backtrack to the previous room and unlock the door to reveal a balcony. Afterwards, you will have to choose a name. Once across, go north and then turn southwest at the junction. Cross into Silverstep and keep following the trail. Another body at the foot of the tree has a Wand of Burning Arc and you will find a Token of the Dryad and the Cypress Queen's Flower (2/5) on the ground (it's hard to spot under the tree, but it's there). Help them and find out about a mage living nearby. After a short while, you will be attacked by a War Wisp. Return to the world map and you will be back at the location where you met the escort. This monstrosity has 60HP and an extremely high AC (24) so make it second priority since the other creatures can't really harm you. He should know how to end these scoundrels. Make a DC14 Mobility check to climb down. When it's clear, you can head down to the Ancient Tomb. If you follow the "your house" line of questioning, you can mention his family. You start off in your new capital, which occupies the former site of the Stag Lord's Fort. You can sell all the Masterwork crossbows that the Snipers dropped while you're at it. If you examine the sun and moon statues, you will see the solution to the floor puzzle upstairs: a sort of fish rune and a lightning bolt rune. After a couple of rounds, they will be joined by two Greater Giant Spiders. Because there's no rest for the wicked, Jhod will come up next and suggest that you employ Bokken as your court alchemist, initiating The Court Alchemist. He's fine with a few stragglers, or a helpless prisoner, but . If you are not able to cast the basic cantrips (acid splash, jolt and so forth) bring someone who can, such as Octavia. They're mostly low level and no threat. Anyway, you are presented with a good / evil choice as to whether to hunt down the idiots who just tried to murder you. He has some interesting stuff, but nothing that made me feel compelled to part with 1000s. If you have a pet Smilodon, you'll know that it has lots of attacks and the Smilodon-like Treant is no different. Continue north and kill a bunch of Worgs and Greater Worgs. Head to the tavern and you will find Jenna standing just to the left of the bar. And it might be worth a trip back regardless to acquire a new quest.