The Top 10 Most Expensive Paintings Ever Sold At Auctions 10. In the past year two documentaries, the engaging Made You Look and the pedestrian Driven to Abstraction, tackled the case of the Knoedler Gallery in New York, which for nearly two decades sold forgeries supposedly by 20th-Century masters including Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock. List of most expensive paintings - Wikipedia Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. This is the mirror where we flip it around, and now here it is in English. TINDERA: Robert Simon is perhaps best known in the art world for having a very close connection to a painting that is synonymous with money, power and controversy: the Salvator Mundi. For those who don't know it, it's a painting of Christ that sold at a Christie's auction in 2017 for $450 million, which is by far the most expensive work of art that's ever sold at auction. TINDERA: Right. SIMON: It's a truly horrific prospect. [11][12] Prices realised for just his nine paintings listed below, when adjusted for inflation to 2017, add up to over US$900million. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Privately resold for ca. The Wikipedia template uses a yearly average inflation. Twenty-eight million. In November 2017 Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman paid $450 million for a da Vinci painting. St John the Baptist by Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, military engineer and draftsman the epitome of a true Renaissance man. Leonardo never married, but he had many close relationships with other artists and intellectuals as well as with his assistants. At one point, a telephone bidder jumped in, pushing the price from $332m to $350m. Leonardo da Vinci was an artist and engineer who is best known for his paintings, notably the Mona Lisa (c. 150319) and the Last Supper (149598). Self-portrait as Archangel Gabriel unveiled, Queen's Leonardo da Vinci drawings to be shown across UK cities, Salvator Mundi by Leonardo Da Vinci before and after restoration. TINDERA: Ultimately, in his appraisal, which Simon submitted in December 1993. The buyer was anonymous, but the New York Times soon revealed him to be acting for bin Salman, a discovery that catapulted the painting into the geopolitical realm. SIMON: This is the clipping that I had taken out of the New York Times in 1980, when it was to be auctioned when Armand Hammer bought it. It then disappeared again until it was bought at a small U.S. auction house in 2005. PETERSON-WITHORN: And in fact, that fall he had just appeared atop our Forbes 400 ranking of the richest Americans, with an estimated net worth of $9.35 billion. Before this, the highest absolute price paid for a painting was 8.1 million (20.4 million in 2021 currency) paid by the J. Paul Getty Museum for Andrea Mantegna's Adoration of the Magi at Christie's in London on 18 April 1985. The Lost Leonardo is now playing in the US and opens in the UK on 10 September. PETERSON-WITHORN: The person who ended up winning the auction was Armand Hammer, the 82-year-old multimillionaire chairman of oil and gas giant Occidental Petroleum. So Gates sort of went out and bought the ultimate book. PETERSON-WITHORN: Two were da Vinci drawings of draperies. Before Rybolovlev, Salvator Mundi had been owned by a consortium of dealers including Alexander Parish, who had picked it up for $10,000 at an estate sale in the US in 2005, and had had it restored and authenticated. In cases like these, that's why we have to turn to the experts who know more about this than us. When asked whether Salvator Mundis involvement in the Rybolovlev-Bouvier case might overshadow its sale, Christies postwar and contemporary chairman, Loc Gouzer, who secured the work with a $100m guarantee, said: We cannot comment about sellers, but it has every passport, every visa.. He also considered a painting done by Renaissance artist Pontormo, which was purchased by the Jay Paul Getty Museum for $35.2 million at Christie's in 1989. The first is da Vinci's "The Last Supper," painted during his time in Milan, from about 1495 to 1498. According to the Christie's auction catalogue for the 1994 sale, the Codex was described as being in good and stable condition. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. And then there's also rarity, or how rare this exact copy or version of a book or manuscript is. The piece is sold.. ARCHIVAL CLIP OF ARMAND HAMMER: Another hat is my hobby for collecting art. TINDERA: I'm looking through a copy of whats now called the Codex Leicester, which I purchased online for about $30. When he was about 15, his father, who enjoyed a high reputation in the Florence community, apprenticed him to artist Andrea del Verrocchio. Hence, every phenomenon perceived became an object of knowledge, and saper vedere (knowing how to see) became the great theme of his studies. For example, on June 25, 2019, the American hedge fund manager J. Tomilson Hill bought a recently rediscovered Judith and Holofernes (1607) attributed to Caravaggio, two days before it would have been auctioned in Toulouse. There are a great many superb extant pen and pencil drawings from this period, including many technical sketchesfor example, pumps, military weapons, mechanical apparatusthat offer evidence of Leonardos interest in and knowledge of technical matters even at the outset of his career. Rybolovlevs spokesman, Brian Cattell, told the Wall Street Journal the family hoped the sale will finally bring to an end a very painful chapter. Price excludes sales commission and other costs. One of the most famous paintings in the world, the Last Supper was commissioned by Ludovico Sforza, duke of Milan and Leonardo's patron during his first stay in that city, for the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Usually estimated at "over 50 M" or "between 50 and 60 million Euros". The Louvre very much wanted to include it in its grand exhibition to celebrate Leonardo's 500th anniversary in 2019. It stayed with the Earl of Leicesters estate until 1980, when it finally went up for auction. And so, you've got the painting itself is you know, much more of a rare object. CBS CLIP, CONNIE CHUNG: You know, you may be the richest man in America, or at least the second-richest man in America. And my background is as an art