Podcast Notes is a Signal From the Noise LLC Production, All Right Reserved, Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting, Christopher Lockhead's Follow Your Different, Everyday Espionage Podcast with Andrew Bustamante, Feel Better, Live More With Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, Moonshots and Mindsets with Peter Diamandis, Network State Podcast with Balaji Srinivasan, Spearhead with Naval Ravikant and Babak Nivi, The Unraveling Podcast with Jocko Willink and Darryl Cooper, This Week in Startups with Jason Calacanis, Where It Happens with Sahil Bloom and Greg Isenberg, Leadership is the ability to move something in a direction that the cultural forces are not already taking things, More technology means better good times, but it also means, It is optimal to create a culture where no idea is sacred so each idea can be properly scrutinized, There is social pressure to laugh off any emerging conspiracy theory that is being considered by the other team, Politics pulls our psyches down to the primitive mind because politics was life or death for the 10,000 years that we evolved through human history, The media is not penalized for lying; corporate media journalists are incentivized to lie because they are rewarded with clicks and not held accountable by their team for lying, Awareness without courage does very little, Criticism culture attacks the idea while cancel culture attacks the person, Many colleges are telling their students that there is a right set of views, mainly views based on woke ideology, and anyone who opposes this set of ideas is bad, In this conversation, Tim Urban and Lex Fridman discuss human history, the greatest people in history, social media, the good times and the bad times, utopia, conspiracy theories, arguing on the internet, political division, power games, Donald Trump, the mainstream media, social justice, the censorship gap, free speech, procrastination, universities, and hope for the future, The prehistoric period would be the first 975 pages, History as we know it would be pages 976 to 1,000, The people of the past had no idea about the simplest pieces of information that we take for granted today, In the grand scheme of history, almost no one has experienced a shot shower, The person that is most likely to feel gratitude is someone who has continually excelled throughout their life, according to Tim Urban, Examples: The Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomer Generation, These generations do not take things for granted because there was a time in their lives when they did not have them, However, feelings of gratitude are on a case-by-case basis, There is an endless list of things that you can grieve about, and an endless list of things that you can be grateful for, Nationalism can lead to tribalism and bad things, but patriotism is a great thing, according to Tim, If you love your country, you should love your fellow countryman. , Patriotism is a feeling of unity that has an implicit amount of gratitude, In Tims book, he picks one person to represent the 250-year period of their page of history, He includes Buddha, Aristotle, Cleopatra, Jesus, Constantine, Muhammad, Charlemagne, Genghis Khan, Joan of Arc, Shakespeare, and Gandhi, The odds of a Mongolian dirt-poor herder in the 1200s becoming a household name today is beyond improbable. I find it funny that your last post to me,less than 24 hours ago,was asking to "part ways" so as to avoid animosity, then immediately you impulsively liken me to this unhinged troll, which is clearly a satirical character being played as a joke that you didn't pick up on at first. Yes, i think having more talks about politics and economics would be a good direction to veer into from time to time, even if it shouldn't be the most common topic for the podcast. Podcast Notes is a Signal From the Noise LLC Production, All Right Reserved, Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting, Christopher Lockhead's Follow Your Different, Everyday Espionage Podcast with Andrew Bustamante, Feel Better, Live More With Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, Moonshots and Mindsets with Peter Diamandis, Network State Podcast with Balaji Srinivasan, Spearhead with Naval Ravikant and Babak Nivi, The Unraveling Podcast with Jocko Willink and Darryl Cooper, This Week in Startups with Jason Calacanis, Where It Happens with Sahil Bloom and Greg Isenberg, Wearing a mask does help stop the spread of the virus because if you have COVID-19 but dont know it yet, it prevents you from spreading it to others, Me wearing a mask says I care about not getting you sick, its a really powerful social signal , Everyone should wear masks, physically distance themselves from others, maintain a healthy immune system: exercise, sleep, take vitamin C and, If you