Im baffled., Suspect charged in fatal shooting in downtown St. Louis, Former Sweetie Pies TV star Tim Norman gets two life sentences in nephews death, Cardinals manager Oliver Marmol slams ump C.B. That is all bull, we have lived in the mountains of WV. It was extremely large with a long tail, probably 4-5 feet at least. We were there a good 10 minutes.. Any of us who had cats at home have seen this.". Above, a photo of P-81, who was hit and killed by a vehicle last month. I'm from California and have spent quite a lot of time in the Sierras, Cascades, San Bernardinos, San Jacintos, and the Rockies. How 4 Words Upended A University's Journalism Program, And Stirred A Reckoning Over Race, What A Popular Yoga Teacher's Descent Into Conspiracy Theories Says About The 'Wellness To QAnon Pipeline', Ancient Lung Disease Strikes Countertop Cutters In LA, The Groundbreaking Suicide Squad That Tested Early Rockets And Flirted With The Occult. but I haven't heard anything about Mountain Lion sightings in this area, and I haven?t seen them, but that doesn't mean they aren't present. I didn't know how many goose bumps a person could have on there neck but I could feel every one of them, In shock and afraid to move I froze for a moment and the big cat never seen me and kept moving. It was just recently photographed in Preston County. There before us crouched down and broad side starring straight at the headlights was a LARGE black cat, and its tail was very long and switching back and forth like a house cat would when annoyed. Authorities said the lion, tagged P-81, was found on the Pacific Coast Highway in the Western. DNR: Mountain lion struck, killed along Illinois highway Do Not Sell My Personal Information The road is lined with homes, but the backyards of these residences are vast tracts of timber and rugged forest land. In 2011, a male mountain lion was hit by a car and killed on a highway in suburban Connecticut. about six years ago. They are a beautiful Animal and are very much a part of West Virginia. Second mountain lion near Los Angeles hit, killed by car, (Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area/NPS), Sheriff releases name after body found in Mason County, Renovations moving ahead at Chick-fil-A in Barboursville, Fire department K-9 dies during search and rescue mission. What happened An adult male mountain lion was struck around 6:30 p.m Tuesday. The lion later ran away. A photo of the mountain lion, stunned and injured in the roadway was taken by Tiffany Door and shared by MDC. The fact that we havent been able to find it in the vicinity suggests it was able to get up and get away, spokesman Dan Zarlenga said. Hello.. my name is Jennifer and my husband Zach has a field camera posted in our field in Triadelphia WV (A community in Ohio County). Trevor and his wife has been inhabiting cabin #2 for several weeks in exchange for performing labor (exchange) at the campground.Submitted by: Vince LombardiGrant County West Virginia, Hello! Warren County, Mo. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources said the accident happened on. I wascompletely surprised, not only because I didn't think they existed in West Virginia, but also because I know them to bequite elusive. I was skeptical, but questioned him about the description of the cat. Then in 1996 in the fall after the leaves had fallen, I was with a friend driving between Weston, WV and Jane Lew WV, it was evening almost dark, and we saw a animal at first glance thought was a large light brown dog coming to the road and my friend slammed on the breaks and it walked right in front of us in the head lights looked right at us, my friend was real excited, and myself to, as this made two sightings for me. Or this one from Valentine's Day last: As the animal continued walking, it walked in front of trees which allowed us to give some perspective to its size. Copyright 2000-2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Tiffany MitchellDoor photographed a cougar, or mountain lion, lying bleeding on the road in Franklin County. Although locals swear they have seen mountain lions, the WV DNR says the creature no longer exists in the state. A mountain lion was hit and killed by a car traveling near Highway 77 in the Rio Grande Valley over the weekend, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department officials say. Illinois Department of Natural Resources experts believe the animal was this mountain lion . about a mile from West LIberty when I saw what I thought at first glance was a deer. Mountain Lion (Cougar) confirmed DNR image. Another mountain lion was fatally struck by a vehicle early Thursday on the 405 Freeway in the Brentwood area. According to the National Wildlife Federation, the mountain lion has many other names, including "cougar," "panther," "puma," and "catamount." Fur-bearer biologist Jeff Beringer with the Missouri Department of . All rights reserved. Last April, workers broke ground on what will be the worlds largest wildlife crossing. We were very excited, but we're unable