Voters passed the workers' rights amendment in the 2022 election; what does that mean for Illinois? JB Pritzker signed into law a proposal that gives teachers and other school workers paid administrative leave if they are forced to stay home with COVID-19 or if a family . Tier 3 Mitigations aim to limit gatherings and encourage people to stay home to the greatest extent possible, while allowing most industries to continue operating at significantly reduced levels. EXTENDS MORATORIUM ON EVICTIONS - A person or entity may not commence a residential eviction action. DAYCARE CENTER STAFF VACCINE MANDATE - Daycare center staff statewide are required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine if they have not done so already. It also requires counties with populations above 250,000 to offer the option of a remote hearing. Executive Orders - Illinois SB 00500: Prevents hospitals, physicians, surgeons or procurement group from discriminating against individuals solely on the basis of having a mental or physical disability by deeming that person ineligible to receive an anatomical gift or organ transplant. Supporters say it will ensure workers will always be able to use collective bargaining to secure better pay, hours and working conditions. Permits the use of early childhood block grant funding to provide child care for children of employees performing essential work. Allows ISBE to implement rules regarding remote learning. Amends Executive Order 2022-06 and establishes that all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, shall continue to be required to wear a face covering (1) where federally required; (2) in congregate facilities such as correctional facilities and homeless shelters; and (3) in healthcare settings. Some of these individuals should have been classified as employees and therefore would be eligible for unemployment insurance. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are instituted for Region 7, comprised of Will and Kankakee Counties. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues several executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through January 8, 2022. TIER 3 MITIGATIONS In response to the recent surge of cases across Illinois, all regions of the State have triggered additional mitigation strategies. SUSPENDS VARIOUS PROVISIONS Suspends provisions in the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act, the Nursing Home Care Act and the Community Care Act. It's a new year and nearly 200 new laws go into effect here in Illinois. Following the passage of the bill, former Legislative Inspector General Carol Pope resigned in protest, warning that her office had no power to highlight ethics violations and that lawmakers had shown that "true ethics reform is not a priority. New Tennessee law further limits federal vaccine mandates SB 2122 amends the Juvenile Court Act to make confessions to crimes committed by people 17 and younger inadmissible in court whenever a law enforcement officer knowingly engaged in deception. Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) protects employees ability to engage in protected concerted activity for mutual aid or protection in both union and non-union settings. For example, employers should consider staggering shifts or designating groups of employees to consistently work on the same days and times as each other. The determination of whether work is suitable and whether there is good cause for refusing it is made on a case- by-case basis through the Illinois Department of Employment Securitys (IDES) hearing andadjudication process. HB 226: Allows students to choose whether to submit their ACT/SAT score when applying to Illinois . . As discussed in this guidance, various provisions of federal and state law prohibit retaliation against employees for raising safety and health concerns. Employers should recognize that health care providers may be extremely busy and not able to provide the requested documentation in a timely manner. All schools must follow IDPH and ISBE health guidelines, including using PPE, temperature checks, hygienic practices, social distancing, and limiting people to 50 or fewer in one space. Under the Child Care Act of 1969, the definition of child is suspended to ensure those who are 18 years or older can remain in their placement. Minimum wage bump coming, Juneteenth to become a state holiday: Here REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS Reissues Executive Orders 2020-03 through 2020-31, extending most provisions through May 29, 2020. . The IDOC shall file emergency rules as needed. Suspends classroom training for private security and fingerprint vendors, as any training can be conducted online. Additional frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and wages, benefits, and layoffs are available on IDOLs website. The amendment to the state constitution to guarantee government employees the right to organize and collectively bargain over terms of employment. NEW STAY AT HOME ORDER This new order allows Illinoisans to leave their home for essential activities, including for health and safety, for necessary supplies and services, for outdoor activity, for certain types of work, to take care of others, and to engage in the free exercise of religion, but otherwise requires them to stay at home or their place of residence to prevent spread of COVID-19. As Illinois continues through the Restore Illinois plan and regional mitigation measures, employers and employees1are navigating difficult questions about how to maintain a safe and healthy workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue to evaluate which employees are able to work from home and are encouraged to facilitate remote work when possible; Ensure