have access to a sauna, use itif not, take hot-cold showers, The thing in this century thats likely to kill 500 million people is natural pandemicsIt can destroy societies in ways we cant imagine Lex Fridman, Joe Rogans recent comment saying hed vote for Donald Trump over Joe Biden was misinterpreted, He meant that hed vote for Trump only because he believes Biden has dementia and isnt healthy enough to be President, Hes an older guy whos got some sort of a mental breakdown issueits some form of dementia Joe Rogan, If you want to get a good workout with minimal gym equipment, Joe and Lex both recommend buying a, If you can afford a kettlebell, please just buy a kettlebell Joe Rogan, And if you want to develop your legs, do bodyweight squats: Its a glorious form of torture and its crazy how much it develops your legs, Podcasts are like an electric campfire, people gather around and tell stories, If youre looking for a profound book, Lex recommends reading, The main lesson Lex took away from the book is that love is the right response during a crisis, Theres a shortage of n95 and surgical masks for healthcare workers, Everyone should wear masks, physically distance themselves from others, maintain a health immune system: exercise, sleep, take vitamin C and, If you have access to a sauna, use itif not, take hot cold showers, COVID-19 didnt come from the installation of 5G towers, Chances are the virus came from nature and wasnt man made, Currently the unemployment rate in the US is at 13%, during the Great Depression it was 23%, In America, only 0.7% of people have been tested, Lex believes the economy will reopen in the Summer or late Summer, and it will take a year for things to return back to normal, Vaccines usually take 10-15 years to develop, but well probably see a vaccine for the coronavirus in 18 months, Its incredible to see the level of cooperation humans during the pandemic, almost everyone shutdown their business to slow the spread of infection, If you look at the United States overall, you look at this human race thats stuck on this continent together, overall there is a stunning level of compliance that I think is beautiful , The thing in this century thats likely to kill 500 million people is natural pandemicsIt can destroy societies in ways we cant imagine , In war, the enemy is people in a different country, in a pandemic, the enemy is your neighbor, Although things are a bit crazy in the world right now, Joe says this is still one of the best times ever to be alive, We can get through this and be a better country, I really believe this, Lex calls viruses the simplest example of the beauty and power of the evolutionary process, We can trace back the impact of the virus to a single person, The deadliest plague was the Bubonic Plague which killed 200 million people, Joes recent comment saying hed vote for Donald Trump over Joe Biden was misinterpreted, He meant that hed vote for Trump only because he believes Biden has dementia and isnt healthy enough to hold the Presidential office, Hes an older guy whos got some sort of a mental breakdown issueits some form of dementia , Joe would rather vote for any other democrat who isnt Joe Biden if he had the option, Dont listen to me for political advice , Joe believes no one person should hold the powers and responsibility of the Presidential office, It just seems nuts to have one person run the whole show , In other words, you run 48 miles in 2 days, I hated life and I hated everything like halfway throughthis was torture , To combat the pain, after every 4 miles he recorded a short video of him saying one thing he was grateful for, Lex estimates he burned around 10,000 calories from the workout, However, the workout is more of a mental test than physical, Its not a running test, its not a marathon test. , Sidenote: If you want to get a good workout with minimal gym equipment, Joe and Lex both recommend buying a, If you can afford a kettlebell, please just buy a kettlebell . It's an interesting collection of people, running from conservatives to . I think that's really just a normal challenge for a format like this. I listened to the most recent AMA (Jan 2021) and there Lex said that he wanted to have guests that he disagreed with and challenged him. [3][35][36] He also practices Brazilian jiu jitsu and holds a first-degree black belt under Phil Migliarese. I swear it's not a drama vid or anything. If making the podcast too politicized is a concern, it wouldn't have to center around the most volatile political narratives at the moment, or just left/right. The appointment triggered widespread criticism due to Eich's past political donations - specifically, a 2008 donation of $1,000 to California . And they did come and bully me and proved the point.". Ive really enjoyed the podcasts with a political angle so far! Lex Fridman, the popular podcaster and MIT researcher working on applying artificial intelligence in autonomous vehicles, human-robot interactions and more, recently invited me to join a conversation on global warming science and policy and other sustainability issues with Bjorn Lomborg, the Danish political scientist who is the bestselling author of False Alarm, The Skeptical Environmentalist . One of the most absurd examples of our dysfunctional society is that despite having a surplus of medication we'll sometimes let our fellow citizens die for no reason whatsoever. Quote Tweets. 