to get any pictures.Thank you!Submitted by: Krissi WoodDate: Sun, January 27, 2008 3:22 pm. I think it just wanted to get out of there it was as scared of us as we are of it, Door said. We got to the bow stand at daylight just off of the Potomac River and I helped him into the tree with a climbing stand then retreated back the grassy rd. His incredibly mean doberman, turned tail and ran up to the house. Even Near The Hollywood Sign, LA Explained: How To Live Safely With Our Coyote Neighbors, It's Coyote Mating Season In Los Angeles. He said they looked at each other for a very long several seconds before the mountain lion darted and ran into the darkness. If you hit one with your vehicle here, you can keep it- all of it. This included mild-mannered animals such as eastern elk and woodland bison in addition to the white-tailed deer that remain abundant to the point many current residents have probably spotted one in their front yard, he said. Updated: Oct 17, 2022 / 05:11 PM CDT. SYCAMORE, Ill. (AP) A mountain lion that was struck and killed last weekend along a northern Illinois highway will be analyzed by biologists seeking to uncover the rare animal's origins, state wildlife officials said. Leadmine is known for the largest trees ever cut in West Virginia, White Oak. Your friend is very lucky to have seen this animal in the wild. Last year my wife and I were returning home to Berkeley Springs WV in Morgan County. I just stumbled across your sight, mainly because of a conversation I had with a fellow employee in Cincinnati. Door saw lights, cars and a few people watching the cat from a distance. Another Mountain Lion Is Killed After Being Hit By A Car In Malibu This is a developing story, stay with Joplin News First on KOAM News Now as we continue to learn more. Mountain lion struck by car, miraculously walks away Car mountain lion accident at Co Rd 15 & 26. One was either 1979 or 1980 in June. 0. You have permission to edit this article. Leadmine, WV. The long tail was a dead giveaway. Webmaster's Note!Hi Debbie Bond, I could have accidentally delete those pictures you send us when I accidentally deleted an entire page of emails and photos from my laptop. Rauch said one place to begin answering that question is with another question What was there? An Amish farmer along 944 in Cumberland County complained to the PGC a mountain lion was killing his sheep. Choose wisely! My friend also saw it and we had about 30 seconds that it stood and looked at us. At first I wasn't sure what it was, I Could see a long tail and as I said before a large bodied animal. zip code for the town is 26720. "So we just ask that drivers remain aware of that possibility and, at night, drive with your lights on.". On most sighting their no way to determine if a Mountain Lion was always wild or had been let loose in wild when someone happen across a mountain lion or cougar, FW: pics, From: Lisa CampbellFrom: Kimberly RushHere are some pics of a horse that at least 2 Mountain Lions attacked and killed last Friday in broad daylight right along the road and across from houses.KimFrom: Julia SpelsbergHello,Someone I work with had her horse killed last week (December 26, 2008). The Scuttle Butt that I have been told was the eastern mountain lions, were exterminated decades ago in Greenbrier County but that doesn't mean they aren't present Are you aware that there have been big cat sightings in other counties around Greenbrier County. One non-native mammal, the European boar, was also introduced by the state to heavily mined areas in southwest West Virginia. I bet he made it 40 feet in the time I made it 3 feet to get to my car door, she said. Exam finds famed LA mountain lion may have been hit by car Create a password that only you will remember. The mountain lion died of injuries in the crash, but the SUV driver was uninjured. Not one has been spotted on any of the states multitude of trail cameras, treed by hounds or hit by a car, for example, he said. The dogs were barking at it but they would not go right to it, which was odd cause they always go to a dog passing by and check it out but they would not get too close, then we rode our bikes a little faster and I could see it was cat, but couldnt believe my eyes, then it finally took off running not real fast but yet way ahead of us and it leaped up the side of the hill maybe a 8 or 10 ft jump. The last thing they saw was a big cats dark silhouette. Mountain Lion Killed on Malibu Road Was Pregnant With Four Kittens Hide hunting was a way to get out and make some extra besides. Shannon Becker was born and raised in Joplin and began in radio before graduating from Joplin Senior High in 1990. Back to Top Eastern Cougars (#109) Jan 15 2013 An animal sprang up on the bank from the road about 40 yards away. He was coming across Kinnison Mountain, and it was around 4 a.m. in the morning. I don't need to have there input if they were going to act like we needed to make up storiesjust to have something to talk about. We rode our bicycles with fishing poles and two dogs