The scope only was brought back as a souvenir by Private George Siggs of 1 Can Para Bn. All orders are subject to acceptance by IMA Inc, which reserves the right to refuse any order. In Iraq and Egypt, the LeeEnfield was replaced by the Kalashnikov as the standard issue rifle in the Armed Forces by the late 1950s, and in Police Forces by the late 1970s. Talens, Martien. However, they would likely have the S and TR markings, possibly cancelled upon rejection. If the product you received is damaged, be sure to take videos or photos and send them to us for help. 4 rifle bayonet lugs) and magazine. The new value of a LEE ENFIELD rifle has risen $139.05 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $791.27 . Most of these were Stevens-Savage made, but some were made at BSA-Shirley. The Lee-Enfield had its origins in the late 19th century, when repeating rifles firing full-powered cartridges were coming to the fore. Conversion of rifles to smoothbore guns was carried out in several locations, at various times, for varying reasons. Although a mismatched scope and bracket look correct, if they are not mated to the rifle in military service, then the scope is not collimated to the rifle barrel. The second and fourth albums are of Small Arms Limited at Long Branch where the Lee-Enfield No. *Estimated delivery dates - opens in a new window or tab include seller's handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of cleared payment. This rifle is fitted with Orignal Military Hensold Wetzlar Sniper scope ( NATO Stock number 1240-12-144-0714 ) and its original Stanag scope mount. at Abbotsford Air Shows, Photos Aircraft etc. In Stock. The latter rifle is shown in the following two rotatable and . [80] Rifles that were thus converted were re-designated as the L8 series of rifles and refitted with 7.6251mm NATO barrels, new bolt faces and extractor claws, new rear sights, and 7.6251mm NATO magazines. [111], This article is about the early twentieth-century British rifle. Generally inferior workmanship, including weak or soft metal, poorly finished wood, and badly struck markings. Wartime demand and the improved Mk VII loading of the .303 round caused the LeeEnfield to be retained for service. Rifles so marked were assembled using parts from various other manufacturers, as part of a scheme during the First World War to boost rifle production in the UK. [39] Unlike the SMLE, that had a nose cap, the No 4 LeeEnfield barrel protruded from the end of the forestock. All Images and Text Copyright 2003-2023 International Military Antiques Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Second World War would . 4 Mark I and featured a rear receiver aperture battle sight calibrated for 300yd (274m) with an additional ladder aperture sight that could be flipped up and was calibrated for 200800yd (183732m) in 100yd (91m) increments. Lee Enfield Rifle Stocks aftermarket parts, scope mounts and accessories for sale. 1 Mk. In the UK, the single-shot .22 calibre Rifle No. Original item NOT A REPRODUCTION! It is unfired, un-issued and most definitely the real . The iconic Lee-Enfield rifle, the SMLE Mk III, was introduced on January 26, 1907, and featured a simplified rear sight arrangement and a fixed, rather than a bolt-head-mounted sliding, charger guide. 4.The weight of the whole gun is about 2.2KG, the length is 112cm, the firing device and internal structure are made of alloy. 4 (T) rifles. 32 . 4 Mk I and No. WW1 BRITISH ARMY SOMME RELICS, ALL GREAT WAR ORIGINAL + SMLE STOCK PARTS. 4 Mk. I wooden chests. About 3,000 rifles, mostly Stevens-Savage, appear to have been partially converted by Holland & Holland but never received brackets, scopes of the final "T" mark. 5.This gun supports the use of two completely different bullets for shooting, either Darts or Gel Ball. Free shipping. Not a 2A1. I pistol. LEE ENFIELD (B GRADE) SMLE NO1 MK3 FRONT HANDGUARD SET BAND RECESS 2MM OVERSIZE. You . - Faux Wood Stock. They will be strictly examined by the customs. [29], The inability of the principal manufacturers (RSAF Enfield, the Birmingham Small Arms Company Limited and London Small Arms Co. Ltd) to meet military production demands led to the development of the "peddled scheme", which contracted out the production of whole rifles and rifle components to several shell companies. ", with various asterisks denoting subtypes. I/L bayonet, which has a rotating handle and a large ring on the cross-guard was not for the No. Walnut Semi Finish..Set $125 (Same as Picture Above) #2 British Lee Enfield #1 MK 1. A new bayonet was designed to go with the rifle: a spike bayonet the No. I, Mk. Two of the photos in Small Arms Ltd., Company Photo Album show sniper rifles. 