CT trooper barred from public interaction after profanity-filled BL10-011 DHL Metal ID Reel retractable Card Holder, CL8-07 Thin Red Line Metal ID Reel retractable ID Card Holder Fire Fighter Department Firefighter, DL1-12 U.S. Space Force Retractable ID reel metal ID card holder United States USAF USSF, Radiology Technician Retractable ID reel metal ID card holder X-Ray Tech Hospital, BL11-012 UPS Metal ID Reel retractable Card Holder, CL-005 ATF Special Agent Retractable ID reel metal ID card holder, GL6-006 Polk County Florida Deputy Sheriff Metal ID Reel retractable Card Holder Grady Judd, Agent's Wife Silver Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, GL1-002 2nd Amendment Keeping America Safe Since 1791 Challenge Coin style Magnet 2A, Officer's Mom Silver Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, EL9-003B Double sided Thin Blue Line US American Flag Police Officer Earrings Women Ladies WIFLE, Deputy's Daughter Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Agent's Daughter Silver Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Deputy's Mom Rose Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Agent's Daughter Rose Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Deputy's Wife Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Deputy's Mom Silver Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Deputy's Daughter Silver Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Deputy's Wife Rose Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Deputy's Daughter Rose Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Agent's Wife Rose Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Agent's Mom Rose Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Officer's Wife Rose Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Officer's Mom Rose Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Officer's Daughter Rose Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Deputy's Mom Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Agent's Wife Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Agent's Mom Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Agent's Daughter Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Officer's Wife Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Officer's Mom Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, Officer's Daughter Gold Plated Pillar Bar Pendant Necklace Gift Mother's Day Christmas Holiday Anniversary Police Sheriff Officer First Responder Law Enforcement, M-16 SpaceX pin Space X dual pin back black lapel pin, M-28 US MARINE CORPS and American Flag cloisonn lapel pin US Marines Crossed Flags, M-14 Coast Guard Lapel Pin Coastie USCG Flag ensign, CL6-002 Thin Green Line Flag Pin: Border Patrol, CBP, Army, Sheriff, Security, CL7-03 Thin Gray Line pin Corrections american flag Correctional Officer (round), 50 Silver Deluxe Safety Locking Pin Backs, Pin Keepers Locking Clasps Scouts Uniform Nameplate, CL7-07 Thin Pink Line U.S. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern, indem Sie auf unseren Websites und Apps auf den Link Datenschutz-Dashboard klicken. Schmidt said dispositions can take into account a defendant's criminal history, and in this case Barker had no criminal past and was contributing to society as a trooper, he said. This byline is for a different person with the same name. End censorship. Weve been made aware of a profane challenge coin that has the image of Connecticut State Police badge, Brian Foley, an aide to Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Commissioner James Rovella, said. It appears that being a state government employee is a great gig. We are a privately owned enterprise who engages in creating works of art in the form of Law Enforcement and Military Collectibles. 0. God Bless America & the Laws that prevent Art & Free Speech Censorship. Chance of precip 90%.. In that case he probably would have to keep working another 15 or 20 years in a different job. Shamar Walters is a reporter for NBC News' Social Newsgathering team based in New York City. Contact Matthew, search articles and Tweets, monitor coverage, and track replies from one place. That artwork is then made digital by the artist who creates these unique pieces. The coin, which includes a state police insignia on the front with words that include every [law enforcement officer]s hero, also includes an apparent engraving of a trooper along with lines from the tirade viewed widely on YouTube. For example: Trucker Thomas M. Wallace was watching pornography on a laptop in December 2009 when he hit a car driven by 33-year-old Julie I. Stratton, a mother of two, on the Thruway near Pembroke. In the immediate aftermath of the crash, the State Police said its trooperwas responding to a call when the minivan, and the lives of the men inside, were sent spinning. Wallace was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to three to nine years in prison. $18.99 Sold out. percent higher than average Those elements represent just a small peripheral portion of the coins we design. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. There are lots of excuses. Keep reading with unlimited digital access. It's true, our stuff is diverse; sometimes serious, sometimes a total joke. Cole was left paralyzed from the waist down, and McCann was paralyzed from the chest down. a tirade famously captured on cellphone video. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Welcome to the new courant.com: Whats changed, FAQs and more, Sit the down. Commemorative coin capturing troopers profanity-laced I-95 traffic stop circulating among police, CT man found guilty of narcotics, firearm offenses, Hartford Civilian Police Review Board inspector general resigns, With old Ames HQ in Rocky Hill demolished, state kicks in nearly $1 million for multi-use development, Parkinsons symptoms eased by non-surgical procedure, study shows, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. Our creations are not approved, endorsed, sponsored, nor authorized by, or associated with any agency, department of government entity. Keep it Clean. Guy who cuts his own hair. Five people were seriously injured, including two who were partially paralyzed, when New York State Trooper Stephen C. Barker rear-ended this minivan at 73 mph near the Dunkirk exit of the State Thruway on July 15, 2019. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. A law enforcement source said the coin has been circulating among state troopers and other police officers. He died three years later. THE 1ST AMENDMENT PREVENTS GOVERNMENT FROM CENSORING ART. Every Sunday, receive the most in-depth, interesting, and important stories of the week, picked by editors and readers. Dec 9, 2020 Updated Dec 10, 2020. In a release, Col. Stavros Mellekas described Spinas behavior as disturbing and not indicative of the great work of the women and men of the Connecticut State Police and their dedication to protecting and serving during this pandemic.. IE 11 is not supported. That's how police investigators learned Barker had reached 81 mph just seconds before impact and hit the brakes when just 48 feet from the Caravans rear hatch. From Search and Rescue to Enforcement, they truly Protect our Nation. $28.49. GL10-002 Trooper Matthew Spina Retired CSP Version 7 Challenge Coin Connecticut State Police CT. In the video, posted on YouTube Monday, Trooper Matthew Spina is seen cursing at a man who allegedly was speeding on the span also known as the Q bridge in New Haven. In the video, posted on YouTube Monday, the trooper is seen cursing at a man who was allegedly speeding on the span also know as the Q bridge in New Haven. BRB-002-A Border Patrol Agent Tactical Beverage Bottle or Can Cooler Vest CBP BPA with removable patches perfect gift for Challenge Coin collectors, GB2-002 CBP Officer OFO Field Operations Tactical Beverage Bottle or Can Cooler Vest with removable patches perfect gift for Challenge Coin collectors, BL2-013 HSI SPECIAL AGENT Tactical Beverage Bottle or Can Cooler Vest with removable patches perfect gift for Challenge Coin collectors, GB2-003 CBP AMO Air and Marine Agent Tactical Beverage Bottle or Can Cooler Vest with removable patches perfect gift for Challenge Coin collectors, BL1-014 FBI SPECIAL AGENT Tactical Beverage Bottle or Can Cooler Vest with removable patches perfect gift for Challenge Coin collectors, GL09-006 Thin Green Line Flag Border Patrol Challenge Coin Always Be Yourself Self Standing Frog Navy Seal Army Marines, GL09-005 Thin Blue Line Flag Police Challenge Coin Always Be Yourself Self Standing Frog NYPD LAPD CBP FBI, Correctional Officer Thin Gray Line Carabiner Keychain with 4 carabiner clips and bottle opener function CO Corrections, Thin Green Line Border Patrol Carabiner Keychain with 4 carabiner clips and bottle opener function Marines Army Veteran, Thin Blue Line Carabiner Keychain with 4 carabiner clips and bottle opener function NYPD LAPD ATF FBI CBP, GL12-008 Carabiner Keychain with 4 carabiner clips and bottle opener function corrections police