following to the Lake to go fishing. They came out and investigated. Copyright 2023 CNN Newsource. FILE - This November 2014, file photo provided by the U.S. National Park Service shows a mountain lion known as P-22, photographed in the Griffith Park area near downtown Los Angeles. It didnt appear to be limping or hurt, she said. The dead horse which appears to show deep slash wounds to the head and a powerful bite to the neck. Hoping that is was a deer, I lowered my rifle and placed the scope on another clear spot that was in the pathof the animal. Mountain lion struck and injured in a vehicle collision. We believe when reliable local reporting is widely available, the entire community benefits. (CNN) Another mountain lion near Los Angeles has died. A mountain lion hit and killed by a car in Milford, Conn., last month was a long way from home, most likely the . Mysterious mountain lion killed in Connecticut | Reuters I have found myself landing on it numerous times, whether researching ramps, bobcats, or mountain lions! FRANKLIN COUNTY For about 10 minutes, a small crowd gathered on a rural highway here marveling at a rare sight: A mountain lion, just hit by a car, sat in the roadway, stunned. Mountain lion hit, killed by vehicle in I-88 in DeKalb County The unknown factor is how many of the big cats are being kept illegally in West Virginia. Examination reveals P-22, LA's celebrity mountain lion, was probably MAPLE PARK, Ill. - Illinois State Police said a mountain lion was struck and killed Sunday night on Interstate 88 in DeKalb County. Marshall County WV. In this interview, we talk with eyewitnesses about hitting a cougar or Mountain Lion with a vehicle in 2017. And consider yourself lucky to see any of the elusive cats that exist or may exist in West Virginia (bobcat, mountain lion,). Connecticut DEP says it's possible and even likely that the mountain lion killed early Saturday morning is. 90 percent of the "woman screaming" sounds are only hoot owls, Did you mean: Mcelroy creek in Tyler County, I found your site after googling lion sightings for Huntington, West Virginia, Mysterious animal photo in Lahmansville in Grant County West Virginia, Mountain Lion sighting I-79 north near Weston, WV in Lewis County in 1999 or 2000, Mountain Lion sighting in Mt. Thats how a story relating a mountain lion in MonongaliaCounty was related to me last week. When I asked him to calm down he wouldn't I knew something bad was going on this child wasn't scared of much. Ripley County, Mo. that there is mountain lion near.. DNR gets dozens of mountain lion reports and my guess is that DNR cannot check ever visual sighting. Most mountain lions live about a decade. That autumn, my wife and I were sitting on our back porch which faces a "wooded area." Does this look like Mt. Construction is expected to be completed by early 2025. There is absolutely no doubt that it was definitely a Mt. Mountain lion hit by car Monday night in Franklin County, Missouri Thank you, I doubt anyone would want to believe this, but after reading all the comments on "mountain lions" I have to share what happened to me and Larry. Watch out for falling cougars! Lo' and behold the thing crossed right beside my drive and up the hill not 15 yards from where we sat on the deck and it was beyond a doubt a cougar. and my great grand parents said they had seen quite a few in their day. They had recently added a right-of-way along the ridge to access wells they drilled the past several months. I got him to talk to me and I told him to lower the bow and come down to me but he wouldn't he said dad there was a big cat that came out of the river bottom and walked under the tree stand and up into the bouldersbehind the stand. I would have gotten track impressions if I had thought that no one would believe me, but I was frankly pretty scared of it and got out of there asap. If you want to see a mountain lion, now is your chance. Have you heard of any other sightings in this area? You need to show some kind of a mountain lion sign (confirmed prints, pictures, and etc.) Mountain lion killed on I-88 in Kane County - . Contrary to popular belief, there are no black panthers in USA. Shanks West Virginia is an unincorporated community in Hampshire County, West Virginia, the North Fork Little Cacapon River runs through Shanks WV. We had noticed several deer tracks and then out of the blue notced a very different track following them. And two glowing eyes staring back at them. While I was there I happened to be looking around at the stuff that was to be loaded up and I look up for the biggest surprise of my life, About 50' away there I saw solid black cat walking in a wide open area in the middle of the day with his nose on the ground. Here's What You Should Know, Another Cougar Has Been Found Dead Believed To Have Been Struck By A Car, Here's Why It's Especially Dangerous To Hike SoCal Mountains Right Now, A Los Angeles Family Seeks Answers And Accountability After Black Mom Dies In Childbirth. Mountain lions are abundant in all those places, yet