historian. So Gates buying Leonardo da Vinci's notebook is the equivalent of a typical 66-year-old splurging ona new iPad. He was the auctioneer at the 1994 Christie's sale. Paintings are listed only once, i.e. "When we chose the title," Andreas Dalsgaard, a producer and a writer of The Lost Leonardo, tells BBC Culture, "the inspiration was partly that the painting is lost right now and the truth is lost, but it was also inspired by movies like the Indiana Jones movies that are full of treasures and treasure hunts.". But many experts think she did a drastic over-restoration. Moreover, he was no doubt enticed by Duke Ludovico Sforzas brilliant court and the meaningful projects awaiting him there. TINDERA: Gates is up against a group from a bank in Milan thats sitting in the front of the Christie's salesroom. Leonardo da Vincis parents were unmarried at the time of his birth near a small village named Vinci in Tuscany. CLIP OF BILL GATES: Taking Leonardo's notebook and translating them so everybody can understand the way that da Vinci thought a little better than before is very important. He created something he called the Codescope, which was software built to help museum-goers actually read da Vinci's backwards scrawl. Thanks for joining me. So, they decided to hold an auction through Christie's, and it took place in London in December 1980. From about 1483 to 1486, he worked on the altar painting The Virgin of the Rocks, a project that led to 10 years of litigation between the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception, which commissioned it, and Leonardo; for uncertain purposes, this legal dispute led Leonardo to create another version of the work in about 1508. Omissions? Head of anApostle. $450 million That price more than doubled the. The rest are owned by museums around the world. At the same time, Bouvier was negotiating and eventually succeeded to buy the painting for $112 million from Ursula Ucicky, widow of, Some fear existed, that Portrait of Dr. Gachet had been cremated with the owner in 1996, but Gachet's portrait was privately resold to. But now the Salvator Mundi has become the poster boy for the volatile mix of money, power and geopolitics that defines the art world today. But Christie's declined to comment, and a spokesperson for Gates never responded to our questions. Pierre-Auguste Renoir "Bal du moulin de la Galette" (1876): $154.7 million 6. At the height of the auction, as many of six bidders were in play. Amidst all these delightfully tangled histories, nothing rivals the Salvator Mundi. a 2011 exhibition at the National Gallery in London, Art Bust: Scandalous Stories of the Art World, Kim Kardashian was photographed next to it. 31 of the Most Expensive Paintings Ever Sold at Auction They bought it from an auction in Louisiana for just over $1,000. In New York last night, he said he had never doubted the piece would break records. How much is the Mona Lisa worth as legendary painting gets caked at Louvre? It's on the last telephone at $28 million. His was the last name on the 1988 provenance list; painting came from "a private collection in Arizona". 10 Famous Artworks by Leonardo da Vinci | Britannica The Met has since returned the coffin to Egypt. That is still a question. Leonardo devoted 12 yearswith interruptionsto this task. His notebooks reveal a spirit of scientific inquiry and a mechanical inventiveness that were centuries ahead of their time. "I'm absolutely sure that six months down the road or a year, there's going to be some kind of new information, whether true or not, that's going to blow up everywhere in the news media," Dalsgaard says. This means the Codex is certainly one of the world's most valuable pieces of art. Sowhat do we do with any of that? During this first Milanese period he also made one of his most famous works, the monumental wall painting Last Supper (149598) in the refectory of the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie (for more analysis of this work, see below Last Supper). At the press conference, Artnews reported, Gouzer spoke of the exceptional rarity of a work by Leonardo. See a gallery of the world's most expensive paintings, Leonardo da Vincis Salvator Mundi sold for $400 million at Christies ($450.3m, including auction house premium), One of four versions of The Scream created by Munch and the only one that is privately owned. TINDERA: I'm Michela Tindera, and this is Priceless. All the Leonardo Da Vincis in the world: rated | Leonardo da Vinci SIMON: What it does is make you realize how important the fact that the Codex has survived intact is. DETAILS BELOW Leonardo da Vinci (born April 15, 1452) is famous for being painter. The artwork alone garners thousands of visitors from around the world to the famous gallery it is placed in - the . Leonardo da Vinci Paintings "As long as this painting is hidden from the world and the future and fate of this painting is unknown, it's going to be clouded in a realm of mystery and the world will be ready to read anything new. And so I think it's, you know, not so much, Let's look at it and see what would happen if we took scissors to it and divided it up. But just to say, Here we have something of such significance, partly because it has survived 500 years without, you know, being destroyed.. It is Oil on wood and measures 168 x 130 cm (5 1/2 x 4 1/2 ft.). However, other critics have disagreed with the truth of that claim. Is 'The Last Da Vinci' Painting Really Worth $450 Million? He Died in May 2, 1519 in Amboise, Kingdom of France.His Famous works includes Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man Style/Period: High Renaissance Biography. Finding a new one is rarer than finding a new planet, he said. But as it turned out, he also had his own personal connection to the Codex. Christies CEO, Guillaume Cerutti, said he did not know whether the buyer would reveal themselves. One of two pastel versions; another two painted versions (and lithography) exist, all created by Munch. So it doesn't really look like a notebook anymore. This Leonardo da Vinci's portrait paintings are of Ginevra de' Benci, who was a rather popular Florentine woman. Steve Wynn, who bid on the painting at auction, privately acquired the work several months later from the unidentified buyer for an undisclosed, supposedly lower price.