1 Mk III* it lacked a volley sight and had the wire loop in place of the sling swivel at the front of magazine well along with the simplified cocking piece. These rifles were designated as the No. We assume no liability associated with misuse of our products. Many Mk. 4 MK. Shown is the U.S. Bayonet M1905 affixed to the 1903 Springfield Rifle and the U.S. Bayonet M1917 affixed to the Model 12 Winchester Trenchgun (12 gauge pump shotgun). Requires fitting, drilling screw holes, sanding and oiling. [101] The CIA's Operation Cyclone provided hundreds of thousands of Enfields to the Afghan mujahideen, funneling them through Pakistan's ISI. [22] The SMLE's visual trademark was its blunt nose, with only the bayonet boss protruding a small fraction of an inch beyond the nosecap, being modelled on the Swedish Model 1894 cavalry carbine. Customs services and international tracking provided. VI but had a flat left side and did away with the chequering on the furniture. [29] Rifles with some or all of these features present are found, as the changes were implemented at different times in different factories and as stocks of parts were depleted. at Boundary Bay Air Shows, Photos Aircraft etc. 10999 - 05979. I (T) sniper rifles in 19411942 at RSAF Enfield. Notice lightening cuts in fore end and butt. The No. The products were marketed under alliterative names e.g. [14] Total production of all LeeEnfields is estimated at over 17 million rifles.[7]. Like the No. 4 Mk1 rifles), and L8A5 rifles (converted No. 1 rifles to L59A2 drill purpose was also prepared but was abandoned due to the greater difficulty of machining involved and the negligible numbers still in the hands of cadet units. 3. The 2A/2A1 rifles are not conversions of .303 calibre SMLE Mk III* rifles. 5 was shorter and 2 lb (0.9 kg) lighter. a C"; a Canadian acceptance mark (page 31 of Charles Stratton's book, British Enfield Rifles Volume 2, 3rd Edition, Lee-Enfield No. The resulting weapon, designed by Godfray de Lisle, was effectively an SMLE Mk III* receiver redesigned to take a .45 ACP cartridge and associated magazine, with a barrel from a Thompson submachine gun and an integrated suppressor. III* rifles by adding a heavy target barrel, cheek-piece, and a World War I era Pattern 1918 telescope, creating the SMLE No. [94] Magazine supply and importation (M14 and AK 10 single stack mag) whilst legal in Australia, has been spasmodically curtailed by Australian Federal Customs (for more information, see Gun politics in Australia). The weapon was reliable but unergonomic for the user as the force of the recoiling bolt interfered with handling. [11] The Lee bolt-action and 10-round magazine capacity enabled a well-trained rifleman to perform the "mad minute" firing 20 to 30 aimed rounds in 60 seconds, making the LeeEnfield the fastest military bolt-action rifle of the day. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. I purchased a No. [41] The No.4 rifle was primarily produced for the United Kingdom, Canada and some other Commonwealth countries including New Zealand. The Lee Enfield by Ian Skennerton (2007) - ISBN: 9780949749826 is an excellent general reference book on the evolution of Lee-Enfield rifles, however, it doesn't go into great detail on their use as sniper rifles. HOW MANY No. The rifles were manufactured by parts outsourcing and were assembled and finished in Australia, chambered in 7.6251mm NATO and fed from modified M14 magazines. The design was found to be even more complicated and expensive to manufacture than the Mk III and was not developed or issued, beyond a trial production of about 20,000 rifles between 1922 and 1924 at RSAF Enfield all of which marked with a "V". SAF Lithgow, in Australia, produced shotguns based on the MkIII action under the "Slazenger" name, chambering the common commercial .410 shotgun shell. - Easy to Reach Hop Up Adjustment. Easy "Drop-In" installation and no gunsmithing required. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 5 was shorter and 2lb (0.9kg) lighter. )[35], The SMLE design was relatively expensive to manufacture, because of the many forging and machining operations required. Features sling swivel studs, raised cheek rest, includes butt plate, checkered pistol grip and forearm. None of these is known to have been successful,[73] though some owners have adapted three-round magazines for Savage and Stevens shotguns to function in a converted SMLE shotgun, or even placing such a magazine inside a gutted SMLE magazine. I have a research database listing roughly 2,000 serial numbers at this time. I (T) with 1 Canadian Parachute battalion in the 6th Airborne Division. Pick two marks and then it's possible to distinguish between them. The Lee-Enfield sniper seen on these pages is just such a critter. [16] Some straight-pull bolt-action rifles were thought faster but lacked the simplicity, reliability, and generous magazine capacity of the LeeEnfield. [14] Soft-point .303 ammunition is widely available for hunting purposes, though the Mark 7 military cartridge design often proves adequate because its tail-heavy design makes the bullet yaw violently and deform after hitting the target.