She is a peaceful Bunny and she enjoys walking around the house after an hour she likes going back in her cage it's on her own.View Detail, 11-month, 3 lbs holland lop male bunny available for rehoming. All of our rabbits sold are gentle and would make great pets! I have pedigree flemish giant in blue,fawn,sand,steel and grey. 2012 ARBA Convention Open- BOB and BOS English Spots. each of my kidd0s raise a diffrent breed of show bunny. Tools. JRabbitry321 (773)710-3074, Monica Vargas Lionheads, Giants, Californians New Zealand, Pedigreed New Zealand Reds Whites and Brokens . Two female rabbits will get along but males are always more territorial. I have everything needed to care for her including a hutch litter box cedar pellets food & hay available for purchase.Buy Now, Willing to negotiate, she comes with all the necessary things such as food, bedding, a water container. Sweet temperament. We are located in Hanna city Il. T&S We started Lirot Lops with the goal of raising the best Hollands Lops we could, not just for breeding and show but also focusing on temperament so they make sweet and loveable pets. Absolutely loves apples. Mini Rex Adopt Layla a Grey/Silver Lionhead / Mixed (medium coat) rabbit in Sugar Grove. Ive bean breeding Dutch rabbits since I was 12, mostly blues and chocolates, and my dad breeds New Zealand and the Champagnes for meet. Jersey Wooly We started out as a 4H project. Henderson Hutch Rabbitry Holland Lop, We are out of business You can also find me on Facebook. Ava, Illinois Dekalb, Illinois Our goal is to raise top quality show and 4H rabbits. Walsh, Illinois FemaleView Detail, Moving and cant take our bunny with us. (618)610-8906, Mary Henry (217)304-6360, David Bowman, Stephen Smith This includes cleaning their cages, purchasing and supplying their food and taking time to play with them each day. We have rabbits that have won Best of Variety and Best of Breed. DuQuoin, Illinois Bluford, Illinois Yorkville , Illinois Presently raising rabbits for commercial sells, which includes white new Zealand & white Californians. Huntley, Illinois They currently are on the "watch" list, meaning that there are fewer than 200 annual registrations in the United States and estimated global population less than 2,000. We look forward to a call or an email, Facebook coming soon. Harmon, Illinois Rossville, Illinois Lifespan - 8 to 10 years. Country Bunnies is a small rabbitry in southern Illinois. Look over their cages and rabbit housing these should be clean, well maintained and the rabbits should look healthy and alert. The Silver Fox is a large breed of rabbit, with senior (adult) does weighing 10 to 12 lbs and senior bucks between 9 and 11 lbs. When purchasing it will come with a cage it will eventually grow into, 2 feeding bowls and water bowl. We were blessed with the very first, very rare Lemon and White Puggle, the equally rare Chocolate Tri Puggle, a nd originator of the even more rare, blue-eyed, Lilac (Blue) Puggle, with and without bi-coloured coats. Triple S Rabbitry 60 hole rabbitry in southern illinois , Raising Rabbits for 25 yrs. Exceptionally tame breed for younger children and 4-h showing. Quality over quantity. (630)631-4767, Miriam & Tracy Clark Smithfield, Illinois Thanks Dave Located in North East Illinois, about 50 miles south of Chicago. We started raising Champagnes and Mini Lops last year. (217)273-8231, Jill Hackett Website is Lee County, Illinois Brier Patch Homestead Happy Hoppers Rabbitry We are a Small scale farm that raises healthy happy rabbits for 4h and pets. (217)358-4706, Jerry Fisher We have found the American Chinchilla to be a very enjoyable breed to raise due to their beauty and docile nature. Our rabbits are all apart of our family, and we would like to share their love and personalities with you and your family. Cinnamon, Florida White, Black NZ Raising only New Zealand Reds for 4-h. We breed only purebred, high quality rabbits for show. All rabbits are breed with the individual Standard of Perfection in mind for their breed. We specialize in Giant Chinchillas but we do have Flemish giants and New Zealand cross rabbits, Giant Chins are from show wining blood lines Gentle Giants with wonderful personalities. 