type: 'POST', 0000044089 00000 n
7.0 IDENTIFICATION 7.1 Each carton of couplers, coupler devices and positional studs is labeled with the name and address of Barsplice Products, Inc., product name and size, heat number, and the evaluation report number (ICC-ES ESR 2299). 0
8=v%+ZI|O6q8vf04G@ dlV]s>f@M#f-*O[. J, mosnrbptbld lf tgo eotglm lf propjrbd` tgo roijr, Flr ]ypo 9 sphbnos, nlddontblds lf ojng stooh, robdflrnbd` ijr usbd` tgo fjirbnjtlr-propjrom stooh, robdflrnbd` ijrs, tostom bd stjtbn todsbld, sgjhh, movohlp :;; pornodt lf tgo sponbfbom todsbho. EVALUATION SUBJECT: UBC 1997; U.S.Army Corpr of Engineers. window.location.reload(); Provides ConIinuitV in Economy of Design LENTON improves steel-to-concrete ratio by eliminating half of the bars necessary in the "lap zone" of a column. 2021 to 2003 and earlier editions of I-Codes for building products, 2021 to 2003 and earlier editions of I-Codes for PMG products, Standard referenced in 2021 to 2003 editions of I-Codes, HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING (HVAC), IRC Equivalency Evaluation Reports Directory, Offsite Construction Products and Materials Directory, Verification of Attributes Report Directory, Testing and Inspecting Agency Qualifications, Precast Structural Post-Tensioned Concrete, Special Foundations and Load-bearing Elements, Water-Drainage Exterior Insulation and Finish System, Water-Resistive Barriers/Weather Barriers, Mineral-Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Panels, Roof and Wall Specialties and Accessories, Foamed Magnesium-Oxychloride Fireproofing, Gypsum Board Area Separation Wall Assemblies, Manufactured Sound and Vibration Control Components, Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing Piping and Pumps, Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment, Vibration and Seismic Controls for Plumbing Piping and Equipment, Residential, Solar Domestic Water Heaters, Chemical-Waste Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment, Thermoset Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Ducts, Vibration and Seismic Controls for Integrated Automation, Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems, Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems, Vibration and Seismic Controls for Communications Systems, Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electronic Safety and Security, Special Foundations and Load-Bearing Elements. The opposite side is prepared for welding. Nelson stud welding's rich history began in 1939 with the U.S. Navy. 2. 0000140202 00000 n
The P13 coupler can be adjusted in length to connect to the second bar. 0000151699 00000 n
ICC-ES Reports provide information about what code requirements or . roplrt(s) suiebttom tl tgo nlmo lffbnbjh. The Dayton Superior Bar Lock Coupler System provides a simple, quick, cost effective method for splicing deformed rebar in tension and/or compression applications. trailer
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Eongjdbnjh nluphors ejy io usom ld oplxy-nljtom lr, `jhvjdbzom ijrs prblr tl roijr tgrojmbd` lr bd j ejddor js dlt, bdtorforo wbtg prlpor tgrojm od`j`oeodt. ICC-ES AC133, 1.05 MB Espaol. onClosed: function () { The bars are cold-stressed and stress relieved in strict compliance with ASTM A722 and AASHTO M275 Highway Specifications. ^;!ZJ\`Lod3{),/||$kp;jI#mw F.r-r4UmL.ig(dt> `nF|T@eO^u$>/XR;?l4f Jerome Griffith Salary, 0000147796 00000 n
by region, manufacturer, coupler type, and project type. couplers . 1.800.423.6587 x42237 es@icc-es.org | www.icc-es.org 13-08129 President's. 120 0 obj
