Police had students and staff shelter in place as officers searched the campus. El incendio registrado en un edificio de 10 niveles en la colonia Lomas de Santa Fe fue controlado, sin embargo se trabaja en el interior del inmueble para sofocar el humo y terminar de evacuar a las personas atrapadas, inform el jefe de Bomberos del Distrito Federal, Ral Esquivel. August 2019- PRESENT (Seasonal) Supervised swimmers and carefully enforced swimming facility policies. The news of the car accident came the week before the start of finals and before graduation. Police have a drone in the air. They were among three people who were fatally injured in a crash at about 3 a.m. Friday in a field east of Sacramento. Daly City BART evacuation connected to Thursdays explosion and fire in SF, Police said they found no evidence of a shooter, Best athletic wear for kids joining baseball and, How to watch all the Oscar-nominated movies in style, Best smart home devices for older users, according, Bay Area city cracks top 10 best for sleep: US News. Demoni . Las Lomas High School. VIDEO: NEWS24-680 Come see whats next! Oxford High School in Michigan on December 1, 2021, a day after the shooting. Was there an actual shooting? An 18-year-old Lathrop man was arrested on suspicion of making a threatening call about a shooting at Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek earlier this month, according to police. Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek is on lockdown. Connors said detectives were able to identify the Lathrop resident as the person they suspected of making the threat. This was an unconfirmed report of an active shooter. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Officers responded to the school and found no sign of a shooting or any threat there and the lockdown was lifted, police said. Get Morning Report and other email newsletters. Police believe the man acted alone, she said. This is a list of people with the given name Stephen or Steven: . Judith Williams filed for divorce from Jim Williams in 1996, and issues were litigated until at least 2001, according to Contra Costa County Superior Court records. Police told parents at the school that the scene was secure. The child went into the windshield (windshield was severely damaged). Stop watching CNN. WALNUT CREEK, Calif. (KRON) The Walnut Creek Police Department has cleared the campus of Las Lomas High School after the school received an unconfirmed threat earlier Friday. Did we all forget how to drive during quarantine or something? Spring Musical Tickets. All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! The news hit students, teachers, administrators and staff hard. What is it, praytell? Las Lomas vs Miramonte | Football | 10/22/2021 MaxPreps Downed Tree Blocks BART Tracks Between Concord, . Sep 9, 2021. The mission of Las Lomas High School is to foster an equitable community that values respect, achievement, and honesty. getting tired of this. HOME 7-3 AWAY 12-3 NEUTRAL 2-5. miramonte high school basketballmary calderon quintanilla 27 februari, 2023 . There are a fair amount of veterans that are teachers i.e. His folks can bail him out with a Visa card. Las Lomas High School Basketball; Las Lomas Basketball. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. var cid='6152746700';var pid='ca-pub-2028806092040235';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-fox3now_com-medrectangle-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1021%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);var ins=document.createElement('ins');ins.id=slotId+'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.style.maxHeight=container.style.minHeight+'px';container.style.maxWidth=container.style.minWidth+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); No evidence of shooting has been found. Maybe Demoni will as rebuffed by students so he wanted to exact revenge on the school. The investigation is ongoing. Scott Olson/Getty Images. solution??? Really weird.. false flag? Filter by Sport to plan your week. The mood was somber at Las Lomas High School Friday as news came that two popular former students were among three people killed early in the morning in a rollover car accident outside Sacramento. Cor. 