I've never seen one. Doors photo of the cat went viral by Tuesday. Or, perhaps more likely, someone could deliberately (and illegally) release such an animal into the wild here. Hello, My name is Aaron. LAist is part of Southern California Public Radio, a member-supported public media network. OT/MISC - OMG a MOUNTAIN LION not a "Cougar" got hit not far from St The camera was in the back seat but I was too stunned to reach for it. MDC advice. I've had nearly a dozen people tell me about their sightings but they didn't want their sighting published on the web. The cougar is regularly recorded on security cameras strolling through residential areas near Griffith Park. But I dont know how I feel about them being here.. Mountain lion hit by car Monday night in Franklin County, Missouri While this . That lion had also been struck by a car and was euthanized by authorities. It ran off into the night. Subscribe with this special offer to keep reading, (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). The mountain lion was lying down in the snow. I hope this will help someone else who may have the same experience some day.Thanks very much,JeffThu, November 22, 2007 2:07 pm, Enjoying your website, very nicely done. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. The famous Hollywood-roaming mountain lion known as P-22 is drastically underweight and was probably struck and injured by a car, wildlife experts who conducted a health examination on the big cat . Their conclusion: "Sir, you don't have a mountain lion." A week later the farmer shot the mountain lion. Courtesy Tiffany Door via MDC. West Virginia Really Is 'Wild And Wonderful' Mountain Lion Sighting North Mountain close to Gerrardstown, WV. I am greatful others have been seeing them and are posting their sightings on your site as well. Reporter covering St. Louis County politics. On another note Carlene and Sandy and all the others who have e-mailed me, I sent more pictures in to this site hope they are posted soon and hope you enjoy them! I watched it through the scope the whole time. There are still two other. Its the latest in a mounting number of reports of a mountain lion sighting in the area along Kingwood Pike near the Monongalia/Preston County line. Mountain Lion (Cougar) confirmed DNR image. Pineville is a town in Wyoming County, West Virginia, along the Guyandotte River and the zip code for Pineville is 24874. Again, his certainty of the sighting is 100% according to him, as he had plenty of time to stare at the animal and take it all in.The sighting was by a local Grant County man named Trevor who is 100% certain of the creature sighting. Theres also the occasional bobcat or a flash of orangey-red that suggests the presence of a fox. One night after going to bed we were awoken by what sounded like screams off in the woods. Study: Mountain lions expanding into eastern half of U.S. - GreenwichTime The state has also successfully reintroduced river otters, beavers and fishers. I was just amazed.. Rare Missouri Mountain Lion Hit By Car, Photo Shows The story claimed the small dog was trying to make it through the doggy door when its hind quarters were grabbed by the big clawed paw. Blaine said it appeared healthy and strong, but he never expected to see a mountain lion in the wild. They seen this animal coming out of the woods and she thought it was a big dog or fox from the distance, until it got closer to her she stopped her car and this big CAT came out in front of herand she said oh my goodness it's a mountain lion and her dad said it sure is and she said it walked in front ofher car as slow as it could go and just looked at her like it wasn't scared. When I walked out side to find him my cat came running at me, and he never runs, he is a pretty big cat and doesn't run much at all. Alternative headline: A Coyote's Guide To Mating in L.A. FRANKLIN COUNTY, Mo. The Missouri Dept of Conservation release information regarding a vehicle striking a mountain lion (cougar) not far from Six Flags. A police officers flashlight trailed. It was about 75 yards away in a meadow. But it's really more for humans. I could not find a good tree so I settled on the one close the road pulled my bow up set down and had the worstfeeling of my life. Wether or not anyone ever believes me I thought I should let it be known I now believe that Panthers exist in WV. Various versions about the animal kill have since been spun across the Internet. I hope to visit Richwood in the near future!PattySubmitted by: PATRICIA WOLFORDPutnam County West Virginia, I saw Two (2) adult Cougars on Spruce Flat Rd. It happened on December 26, 2006. The tracks were from a step down onto the road which is rich in clay mud. Mountain lion hit by car in Franklin County. 