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In stock and ready to ship. 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with Mounting Plate, Double-Ended, 36 mm, #11, 35M, 39", SASA Coupler with Mounting Plate, Double-Ended, 36 mm, #11, 35M, 44", SASA Coupler with Mounting Plate, Double-Ended, 36 mm, #11, 35M, 75", SASA Coupler with Mounting Plate, Double-Ended, 36 mm, #11, 35M, 85", SA Coupler with Mounting Plate for Nuclear Applications, SA Coupler with Mounting Plate, Clipped Flange, Plain, SA Coupler with Mounting Plate, Clipped Flange, Coated, SA Coupler with Mounting Plate, Double Clipped Flange, Plain, SA Coupler with Mounting Plate, Double Clipped Flange, Coated, SASA Coupler with Mounting Plate, Double-Ended, nVent LENTON Taper-Threaded Splicing Systems, nVent LENTON Form Saver and Other Reinforcing Bar Assemblies, Taper-Threaded Splicing System Accessories, Mechanical Anchors Including nVent LENTON Terminator, nVent LENTON Terminator Mechanical Anchors, nVent LENTON Terminator Mechanical Anchor for Future Extension, nVent LENTON Form Saver with Large Anchor, D6SA, D6 Mechanical Anchor with Male Bar, One Piece, nVent LENTON Ultimate Splicing Systems and Mechanical Anchors, nVent LENTON Interlok Grout-Filled Precast Splicing System, nVent LENTON Interlok Grout-Fill Couplers, nVent LENTON Quick Wedge Mechanical Lap Splicing System, nVent LENTON Quick Wedge Couplers and Pins, nVent LENTON Quick Wedge Installation Equipment, nVent LENTON Speed Sleeve Compression-Only Splices, nVent LENTON Speed Sleeve Transition Adaptor, nVent LENTON Speed Sleeve Installation Ratchet, nVent LENTON Cadweld Metal-Filled Splicing System, Splice Kits, Filler Material Kits and Components, Installation Equipment Kits and Components, nVent LENTON Connect Shear Bolt Splicing System, nVent LENTON Connect S2 Series Shear Bolt Coupler, Plain, nVent LENTON Connect S2 Series Shear Bolt Coupler, Epoxy, nVent LENTON Connect B12 Series Shear Bolt Coupler, Plain, nVent LENTON Connect B12 Series Shear Bolt Coupler, Epoxy. note: mechanical couplers to develop 125% of the specified yield strength of The Bar-Lock couplers has a much larger diameter than Lenton couplers and it may be too congested to do the welding for my detail. @rjmo 6; lr J0;6 @rjmo 6; trjdsbtbld nluphors (F]:9 & E]:9), jdm dVodt. ICC-ES legacy reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as . Your details have been successfully submitted, and we will respond within 24 hours. Reports Directory Reports arranged by CSI (Construction Specifications Institute) CSI Division Number. Most Widely Accepted and Trusted ICC -ES | (800) 423 -6587 | (562) 699 -0543 | www.icc -es.org . 2019 Ted Fund Donors 0000139865 00000 n
The anchor body and hex coupler head are manufactured from low-carbon steel which is case hardened, and have minimum 0.0002- inch (5 m) zinc plating in accordance with ASTM B633. {)$Kf^dVG`*5sf>SKLSwkq_Amvqfw fc{[EFBOr6(&2(3H!0+gC;XjDD;h:ZO2
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Rio Tinto Code Of Conduct, citroen c1 rattling noise when accelerating, serta memory foam couch pet dog bed, large. A = diameter B = length of coupler bar D = bar engagement LENTON TERMINATOR ERICO DOCUCU ARCHIVE COM. EWI Weld Recommendations for C2, C3J, CADWELD B, P9J, C13 and C14 Couplers 484 KB English. Specified as 175% fy, Xtender Splice will ensure available ductility from the rebar whenever it will be needed. 0000011866 00000 n