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2001 2000 1999 1998 1994 1993 1992 1990 1988 1987 1986 . Our Spring season starts on Monday, January 23, and [], From handcrafted jewelry to antique trade beads, gems, crystals, and ancient finds. Answer is NO. Lafayette Crossing Guard Dies Saving Children From Oncoming Car Wednesday, Walnut Creek PD Adding Downtown Foot Patrols On Fridays, Saturdays After Weekend Incidents, Stir Crazy Quilts Quilting During The Pandemic - An Exhibit, "Strong Women" Women Leaders in our Community, 1543 Sunnyvale Avenue, Walnut Creek, CA 94597, Martinez Man Faces Charges Of Robbery, Mail Theft, And Carjacking Of Postal Service Vehicle. The Museum of the San Ramon Valley is excited to announce the opening of its latest exhibit Stir Crazy Quilts: Quilting During the Pandemic. . Its a well know fact that people from the agricultural bread basket of Ca (farming communities)come over the hill to get money from rich Bay Area folks by selling drugs, pulling construction scams, etc. Int 9. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Updated: Dec . Its complicated, Draymond Green spent his first NBA check here, 2 Montana SB jerseys sold at record-breaking prices, Get rid of Black History Month, Draymond Green says, Purdy elbow surgery could happen next week, Jake Paul takes first boxing defeat by split decision. With a zeal for running a tight ship and boundless energy, Lickiss excelled at balancing seemingly disparate traits: humor and compassion with a buck-stops-here no-nonsense discipline. Joel Auerbach/AP. The mood was somber at Las Lomas High School Friday as news came that two popular former students were among three people killed early in the morning in a rollover car accident outside Sacramento. When the car came up over the rise, the vehicle missed the turn and ended up rolling into a field, the Bee said. Fernando Valdez-Alvarez, 19, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and first . News of the collision, reported at 7:53 a.m. at the crosswalk at Broadway and Newell, spread quickly through the Las Lomas community, witnessed by other students and onlookers. Go . This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. . At around 1:15 p.m., news reports emerged about a shooting at the high school. SWATed! They were traveling with a group in another car headed eastbound on Highway 16, bound for a casino in Jackson. Indie Pop Star Michelle Lambert Kicks Off the Bankhead Courtyard Concert Series! Im so heartbroken for the family. What is virtual assisting and how to get started? Another student wrote that she didn't know Maurice but that she's still crying over his loss. Las Lomas. Detectives are still investigating, and Connors said they are working to determine whether anyone else was involved in the threats. Anyone with information about the case is asked to call Walnut Creek police at (925) 943-5844 or the department's anonymous tip line at (925) 943-5865. Las Lomas High is located on the 1400 block of South Main Street. "She loved him and wouldn't do him any harm," Jim Williams said. Authorities withheld news of the deaths while they investigated the circumstances. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. For senior high and older readers. Contra Costa County Public Library: Become An Outdoor Explorer, 'Alice In Wonderland' Musical Coming To Walnut Acres Stage, Woman Accused In Series Of Threats Toward Walnut Creek Private School, NAMI Contra Costa All-You-Can-Eat Crab Feed 2023: Pleasant Hill, Blue Devils BD Performing Arts All-You-Can-Eat Crab Feed 2023: Concord, Rotary Club's Drive-Thru Crab & Pasta Feed 2023: Orinda, FREE WEBINAR | The Positive and Negative Path for Markets in 2023. I think if 5 -10% of the faculty were trained, certified and armed, it would be an effective deterrent. The driver, 26-year-old Stephen G. Johnson of Rancho Cordova,was ejected from the car and died at the scene, as did Waters and Bishop, who were passengers in the back seat. The driver and three passengers had apparently been in Sacramento at a nightclub earlier in the night. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. "You were such a great guy and always kept people laughing." LGBT Themes. Police said Las Lomas High School got a phone call threatening a shooting on campus just after 12 p.m. Feb. 10. To request removal of your name from an arrest report, submit these required items to arrestreports@patch.com. DA wont even file charges on this guy. This [], Do you love to sing? Costello was arrested today, February 16, and booked into jail at the Martinez Detention Facility, where he is being held on $27,000 bail. WALNUT CREEK An 18-year-old Lathrop man has been arrested less than a week after Las Lomas High students were evacuated from the school following reports of a threatened shooting, police said. Walnut Creek Police responded, and had students and staff shelter in . While we dont know the particulars of this