'This huge magnificent beast.' Needless to say, this sighting was a treat that I will treasure forever.Chris SparkmanWoodbridge, VA. Webmaster's Note!The community of Paw Paw is known for the nearby Paw Paw Tunnel. State workers have confirmed sightings of about 100 mountain lions also known as pumas, panthers, catamounts and cougars since 1994, when the Department of Conservation started tracking them, Zarlenga said. Margaret has seen two over the years. His. Exam finds famed LA mountain lion may have been hit by car This cougar was hit on M-65, just north of Long Rapids near. Other times, theres a hoax involved in such reports. The mountain lions that once roamed the hills and hollows of West Virginia are long gone. MALIBU, CA A mountain lion was fatally struck by a car in Malibu Tuesday night, according to state authorities. We just wanted to inform you all that during our trip to the Snowshoe ski resort in West Virginia we sighted a mountain lion at a nearby field. That's one heck of a cat, he's got a head like a pumpkin. . P-81s death comes more than a month after P-22, a Los Angeles area mountain lion, became a local celebrity when he was photographed beneath the iconic Hollywood sign by a camera trap. The U.S. We?ve camped in the Cranberry area many many times as well as the Greenbrier river area and Pocahontas county. I live in Putnam County, and one of my students who lives on "Redhouse Hill" which is rural and beautifully mountainous, with many ridge top roads populated by picturesque farms, told me he had seen a mountain lion. (Check out for updates on these animals and others.). Multiple individuals took pictures and videos of animal before it stood up and left the scene and could not be found after the incident. 400 yards above my house. "Unfortunately, wildlife cross roadways, freeways and highways to get to areas where they feel they have better opportunities in food, companionship, etc.," said Tim Daly, CDFW public information officer. Second mountain lion near Los Angeles hit, killed by car The gigantic mountain lion that a truck hit in northern Arizona has become an Internet legend. It didnt look so big from that angle. Mountain lion hit by car, killed on I-88 - Chicago Tribune It was one. We watch it for what seemed like a long time and then it bolted into the brush, we both looked at each other and said "HOLY S@%^ that was a Panther!". I know a mountain lion when I'm within 125 feet of one. It is the county seat of Wyoming County and population approx: 750. Mountain lion killed by car on Connecticut highway - 2 1/2 feet high with a body in excess of 4 feet long. Taxidermist probablylocal WV roadkill?? Of course no one believed us my dad even laughed. Until 1993, I was working for a Coal Company in Sharples WV, while riding with a fellow worker in a company pickup truck we were looking for deer and we spotted a set of eyes in the headlights about twenty five to thirty yards away, for at least a full minute neither one of us said a word, I think we were both in shock. is an unincorporated community in Tucker County, West Virginia, in the North Area of the State and the zip code for the community is 26290. Thank you and have a nice day. One month ago my mother Celestine was taking my daughter Addie to baseball practice and had herfather in the car with them.. This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. It continuedalong the logging road until it disappeared into some thick trees. This is only the third confirmed mountain lion sighting in MDCs St. Louis Region since 2011. According to state police, troopers responded to a call of. When the big cat got out of sight I run back to my truck witch was only 50' away and got a 44 mag. Animals tracks 3 to 4 inches Mountain Lion; no claw marks | 2 to 2.5 inches Bobcat; no claw marks | 2 to 3 inches canine; claw marks. The hunt took place in Mineral Co. and was one of the most shocking things my son and Ihave ever had together. 1 of 5 A mountain lion struck by a car and killed on Route 15 in Milford on June 11, 2011, is believed to be the animal spotted on the Brunswick School campus in northwest Greenwich a few months . The National Park Service says vehicle strikes are the leading cause of death for mountain lions in the southern California area. I felt stupid right then. pistol. It occurred after 8 p.m. Monday night, January 23, 2023, at Highway T and Old Highway 100 just north of Villa Ridge in Franklin County. My wife and I watched the cat walk up the hill through the woods and disappear at the crest of the hill (which is where our neighbor's yard is). Samuel Adams Veteran Member Jan 27, 2023 #3 Mountain lion struck and killed on I-88 in DeKalb County likely came The famous Hollywood-roaming mountain lion known as P-22 is drastically underweight and probably was struck and injured by a car, according to wildlife experts Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022, who are giving him a health exam amid concerns about his behavior, including killing a leashed dog. Tail of the creature, Kinnison Mountain WV. FILE - In this Wednesday Aug. 1, 2007 file photo, a black bear walks across the ground in Lyme, N.H. A Maine legislative committee decided in late May 2019 that proposals to overhaul the state's bear hunting rules will have to wait until the next legislative session in January.