Is it a deterministic perspective? Machine elves are hyper-dimesional sentient beings that love to play with whomever they can play with in their realm. The God head also only appears on Lucy. His writings are mostly a reflection of that realizaton. DMT Milking | Reality SandwichIndigenous cultures have used 5-MeO-DMT for centuries. Mckenna notes an effect of this: Is there risk to DMT? (instagram account is me still in character) Maybe thats what happened when the Mayan calendar ended. They are the Hekuras, Menehunes, or diminutive helping and mischievous spirits which inhabit a higher-dimensional space and elves is the best English word we have for them. Let's explore what we know about this powerful psychedelic. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Read this piece to learn the best practices and elements of advice to keep your stuff fresh. The Dao is derived from the Supreme Being, which isnt an individual entity but more like an unborn field of pure intelligence, which is weightless and formless that permeates all that exists and all that is beyond manifestation. Dont think about who we are Think about doing what were doing. I had my own journey and a religious upbringing is extremely potent for knowledge of our intraterrestial world. for simplicity sake I will refer to as machine elves, All life suffering, to embrace this suffering is to transcend it and find peace. They would mock them, laugh at them, and stock them for sometimes hours and even tell them that they were not ready for the experience. Required fields are marked *. Even the sound of silence has a fantastic orchestra of strange instruments encircled in an infinite spiral. As to the nature of these interactions, many trip reports mention machine elves are loving, playful, and benevolent guiding forces, capable of imparting valuable insights. Mapping the DMT ExperienceWith only firsthand experiences to share, how can we fully map the DMT experience? This takes you as far as you can go. When I gave it to shamans in the Amazon, they said Its strong but this is, these are the ancestors. Everything is created through perception, asking another entity to influence your perception and beliefs can be seen as ignorant. , Youre pushed through, and you see the tykes, as I call them. My last experience (I kept this up every time I woke up last night) was with smiling faced fractals. In his book Archaic Revival, Mckenna refers to them as self-transforming machine elves. In any case, they are inhabitants of the DMT dimension that often try to teach something to whoever is visiting. In the Invisible Landscape, Mckenna describes another personal account with the machine elves, stating theyre like jeweled self-dribbling basketballs that come pounding toward you and they will stop in front of you and vibrate. All of this he describes as happening in a high-speed mode, like being flooded with thousands of details per second. The monks are the same way and would study the arts of death also known as martial arts. Sort of like jewelled basketballs all dribbling their way toward me. DMT, sometimes called the "spirit molecule," is a chemical that occurs naturally in some plants and animals. McKenna's books, including "Food of the Gods," "True Hallucinations" and "The Invisible Landscape," offered a scientific, academic approach to the study of hallucinogenic drugs alongside personal accounts of McKenna's experiences in the DMT realm. What Are DMT Machine Elves? 8 Theories Explained - Tripsitter the machine elves are but creations of the human mind and imagination. They're called machine elves, and let me tell you, they're not your average garden-variety beings. I am okay I just need to figure out if the elves are okay or if the energy they need can be provided through organic matter and if it is through organic matter, then I could possibly be a host that they can latch onto and then that wouldn't be good. These accounts are documented extensively by the anthropologist Walter Evans-Wentz in his 1911 book The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries. 1.Celestial beings One of the things that make ayahuasca ceremonies so powerful is because it can pave the way for you to meet the sky deity. They have been reported to warmly welcome DMT travelers. It is used as a psychedelic drug and prepared by various cultures for ritual purposes as an entheogen.. DMT has a rapid onset, intense effects, and a relatively short duration of action. "This combination prevents the gut from breaking down the DMT before it has a chance to be absorbed. According to him he made direct contact with these entities, which he calls machine elves or perhaps more correctly his ancestors. In addition, various cultural factors may be in play, which could determine the idiosyncrasies of the experience. How to Smoke DMT: Processes ExplainedThere are many ways to smoke DMT and we've outlined some of the best processes to consider before embarking on your journey. I saw a chariot bring down a