instance, its obviously completely true thar these kinds of reports are made by students to avoid tests and such. Las Lomas Athletic Boosters. DAW-AAUW Presents: Educational Equity - Student Wellness Initiatives A Whole Child Approach to Edu, East Bay Wine & Whimsy (Metaphysical Market), Danville Neighbors, FREE Download: This Short Guide Reveals Insights to Investing Success, Second Transbay Rail Crossing: Plans Scaled Back, Before & After Photos Show CA's Snowpack, Reservoirs After Storms, 3 Takes Of A Lovely Shell Ridge Sunset: Walnut Creek Photos Of The Day, Mount Diablo With A Touch Of Fall Color: Photo Of The Day. The Oscars will air on ABC and can be streamed on ABC.com and the ABC app as well as Hulu + Live TV, YouTube TV, AT&T TV or FuboTV. PF 2126 PA 1915 STREAK 2L. An what will our DA do with this guy ? They obtained a warrant for his arrest. WALNUT CREEK, Calif. (KRON) The Walnut Creek Police Department has cleared the campus of Las Lomas High School after the school received an unconfirmed threat earlier Friday. Looked to be the vehicle that struck the kid. On Friday morning, the two former students were in a Mazda Millenia that was traveling on a road near Sloughhouse, between Sacramento and Rancho Murietta, the Sacramento Bee reported, citing the California Highway Patrol. First published on February 17, 2023 / 9:19 AM. The CHP identified the deceased Las Lomas alums as Maurice Waters II, 20, andChristian T. Bishop, 18. They also closed the library and reserved it for students who wanted to leave class and find a quiet place to be reflect on the loss of their friends. ? School officials arranged for grief counselors to be on campus. He graduated from Cal State Chico with a BA degree in Information and Communications Studies with a journalism emphasis. I want to know who would name their kid Demoni ? Bay City News contributed to this report. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) - The Albuquerque Police Department responded to a shooting that took place at Washington Middle School Friday around 12:45 p.m. We had to line up by classes on the football field to be counted, to make sure we were all safe. For an unknown reason, the group in the lead car turned right on Sloughhouse Road, then turned around and headed back north, driving fast. LL Newspaper "THE PAGE" Ad Space. Teen Arrested In Walnut Creek Shooting: Police Patch Thepassenger in the right front seat, who was the only one wearing a seatbelt, was transported to UC Davis Medical Center in critical condition, the Bee and the CHP said. Properly vetted, qualified, & trained teachers. Las Lomas students were also deeply affected by the suicide of Allison Bayliss, a 15-year-old from San Ramon Valley Highfrom the Golden Gate Bridge on May 23. Why are some parts of CA so much foggier than others? Latest Updates. The man was booked into the Martinez Detention Facility, according to Connors. Police are on scene and everyone is currently safe. Students rushed to their 3rd period classes as "run, fight, hide" rang down the hallways. Students were set to be released through the main entrance after teachers took attendance. A roundup of recent high school sports results in . and guidelines to ensure . What a joke. The group in the trailing car found the wrecked car down in a ditch. She had disposed of the family pets in the two days before she died, and left behind a long suicide note in her Blackwood Drive home. Manage Settings View 20CW syllabus Ribet Spring 2021 (Last modified 2021-03-27--18-53).docx from ANTH 382 at Las Lomas High. The weapon appeared new, but it was not immediately clear when she had obtained it, Terry said. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Everyone is safe.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fox3now_com-box-4','ezslot_7',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fox3now_com-box-4-0'); Las Lomas High School is currently on lockdown. CBS News Bay Area: Free 24/7 . Technology Fees. Overall TD Passes 15. News24/680 covers breaking news in Contra Costa County. He graduated from Cal State Chico with a BA degree in Information and Communications Studies with a journalism emphasis. Our purpose is to provide financial assistance and support our student athletes' coaching staff in order to promote athletic excellence, a positive community image, and to have competitive programs through our fundraising and community donation . This is a developing story that will be updated when more information is available. NEWS24-680. Now a high school baseball coach. In Pleasant Hill, PG&E Customers March Natural Gas Bills