work, GL09-004 Boston Massachusetts Border Patrol Army Marines Thin Green Line Challenge Coin Police BPD, GL10-005 Hialeah Police Department Thin Blue Line St. Michael Cross Challenge Coin medallion, GL12-004 NYPD Slimer No Ghost Challenge Coin New York City Police Buster, GHKB-1H Gladiator Patriot American Flag Spartan Helmet Keychain Military Veteran Antique Nickel, GHKB-1G Gladiator Patriot American Flag Spartan Helmet Keychain Military Veteran Antique Bronze, GHKB-1F Gladiator Patriot American Flag Spartan Helmet Keychain Military Veteran, GHKB-1E Gladiator Police Dispatcher Thin Yellow Line Flag Spartan Helmet Trucker Keychain 911 Emergency, GHKB-1D Gladiator Police Thin Red Line Flag Spartan Helmet Keychain Fire Fighter Fireman, GHKB-1C Gladiator Police Thin Pink Line Flag Spartan Helmet Keychain Breast Cancer Awareness Survivor, GHKB-1B Gladiator Police Thin Green Line Flag Spartan Helmet Keychain Border Patrol, GHKB-1A Gladiator Police Thin Blue Line Flag Spartan Helmet Keychain LAPD NYPD FBI ATF CBP, PBX-004-F Thin Green Line Police Honor Guard Folded US Flag Pin CBP Border Patrol Army Marines Military Veteran, PBX-004-E Thin Blue Line Police Honor Guard Folded US Flag Pin FBI ATF CBP BPD NYPD, GL10-004 Boston Police Massachusetts State Trooper Sports Challenge Coin, BL14-010 CBP Pink Border Patrol Agent Challenge Coin Breast Cancer Cancer Awareness, GL8-003 You're My Boo Challenge Coin I Love You Ghost with a heart on valentines Day Gift Anniversary Present, GL10-002 Trooper Matthew Spina Retired CSP Version 7 Challenge Coin Connecticut State Police CT, GL8-002 Masonic Illuminati FreeMason Lodge secret freemasonry challenge coin, GL8-004 Warrior Mindset Challenge Coin Thin Blue Line NYPD LAPD ATF FBI CBP, Chicago Police Department CPD 3-in-1 Tactical Rescue tool with Seatbelt Cutter, Steel Serrated Blade, Glass breaker, National Park Service Park Ranger NPS 3-in-1 Tactical Rescue tool with Seatbelt Cutter Steel Serrated Blade Glass, Veterans Affairs Police 3-in-1 Tactical Rescue tool with Seatbelt Cutter Steel Serrated Blade Glass, NYPD New York City Police Department 3-in-1 Tactical Rescue tool with Seatbelt Cutter, Steel Serrated Blade, Glass, CIA Central Intelligence Agency 3-in-1 Tactical Rescue tool with Seatbelt Cutter, Steel Serrated Blade, Glass, Denver Colorado Police 3-in-1 Tactical Rescue tool with Seatbelt Cutter, Steel Serrated Blade, Glass, GB2-004 Border Patrol tactical pocket knife BPA Rescue Tool Steel Blade Patrol Agent CBP Bortac, KCB-001-F Thin Pink Line flag Breast Cancer Awareness Keychain Bottle Opener Survivor, KCB-001-E Thin Red Line flag Fire Department Fire Fighter Keychain Bottle Opener Fireman, KCB-001-D Thin Yellow Line flag Police 911 Emergency Dispatcher Gold Line Keychain Bottle Opener, KCB-001-C Thin Gray Line flag Correctional Officer Keychain Bottle Opener CO Corrections, KCB-001-B Thin Green Line flag Police Officer Keychain Bottle Opener Border Patrol Agent Deputy Sheriff Army, KCB-001-A Thin Blue Line flag Police Officer Keychain Bottle Opener LAPD FBI CBP NYPD ATF FAM, BL2-011A Braid Fishing Line Cutter with retractable ceramic cutting scissor and carabiner clip tackle angler, Ukraine Armed Forces Ukrainian Army Navy Air Force Military collectible 3-in-1 Police Tactical Rescue tool with Seatbelt Cutter, Steel Serrated Blade, Glass Breaker, CTR-BX-01 THIN GRAY LINE Cigar Cutter CO Corrections Correctional Officer Prison Guard Jail, CTR-BX-01 THIN GOLD LINE Cigar Cutter 911 Emergency Dispatcher Headset Hero yellow trucker truck driver, CTR-BX-01 THIN GREEN LINE Cigar Cutter CBP Border Patrol Army Marines Deputy Sheriff, CTR-BX-01 THIN BLUE LINE Cigar Cutter NYPD LAPD CPD FBI CBP SWAT BPD police, DL13-002 Florida Department of Law Enforcement Tactical Frame Lock tool with pocket clip FDLE Police Tactical Knife, GL2-019 Tactical Frame Lock tool with pocket clip Coast Guard USCG Coastie SEMPER PARATUS Tactical Knife with Razor Sharp Blade, GL1-017 Border Patrol Agent CBP Cigar Cutter, FAM Federal Air Marshal collectible 3-in-1 Police Tactical Rescue tool with Seatbelt Cutter, Steel Serrated Blade, Glass Breaker, HSI Special Agent collectible 3-in-1 Police Tactical Rescue tool with Seatbelt Cutter, Steel Serrated Blade, Glass Breaker, ICE officer collectible 3-in-1 Police Tactical Rescue tool with Seatbelt Cutter, Steel Serrated Blade, Glass Breaker, BL2-012B Large 2.75 inch full size Executive Protection Agent Security Officer Enforcement Uniform wallet, BL2-012A Large 2.75 inch full size Executive Protection Agent Security Officer