man who had 3 faces. Support @LevPo's Break The Rules by Subscribing to Youtube & Signing Up for Patreon below . search. And it felt.. and then I cant remember what it felt like because the little self-transforming tykes interrupted me and said, Dont think about it. However, many artists have depicted fractal-like and mechanical representations of machine elves. That led to human sacrifice, and cannibalism. Some people call these elves good, others call them neutral while a few ones call them evil. Read to learn what can 5-MeO-DMT show us about consciousness. Absolutely hilarious. Happiness so raw it would repel a demonic or satanic entity. Is it dangerous? The answer is: Yes, its tremendously dangerous; the danger is the possibility of death by astonishment!, The lucidity of these experiences coupled with the high degree of correspondence between peoples experiences intuitively generates the idea of alternate realities inhabited by independently-existing intelligent entities. Lol. But one psychedelic, N,N-dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, produces effects that have baffled scientists for years. He postulated that they could be evidence of extraterrestrials, entities from a parallel dimension, human souls which have died in this realm, or humans from some extraordinarily advanced future world. The otherworldly predictions were common among general users, too, with over 80% of DMT users in Strassmans study describing their encounters as more than reality.. Beating Addiction with DMTPsychedelics have been studied for their help overcoming addiction. For the most part we get the feeling that they are like oh wow, someone can actually see us! And they will stay for hours at a time, 6.7. The short answer is that, what these machine-elves essentially are is up for grabs. Idle hands are the devils playthings, and what if those hands are currently wrapped up in doing the devils work? Thats all religions are. I think they have a sense of humor about the whole thing. Are machine elves demons? : r/DMT - reddit These are the things controlling the controllers And if theyd had faces they would have been grinning, but they didnt have faces. Hope this helps any who wish to see them. In light of reports like these, Strassman hypothesizes that endogenous DMT release from the pineal gland could account for alien abduction experiences. Terence McKennas first encounters with machine elves date back to 1965 when he was an undergraduate at Berkeley. McKennas visual descriptions align with those of general users, many of whom have characterised machine elves as childish and short creatures. Ayahuasca Entities: 8 Different DMT Beings You Encounter During The The truth is shamans, and native Americans were the most violent. . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I'm not really religious. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. thesis in history which explores how Buddhist and Hindu texts were first properly translated and introduced to the western world in the late 18th and 19th century. You wont know what youll see. The only answer I have is that we humans must have innate evolutionary wetware that forces our senses to latch onto any piece of anthropomorphic data that pops into otherwise randomly uniform data.. Known colloquially as the spirit molecule, DMT is one of the strongest and fastest-acting psychedelics, with a chemical compound thats found in animals, plants and even human beings. Spiritual philistines lol, Your email address will not be published. The people in the room were flipping out . "Invariably, profound and highly intense experiences occurred," the researchers wrote. This allows me to traverse the underworld and remember places in eternity should I ever wish to visit another realm. So the diamonds in the sky are like abstract purple light, fractal and moving closer are further. There can be a "dissolving of the sense of self," and, of course, hallucinations involving self-transforming machine elves. Machine Elves, Clockwork Elves, or DMT Elves are a presence or entity commonly associated with taking the hallucinogen Dimethyltryptamine (DMT.) These are my experiences though, it's different with for everyone yet similar at the same time. How does our brain differentiate between whats real and whats not? The emotional state of the individual having the experience, determined by set and setting, may play a role in the overall attitude projected by the machine elves. If we would entertain the possibility that machine elves are other beings outside of our own mind, then they would also be subject based. telekinesis, and psychometry) and other paranormal events for example related to near-death experiences, synchronicity, apparitional experiences , ghosts , supra limininal multi dimensional times , etc Do Machine Elves Really Exist? - Botanical Empress Guide to Machine Elves and Other DMT Entities - Reality Sandwich However, "machine elves" (or DMT elves) is the term that the psychedelic