500. Medium. Call him a Grifter, great, I get to call you a Nazi Sympathizer. Please post what your thoughts and feelings about the short comings of Lex Fridman. Instagram, They may very well have some conservative beliefs, but their main job is attracting viewers. the basics or the canon of the field). The show host invited the streamer to express views on topics like politics, Free Speech, Controversy, S*x, War, and Relationships. I wouldn't blame you, because it is utterly unfunny grifterhumour. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. LinkedIn, Given Lexs platform I might say: Bret shouldnt have been censored. Another commenter here has said that this risks making the show overly political and reducing the overall quality. Conversations about the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Hiring: I'm hiring Teaching: deeplearning.mit.edu Podcast: Lex Fridman Podcast Sample Conversations: . The show host invited the streamer to express views on topics like politics, Free Speech, Controversy, S*x, War, and Relationships. The Grown Ups actor and comedian Kevin James commented his support for Joe Rogan on the podcaster's apology posted to Instagram. This episode is by far his worst imo. It probably wouldn't be completely avoidable to talk about it in the context of a political discussion though. (pronounced: Freedman) The podcast has featured musician Kanye West,[25][26] chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen,[27][28] and businessmen Ray Dalio,[29] Jack Dorsey,[30] Elon Musk,[31][32][33] and Mark Zuckerberg. Liv Boeree, For now Ill assume good faith on his part and assume that the weinsteins are just playing him like a fiddle (or paying him $$$$$eric definitely paid him for that episode with his son, right? Podcast with Australian psychologist, Matthew Browne, and anthropologist, Chris Kavanagh. Leonard Susskind, Has this guy ever watched the news?? He did his Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He did buddy up to Nick Fuentes despite clearly knowing his political and belief system of exterminating the Jews when he has enough power. That's not unsurprising either. TechLead wanted to create clickbait title to use some of the fame of Lex, so he has to bear the consequences of making clickbait titles and making ridiculous claims. He is ex google, ex facebook, and ex husband. The episode also turned out to be one of the bests, as it garnered massive views alongside a surprise appearance by Melina Goransson. Show Lex Fridman Podcast, Ep #320 - Christopher Capozzola: World War I, Ideology, Propaganda, and Politics - Sep 14, 2022 On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. This is silly because you don't know me but it hurt when you say you don't trust me. Subscribe to Lex Fridman or Lex Clips YouTube channels. I have lost hope in Lex having on guests that truly challenge his view point. Press J to jump to the feed. Facebook, YouTube Streamy Awards Achievement. You just made up a made up your mind, Lex gave his explanation on the matter. "Did it resonate to y'all that y'all didn't do nothing about it? MIT. Step up your wealth game with our latest published Postimees Grupp story. Lex Fridman is a scientist, and artificial intelligence researcher who's achieved fame for his podcast series dubbed the Lex Fridman podcast. Connect with me @lexfridman on He enjoys all kinds of games but thoroughly follows FPS games Lex Fridman (inset) had a tense exchange with Kanye West on his podcast after he tried to call the rapper out for his recent alleged antisemitic remarks. Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Bret just sees this Ivershitin thing as a chance to shine a light on himself. At some point the actual data on how the problems of modern life intersect with technology needs to be looked at. He initially started his career back in January 2015, by joining Google in Mountain View, CA and served the company until May. Connect on Twitter , LinkedIn , Instagram , Facebook , Reddit , or join mailing list . We all know who techlead is (as millionaires). That's a f**king lie. . I think Nazis should be allowed to think and say Nazi shit, but I wouldnt invite them over for a casual chat. Newsweek reached out to Lex Fridman for comment. Richard Dawkins, I think he should get more rest before podcasting, because he is obviously fatigued in a lot of episodes and it detracts from them. [22][23] Fridman uses the podcast to discuss "AI, science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power". 