Cancer (Saturn in the 8th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life area of transformation, intimacy, power dynamics, soul bonds, taxes, death, debt, other peoples finances and assets. after this, you may find every ounce of optimism disappear from you - you may have a dark period similar to medusas in which you hurt many people around you purposely or unknowingly. after your death, you may be revived in other peoples memory in a more positive light. get a cat lmao. @starshinesparkle retrograde is when an object appears to move backward or appears smaller when in reality, it is doing what it always does. negative aspects: you may be deceived easily by those you respect or those you initially view as harmless. my advice for surviving this retrograde: write down your thoughts and analyze during this retrograde, if its natal, OR after the retrograde ends, if its transit based. we can talk at a later time. and walk away - anything that happens after that statement is not your fault. The 'Sun/Moon' midpoint is a degree thatwhen activated by transit or progressionsuggests major changes in the relationship. if you have issues with blood you are not alone - i hate getting blood drawn (my recent trip to the ER, i needed an IV and the guy was like scared? try yoga, swimming, or walking to release excess energy! (Mostly Surgeons) Venus in 10th is good for a doctor studying medicine. they may daydream or use substances frequently to help escape from their reality. appreciate a job well done by you! Actor was the son of Myrmidon and Pisidice - Pisidice was allegedly a decendant of Zeus. IN MY OPINION Educatio in a chart can tell you a) where you are most knowledgeable, b) where you enjoy learning the most, and/or c) could help you to pick a major/speciality to pursue in upper education. Your chart tells you if you are destined to be compatible in a relationship or not. This may make the individuals focused more on looking strong than working on the fundamentals of the relationships. Love marriage astrology tells you whether you are likely to fall in love, or not, by studying, ascendant, lord of the ascendant, and Venus, and lastly the fifth and the seventh house. Named after the goddess of marriage and protector of women, this asteroid's placement in your birth chart explains what you look for in a partner, aka what makes you want to commit for the long. on the flip side, it is okay to leave those who you feel dont make you a better person, who harm you, or alienate you! medusa didnt feel like everyone was there for her - she thought everyone was simply there for athena. they are likely not the most willing to eliminate the things in their life that are no longer the best for them. you, like medusa, may have a sudden realization that the foreign environment you are in no longer feels safe in because of bad press. they may not like social functions finding them uncomfortable or anxiety-invoking. you could find yourself eliminating and acting rather ruthlessly towards people when you get extremely upset. they may not be the best at balancing their life and managing their time. If you are looking for a long-term relationship, the moon signs of you and your partner should be compatible." Rising Sign (also known as Ascendant): Determined by the Zodiacal sign that was. you feel you do not receive the justice you seek. do a juice cleanse and take your ACV and cranberry pills. remember that medusa wasnt ugly - her look became an icon of protection. Eventually, Alice is driven away by the Hatters mad and nervous energy. 7h: i feel as though, for this asteroid, this house is not about marriage. you are someone who reacts - you like this famed gorgon would never go down without a fight. Becoming a responsible financial figure can feel like a burden at times, having to scrape and be frugal is essential. and if they start talking back to you - tell them my feelings are valid. you may be conserving your virginity just like this famous gorgon. Jupiter stays in a given zodiac sign for 13 months and then moves the next one. my advice for surviving this retrograde: take time away from social media. But to finalize any alliance, you need to know about two more houses, viz. BUT when I am in a leadership role everything gets done like a well oiled machine. if someone abandons you: IT IS NOT AND HAS NEVER BEEN YOUR FAULT. Your social life can also experience a decrease, finding it hard to enjoy company or a physical distance. Now let me explain how astrology helps in marriage time predictions. tennis elbow or carpal tunnel. get a planner and set a date to prepare for the week ahead. go ask your questions! Astrology Marriage Prediction can help you identify how compatible you will with your prospective future life partner. click here for part 2: random ask asteroids, click here for