[106][107]. From the late 1940s, legislation in New South Wales, Australia, heavily restricted .303 British calibre (and other "military calibre") rifles,[74] so large numbers of SMLEs were converted to "wildcat" calibres such as .303/25, .303/22, .303/270 and the popular 7.754mm round. [53], During the Second World War, standard No. 4 Mk 2 rifle, the British refurbished many of their No. 4 variant was designed in 1939 to answer to the need of easily manufactured rifles of the carbine. 4 (T) sniper rifles converted before 1944 as the markings took time to become standardized and it can be very difficult to detect a fake. Finally, he refinished the cheekpiece with oak pigmented Danish oil to more closely match the blond beech stock. Most, but not all, of these were 1931 and 1933 Trials rifles. [14] The design of the handguards and the magazine were also improved and the chamber was adapted to fire the new Mk VII high velocity spitzer .303 ammunition. Description. A matched set is much more valuable and is a better shooter,. The P14's principal combat use during World War I was as a sniper rifle, since it was found to be more accurate than the Short Magazine Lee-Enfield, either in standard issue form or with modified "fine-adjustment" aperture rearsights designated Pattern 1914 Mk I W (F) and Pattern 1914 Mk I* W (F) or, from April 1918, Aldis Pattern 1918 . The figures below do not include prototypes, pilot models and experimental sniper rifles, of which very few were made. The machinery from ROF Fazakerley was sold to Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) in Rawalpindi where production and repair of the No.4 Mk I started from 1952 till 1957 and then production changed over to No.4 Mk II from 1957. Deactivated G Code Kar 98 Rifle SN. The new rifle also incorporated a charger loading system,[23][full citation needed] another innovation borrowed from the Mauser rifle and notably different from the fixed "bridge" that later became the standard: a charger clip (stripper clip) guide on the face of the bolt head. 4 Mk I, Britain had obviously settled on the rear aperture sight prior to WWI, with modifications to the SMLE being tested as early as 1911, as well as later on the No. I* (T) sniper rifles. [56] A transitional model the No. I (T) and No. In the late 1960s, RSAF Enfield entered the commercial market by producing No. Experiments with smokeless powder in the existing LeeMetford cartridge seemed at first to be a simple upgrade, but the greater heat and pressure generated by the new smokeless powder wore away the shallow and rounded Metford rifling after approximately 6,000 rounds. I rifles were converted at Royal Small Arms Factory Enfield. Walnut Semi finish..Set $125 (Larger Hole for Forend Bolt) ===== SKS Monte Carlo Stocks Click to Enlarge . The magazine cutoff was also reintroduced and an additional band was added near the muzzle for additional strength during bayonet use. He also carried one in the Battle of the Bulge when 6 AB Div was sent over by sea and land, due to the bad weather, to reinforce the Americans. 4 MK. p. 372. [41], Later in the war, the need for a shorter, lighter rifle forced the development of the Rifle, No. ARES Lee Enfield NO 4 MK1 Airsoft Sniper Rifle (Spring) Out of Stock CLA-004. A37339, WITH ACCESSORIES, by Holts . Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 921(a)(16) defines antique firearms as all guns manufactured prior to 1899. Side adjustments in 2 MOA increments were made by the drum mounted at the side of the sight. 3 standard) were later modified for use with the 7.6251mm NATO L42A1 sniper rifle. [39] Towards the end of the Second World War, a bladed bayonet was developed for the No.5 Mk.I rifle ("jungle carbine"). I (T) Rifle serial number C37776 ? Many surplus LeeEnfield rifles were sold in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States after the Second World War, and a fair number have been 'sporterised', having had the front furniture reduced or removed and a scope fitted so that they resemble a bolt-action sporting rifle. 