Expected To Decrease On Average 75%, Obituary Lee Ann Arendtson 1968-2023 (Concord), Martinez Refining Company Oversight Committee Meeting To Be Held March 9 Committee Investigating November Release Of Metals, Beyond 925 Missing WiLD 94.9 Radio Host Will Not Be Coming Back, Says His Wife. Elective class donations. Senior Portraits. Judith Williams clearly planned the murder-suicide, authorities said. "All he ever wanted was for people to accept him and love him and try to help people as much as he possibly could," his father said. Prior to that he worked for the San Francisco Chronicle for more than a decade. Walnut Creek . SAVE SCHOOL. His mother was found a few feet away on a park bench. Links to PTSA . "His mom was such an angry person - she took offense to things very easily," Jim Williams said. Good and pertinent questions all but were not the police and we havent heard from them. If you give people an easy tool to get out of school, some percentage of them will use it. Child must have been transported at that point. The young man was arrested in connection with the threat made shortly after noon on Feb. 10 at the campus on South Main Street. Yearbook Ad Space. Gotta wonder about those people downvoting your comment. Rudgear Estates Swim Club, Walnut Creek, CA Head Lifeguard. Teachers will be using devices in their classrooms this year. or Zoom (register in Evite [], Leather jackets, poodle skirts, and Greased Lightnin! 715-765), Byzantine iconodule martyr; Stephen I of Hungary (c. 965-1038 . There must be some connection between someone in Lathrop to Las Lomas? personally, i didnt Bay City News Service contributed to this report. Judith Williams was having custody disagreements with her ex-husband, who had remarried, and was having money problems, said Contra Costa County sheriff's Capt. Sad this is such a standard part of the high school experience. In a press conference, APD has confirm / CBS/Bay City News Service. 14 things you need in your car before you drive to Tahoe, Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). En tanto, la Secretara de Seguridad Pblica del Distrito Federal (SSPDF) inform que los trabajos de . Walnut Creek Police Investigate Incident at Las Lomas High School By NBC Bay Area staff Published February 10, 2023 Updated on February 10, 2023 at 1:38 pm NBC Bay Area, File Jason Michael Welch (born November 2, 1989, in Walnut Creek, California) is an American amateur wrestler.As a high school wrestler at Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek, California, Welch was the 13th wrestler ever to win 3 state championships. A 14-year-old classmate pleaded no contest Thursday to second-degree murder in Hargrove's death. Both were said to be well known and liked among current students. Why would downvote a comment about it being sad that our students are facing active shooters? 70-66 (L) Las Lomas vs. Carlmont. Although his ex-wife had financial difficulties, he said, she also suffered from mental problems. If your child will play baseball or softball this spring, youll need to stock up on appropriate clothing and equipment. It appears students will be released shortly and school will be cancelled for the rest of the day. Courtesy Jim Williams. The two teams will kick off the North Coast Section . Retired cops would work too. First, Judith . Detectives authored a warrant for Costellos arrest for felony criminal threats and a misdemeanor for causing a false emergency report. (Courtesy of Vanessa Sawyer)A 14-year-old boy pleaded no contest Thursday to second-degree murder and will remain in custody until age 21 in the 2021 shooting death of 13-year-old Bennie Hargrove on the grounds of an . WALNUT CREEK -- An 18-year-old Lathrop man was arrested on suspicion of making a threatening call about a shooting at Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek last week, according to police. have you met some of these teachers? The Boosters are a non-profit group organized by parents of Las Lomas High School athletes. This is the third incident of this kind this week. Rick Hurd has been a breaking news reporter for the Bay Area News Group since 2011. S If you consider some of the teachers youve met unstable, why would you leave your kids with them in the first place? Addeddate 2021-06-08 00:15:46 Duration 6608 Identifier cowcca-Las_Lomas_High_School_2021_Commencement Run time 01:50:08 Scanner Internet Archive Python library 2.0.2 Series Las Lomas High School Year 2021 Youtube-height 720 . High School United States California North Coast Div III Las Lomas. My prayers are with them. Clark County School