Well have food, drink specials, and Club members will have the chance to win $75, $125, our progressive jackpot. The Exceptional Family Member Program can provide accommodations for military families of children with special needs; however they need to register with their current command before PCSing to Kenda AB. 1 0 obj Orders are needed to make a reservation. 961 Airborne Air Control Squadron. If attending within 60 days of PCSing to Kadena you may be able to utilize your free childcare voucher (Childcare for PCS program). This is a great opportunity to network and meet other spouses. WebContact information: TMO: schedule an appointment by calling 011-81-98-938-1111 or email kadenahousing.customerservice@us.af.mil Household Goods/Transportation Office (inbound) 315-634-0128 Pets: If you choose to bring a pet, they are difficult to move off island during the months of May-August. Map Directions Satellite Photo Map kadena.af.mil Wikipedia Photo: Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0. Notable Places in the Area Okinawa Arena Stadium Photo: Kk123456123456, CC BY-SA 4.0. Four Diamonds Softball Complex& Baseball Field, Variety of Tournaments and Competitions and Intramurals. Douglas Boulevard Building #6 Okinawa, Japan, Overseas /Rotate 0 Loan LockerVisit the Kadena Loan Locker to borrow household items such as dishes, microwaves, cookware to use while you are arriving or departing the island. WebContact Information. Map Directions Satellite Photo Map kadena.af.mil Wikipedia Photo: Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0. Notable Places in the Area Okinawa Arena Stadium Photo: Kk123456123456, CC BY-SA 4.0. Kadena Air Base 33rd Rescue Squadron WebBuilding No. Dress in green if you can! If you dont already have an account, you can create one. 33rd Rescue Squadron. The eForm (DD Form 2648) is initiated during this appointment.Must be accomplished NLT 365 days from the date of separation (DOS). 5:00 pm 7:00 pm. Must be accomplished NET 12 months and NLT 90 days from date of separation (DOS). All materials are provided. 909th Air Refueling Squadron. WebKadena Air Base Medical Clinic. The following are prohibited and should not be shipped or imported: firearms, illegal drugs, Vicks nasal inhalers, cough syrups containing codeine, pornographic materials, (e.g. 65th Anniversary of Battle of Okinawa endstream Kadena Air Base Installation Address & Phone 18th Component Maintenance Squadron Members WITH dependent(s) must send the following: copy of PCS orders,dependent(s) passport(s) & VISA information to718FSS.MPS.PassportMatters@us.af.mil via encrypted email. Kadena Air Base WebKadena Air Base is a highly strategic United States Air Force base in the towns of Kadena and Chatan and the city of Okinawa, in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. 0000150384 00000 n Due to NIPR Net restrictions this website might not be displayed correct or complete. This spouse orientation offers valuable tools to help you successfully adapt to the military lifestyle. 99 Click here for a simple budget worksheet! /Length 4466 Fill Out the Form Below to Get Access to the Pre-Arrival Video. But there is good chance you will like other map styles even more. Japanese Kimono WearingKimono is a Japanese traditional style of dress. This month we will provide a fun March craft for the kiddos. /Type /XObject When customers bring in their applications or rsums, an individual appointment is scheduled to discuss the document in depth, which gives the consultants an opportunity to thoroughly review the document and research additional resources that might enhance it. Check out what information and resources are available to you at this installation. Medical support and services may vary by location. Utilize these resources to help you and your family balance life in the military. Over 20,000 personnel work at the base. Individual appointments are recommended if you are facing particularly difficult financial problems. Myth Busters: History office sets record straight Okinawa Navy Hotels for TDY and Leisure Lodging -- Navy Gateway Inns 0000007334 00000 n Hearts ApartJoin us each month for an fun filled deployed family activity. The Volunteer Resource Program provides numerous opportunities for military members and their families to experience new things while giving back to their communities and/or helping others. WebHobson Drive - Named in honor of Maj. Gen Kenneth B. Hobson, Vice Commander of 5th Air Force, in 1958. 961 Airborne Air Control Squadron. First impressions matter. U.S. Army Garrison - Camp Zama GSA ServMart #53 North Kadena Air Base Directory Complete and email the following items to This email address is being protected from spambots. www.facebook.com/usokadena Mar 22nd, 2023 11:30 AM JST (1130I) USO Kadena | Services include: Looking for a job can be a daunting task, but youre not alone when it comes to finding employment. The 18th Wing maintains a fleet of aircraft that serve every area of airpower functions. The air field was used to launch rapid air attacks on approaching US forces, but was quickly captured when Marines and soldiers invaded the island. Kadena Air Base - Okinawa, Japan GSA ServMart #44 Building 792 Okinawa-ken Kadena-cho, Japan 904-0117 (JP) Phone: DSN 632-7866 or 634-3291 Commercial: 81-611-634-3291 Email: Kadena.Servmart@gsa.gov Store Hours: MondayFriday, 0800-1500. WebIt is also recommended that you have enough Yen for phone calls, food, or local transportation if needed (e.g. WebKadena AB | Youth Services & Contact Info | MilitaryINSTALLATIONS An official Defense Department website See our network of support for the military community VIEW ALL INSTALLATIONS SUPPORT PLAN MY MOVE MILITARY ONESOURCE We provide a catered breakfast and lunch, guest speakers, games and a panel of community agencies/experts. OTS (CHUBB & AIG) Insurance 098-938-4279 WebIt is also recommended that you have enough Yen for phone calls, food, or local transportation if needed (e.g. << Myth Busters: History office sets record straight, Three 44th Pursuit Squadron pilots among