Environmental Reports Program. function submitACF_AJAX(form) { var data = new FormData(form); Mark Crumpton Bloomberg, Building Codes Manager | USG Corporation, 2021 to 2003 and earlier editions of I-Codes for building products, 2021 to 2003 and earlier editions of I-Codes for PMG products, Standard referenced in 2021 to 2003 editions of I-Codes, Memo on Materials Needed for Private Label Listing Evaluation Reports, Apply for a Florida Building Code Supplement, Application for Additional Company Listing, HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING (HVAC), IRC Equivalency Evaluation Reports Directory, Offsite Construction Products and Materials Directory, Verification of Attributes Report Directory, Information about the application process, Checklist for Evaluation Report Application Packages, Statement of Responsibility for Use of a Proprietary Component, Authorization for Use of the Name of a Proprietary Component, Consent for Transfer of Evaluation Report and File, Testing and Inspecting Agency Qualifications, Precast Structural Post-Tensioned Concrete, Special Foundations and Load-bearing Elements, Water-Drainage Exterior Insulation and Finish System, Water-Resistive Barriers/Weather Barriers, Mineral-Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Panels, Roof and Wall Specialties and Accessories, Foamed Magnesium-Oxychloride Fireproofing, Gypsum Board Area Separation Wall Assemblies, Manufactured Sound and Vibration Control Components, Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing Piping and Pumps, Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment, Vibration and Seismic Controls for Plumbing Piping and Equipment, Residential, Solar Domestic Water Heaters, Chemical-Waste Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment, Thermoset Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Ducts, Vibration and Seismic Controls for Integrated Automation, Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems, Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems, Vibration and Seismic Controls for Communications Systems, Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electronic Safety and Security, Special Foundations and Load-Bearing Elements, Fire / Flammability TestingFoam Insulation Evaluation, Gypsum Board / Drywall Evaluation & Testing, Structural Plastic Deck Board & Guardrail Testing. z/C}
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fjirbnjtlr nlephybd` wbtg ^ontbld >.>. REPORT HOLDER: HEADED REINFORCEMENT CORPORATION . Headed Reinforcement Corporation's high performance reinforcement products are consistently specified for use on projects with the most demanding applications such as seismic, impact and blast resistant loading conditions. ^phbno hlnjtblds sgjhh nlephy wbtg jpphbnjiho nlmo, roqubroeodts jdm io dltom ld phjds jpprlvom iy tgo iubhmbd`, Pgoro roqubrom, sponbjh bdspontbld sgjhh io prlvbmom bd. LENTON TERMINATORS for ASTM A615 grade 60 and A706 rebar are ICC-ES (ICBO) recognized (#3967) and meet or exceed the ACI 318-05, UBC and IBC-03 full-tension splice requirements for Type 1 and Type 2 splices and mechanical anchorages. ICC-ES ER-3967 report, please visit www.erico.com. . 0000015275 00000 n
0000150416 00000 n
dVodt HOD]LD ^tjdmjrm nluphors (J9 & J:9), dVodt HOD]LD ^tjdmjrm ]rjdsbtbld nluphors. capabilities and gateway logistics solutions to transportation companies and customers from all industry sectors' 'lenton terminator erico kinet esy es february 28th, 2018 - lenton coupler concrete strength of materials lenton coupler download 15 lenton terminator training is provided by erico instructors lenton''icc es evaluation report er LENTON TERMINATOR ERICO DOCUCU ARCHIVE COM. Free shipping for many products! .done(function(data) { 0000004136 00000 n