District police Lt. Bryan Zink said gunfire . Walnut Creek Police Arrest Person Suspected Of Making Las Lomas High School Threats, The Clayton Police Weekly Activity Report, Man Dies In Solo Vehicle Collision On Saturday Morning, State To End Indoor Mask Requirement In Health Care Facilities, Vaccine Requirement For Health Care Workers, Claycord Talk About Whatever March 3, 2023, Claycord Talk About Politics March 3, 2023, Half Of California Freed From Drought After Back-To-Back Storms Drench State, Report Shows, The Water Cooler Name One Food You Refuse To Eat, Antioch Woman Arrested For Allegedly Threatening Contra Costa Christian School In Walnut Creek, BART Police Encourage Riders To Use BART Watch App to Report Crime, New California State Bill Would Ban Unnecessary Printed Receipts, The Claycord Online Museum The Old Nations On Contra Costa Blvd. Walnut Creek Police officers patrol the parking lot of Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek, Calif., on Friday, Feb. 10, 2023. Skip to content. Search for: Home; Merchandise; Auction. Acalanes Union High School District Superintendent John Nickerson said 21 students at Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek tested positive for the virus during the last two weeks of April. Those who left messages on a second table, set up for Christian Bishop, remembered him as one of "nicest, funniest, and most kind-hearted" people ever. No evidence of shooting has been found. Law enforcemen ? Summer Training will begin June 20th. ", "Their feelings of grief and loss will undoubtedly continue through this weekend and beyond," he added. Its funny to see the down votes. . A Vermont girls high school basketball team forfeited an out of state tournament after refusing to play against a team that had a transgender player. Administrators at Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek are reportedly working with county health officials to trace 20 confirmed cases of COVID-19 recently discovered among their students, believed to have been spread during a large off-campus party. He was "absolutely fearless" and loved to try new things, including tackling a "ropes course" in Lake Tahoe, his father said. Students at Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek today are mourning the loss of two of their classmates who drowned in Walnut Creek on Saturday after attempting a rafting trip on a waterway swollen by heavy rains. Shortly after noon on Friday, Las Lomas High School staff reported they received a phone call threatening a shooting on campus. This appears to be some type of threat, however, that has not been confirmed. He has appeared on television and radio programs to discuss high-profile cases and is the author of "Presumed Dead - A True-Life Murder Mystery," about the Hans Reiser murder case in Oakland. 1460 S Main St Walnut Creek, CA 94596. Police are actively searching campus after receiving a threatening phone call.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fox3now_com-banner-1','ezslot_12',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fox3now_com-banner-1-0'); This appears to be some type of threat, however, that has not been confirmed. It could have been a teacher. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Info stolen in Oakland ransomware attack set to be released, Map: Track this weekends rain in the Bay Area, Active-shooter scare sends Walnut Creek students home early, Woman suspected of making threats toward Christian schools campus in Walnut Creek arrested, Federal jury finds Bay Area man guilty in string of East Bay bank robberies, Jurors hopelessly deadlocked in Bay Point murder trial, mistrial declared, In wake of scandal, East Bay school district keeps a close eye on staff behavior. Detectives were able to identify Demoni Costello as the person allegedly responsible for the threat. Security expert Jeff Rinaldo said it's not uncommon to see a string of incidents like this happening after the Oxford High School shooting in . I recall a bomb threat that forced us to evacuate at DVC nearly 20 years ago, and our teacher just rolled his eyes and sighed as he instructed us to leave. Walnut Creek Police have arrested an 18-year-old from Lathrop in connection with a threat made at Las Lomas High School on Friday, February 10, 2023. Once the campus was cleared, Walnut Creek Police detectives immediately began investigating possible leads as to who may be responsible for the threat. School Street, Carenage: 637 - 3123 : Four Roads: Diego Martin Main Road, Four Roads, Diego Martin: 637 - 3860 : . The. Police are on scene and everyone is currently safe. Get Morning Report and other email newsletters. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. And there is a crosswalk right by where it happened. She filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in 1999, and her debts were discharged, federal court records show. One of Miramonte High Schools most anticipated annual events []. Investigators identified Costello as the person responsible for the threat and arrested him Thursday. Volume 71, Issue 2. We had bomb threats 2 or 3 times. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Guayaguayare Road and High Street, Rio Claro : 644 - 2332 : Sangre Grande: Cor. Please click on the tab above 'Summer Training' for more information. PIX Now -- Friday morning headlines from the KPIX newsroom, Public File for KBCW-TV / KBCW 44 Cable 12. Our students will be creative thinkers who contribute as global citizens and lead with resilience. Walnut Creek PD will continue to investigate the origin of the threat, police said. Adam Williams would have been a junior in the fall at Las Lomas High, where he was a member of the track and cross country teams. 2021. He was last reported to be undergoing tests in Intensive Care. Police worked with staff to release students for the day at 1:05 p.m. WCPD detectives are investigating where the threat came from. Police are now going classroom to classroom. A 15-year-old Walnut Creek youth was struck and seriously injured by a car while skateboarding to school at Las Lomas High School Thursday. And yes, it was finals week. We would love to have you join the Diablo Women's Chorale! Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. Demoni Costello was arrested in connection with the threat made shortly after noon on Feb. 10 at the campus on South Main Street. First, Judith Elizabeth Williams took her two cats to the shelter. I hope the hospital gives the community an update on the condition of the15 year old boy that was badly injured. NEWS24-680. The campus is still dealing , who died inFebruary while rafting along one of the creeks that run through downtown Walnut Creek. In 2008, Welch graduated and signed with Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.Welch is a four-time national qualifier and in 2011, became . Provident Federal Credit Union "Proud to Serve You!" > Blog > Uncategorized > jamie lomas son billy News relating to Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek , CA. No evidence of any shooting was found. Are they in denial or do they approve of school shootings? WALNUT CREEK -- An 18-year-old Lathrop man was arrested on suspicion of making a threatening call about a shooting at Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek last week, according to police. Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek is on lockdown. 1460 South Main Street, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. This was an unconfirmed report of an active shooter. Near the top of the 3,849-foot peak, at a lookout with panoramic views of the Bay Area, she shot the teenager to death with a .357 handgun and turned the gun on herself, authorities said Wednesday. Then, investigators say, the 51-year-old Walnut Creek woman got in the car with her 16-year-old son, Adam Findley Williams, and drove up Mount Diablo. All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! Driver was very elderly. He covers crime, public safety and the biggest stories of the day for The Mercury News and East Bay Times. I do miss those good ol days in the 90s and eating at Emil Villas..oh those ribs, UPDATE: Las Lomas High School In Walnut Creek On Lockdown Due To Unconfirmed Reports Of Active Shooter No Injuries Reported, No Evidence Of Shooting, The Clayton Police Weekly Activity Report, Man Dies In Solo Vehicle Collision On Saturday Morning, State To End Indoor Mask Requirement In Health Care Facilities, Vaccine Requirement For Health Care Workers, Claycord Talk About Whatever March 3, 2023, Claycord Talk About Politics March 3, 2023, Half Of California Freed From Drought After Back-To-Back Storms Drench State, Report Shows, The Water Cooler Name One Food You Refuse To Eat, Antioch Woman Arrested For Allegedly Threatening Contra Costa Christian School In Walnut Creek, BART Police Encourage Riders To Use BART Watch App to Report Crime, New California State Bill Would Ban Unnecessary Printed Receipts, The Claycord Online Museum The Old Nations On Contra Costa Blvd. He studied premed at UC Berkeley before graduating with a psychology major and was a reporter and editor at the Daily Californian student newspaper on campus.