284.4K. 72. This button displays the currently selected search type. There are quite a few posts about him on the TFATK subreddit and holy hell I can't stand Lex. There's just not much interesting stuff to say about the topic which hasn't already regurgitated to death. Sample Conversations: [38], Last edited on 28 February 2023, at 09:04, "MIT Advanced Vehicle Technology Study: Large-Scale Naturalistic Driving Study of Driver Behavior and Interaction With Automation", "Driver Gaze Region Estimation without Use of Eye Movement", "Learning Human Identity From Motion Patterns", "Active Authentication on Mobile Devices via Stylometry, Application Usage, Web Browsing, and GPS Location", "Lex Fridman's YouTube Stats (Summary Profile) - Social Blade Stats", "Who is Lex Fridman? Lex Fridman Career Lex is currently working as a research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), working on human-centered artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles. Be careful being too demanding in relationships. I stand together with the Jewish community and call on this terrible violence and hateful rhetoric towards them to come to an immediate end. West asked Fridman, with the host pointing out the fashion designer's recent comments about Jewish media. He is an animal lover and owns a pet dog. Scientific researcher appears on Joe Rogan's podcast! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Thank you. "Well you should find somebody in your life you can trust," Fridman said. He emits massive poser vibes in my opinion. Rather, he was against the problem that people formed opinions based on one episode without any research or further understanding of the subject/topic. #1. Fridman is of Ukrainian-Jewish descent but was born in Russia. Top 10% on SSRN by all times downloads amongst more than 380,000 authors in Social Sciences worldwide. Sometimes he can be funny though. His father, Alexander A. Fridman, is a plasma physicist. Retweets. He also does wrestling, judo, jiu-jitsu, and often participates in various competitions relating to sports. Twitter, Scientist. From there, the conversation moved on to West's recent Candace Owens documentary, his comments about George Floyd, and West's plan to make an all-Black engineering company. Views. However, he is an American citizen now. It also had the biggest wars in history, the biggest genocide in history, the biggest existential threat yet with nuclear weapons, the biggest economic crash in history, etc. He worked there for a year. After the hate group Goyim Defense League posted banners reading "Kanye is right about the Jews" over Interstate 405 in Los Angeles, Kardashian condemned her ex-husband's remarks on Twitter, writing: "Hate speech is never OK or excusable. I agree with you on this, what I mean is when he has a political guest I'd like to see someone from the left. Oh, I didn't know it's allowed to use somebody's face in a clickbait title of a thumbnail in a video without their consent. This is not specifically about wokeness; it is about a radical movement in the U.S. doing things that a radical movement is not supposed to be able to do in the U.S. Socialist Guest. I was gonna say, it sounded like a joke. Verified email at mit.edu - Homepage. [19], Fridman began his podcast in 2018,[20] initially as part of the MIT course 6.S099 on artificial general intelligence. "People should not doubt Ye. Speaking of not questioning, he seems to owe just about everything to Joe Rogan at this point. People are accused of all sorts of things with pics of their face. P.S. The topic of vaccination gained massive traction as it was something nobody ever experienced. Once in a blue moon. James said, "Joe - we go back way back and . You just made up a made up your mind,, From Pokimane to Ninja: Top Streamers Who Appeared in Ryan Reynolds Free Guy. Fantastic,, thanks for the confirmation,have a nice day! Fans thoroughly enjoyed the long conversation between the show host and Destiny. Destiny spills controversial opinions about Joe Rogan fans on the Lex Fridman podcast, This is something that Destiny pointed out years later on the, I am a Joe Rogan fan, and I appreciate the vaccine,. What Can Be Predicted from 6 Seconds of Driver Glances? Quote Tweets. Outside of research and teaching, I enjoy: Atharv is an eSports writer at EssentiallySports. The scientist shares a good relationship with the American UFC commentator Rogan. I gotta tell you, I have to be honest. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.