that employees practice social distancing and wear face coverings when social distancing is not always possible. The law does not apply to tobacco cessation products or cannabis paraphernalia. Individuals with Green Cards issued by the federal government are generally able and available to work and may be eligible for unemployment benefits. In general, individuals not authorized to work in the United States are not eligible for regular unemployment benefits or benefits under the PUA. New Illinois Laws For 2022 Include First-In-Nation Legislation Under the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA), employees are protected from discrimination and harassment in their employment for reasons including, but not limited to, their actual or perceived disability, age, race, or national origin. Illinois is a strong union state and just got stronger after voters approved the Workers Rights Amendment in the 2022 midterm election. Employers are further prohibited from retaliating against an employee when the employee discloses information that they have reasonable cause to believe is a violation of a state or federal law, rule, or regulation. SB 01892: An amendment to the Code of Corrections will take effect, making possession of child pornography when the child is in a household or a family member of the defendant a non-probational offense that will require jail time in sentencing. If an employee is receiving health insurance through their employer, the employer must continue that coverage during the leave period. Hundreds of new laws coming to Illinois Jan. 1, 2022 - FOX 2 Those that continue to cancel or postpone all elective surgeries or procedures, or begin elective surgeries on or after May 11th, in order to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak shall be immune from civil liability for any alleged injury or death relating to COVID-19. Under the latter bill, feminine hygiene products will now be available for free at homeless shelters that provide housing assistance to women and youth. Failure to comply with the new law is punishable by a civil penalty of $10,000. First, not all individuals classified as 1099 employees are actually independent contractors as defined by the Unemployment Insurance Act. ESSENTIAL HUMAN SERVICES OPERATIONS Individuals may leave their residence to work for or obtain any Human Services Operations, such as adoption agencies, long-term care facilities, residential settings for individuals with disabilities and day care centers for children of essential employees. HB 562, dubbed the "FOID Modernization Act," offers automatic gun license renewals for applicants who submit fingerprints, allows state agencies to share existing fingerprint databases, increases background check requirements for private gun transfers, allows for the development of future electronic gun license, establishes a stolen gun database and a new state police FOID revocation enforcement fund, among other things. HB 03914: Requires Illinois Central Management Services to take positive action toward addressing systemic racism in the states hiring practices. SB 01846: Requires restaurants to serve water, milk, milk alternative or juice with childrens meals as the default beverage, rather than soda. No. RELATED | Voters passed the workers' rights amendment in the 2022 election; what does that mean for Illinois? Illinois SAFE-T Act 2023: Pritzker signs revised version of controversial bill about cash bail, the portion of the SAFE-T Act that ends cash bail in Illinois is unconstitutional. Yes. New bill proposes unvaccinated Illinois COVID patients pay out of Requests for accommodations should be evaluated and resolved on a case-by-case basis. This guidance is intended to help both employers and employees educate themselves about minimum required workplace safety requirements, as well as best practices to promote a safe and well-functioning workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to provide guidance on some frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and the workplace. Nearly 300 new laws will take effect in Illinois at the start of the new year. Specific federal, state, and local protections against retaliation include: Yes. REISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDERS - Reissues most executive orders, extending a majority of the provisions through September 19, 2020. POLITICS SPRINGFIELD GENERAL ASSEMBLY CORONAVIRUS ILLINOIS COVID 19 VACCINE LAWS. CHICAGO (AP) Four years ago, Paul Vallas finished toward the bottom of the pack in a crowded race for Chicago mayor. HB 0020: Repeals the registration fee for Gold Star license plates for surviving spouses or parents of vets who died in war or peace time. Applying for and being denied benefits under the regular program is the first step in establishing eligibility under the new temporary program. All state agencies must submit annual reports showing how they have worked to increase the diversity of their workforce. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. 