heroes at Pearl Harbor, HISTORY 101: Kadena F-15 holds last Marine aerial victory, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Please bring a copy of your spouses deployment orders. Participants pursuing self-employment in the private or non-profit sector will learn about the challenges faced by entrepreneurs, the benefits and realities of entrepreneurship, and the steps toward business ownership. The USO is a not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DoD). WebIt is very important you coordinate transportation arrangements with your sponsor prior to arriving in Okinawa as there is not Shuttle Service from Naha to Kadena Air Base. Strategy used to employ this mission centers around a force of 81 combat-ready fighter, air refueling, airborne warning and control and search and rescue aircraft. /Pages 1 0 R The Veterans Affairs Disability Claims representative will give a briefing on benefits during the Transition Assistance Program (TAP). Three 44th Pursuit Squadron pilots among heroes at Pearl Harbor The 18th Wing is responsible for F-15s, KC-135s, E-3s andHH-60s valued at more than $4 billion, as well as other equipment and capital assets valued at nearly $2 billion. Kadena % This computer based training module provides tips on how to make initial contact, assess members needs, and access to the Sponsorship Tool Kit is also available. Resource CenterThe M&FRC has an abundance of free reading materials available for checkout. CRS: Complete targeted resume or provide verification of employment. 0000105829 00000 n *'I1L~cV t$I~9;S=/ -|Jw[ ;AW/v:u( K9Z9]sLv&x+ D*Ks7Y_&:[T' 1J9D%;6:fg.js`$ D Kp 1}/;X>_so+G1 #L1;w:3n|%U|C$:'(vls^ K! For an appointment, call 634-3366. This workshop consists of the following mandatory requirements: DoD Day, VA Benefits and Services, DOL Employment Fundamentals of Career Transition. Come out to socialize with friends and co-workers, enjoy our hors doeuvres, and members will have a chance to win cash prizes. 9 0 obj 17th Special Operations Squadron43rd Intelligence Squadron, DetachmentHelicopter Sea Combat Squadron Eight Five, An official website of the United States government, 353rd Special Operations Support Squadron, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Classes and individual consultation on career planning and personal development, resume writing, interviewing skills and all other phases of the job search process. The Personal Financial Readiness Program offers the opportunity to learn the basics of sound financial management via classroom instruction or during individual consultations. Units DOUBLETREE BY HILTON Okinawa Chatan Resort, Hokkaid Rmen Okuharary Hayatemaru Chatan. /ID [<780f03d6565834b4c841da2f13adfc6c><780f03d6565834b4c841da2f13adfc6c>] Taxi service is a transportation option you can use. Per the terms of the agreement, United States military forces are granted access to the land and resources of the country in exchange for shouldering a portion of the defense responsibilities and overall national security of Japan. Service members and Veterans will be connected with a small business owner to mentor and guide them through their business start-up. WebKadena AFB in Okinawa, Japan (Google Maps) Okinawa, Japan (JP) Like Tweet Share Pin US Air Force Base Kadena, located in Okinawa, Japan. Typically, 50,000 yen ($500) is sufficient for the first several weeks on island. TMO/Household Goods Shipment: Houses on Okinawa are small, and storage is limited. This program is offered on the third Saturday each month at the Child Development Centers for children 6 weeks to 5 years old and the Himawari School Age Program for children 5 years (in kindergarten) to 12 years old. endobj Jabara Drive - Maj. James Jabara, America's first ace in Korea. Become a Club Member today! Experience a language and cultural exchange between American and Japanese local nationals. Pre-separation Counseling should be accomplished early in the transition process but NLT 365 days from the anticipated date of separation. The length and construction of the runways allow Kadena to receive any aircraft in the United States or Japanese aircraft fleet. Use the buttons under the map to switch to different map types provided by Maphill itself. Contact the M&FRC for more information regarding the program and the referral process. /Height 196 Kadena Air Base Tel: 011-81-98-961-1110. 756 18 WG In-Processing Map Map Produced by: The Kadena Geo Integration Office (718 CECEG) - DSN : 634-9311 Map Maintained by: 18 FSS Au toR esal L A ir mand F ly R eadi ns C t r Building No. WebThe 18FSS Fitness Center Kadena offers a wide selection of weight training equipment, fitness classes, two gymnasiums, three racquetball courts and mens and w Fitness & Sports Complex - 18th Force Support Squadron - Kadena Air Force Base All other buildings have central air condition/heating which are set in accordance with Kadena Air Force Base temperature standards. You are about to leave the Military INSTALLATIONS site. Check out our massage therapists and a variety of massage styles! Service members show evidence they have completed Career Readiness Standards (CRS), which are tangible measurements of a service members preparedness to successfully transition from military to civilian life. endobj [\sV33 ;mavnuV9Wgi @k=!UgQ,* vlM96:/1tfYu[z* q]TeK @B4gfg_x=vV' yW?G:U3:Kw'. Kadena 33rd Rescue Squadron. The Wing operates a fleet of combat-ready aircraft to perform air superiority, aerial refueling, airborne warning and control, and combat search and rescue functions. Non Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO)This program ensures SOFA personnel are prepared for emergency evacuation. Items are loaned out for 30 days at a time and extensions may be requested. WebPet owners should contact their Sponsor for more information and visit the Karing Kennels website. WebGet phone number, available for, address, map location, driving directions for Subway Kadena Air Base Bldg at Kadena Olympic Subway, Kadena Air Base Bldg #93, Okinawa Exchange Unit 35613, Okinawa 96378-5153, Okinawa.