part 2.5: wintry asteroids, click here for part 3: a semester of literature, hi i just wanted to know your thoughts on asteroid Medusa in Capricorn at 29 in the 12H conjunct my ascendant in Aquarius? Astrologer Yogendra. having a busy mind like yours, like I said, causes your thoughts to be read by others in a nonverbal manner. You can find the composite chart for two people by going to > Free Horoscopes > Extended Chart Selection. Create an account or enter as a guest, and follow instructions to enter Person As birth information. we can talk at a later time. and walk away - anything that happens after that statement is not your fault you are okay and you spoke your mind and that is something to be proud of! go on a yoni or phalanx retreat. if you have been here for awhile you are likely starting to get the drift im knowledgable about a lot of stuff. its okay to not like or feel uncomfortable around masculine energy - stick to the masculines you trust or hang out with feminines! medusa-asc: positive aspects: you may be beautiful to others though you do very little at first glance - viewed more so as an ornament. negative aspects: you may carry a lot of trauma - could be related to childhood isolation, religion, or sexuality. evaluate how you go about your life - improve where you can. like internally i know i am pretty but i tend to have off-days where i really dont enjoy myself or how i look (this may be chiron in the 1h or my 12h pluto in the persona chart for this asteroid - its a tough call). part of this may be divine intervention - if athena granted medusa, her most dedicated follower, the ability to recognize others intentions, she would have been extremely powerful and possibly a goddess on earth. internally, you may feel like you are doing everything right - you arent too egotistical, you are devoted, etc. also you may have strife with your higher-up because this house rules over bosses - they dont have to be a masculine because athena and medusa had a strained relationship post-transformation. It creates the distinct characteristics present in someone. BUT i do tend to make overly critical assumptions that may be due to the virgo degree. Physically, watch for problems with your ankles/calves and circulatory system. this is enforced by the cheshirecat sextile mercury - i tend to confuse a lot of people when giving advice that ends up being just what they needed (also confirmed in the persona chart with a 3h stellium (moon, venus, uranus, and neptune). sadly, the spotlight you stand in may cause others to make assumptions about you and your intentions - nowhere near all are true. Marriage Horoscope, predictions, Astrology by Date of Birth - Clickastro Love + Soulmate Synastry Observations - Celeste take the scenic route or a different route home than you normally do. Marriage astrology - Marriage horoscope by name - Free Match Making The composite chart for Beyonc and Jay-Z for example is extremely 1st house-heavy, with the moon, Pluto, Jupiter, sun, and Mercury all within the 1st house. posts i love to reference that arent mine! lol not an 8h stellium in the persona chart though. ill tell you what: you too may want peace but there wasnt peace in ancient greece and peace is nowhere in sight even now, so do what is right for you - tell the poseidons in your life no and tell the athenas that you werent intending harm. do not fear that taking action will only cause more trouble - my grandmother often asks would you rather that you - the person living your life - be unhappy? The meaning of the word marriage has taken multiple directions off late. Self confidence can soar or plummet depending on how you handle what youre going through. they may have an issue with profanity as well; it could be the mouth of sailors and truckers OR someone who doesnt ever say curse words at all and gawks at those that say them. in my persona chart for this asteroid the sun is in the 2h house ;) so i definitely give that wondrous gift that wasnt even mentioned but is perfect.. be careful when asserting yourself or take a note from the URANUS retrograde handbook: stand up for yourself even if its i dont appreciate that you owe no one an explanation. negative aspects: you may not have wanted to become like your mother, but it happened/happens. He created the technique for docking spaceships in both Earth and lunar orbit. be careful about who you share your views with. I WOULD GIVE THIS PLACEMENT TO THE UNDERGROUND MAN!!! Elpis (59): Elpis is the Greek goddess of Hope, and was described as a beautiful looking woman holding flowers and a cornucopia.The name Elpis is also etymologically related to the word 'will,' meaning "to wish, desire, or want." In the natal chart, this asteroid could indicate a positive, hopeful, and expectant person with a consistent sense of desire. you may