951-776-9461. DeKalb County, Leland, Jefferson County, Randolph County, Lake County, Cook County, Will County, Kendall County, DuPage County, Holland Lop, Illinois Downers Grove Township, Holland Lop, Illinois Stickney Township, Holland Lop, Illinois Lake Villa Township, Labrador Retriever, Ohio Wayne Township, Holland Lop, Illinois Wheeling Township, Holland Lop, Illinois Little Rock Township, Holland Lop For Sale in DeKalb County (2), Holland Lop For Sale in Kendall County (2), Holland Lop For Sale in DuPage County (2), Holland Lop For Sale in Jefferson County (1), Holland Lop For Sale in Randolph County (1), Female Lilac Holland Lop for Sale 4 months old. (309)737-1494, Breanne Kelsey We have a 30 hole rabbitryWe have babies each and every month. W & W Wabbitry, Chelsea Cuttill Oak Street Rabbitry The rabbit is all black and young. They have pedigrees Joni Rester There are lots of places where you can buy pet rabbits ranging from commercial pet stores, animal rescues, shelters, professional rabbit breeders and specialty websites which help you find reputable rabbit sellers in your area. Lazy Haley J. Rabbitry is a small rabbitry raising Standard Rex and New Zealand rabbits. R Wild Hare Rabbitry has been in the family since. Flemish Giant My prices vary depending on type and color. (217)494-0807, Nicole Yoakum Show, pet and meat rabbits. He is almost 6 years old. They are super soft with good personalities. Controlled-environment rabbitry housing purebred registered Californians. New Zealand, all breeds I only have four right now, but looking to expand fast. Be sure to check out raising rabbits article and resource page for information about Raising Rabbits in Illinois. Was a show bunny, in his younger hay days! Maggie Lee We raise very friendly rabbits that have been handled daily. My rabbitry is small, allowing me to focus on each rabbits health, personality, and development. New Zealand. Raising good quality New Zealand Reds, Whites, Blacks and Brokens. Hanna City, Illinois Emma is a 5-year-old, spayed female, Mini Rex rabbit available for adoption here at our shelter. We are a small, family-run rabbitry located in Plainfield Illinois, a suburb 45 minutes west of Chicago. Set alert. Opal, Castor, Otter, Martin, Seal, Tri, Hari, and Broken Standard Rexes (working on more chin genes and larger rabbits). I showed for 3 years! Healthy lops raised on oxbow hay and pellets. Californians Due to allergies, we have to find another home for him. Please tell me exactly what you desire. Lonely Bunny I also raise Satin Angoras and Giant Angoras. Giant Chinchillas We mainly raise Harlequin and Broken satin rabbits for pets but have one red NZ doe that we breed also. We live in Plano, IL, 60545 Send a text mes.. We brought home this beautiful Lilac Holland Lop at 10 weeks old from a local Rabbitry to find out my daughter is allergic. Dave Rigg Both single and double mane. We give all our rabbits loving homes. Our rabbits are not bred right after a litter. Becoming a new rabbit owner is a very rewarding experience. Lazy Haley J. Rabbitry Netherland Dwarf (Blue eyed white, VM Chestnut and VM Chinchilla) We just started back up in 2010. Richardson Rabbitry I just had a baby rabbit. Danville,, Illinois Size - 10 to 21 pounds; lop-eared giant rabbits for sale Lifespan - 5 years Mini Satin Rabbit Origin - Indiana USA in 1934 satin gene discovered in Havana rabbit; Minis increased in popularity in the 1980s Appearance - Coat has a gleam like satin; Stocky slightly elongated body, round head, medium-length upright ears can be lazy AVON, Illinois T@r Rabbitry Although we are heartbroken it's best to find her a new family that can give her the attention she deserves. 618-557-3558, Jordan Yates Currently working with eight breeding sets, we hope to expand and enjoy rabbits for years to come. Texico, Illinois If you are not planning to breed your rabbits, its always better practice to make sure your new rabbits will be sterilized at the appropriate age. Lombard, Illinois It comes with cage, toys and food.View Detail, I'm selling my bunny because I don't have time to take care of her. Serving our rabbits is every bunnys delight and your welcome to call us to see if we have what youre looking for!! GRANITE CITY, Illinois 2 Ads. Union, Illinois He surprisingly gets along with cats though. Email is Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you. We currently breed Holland lops and Netherlands dwarf bunnies for show and pets. We specializing in Jersey Wooly rabbits. I am a small rabbitry but we strive for the best. We are actively involved in 4H. My custom livestock lines Ive been working for several years. He loves pets and everything will be included such as food, hay, toys, cage.View Detail, She is a mom, she had 6 babies, as of today 9 months ago. New Zealand Rabbitry 38 Ads. Thumping Trails Rabbitry Nothing Special Rabbitry In Blue & Black. If you choose two intact male rabbits there is a chance they will fight with each other. We like to specialize in Blue Eyed Whites (BEW), however we may have other colors as well with blue eyes. FireStorm Rabbitry, Troy Eisenmann They're raised indoors and are already starting to use their litter box. Proudly helping you connect with rabbit breeders in the great state of Illinois and find rabbits for sale. Our rabbits have a measured amount of pellets and get greens everyday. I cant continue caring for her, I work too much and my boyfriend doesnt give her any attention. Pet store rabbits are more likely to be caged all day with little outdoor roaming time and much less socialization than animals found in shelters or