Enforcement Uniform Wallet Pin, BL3-008 Leather Wallet with EMT PARAMEDIC EMS Emergency Medical Technician Ambulance, BL17-013 Bounty Hunter movie prop full size wallet, Mini 2 inch Executive Protection Agent Security Officer Enforcement Uniform Wallet Pin BL4-017, EL10-006 Police Federal Agent Sheriff Money Clip CBP Border Patrol Air and Marine AMO Wallet alternative, EL3-009 Thin Gray Line Correctional Officer Money Clip RFID Blocking Front Pocket Wallet Premium Minimalist Wallets for Men Minimalist Slim Credit Card Holder Business Card Holder Mens Aluminum Metal Wallet CO Corrections, EL3-010 US Coast Guard Wallet USCG Coastie Money Clip RFID Blocking Front Pocket Wallet Premium Minimalist Wallets for Men Minimalist Slim Credit Card Holder Business Card Holder Mens Aluminum Metal Wallet Semper Paratus, EL3-011 Border Patrol Wallet CBP BPA Patrol Agent Money Clip RFID Blocking Front Pocket Wallet Premium Minimalist Wallets for Men Minimalist Slim Credit Card Holder Business Card Holder Mens Aluminum Metal Wallet, EL3-012 Police Thin Blue Line Wallet Money Clip RFID Blocking Front Pocket Wallet Premium Minimalist Wallets for Men Minimalist Slim Credit Card Holder Business Card Holder Mens Aluminum Metal Wallet, Gray Wallet Money Clip RFID Blocking Front Pocket Wallet Premium Minimalist Wallets for Men Minimalist Slim Credit Card Holder Business Card Holder Mens Aluminum Silver Metal Wallet, Green Wallet Money Clip RFID Blocking Front Pocket Wallet Premium Minimalist Wallets for Men Minimalist Slim Credit Card Holder Business Card Holder Mens Aluminum Metal Olive, Blue Wallet Money Clip RFID Blocking Front Pocket Wallet Premium Minimalist Wallets for Men Minimalist Slim Credit Card Holder Business Card Holder Mens Aluminum Metal Wallet, Black Carbon Fiber Wallet Money Clip RFID Blocking Front Pocket Wallet Premium Minimalist Wallets for Men Minimalist Slim Credit Card Holder Business Card Holder Mens Aluminum Metal Wallet, REF-003 Thin Gold Line flag zippered wallet for 911 Emergency Dispatcher or gift for Wife, Husband, family yellow, REF-002 Thin Green Line flag zippered wallet for Border Patrol Agent or gift for Wife, Husband, family Deputy Sheriff Army Marines, REF-001 Thin Blue Line flag zippered wallet for Police Officer or gift for Wife, Husband, family, Leather Wallet with National Concealed Carry Retired Police LEOSA, Knight Rider in leather wallet with KITT Operator License on Metal Card (challenge coin), BL3-009 LEOSA Retired LEO Leather shield Wallet, CL8-09 Thin Gray Line Correctional Officer Metal ID Reel retractable ID Card Holder Corrections CO, CL8-01 Veterans Affairs Retractable ID reel metal ID card holder VA, CL8-10 Thin Green Line Metal ID Reel retractable ID Card Holder CBP Border Patrol Sheriff Army security, DL10-11 TSA Officer Metal ID Reel retractable Card Holder Transportation Security Administration Agent Screener, CL8-04 911 Dispatcher Retractable ID reel metal ID card holder, CL8-08 Police Thin Blue Line Metal ID Reel retractable ID Card Holder CBP First Responder Officer, BL10-019 TSA Officer Metal ID Reel retractable ID Card Holder Transportation Security Administration Airport Screener, DL10-10 Border Patrol Antique Bronze Plated Metal ID Reel retractable Card Holder CBP Border Patrol Agent BPA, CL-008 CDC Metal ID Reel retractable ID Card Holder, EL1-011 VA POLICE Retractable ID reel metal ID card holder Veterans Affairs, EMT EMS Paramedic Ambulance RETRACTABLE metal ID reel Medic Star of Life, BL14-024 Border Patrol Antique Bronze Plated Metal ID Reel retractable Card Holder CBP Border Patrol Agent BPA, EL6-008 Bounty Hunter ID reel retractable ID card holder, CL-MM HHS Metal ID Reel retractable ID Card Holder, CL5-007 FBI Retractable ID reel metal ID card holder, Registered Nurse RETRACTABLE metal ID reel RN, CL3-20 Thin Gold Line 911 Emergency Dispatcher Metal ID Reel retractable ID Card Holder yellow. Trooper blamed for 2019 crash that paralyzed two was on his cellphone, investigator says. To learn more about Art Censorship visit ACLU.POLITICSWe are not politically affiliated and we don't endorse any politicians or political entities. He was suspended, but was collecting about $95,000 a year in salary, according to the state Comptroller's Office,when charges were lodged against him in December 2019. I cant [expletive] wait to be done., The tirade ends with Spina yelling: Mind your business and be on your way. This is why the media and often times, the government focuses on our art. Did you know that our art is protected by law?