4 bayonet, essentially a steel rod with a sharp point, nicknamed "pigsticker" by soldiers. showing a cased L42A1 whilst talking about the No. 4 (T) rifles each had a scope mated to them at the time of conversion. ]), and demand outstripped supply; in late 1915 the Mk III* was introduced incorporating several changes, the most prominent of which were the deletion of the magazine cut-off mechanism, which when engaged permits the feeding and extraction of single cartridges only while keeping the cartridges in the magazine in reserve, and the long-range volley sights. New in box, same specifications as the original ones, manufactured using original drawings on high-tech optics machinery. the British sniper stock required attention to keep up with . I wish to thank the many collectors and museums who have granted me access to photograph their items. 7.62 x 51 NATO, .303 Epps, .30-06. While some wartime German, Soviet and American World War II sniper rifles received accuracy enhancing modifications, the majority were actually rather stock. 4 series rifles that were converted to 7.62 mm NATO were re-designated as the L8 series of rifles with the rifles being refitted with 7.62 mm NATO barrels, new bolt faces and extractor claws, new rear sights and new 10-round 7.62 mm NATO magazines that were produced by RSAF Enfield to replace the old 10-round .303 British . The No. Below are links to higher quality images on Flickr. IMA considers all antique guns offered on our website as non-firing, inoperable and/or inert. It was introduced in service in the 1970s. The STG58 lower has only 'Safe' and 'Repetition' to comply with UK Law on Straight pulls It has a new barrel proofed in 2003 also to comply with UK Law. 5 rifles served in the Korean War (as did the No.1 Mk III* SMLE and sniper "T" variants, mostly with Australian troops). I (T) without scope and bracket. The SMLE Mk V (later Rifle No. The stock and fore end were marked with broad white painted bands (often with red bands, and also rarely seen blue bands or stripes) and the letters DP for easy identification. It was the British Army's standard rifle from its official adoption in 1895 until 1957. SKU. Some captured from the Resistance were used by the pro-Nazi French militia, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 19:31. US$489.74. [19] Many LECs (and LMCs in smaller numbers) were converted to special patterns, namely the New Zealand carbine and the Royal Irish Constabulary carbine, or NZ and RIC carbines, respectively. 5 Mk. MA. Need a 303 British jungle carbine scope mount We have them in stock for sale at low prices. Sniper Elite 4 features plenty of different weapons for Karl Fairburne to equip and use against his enemies. 1 Mk V is the rear aperture sight. [17][18], The LeeEnfield was adapted to fire the .303 British service cartridge, a rimmed, high-powered rifle round. In Jordan, the LeeEnfield was in use with the Police and Gendarmerie until 1971, and with the Armed Forces until 1965. 4 Mk 2. Prices for SMLE rifles starts at 595, with particularly good or unusual examples priced accordingly. Rather, they are newly manufactured firearms and are not technically chambered for commercial .308 Winchester ammunition. It featured a ten-round box magazine which was loaded with the .303 British cartridge manually from the top, either one round at a time or by means of five-round chargers. I bought it new in the brown paper Each No. 3. 4 Mk1/3 rifles), L8A4 rifles (converted No. . Answer (1 of 5): The LE in SMLR stands for Lee Enfield. 4 Mk1/2 rifles), L8A3 rifles (converted No. [16] The barrel was now halfway in length between the original long rifle and the carbine, at 25.2 inches (640 mm). 9, all .22 rimfire trainers and target rifles based on the Lee action, were adopted or in use with cadet units and target shooters throughout the Commonwealth, the No.8 as of 2017 has been replaced among cadet forces due to obsolescence. [12] Although officially replaced in the UK with the L1A1 SLR in 1957, it remained in widespread British service until the early/mid-1960s and the 7.62 mm L42A1 sniper variant remained in service until the 1990s. The current world record for aimed bolt-action fire was set in 1914 by a musketry instructor in the British ArmySergeant Instructor Snoxallwho placed 38 rounds into a 12-inch-wide (300mm) target at 300 yards (270m) in one minute. Out Of Stock. [14][103] As of 2012[update], LeeEnfield rifles are still being used by the Taliban insurgents against NATO/Allied forces in Afghanistan.[88]. [20] Some of the MLEs (and MLMs) were converted to load from chargers, and designated Charger Loading LeeEnfields, or CLLEs. Despite a rubber butt-pad, the .303 round produced excessive recoil due to the shorter barrel. Well-finished by military standards, it features a smooth-shucking bolt. 2 pistols (versions of the Browning High Power Model 35). The LeeEnfield or Enfield[9] is a bolt-action, magazine-fed repeating rifle that served as the main firearm of the military forces of the British Empire and Commonwealth during the first half of the 20th century, and was the British Army's standard rifle from its official adoption in 1895 until 1957. 