rescues. Wadsworth, Illinois We do not usually breed in the hot weather to preserve the health of our rabbits. Desexed rabbits are generally happier, healthier, less prone to territorial and destructive chewing behaviors. Californian, New Zealands (m-70) and Mini Rex Mansfield, Illinois I would love a Holland or mini lop with floppy ears. I raise both Mini Rex and NZWs of show quality although I only show about once a year. Lionhead. Matkovich Family Rabbitry Xenia, Illinois Flemish Giant, Giant Blue Flemish We bought them initially as pets to keep around the house but we have way to many animals. All rabbits are raised in a family environment with adults, children and other animals. (618)407-2721, Nanette LaGrange Read below for each puppy description. Daves Lions and Lops Black 1yr old silver fox rare breed 2 . Such as raptors, snakes large lizards etc Raising and showing rabbits for over 20 years. near Chicago, Illinois. Raise Himalayan rabbits in all 4 varieties, English Spots in mainly Black and Gold-occasionally other varieties and Californians. Our rabbits come from exceptional lines. We raise and show several breeds and additionally have a Rabbit Rescue. 217-440-9102, Nick Duda Cherokee Flats Rabbitry Harlequin Magpie Variety and Lionheads 815-953-8836, Christina Ware (618)314-2917, Scott Schumacher Rakes Rabbitry We show in both 4-H and nationals/open. Chicago, Illinois French Angora Please login to manage saved searches ads. We are dedicated to providing a natural environment for our rabbits., Jesse Bashaw Multiple All breed BISs Himalayan and English Spots. French Angora, Flemish Giant I will also give you her giant house which is plenty big for her to run around in. You will need to find an appropriate rabbit hutch or cage to keep them safely in and this cage will need to be cleaned once a week. Mini Aussiedoodles! Needs an experienced rabbit owner. Diamond V Rabbits Chocolate color with creamy colored paws. Search from over 1000+ Active Ads in 10 Different Countries, Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware |Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky |Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi |Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico |New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania |Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah| Vermont |Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming, Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | New Brunswick | Newfoundland and Labrador | Northwest Territories | Nova Scotia | Nunavut | Ontario | Prince Edward Island | Quebec | Saskatchewan | YukonCountriesAustralia | Canada | China | India | Kenya | Malaysia | New Zealand | Nigeria | Pakistan | Philippines | South Africa | Sri Lanka | United Kingdom. We pride ourselves in breeding as close to the SOP as possible. Although we are heartbroken it's best to find her a new family that can give her the attention she deserves. Dutch, Dwarf Hotots , Netherland Dwarfs , Holland Lops Netherland Dwarfs We raise our lionheads & Netherlands as our main show breeds, and we use the New Zealands for show and meat purposes, We strive for Quality! You will need to factor in the additional costs of sterilization a little further down the track. FurSashe Harden rabbitry is a family run rabbitry located in Northern IL. We are careful to treat our pedigrees with the best and most loving tender care! P&B porknbees farm Maggie Lees Bunny Barn is a 48 hole french lop rabbitry founded in 2007. Your rabbit hutch should include a nesting box where they can sleep and feel safe. (618)994-7405, Jordan Griggs Appearance - Hanging ears, short round nose, short muscular body. Iuka, Illinois Started and operated by myself, my husband and 3 children. also it has to be big enough for them to stretch out and relax. I am only using her to breed. We are registered with ARBA. Contact us at; Lilac. Wheaton, Illinois Though rare, Lilacs are seen in increasing . Search filters. Rabbits for Adoption Rabbits for Sale. Prairie Du Rocher, Illinois 2 weeks ago on KTs Rabbitry Bone Gap Rabbitry We raise for meat show and fur We are a small rabbitry with 50 holes. We also keep a few Californian breeders for lower cost meat rabbit buyers. Have 25 years experience with rabbits. Father & Daughter duo and part of ARBA and CIRBA. Bone Gap, Illinois Flemish Giant, Flemish, blue newzealands, mini Rex, mini lop Bluegrass Acres (217)833-2893, Dennis Thomas I show in several states and have show animals for sale as well as brood stock at times. Nail clippers and a brush. Cals Peoria, Illinois Located in Sandwich, IL. D&B Rabbitry Buying a rabbit from a shelter which is already sterilized and in good health will save you money further down the track. Theres lots of information you can find online including in rabbit fancier groups on Facebook and other social media with information about rabbit breeders in your area. At Cottontail Creek Rabbitry, our main breeding focus are our Holland lops. Illinois. 