Their need for control can make them very manipulative at times and they are not afraid to be demanding. But perseverance, faith in ones strengths, and uniqueness help people of this sign to rise to their feet, get stronger, and always go forward with their heads held high. Just as a person gets their sun sign based on which zodiac the sun was in when they were born, the rising sign is also determined by the happenings of signs at your moment of birth. Leo risings also have a Capricorn sixth house (of daily routines), so they are very hard workers with keen attention to detail. They are full of dignity, vitality, and confidence, but sometimes harsh in communication. Reply; Abarnaa September 13 . You communicate well, and you certainly have a voice that is heard. 2. They tend to have a strong muscular system, large bones and higher than normal upper body strength. They walk like royalty and their stature is both imposing and catchy. They definitely want you to come to whatever it is they're good at, whether it's a performance or a poetry slam whatever to like they do they want you to see them thrive, Witt explains. They are well built; they have a substantial, relief, even muscular body, with a well-developed chest. The Gemini Sun Leo rising personality is a happy-go-lucky person, very energetic and creative with an uncanny ability to sell just about anything he or she touches. You do tend to see life as a show and you as the star, with everyone else revolving around you. When they go out, they're the life of the party without trying, Witt explains. Watching you feels like a grand advertisement on TV. Needless to say, its not easy for ordinary-looking folks to catch your eye. Leo Rising women like to make a statement with their hair, as youre usually blessed with a beautiful mane, much like a lion. However, Leos do not always show themselves from the best side in partnerships, so living with them is sometimes not easy. Rising Lions are proactive and energetic, so they seem to be good leaders and organisers. Lions can be lazy, but at the same time, they are always responsible and ready to defend their pride at any moment. Leo risings are just overgrown kids at heart. Many Leos are strong in spirit, adhere to high principles, and have superior intelligence. The Ascendant represents identity, instinct, first impressions, appearance, and our initial style of engagement or how we get things started. These three energies combine to give you the strength and . They really know how to project an image of self-assurance and sophistication. They want what they want, they want it a certain way, they want to be comfortable, they want to be good at [their career], Mesa explains. Cancer Sun Leo rising personalities have an aura of mystery around them that makes others curious about what lies beneath the surface. The Capricorn Sun Leo rising person is typically ambitious, determined, disciplined, and strong-willed. Mane for Lions, especially women, is an indispensable element of appearance. Leo Rising men have a good hairline, if not, they like to maintain incredible facial hair. Leo is the second sign of the element of fire, but the fire here is manifested in a more mature quality than in the character of Aries. The proportions are harmonious with a rather tall stature and long legs. They are the person that takes charge and gets things done. If youre one yourself, theres a good chance youve already skipped ahead to juicy deets of your personality. Leo Rising of the natal chart requires balancing the contradictions between the desire to lead, demonstrating the strength of the personality, and the tendency to enjoy and overindulge in their laziness. You're able to create a powerful "brand" from your persona but will have to watch that it doesn't become a blast weapon used against weaker souls. They often have dreamy, lightly shaded eyes, naturally straight and lightly shaded hair with finely-chiseled, attractive facial features, and lovely profiles. Has great leadership skills and knows how to motivate people. Your Aquarius Sun Leo rising sign offers a lot of variety in the way you express yourself. They usually have a very strong purpose, and that's what they have to follow, Witt says. People naturally gravitate toward their sunshine-y rays and obvious main character energy. Theres something about them that demands respect, Mesa says. Aries's strongest traits and characteristics allow them to move forward, face new challenges, and go where others dare not go. Ovular, ample face with a cleft chin, and dimples are common. Even with a large torso, the shins can be thin, and the ankles graceful. He is however a loyal partner and will seldom deceive or cheat on his partner. But then they'll have these bursts of energy or passion, Bond says. The men often have well-groomed facial hair while the women commonly have dimples. Leo Risings can pull off lighter or golden hair color well. The Libra Sun Leo rising person sits at the crossroads of contradiction. Leos usually look very presentable and impressive. They should take care to avoid drugs and alcohol - three Pisces rising celebrities that have proved sensitive to addiction are Demi Moore, Amanda Bynes and Whitney Houston, while Gwyneth Paltrow is renowned for her intake of pure foods. People with this rising sign are very affectionate and enjoy giving hugs and touching; this is their way of showing their acceptance of others. They have strong and bold features, a wide forehead, and thick hair and generally bear a tall stature. Leo moon people also make a great match for Leo risings, Bond notes, because they'll just be a lot of love, like, the moon is emotion. They have a natural ability to lead and to make an impact in whatever they do. Theyre the ones that have been married for years and raised 3 kids, but who really dont ever want to change. Dynamic, positive, bubbly and funny, you have immense confidence in yourself and do everything possible to succeed. They have the perfect slim body with magnetic facial features and glowing skin. Signs with Leo in Ascendant are perceived as the most easy-going, cheerful and fun-loving people of all. A Cancer Sun Leo rising person is ambitious, positive and adventurous. Their eye color mostly resonate lighter shades. You are confident and appear taller than you actually are. The lower area of the body is usually slender. Cancer and Leo are basically twins, Witt offers, like it's Artemis and Apollo just different sides of the same coin. Its a divine connection that gives off power couple vibes, she continues. They truly love life and those around them, but feel that they dont have to sacrifice their happiness in order to reach their goals. The eyes gleam like that of cats or a lions and the nose is short and blunt. Librans with Leo on the ascendant are more flamboyant and demonstrative than the other Zodiac signs. If you're an expressive romantic person, she'll be attracted to you in no time. The