2022 Clay County Final Multiplier Announced. An employer is not required to provide an accommodation that would be prohibitively expensive or unduly disruptive to the business. HB 03739: Creates the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act to establish timelines and requirements for the removal and replacement of all lead service lines in Illinois. Under the federal Occupation Safety and Health Act of 1970, employees who believe they are in imminent danger may refuse to work if certain conditions are met. If an employee believes they have been fired, demoted, or harassed because their employer believes that they are from a country where there is a high incidence of COVID-19 cases, they may file a charge with the IDHR. HB 03217: Amends numerous state statutes by deleting the use of Haitian or Negro and instead including terms such as Black or African-American.. Re-issues former executive orders to protect individuals and businesses from the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus. school personnel, higher education personnel, and higher education students must receive their first dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series or a single dose vaccine by September 19, 2021, and if applicable, receive the second dose in a two-dose vaccine . Business can continue with employees working from home. During the COVID- 19 pandemic, employers may ask employees who work on-site if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, chills, cough, and shortness of breath. Prominently post the guidance from IDPH and the Office of the Illinois Attorney General regarding workplace safety during the COVID-19 emergency. To begin the process of filing a charge, individuals should complete and submit the Complainant Information Sheet located on IDHRs website. SB 539 includes amendments to Illinois Governmental Ethics Act and the Lobbyist Registration Act touted as ethics reforms by members of the Democratic Party's legislative supermajority . The ISP will create a new Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force to conduct enforcement operations against those with revoked FOID cards. A new law takes effect giving students up to five days off for mental health. Governor Pritzker Announces New Partnership Between Illinois Universities and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. An employee who tests positive should make their employer aware of the positive test. Related: ISP Gets Funding To Seize Guns After FOID Card Revoked. In response, additional public health restrictions and mitigations will be implemented for the Metro East region for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos, and for all workplaces, effective September 2, 2020. PROFESSIONAL REGULATION LAW Suspends the Secretary of the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation from taking certain actions to increase the number of licensed professionals responding to the disaster, to the extent that it limits the Secretarys authority to those working under the direction of IEMA and IDPH. Provides the authority for the governor to sign additional executive orders to extend the Stay at Home order. Suspends the provision that no license of a funeral director intern shall be renewed more than twice and suspends the requirement that the transportation of deceased human remains must be under the immediate direct supervision of a licensee. The raise in minimum wage is part of legislation Illinois. The IHRA and federal law prohibit an employer from treating employees differently based on their age or an actual or perceived disability. Watch Live. Suspends provisions regarding pest control, milk production, mobile homes, body piercing and speech language pathology. Schools must follow IDPH guidance and all schools may continue to provide food and other non-educational services. from $118 to $36. CANNABIS APPLICATIONS The deadline for cannabis grower, infuser and transporter license applications is extended, and applicants are now allowed to mail completed applications, rather than submitting in person. Illinois Passes COVID-19 Emergency Housing Act with Protections for AMENDS PROVISIONS IN THE ILLINOIS SCHOOL CODE Suspends provisions in the teacher preparation programs. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are implemented for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos and for all workplaces, effective October 31, 2020. Also delineates the principal public health restrictions and mitigations for Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Phase 4. Generally, an employer can layoff or terminate an employee for economic reasons. Court Operations: The Winnebago County and Boone County Courts are hearing all matters pursuant to the provisions set forth in Administrative Order 2022-12 and General Order 1.03. . Employees at higher risk for severe COVID-19 complications can request a reasonable accommodation, as outlined in questions 3 through 6 in the questions related to Civil Rights protections below. 99) January 13, 2022 WHEREAS, since early March 2020, Illinois has faced a pandemic that has caused extraordinary sickness and loss of life, infecting over 2,520,000, and taking the lives of more than 28,800 residents; and, More than 180 new laws are set to take effect on January 1, 2023, covering a range of issues big and small that affect Illinoisans. REGION 2 MITIGATIONS Region 2North-Central Illinoishas reported three consecutive days of a test positivity rate of 8 percent or higher. The federal Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act of 2004 allows retirees - up to 10,000 in Illinois - who spent at least 10 years as law enforcement officers with arrest powers to carry concealed . Dozens of other states have similar laws on the books. This Executive Order supplements the Community Revitalization Order, Executive Order 43. In response, public health restrictions and mitigations are implemented for Region 7 (Will and Kankakee counties) and Region 8 (Kane and DuPage counties), for restaurants and bars, meetings and social events, gaming and casinos and for all workplaces, effective October 23, 2020. Reissues previous Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic through December 9, 2022. On Tuesday, Gov. Employers should close off areas used by the person who is sick and, if possible, open windows and doors to increase air circulation in the area. 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