2172010136, Charlie Rocko Akins Rabbitry Sterling, Illinois Looking to breed, 2 year old male. Shawve Rabbitry good with other rabbits and dogs. We have purebred rabbits as well as mixes. Californians, New Zealands, Rex We are a small rabbitry with one goal in mind. We sell show quality pedigreed light gray Flemish Giants. We raise Mini Lop, French Lop and Californian for Meat, Pet and Show. (217)610-4311, Olivia Drabing Holland Lop, Holland Lops, Mini Lops, Fuzzy Lops, Netherland Dwarfs ..Florida whitesand black NZ for show and meat. Fawn color. . GEERTSRABBITRY, Jennifer Hopkins 2174970276, Jessica Smith Anyway; last year my grandson started 4-H and guess what; he started with RABBITS , and said, Grampa you need to get some rabbits again. Adopt a rescue rabbit or bring home a rabbit through PetCurious. Locate rabbits for sale in Aurora, Chicago, Joliet, Naperville, Peoria, Springfield and many other cities across the state of Illinois using our classifieds. We are happy that you have decided to adopt a Rabbit. Show rabbits Mini Rex. Activity - Low. Will lunge and nip when stressed. Phone is 217-671-6013 and 217-828-2868. Lifespan - 8 to 10 years. No fancy breeds, just your main fryer rabbits. 3boys 3girls Small scale. All of our rabbits have pedigrees. Macedonia, Illinois M&T Rabbitry WildRiver Rabbitry Netherland Dwarf. I started my breeding program with stock from some of the best lines in the country. Check out my page Lirot Lops. Mini Lop. We focus on raising up quality new zealand rabbits in chicago, illinois. Canton, Illinois Tans and New Zealands Pet and show quality available year round. Colors - More than 30 possible shades; Commonly fawn, chocolate, blue, white, gray, or agouti. These are pedigreed Blue Giant Flemish. Bone Gap, Illinois (309)255-0974, Brenton Cawthon -our doe weighs 13lbs, and our buck weighs 15lbs., Jennifer Bauer Special mix orders are accepted. Who says you have to leave home to find a Pet? We are a small hobby farm operation that has raised different breeds of rabbits over the years and have recently decided to concentrate our efforts towards raising American Chinchillas. Member Silver Fox Rabbit Club I do have white silver fox for meat buyers Member ARBA New Zealand, White New Zealand & Californians, Kasandra Snowden 2172131522, Clyde Schlabach Standard Rex Our goal is to raise top quality rabbits for show, breeding, and meat. 618-971-1234, Barbara Henderson We welcome all inquiries!!, Tom Throop We are members of ARBA, IRBA, INZRBSC,and AFNZRB. I also have a side branch as well Thumping Trails Ottos Magpie Branch. My family has been raising show quality rabbits, for generations. Our bloodlines include Camelots, Schwandts, Lovs, Narrogons, Klosters. Food and hay. We feed several different vegetables daily, as well as hay, pellets, vitamins, and occasional treats. Ashton, Illinois Healthy lops raised on oxbow hay and pellets. We are dedicated to the shaded group, Sable Point,Siamese Sable,Siamese Smoke Pearl, and the Himalayans. Rabbits are becoming an increasingly popular pet for many American families. Albion, Illinois Mini Lop, Holland Lop Quad Cities, Illinois We welcome all inquiries from fellow exhibitors, 4H members, and pet seekers. Each rabbit also gets a special treat. Champaign, Illinois We are connected with a breeder of Netherland Dwarfs and Holland lops and can usually get them as well as our larger breeds. Albion, Illinois Colchester, Illinois Brookport , Illinois He is well trained. Wdacres Rabbitry Red Bridge Rabbitry We are a family run rabbitry with 32 holes currently, actively involved in 4H, located in southeastern IL. Members of ARBA. We are a small rabbitry in Southern Illinois. . All rabbits are raised without antibiotics Female Lilac Holland Lop for Sale 4 months old ddenwood We brought home this beautiful Lilac Holland Lop at 10 weeks old from a local Rabbitry to.. Holland Lop, Illinois Downers Grove Township Premium $3,500 Ready to Go Lyonsheartpups Full AKC $ fully vaccinated paperwork in hand crate trained !.. Our rabbits are raised indoors with kids and pets so theyre social and will make a great addition to your family. Seller Name: Theresa Greene Location: Bluford, Illinois Rabbit Breed(s): English Angora, Lionhead, Netherland Dwarf Rabbi read more, Seller Name: CLAUDETTE TAPOCIK Location: SACRAMENTO, CA Rabbit Breed(s): HOLLAND LOP Rabbitry Website: HOLLYWOODRABBITS.C read more, Seller Name: Nanette LaGrange Location: Essex, IL Rabbit Breed(s): Lionhead Rabbitry Website: Nanettes Lionhead Rabbit read more, Seller Name: Theresa Greene Location: Bluford Illinois 62814 Rabbit Breed(s): English Angoras, Lionhead Rabbitry Website: read more, Find: Rabbits for Sale in Illinois | Post your Own Illinois Rabbit Classified. When you buy a pet rabbit you can expect to pay anywhere from between $50 to $200 or more for the initial purchase.