activist and lecturer Terence McKenna used to describe them. Learn all you need to know including procedures and safety. Note that Im not denying their existance. Guide to Machine Elves and Other DMT Entities. Machine elves is a term coined by the ethnobotanist, philosopher, and writer Terence Mckenna to describe some of the entities that are encountered in a DMT trip. The ontological status of DMT entities has been debated by scientists, philosophers, theologians, and psychonauts for decades. Dozens of these friendly fractal entities, looking like self-dribbling Faberge eggs on the rebound, had surrounded me and tried to teach me the lost language of true poetry. And that somehow I was getting a peek over the other side. DMT Substance Guide: Effects, Common Uses, SafetyOur ultimate guide to DMT has everything you want to know about this powerful psychedelic referred to as "the spirit molecule". Some psychonauts believe the visions are subjective evidence of highly advanced extraterrestrial intelligence, perhaps genetically-engineered advanced humans of the far future who are attempting to influence the current destiny of humanity. In my opinion, the feeling that I got from this being was that was a projection of my own fears, scaring me out of the experience because I may not feel ready or I may have my own shadows to work on. You pass through a membrane of some sort, and youre in a place, , McKenna said in a lecture in the 90s. "These entities take on many forms," says Thayer, "including animals, insects, angels, demons, family members, jesters, aliens, lights, spirits, fairies and amorphous beings. According to Strassman, the research subjects described contact with entities, beings, aliens, guides, and helpers. Daniel currently studies history, philosophy, egyptology and western esotericism at Uppsala Universitet. 3/1/23: I'M LIVING ON A CHINESE ROCK W/ DR. LEE MERRITT Ron Patton | March 1, 2023 . It may not be so simple as there are alien planets with their own societies. Understood this way, DMT allows us to peer into something real that is not normally accessible, but perhaps all around us. The machine elves were specific for Terrence McKenna. Ive read stories about clowns or jesters seemingly haunting people during and after the experience. Common animals reported include reptiles, mantises, bees, spiders, felines, jellyfish, and insects. Goosbye. Check out our ultimate guide on DMT pricing to learn what to expect when purchasing DMT for your first time. You should link a different video from someone whos actually taken DMT. Were all waiting with bated breath for their response. The dark shamanic practices were created when DMT was ingested and these demons were involked. DMT ResourcesThis article is a comprehensive DMT resource providing extensive information from studies, books, documentaries, and more. What Are DMT Elves and Who Reports Seeing Them? Yes, while the participants were tripping after taking DMT, they may witness Biblical scenes and encounter realms full of light that exudes bounty and bliss. What Does 5-MeO-DMT Show Us About Consciousness? Are they intelligent entities existing in parallel dimensions to our own or are they the human imagination unleashed to its utmost potential? You cannot go further into the Bardo and return. One regular user, Terence McKenna, had this to say about the experience: "What arrests my attention is the fact that this space is inhabited. RAINBOW UMAMI: a Queer Club Remix Series: Celebrating Somewhere Sounds: Download Free Sample Packs, #MeToo background checks and no drinking: Beyonce's new ground rules for 'Renaissance' tour, Green is the new gold as science confirms looking at green reduces pain, 420 is the new five as Cannabis takes the lead in recreational use. Youre pushed through, and you see the tykes, as I call them. But when I did later see machine elf art, it was exactly what I had seen. well man a good amount of religion(mostly Christianity) has caused a lot of death and dispare in the world due to people taking those "gods" and twisting there ideas to fit the persons own agenda and thats usually the opposite of what said religion preaches. What's especially unusual about the DMT machine elves is the fact that lots of people report seeing the same kinds of incidents and visions in which these beings occurred. When he was in his late 20s and did DMT for the first time it induced a Grand Mal for him (the first since childhood) that proceeded many, many more seizures for several years after that because I really, really, really want to talk to these entities and I am way too shellshocked to try. How DMT is Made: Everything You Need to KnowEver wonder how to make DMT? Realize that all religions are a path to God. Thinking that the entire world revolves around your cultures God, and that youre right while everyone elses religion is wrong, is a very narrow minded way of thinking and will do nothing but hold you back. They are a projections. Geometric objects may present as