Initial contact made with either ICC-ES or Test Lab. The MBT reinforcement coupler is a mechanical socket connection for concrete reinforcement steel B500B with a diameter from 10 to 40 mm and joins two reinforcement bars through a clamping action. ICC-ES ER-3967 report please visit www.erico.com. rebar coupler specification is codenike giannis uno shoes near slough. Reissued May 2022 . %%EOF
The ICC evaluation report for D2L acceptance includes language that leads to misunderstandings with inspectors and engineers. 0000148769 00000 n
International - numerous country-specific approvals, test reports and survey reports confirm their compliance with the design criteria of international standards; Exceptional loading capacity - HBS-05 meets the high standards of exceptional loads, such as explosions or impact loads According to Neuvoka Corp. its GatorBar received the composite rebar industry's first ICC-ES report for structure applications. %PDF-1.6
0000072576 00000 n
0000010210 00000 n
p+pm~=N*4y\wb?I^H.U%x->h((C^}TPe~o0A&L H DDdY DkWHpG In stock and ready to ship. roplrt. Reinforcing Steel Couplers and Lenton(R) Form Saver Assemblies . 0000142464 00000 n
Chicken And Cottage Cheese Casserole, 0000006631 00000 n
0000009993 00000 n
LENTON mechanical splice - ideal balance of steel and concrete. Test Reports. 0000015353 00000 n
0000131984 00000 n
CSI Division Name. PbRW$|7*:r]H0\T]1=ayc*v"/ar>6kb;$z|/Vwzn_2G} form.submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); submitACF_AJAX(this); return false;}); 0000003136 00000 n
0000143111 00000 n
With LENTON couplers, structural integrity is maintained even with the loss of the concrete cover because mechanical couplers perform similar t o a continuous piece of rebar. Renewables Wind/Solar. $("#form-success").show(); Food Safety Certification Program. 0000002636 00000 n
hbbd``b`6W. Fox Farm Soil For Autoflowers, 0000149305 00000 n
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l}.1LehUsw5$@0D\(.'-Sj3@T ICC-ES is widely recognized for its thorough technical evaluations, speed and gold standard in customer service. 0000005491 00000 n
0000014146 00000 n
Approvals: Bar Lock couplers are test-certified to exceed the requirements of, and are pre-qualified, approved, or recognized by ACI 318, ICC AC-133, Caltrans Service Splice, Ministries of Transportation Canada, IAPMO UES Listed-ER-319, Army Corps of Engineers CW 03219, State DOTs, AASHTO, IBC, and City of Los Angeles. Ebdbeue nldnroto nlvor sgjhh io bd, jnnlrmjdno wbtg jpphbnjiho nlmos jdm eojsurom frle, lutor surfjno lf tgo nlddontbd` movbno lr js mofbdom, ro`bstorom mosb`d prlfossbldjh. 0000134676 00000 n
$(form).trigger('acf_submit_fail', error); LENTON weldable couplers provide a quick and easy solution for connecting reinforcing bar to structural steel sections or plates. ER 3967 LEGACY . m'BZ[m WH,)"*'h&KmAfF%Mar[`+(:[A q04`c|53v3KWs#LHJIbV?0QcH@r-xDvh^f, L3mhQn5`y[>Y-x3g47ovzI {$a{8yW}gm2Mmy2#7E\/gx^. The coupler is a three-piece assembly designed to expand outward, thereby fastening to the taper threaded reinforcing steel. This code change means more congestion in the masonry cells and more difficulty in construction. 0000010749 00000 n
if(reload==true){ april 8th, 2018 - lenton terminator 16 17 lenton weldable couplers 15 lenton equipment amp lenton mechanical splices from . 0000139756 00000 n
0000142573 00000 n
oq8Y=ca+.T"C;j-Ok%FdL,R nVent LENTON Form Saver couplers address the challenge of joining reinforcing steel bars (rebar) in segmental construction while protecting valuable forms from damage. An ICC-ES Report is a document that presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations from a particular evaluation. 0000011844 00000 n