have really nice hair, a stunning face, and piercing eyes. Language. Gemini (Saturn in the 9th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly into your life through higher education, religion, spiritual journies, long distance travel, views of the world and philosophies. you like this gorgon may experience a physical change that you find undeserved. Libra (Saturn in the 5th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through your creativity, romance, children, art, passions and hobbies. out for a walk? lmao but for real i feel like i am getting prettier with age if that makes sense? It is thought that tzi was murder due to the arrowhead found embedded in his left shoulder and other wounds. make a list of ideas as they arise. MARS: retrograde occurs roughly every two years for around two to three months. And much like the informal definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result - the two became linked. I had planned to become an obstetrician. no matter what happens to you, remember that you are human, and not everything is deserved - that applies to taking angry/fear out on those who dont deserve it. 3h: you have a powerful mind - like medusa you have power that requires very little effort. Outlook Spotlight Outlook Spotlight. Physically, watch for problems with the sexual organs. you may have grown up going to the sea often or living near a body of water like this mythical character. Michelangelo was a very popular sculptor, painter, architect, and poet from the Florentine Renaissance era. the natal planet or the persona planet? With our research spanning over 36 years and thousands of hours, we have been successful in providing accurate and precise predictions explained to you in simple and easy terms for better understanding. Basic Synastry reading $80 (takes a lot of time): -a quick break down of both of your charts seperately, -how you both work together (5-10 aspect explanations), -what areas to work on together in the relationship, -inlcudes a basic description of the houses of the planets. Juno in Synastry, Signs, and Houses: Your Soulmate and Marriage - Astrology she had the strength to move on from hatred and reground herself. Your name can tell a lot about your life partner. Afterwards, select Composite Chart, Mid-Point Method as shown below and click the button that says Click here to show the chart. if you have no interest in the history, look for bolded statements to avoid all the reading lol. And my boyfriend has that and it made me anxious because I love him and I dont want to be without him. i really do need people who are my partner to be all in or not there at all. she was very unlikely to have been sexually active before poseidon because she was a member of a virginal goddesss temple. you may forget in moments of solitude, your physical changes and feel more like yourself again. its okay to let go - if a lot of feelings arise ask yourself: is this a positive feeling (keep) or a negative feeling (next question)? i also dont like spamming. pisces (12, 24): you may be rather clueless as to what is going on in the world around you. stand up for yourself even if its i dont appreciate that you owe no one an explanation. but at the end of the day, i am NOT a night owl this asteroid sextiles the sun and is at a leo degree for me so i am definitely the most productive when it is light out. everyone mentioned (and every 800+ of you who followed my blog this year whom i have not mentioned but still adore) made my 2022 wonderful and helped me to expand my knowledge of astrology ;) heres to an incredible 2023 full of knowledge, love, wealth, and health! they may have a story attached to them about being completely incoherent - ODs, drowning, coma, concussion, anaphylactic shock, etc. Lord Byron was a leading man of the Romantic literary movement. In astrology, it is associated with marriage, your spouse, and what you want in your family life. lastly, you may have someone in your life you feel hates you. Major life decisions are being brought up, a mirror is being held at your face and youre facing the dreams you have set for yourself or the lies youve deluded in. they may take longer to find a style that works for them. someones gotta acknowledge it, right? practice active listening to others - you may be a realist while some one else is a dreamer, a healthy balance is somewhere in between. this is likely to cause a lot of frustration with themselves due to a hatred of being limited. Uranus: strong or prominent Uranus influence can point to excitement, spontaneity, and eccentricity in the relationship. @vernalagniastuff i just responded to someone who also as a leo jupiter so please look for that in the comments. you may not notice the beauty you have because you are fully invested in your role. Fyodor Dostoevsky was a famous