giant, multi-colored undulating spheres or other shapes, or more generally, morphing multi-colored, fractal-like structures of various textures. Indeed, of the thousand pages of notes taken throughout the course of Strassmans research, 50% of them involve interactions with DMT entities. For the record, that guys is an actor. Is the DMT Experience a Hallucination? Among psychedelics a subclass of hallucinogenic drugs that can send people on a "trip" of an often utterly bizarre nature a few have been studied extensively. Many experimenters find recalling the precise image of the machine elves can be difficult, due in part to the fact that their energetic shape may continuously transform. Entity contact with aliens typically coincides with experiences of being experimented on by probes, implants, or surgeries in futuristic settings. "The hallucinations vary widely, but usually involve geometric patterns, vivid colors and contact with 'entities,'" Thayer says. I for one, have decided to suspend my judgement. Although we could literally build it in an hour if we knew how to work together. These intelligent other-worldly beings that communicate with you when youve smoked a puff or two of DMT. A mind, occupied, may not wander. And that isnt the wisest thing to do is it? Machine elves are demons simply put and when you take psychedelics, you are opening your mind up to demonic possession. In his book, Evans-Wentz claims that the realm containing these little people exists as a supernormal state of consciousness into which men and women may enter temporarily in dreams, trances, or in various ecstatic conditions. Along similar lines, perhaps DMT also grants entrance to the realms the Celtic people spoke of more than a century ago. McKenna and most DMT users often stress the importance of sound to the creatures, who use , [They are] made out of sound, it is sound, but you see it. Generally, theyre reported to greet the visitors with a child-like curiosity and innocence, often continuously changing form and singing immensely complicated objects into existence. They are described as walking in a psychedelic world of fractal shapes. The dmt jesters are such a strange phenomena. A deep-dive into the psychedelic entities known as 'Machine Elves' Love is the only religion humans should follow. Have an evaluation. Its not a hallucination, but an observation. To understand that the suffering is necessary for joy to even exist. In purging himself of ego desire so he can see clearly, that which is the nature of his duty. Given the verging-on-science fiction properties of DMT, its all too easy to dismiss the phenomenon of machine elves as a mere drug-induced fantasy. If you are good, machine elves are good. In summary, Kent makes the argument that DMT entity contact and psychedelic visuals may be the result of chaotic visual patterns overlapped with images created from waking dreams. Machine elves could just be interdimensional beings who have the same problems we humans have, namely some are good some are bad. What are Machine-Elves That Can be Found in DMT? Known colloquially as 'the spirit molecule', DMT is one of the strongest and fastest-acting psychedelics, with a chemical compound that's found in animals, plants and even human beings. Fear is an invitation to wisdom A psychonaut is a person who experiences intentionally induced altered states of consciousness and claims to use the experience to investigate his or her mind, and possibly address spiritual questions, through direct experience. SWIM has never done DMT but the other psychedelics opened SWIM up to some of the most pure, loving ways of thought SWIM has ever conceived. DMT is one of the drugs that well-known psychedelic activist Timothy Leary and writer William Burroughs were doing in the 1960s, but it wasn't widely popular until the 1990s. They are the Hekuras, Menehunes, or diminutive helping and mischievous spirits which inhabit a higher-dimensional space and elves is the best English word we have for them. I only know what I have been told. Venus, Aphrodite; namely and connection to Goddess of love. When Im there, Im not intoxicated. And I'm not sure if these things aren't just inventions of the mind. Thankfully I have meditation tools tht allow me consciousness in so many new dimensions that it becomes easier to fathom that realm. VQGAN+CLIP+coco #VQGAN #vqganclip #AIart #generativeart #machineelves, Steven H fron O&D (@_hernsl) January 20, 2022, McKenna himself theorised many possibilities as to what machine elves might be. And it's not just during psychedelic experiences, but at random times when I least expect it. He continued: [They are] made out of sound, it is sound, but you see it. Research Subjects Report Alternate Realities, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. Upon encountering the creatures, many users reported seeing flashing displays of constantly-changing geometric patterns, while McKenna himself recalled the elves as looking anything but mechanical.