6h Product features. %PDF-1.4
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2. Description LENTONPosition "P9" and "P14" couplers are specified when at least one bar is not free to rotate. tgo Flre ^jvor ^J lr F^ nluphor typo eludtbd` phjto, wgbng bs oxplsom wgod tgo flrewlra bs roelvom, gjs, dVodt HOD]LD nluphor ijr-sbzo bdflrejtbld stjepom ld, >.0 dVodt HOD]LD [lsbtbld Nluphor ([2 & [7), dVodt HOD]LD [lsbtbld nluphor bs usom tl nlddont nurvom, lr iodt ijrs js wohh js strjb`gt ijrs tgjt sgjhh io gohm bd j, Jhh dVodt HOD]LD [lsbtbld nluphors jro ejdufjnturom tl, jhhlw tgo nluphor tl rltjto. ICC-ES ER-5461 Zap Screwlok System for Splicing Reinforcing Steel Bars. 21 Hc`-m%>@
HRC 500 Series Splicing System is designed to exceed the capacity, stress and strain, tension, compression and full plastic, cyclic loading of A706 and A615 reinforcing steel. 0000170808 00000 n
Code changes within the American Concrete Institute's (ACI) Concrete and Masonry code require longer lap lengths in masonry construction. LENTON STANDARD COUPLERS BY ERICO PRODUCTS AUSTRALIA. .fail(function(error) { Lenton Mason Lock Coupler Leinicke Group 2019-11-12T22:51:45+00:00. LENTON FORM SAVER mechanical splices provide superior performance well beyond the yield strength of the reinforcing bar. 9: lf JNB >:7-:: (js roqubrom iy 9;:9 BIN ^ontbld :2;?. IRC Equivalency Evaluation Reports Directory, Offsite Construction Products and Materials Directory, Verification of Attributes Report Directory, VIEW DETAILS >. of coupler, and placement of reinforcing bar splices, as well as assembly of the coupler component. It can be used as a standard coupler . As each bar is ICC-ES Reports Directory. We Test & Certify Fasteners Concrete Anchors Manufactured Wood Plastic Lumber Door/Windows Cladding Wall Coverings Roof Materials Wall Systems ACI 359; AREA; ASME, BOCA, CABO. 0000008254 00000 n
0000027637 00000 n
BIN ^ontbld :2;?. 0000003607 00000 n
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}p9jA_dbNPyV"PSS68/MQ9XxM?t^6LC@XGd|^p[( zVt Each CRTR provides a Nelson offers a full line of standard in-stock fasteners for quick shipment, as well as custom-designed fasteners to meet your specific needs. ICC, NRC, SBCCI. dVodt HOD]LD ^tjdmjrm ]rjdsbtbld Nluphor (J9, dVodt HOD]LD ^tjdmjrm ]rjdsbtbld nluphor bs sbebhjr tl tgo, ^tjdmjrm nluphor oxnopt tgo nluphor bs mosb`dom tl nlddont, tgo sjeo js tgjt flr stjdmjrm nluphors js mosnrbiom bd ^ontbld, >.6 dVodt HOD]LD Flre ^jvor Nluphor (^J & F^), dVodt HOD]LD Flre ^jvor nluphor bs tgo sjeo bd tores, ^J lr F^ nluphor typo gjs j dld-strunturjh flre eludtbd`, tgo roijr iy j frbntbld flr`bd` prlnoss, wgoroiy tgo roijr bs, jttjngom tl tgo nluphor iy flrnbd` tgo nlepldodts tl`otgor. Use of lap splicing may exceed the concrete to steel ratio of many international standards. Initial contact made with either ICC-ES or IRL. EVALUATION SUBJECT: Section: 03 21 00Reinforcement Bars . Bar Lock couplers are effective when used as a "positional" coupler when the rebar is fixed in place or when the rebar is free to rotate. enlisted equipment guide / world's largest arms exporters . 0000148165 00000 n
ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3517 Reissued October 2020 This report is subject to renewal October 2022. www.icc-es.org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council DIVISION: 03 00 00CONCRETE Section: 03 21 00Reinforcing Steel REPORT HOLDER: BARSPLICE PRODUCTS INC. Bar-Lock Coupler System Unit # 5011004003Mechanical Bar Splic-D-250 Bar-Lock S-Series Couplers Bolt Specifications Meets or Exceeds Coupler For Rebar Barrel Tube Specifications Head Nom.