5 Mk I as a "jungle carbine". Shop our .303 .308 lee enfield rifle synthetic stocks and scope mount kits on sale. It was replaced by the Accuracy International AW (as the L96A1) in 1985.. Smoothbore shotguns could be legally held with far less trouble. [38] The No. We cant imagine that so many people will ask this question. Two burly front locking lugs hold .30-06 pressures easily. Brown Bess, percussion Enfield, Snider and Martini rifles & carbines, long and short Lee-Enfields to 7.62mm L1A1 and current 5.56mm F88 Steyr AUG. . I found the scope in the USA and he worked a trade and his set is now matching. 2.What if your gun is seized by the customs? As well, RSAF Enfield rejected one Holland and Holland completed rifle. 1 Mk III or III*, with the original MLE and LEC becoming obsolete along with the earlier SMLE models. Chinese contract wooden holster for the Inglis No. Late in 1942 a contract was issued to Holland and Holland, the famous gunmakers in London, England, to convert rifles into sniper equipment. 4 Mk IV. 4 rifle was further simplified for mass-production with the creation of the No. Roughly 1,400 of these were converted to No. [105] The Tongan security forces also retain a substantial number of No.4 rifles donated from New Zealand's reserve stocks.[105]. NFB is National Film Board of Canada which did a lot of documentary film work. 4 Mk 1 (T) rifles nor was there any consistent accuracy between those rifles that had been chosen for conversion, while the regular L8 rifles gave a better performance but with little or no improvement over .303in weapons; consequently, the conversion programme was abandoned and what was now known as the Ministry of Defence was forced to expand the issue of L1A1 rifles to non-frontline units. The results of the trials that were conducted on the L8 series rifles were mixed; the L8A1 (T) rifles fired test groups that bore no relation to those fired while they were still No. [47] With a cut-down stock, a prominent flash hider, and a "lightening-cut" receiver machined to remove all unnecessary metal, reduced barrel length of 18.8in (478mm) the No. In Australia I found the Long Branch rifle that matched a Lyman sniperscope that I had though we were unable to reach a trade deal. 5 Mk I was popular with soldiers owing to its light weight, portability and shorter length than a standard LeeEnfield rifle. I (T) and No. 2, of varying marks. For other uses, see, Models/marks of LeeEnfield rifle and service periods, LeeEnfield conversions and training models, Special service LeeEnfields: Commando and automatic models, Australian International Arms No. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. British Lee-Enfield SMLE Butt Stock Brass . The design of the handguards and the magazine were also improved, and the chamber was adapted to fire the new Mk VII High Velocity . This is one reason the bolt closure feels smooth. In Stock. 4 . SOLD - Nazi Police Walther Sportmodell - .22 Training Rifle. 4 Mk 1 rifles were renamed No. (If you can only use PayPal, please contact us), We use encrypted SSL certificates for 100% security. 4. 4 in order to avoid the expense of rearming those units with the L1A1 as well, Britain's commitments as a NATO member meant that the .303in cartridge could no longer be used; thus, the early 1960s saw the approval of a plan to convert the LeeEnfield No. 4 Mk IV was designed with the modern shooter in mind, and has the ability to mount a telescopic sight without drilling and tapping the receiver. 1617 - 350.00. OEM Replacement Parts - Surplus Rifles - Lee-Enfield - Lee Enfield No. [49] The No. as the unfinished No. At a time when long range shooting was considered important for a service rifle, the accuracy of the SMLE was an issue due to the use of rear locking lugs on the bolt. The Indian Army phased them out in 199092, replacing them with AKM-type rifles (see Indo-Russia Rifles). Then Brian Dick of in North Carolina found the matching scope set in Nebraska. 14.00. As a standard-issue infantry rifle, it is still found in service in the armed forces of some Commonwealth nations,[13] notably with the Bangladesh Police, which makes it the second longest-serving military bolt-action rifle still in official service, after the MosinNagant (Mosin-Nagant receivers are used in the Finnish 7.62 Tkiv 85). The L42A1 Enfield sniper rifle was born in 1970 as an arsenal conversion of the venerable .303 caliber Lee-Enfield No. We will refund you total, please contact our customer email: [emailprotected]. 4 Mk II rifle, which they marketed as the AIA No.