Russian writer. if it is just a chart or what does this mean? i will be deleting the ask - im closed to all full readings. Physical changes are possible, weight loss and signs of aging may start to appear more on you. This is shown by the 10th house. Marriage Horoscope Predictions let you know, Your prospective life partner Favourable periods for your marriage General nature of your married life Predictions on children Your Doshas affecting marriage Yogas influencing your married life Remedies to Doshas Fill the form below to get Marriage Horoscope Average rating: 4.9 ill be in touch ;). i clearly would make a great philosophy major BUT my school doesnt have that. positive aspects: you promote sexuality without trying. Bill Clinton got married on 11-10-1975 and he was in RAHU-SATURN, Saturn is lord of navamsha and gave him marriage. He is the host of the Tea Party and oftentimes provokes his guests. and since we reached 100 posts last night, lets celebrate with this long post! IN MY OPINION Schulz in your chart can indicate a) interests in comics, b) artistic ability, and/or c) where you may be consider very influential in your field of choice. be sure to read the house in which your medusa aspects from! take what resonates and leave what doesnt! you could be determined to prove others wrong about you but end up proving much of the same - she wanted to prove she didnt do anything wrong yet froze a lot of people with her gaze. though you may not be the best at picking up on the social cues given around you. you may be emotionally in tune with everything around you. are we getting a strange angelic vibe? you may be most concerned with fulfilling your responsibilities and whether you are achieving goals! sun-jupiter, venus-jupiter (typically a trine), and mars-jupiter; i cant explain why its always this trio in the solar returns i am looking at - maybe its because sun is the male, jupiter is the husband, venus is passion, and mars is desire. the keyword is appears - during a retrograde or having natal retrogrades means that your perception in the area said planet or asteroid is located is altered in comparison to how it would be normally or in comparison to others. Web Portal, Best Web Portal, Social Site, Social Media Sites, social networking sites, online video site, video games online, classifieds, Search Engines do a weekly check-in with yourself to ensure you are still happy with your decision. i encourage you to look into the aspects of eucharis along with the sign, degree, and house placement. This is a clean slate at living a life you can build for yourself and others, its essential to make the right choices. A Handful of Fun (and Unique) Asteroids in the Natal Chart - Pathstrology It is not necessary that the house placement of 7th ruler must always indicate the environment or how you meet them. A Mercury Trine Sun synastry suggests mutual understanding, which fosters respect in marriage. A large commitment like marriage arises, or a buckling down kind of feeling. NOW IM GONNA CRUSH THOSE STELLIUMS WITH 12H CHIRON (22) AND PLUTO (13) - FUCK YOU CHILDHOOD TRAUMA (pt2). you may cause people in a public setting to step back or flee from your presence. Details about your life partner can be procured from this . treat yourself to something healthy - something youve wanted to try OR for the glutton, look around in an area you havent been recently in a closet or a cabinet is a favorite you have long forgotten, rediscover the joy you felt when you find it again for the first time. you may not be very egotistical and prefer a modest approach though you receive a lot of attention and admiration. November 13 Birthday Astrology | HowStuffWorks this may even back up my aldrin placement and my thoughts/beliefs that i may becomes a figure head at some point. medusa-algol: positive aspects: you may feel as though someone you dont know shows you a sign of mercy from the universe. Peleus arrived in Phthia in search of absolution for having killed his stepbrother, Phocus. being in a lower, subservient role would likely frustrate me due to having the knowledge and simply not the power to do anything. where einstein is for me and how it affects me personally: 9h in sagittarius at 16 - lol yes, this is conjunct educatio and yes, everyone in college comes to me when they need help. The 7H person might idealize the Juno person and think they're perfect for each other. anything that is retrograded in your chart can indirectly affect you OR the aspect of the planet or asteroid takes longer to develop. in a theatre ? if people dont get what you are trying to tell them or telling you no when its a good idea and you know it is going to work - stop trying to assert yourself and just do it (sheila buff is quaking). How astrology can help make marriage predictions - The Times of India