Sagittarius Sun Leo rising person has a great desire to be in charge. Im Jessica and Im a Gemini. Astrology of Aquarius: Physical Qualities and Activities. She likes it when her man lusts her body. Or think of the sun, aka the literal center of the universe. The fashionable Leo horoscope provides for frequent underlining of the neckline and chest. The strength and royalty of Leo are also manifested physically. Some stars, like Steve Martin, have a Leo sun and rising. They are steadfast and loyal through hardship and faithful until death. If you have this combination of signs, your personality traits are probably as follows: very laid back and accommodating; versatile; optimistically determined; in-personable and vivacious; neat, orderly, punctual; a natural leader and concerned for peoples well-being; cleverly sociable and friendly; extroverted toward others but guarded in personal relationships. Leo rising, Taurus moon introverted and grounded but always seen as a leader, charismatic, and when I'm comfortable with someone definitely flirtatious. The skin is prone to redness, freckles, and pigmentation. Your energetic approach is exuberant, expansive, and creative with a fixity of purpose. Their face has pronounced features such as marks and scars, mostly because they're prone to injuries as a result of their very active lifestyle. Therefore, any Leo vitally needs recognition and approval. However, if their affections are not returned, a Leo rising is not going to wait around. They have a high sense of responsibility. These people love children, enjoy home and domestic life, are affectionate with their loved ones and warmly attached to their families. How a Aquarius Rising person looks: When ascending, the body is seldom above medium, of fine build, round features, rather delicate. The Pisces sun Leo rising person is creative and enthusiastic, able to work well in a team. Gemini Sun Leo rising is a combination of determination, communication and inspiration. Theyre probably a Leo rising and didnt mean to grab the attention of every eyeball in attendance, but they did. The mouth of Leos is broad, but the lips can be narrow. Its not that theyre inflexible; it just means they like the life theyve created for themselves. This is sometimes quite an advantage as it helps you get along with others by understanding their feelings easily. Leo rising in the zodiac symbolizes earthly charm, frankness, vulnerability, and romance. Even in a calm home environment, the Leo woman prefers luxury. Thus, at the moment of birth, the ascendant sign appears as we are. It is advisable for Pisces Sun Leo rising people to build on their skills of organization so that they have proper structure in their lives to avoid confusion or chaos. This is a conscious manipulator, ready to exceed moral laws for their benefit but generous and fair if this does not infringe on personal interests. A particular preference for women of this zodiac sign is observed for trendy details like back neckline and fringe trim. The Leo Rising may have a golden hue or undertone to their skin - and a sunny appearance. Leo is a fixed sign of disliking change and upheaval. More so, they are very sensitive when it comes to matters concerning love. The combination creates a natural born leader, with the heart of a lion. They love gambling, any entertainment, sports and competitions. Taurus is earth sign, meaning you are grounded and solid. Leo risings can often have very bold and noticeable facial features like a lion. Note, the wide fixed brows, square jaw and heavy neck and shoulders of Taurus. The Scorpio Sun Leo rising sign is characterized by passion, creativity and energy. Sagittarius/Leo personalities are open-minded, idealistic and adventurous. Capricorn Sun Leo rising is a positive and heartfelt sign combination. As an Aries Sun, Leo Rising person you are adventurous and like big thrills. Ruled by the Sun, it represents creativity, pleasure, and romance. They like to fight for their rights and do not believe in giving into others. Sometimes, Leo risings can seem a bit polarizing: People either love the Leo energy or are completely opposed to it. They want to shine in society. People with this Sagittarius sun Leo rising sign are full of life. The Aquarius Sun Leo Rising Sign is one of the most mercurial and the most interesting personalities among the 12 zodiac sun sign. 3 Leo Rising Character And Characteristics, Virgo Rising Appearance Wardrobe & Style: Stylist Advice, Kibbe Natural Body Type Clothes: Capsule Wardrobe For Summer. Cancer is the luminary of our solar system. "In facial outline identification, it is best to look at pictures of the person while still fairly young so you are not fooled by weight gain, sagging, fluid retention. They may have bushy eyebrows and medium/average height. It represents who you are, but not your potential! Leo looks divine in extra-long trousers, exquisite hats, stylish vests, denim and velvet. Good luck also awaits in jewelry: they love to work with precious metals and create exquisite jewellery, or they may own a factory for their production. This fixed fire sign is like a campfire: People naturally gather around it. I never understood why people said I looked like a cat until I started to learn about astrology. Their eyes are wide and piercing. A Cancer Sun Leo rising sign means that you love and respect yourself as well as others, including your enemies! Enjoy connecting with friends on the same wavelength think this post is very accurate! Aries Sun Leo Rising personalities have a seemingly limitless drive for success and self-confidence which is captivating to others. The Leos are characterized by strong physical features with long feet and hand. Do you have Leo Rising in your natal chart? Although not the best at expressing emotions, personality traits of the Scorpio Sun Leo rising sign include being hardworking and ambitious. The Scorpio Sun Leo rising person is self assured, magnetic to others and has a big presence. Leo is known as the sign of romance, so when they like someone theyre going to court them to the moon but they want to be courted back. The Leo rising sign personality is the adventurer, the executive, and the leader. Watch for the cubical shapes of fixity: The lion's mane, the bushy eyebrows, the feline eyes, the broad and stubby nose, and the jowly cheeks that set on a rectangular jaw. Leo Rising Appearance A Leo Ascendant's signature trait is their voluminous hair. They give off a hippie vibe that exudes love, affection, warmth, and peace. A Leo Risings first instinct is to excite. Leos have a habit of looking into the eyes of the interlocutor, not embarrassed to look at him point-blank. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. This is only one of the many manifestations of your extreme loyalty. Leo risings are very talented at assuming a character and can be attracted to the theater. These natives are sociable and also know how to be alone.