(I did try to read it again a couple of years later, but nope. Meredith Duran is an English author of romance and historical fiction books. As for books priced less than a dollar, again, thats not too uncommon for the kinds of shorts that self-pubbers crank out. I remember reading a gothic type romance with time travel elements back in the early 90s when I was much younger. Meredith Duran And at a furious pace. is meredith duran still writing - lpramtrucks.reidcorp.net T.Dare.L.Kleypas. I like fluff as much as the next person but there was never anything simple about my feelings reading Duke of Shadows, or The Prince of Midnight and I really miss that in most current HR releases. Judith James reissued expanded version of her Restoration trilogy on Kindle and theyre great but her website is now defunct. They end up at the front of displays in the few big chain bookstores left. I dont know if Stein ever announced shed stopped writing, but as far as I can tell her last published work was a short story in the 2018 Christmas Anthology, REINDEER GAMES. I think someone said Sorenson was publishing under another name, but I could never really verify if that were the case. One thing other thing Ive noticed from reading a bunch of Kindle Unlimited books is that a lot of copycat authors try to mimic some authors humorous internal thoughts or banter poorly. Likewise, I try to be a critical reader myself and check my own biases if I find that Im making assumptions about groups, including based on age. I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the interview, Sandy, and your Nardi comparison as well (Im really grateful theres no vomit in BBYT, since I had a tough time getting over that in Bliss). Its my opinion based on what I have observed and read over the past 35 years or so of being a romance reader in one form or another. I relisten to the books periodically, I hope they come back someday. I think McKenna said writing wasnt fun anymore and took a job in another field (I know her children are still fairly young too, so perhaps the decision to stop writing was also driven by family concerns). She was the Pulitzer Prize-finalist TV critic for the San Francisco Examiner, and a founding staff member of Salon. I see a lot of authors will post what and who they are currently reading or their influences and I think its brave in this day and age as people can be quick to draw conclusions. While I have found some newer historical romance authors like Julia Bennet who write engaging and unique stories and have a voice I enjoy- I also find them harder to come by. Ill add them to my TBLtL! Theres always a bit of a grieving process for me as I let a favorite author go. And I so want Stellas story. Ho-hum. My phone is being annoying.). The LaurasLaura Moore and Laura Florand. Sorry for typos. That occurred to me as well! Personally, I am not interested in her YA series. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()). "How kind of you to confirm what I already know. Anne Mallory, Liz Carlyle, Julie James, Courtney Milan, and Joanna Bourne all havent published anything recently much to their fans dismay. There are wonderful books out there Getting Schooled by Emma Chase comes to mind as an example that have multiple characters of multiple ages, and both genders, flashbacks, several different settings, humor, drama, even pathos, that are utterly perfect as both audio and print books. But still sad for me. 2012 Luck Be a Lady. If she comes back to romance she'll be better than ever. Her debut, The Duke of Shadows, has been translated into thirteen languages and was ranked among the top 100 romances of all time by NPR and All About Romance. Just because something isnt officially written down doesnt mean it isnt happening. Have you considered submitting it to Carina Press? I couldnt agree more. Leave me out of the drawing, since Ive already read and loved both Bound by Your Touch and Written on Your Skin. They feel like plays, and I want novels. The formal demands of the two genres are quite different, of course. I miss historical romances where the protagonists are truly complex or deeply flawed, the premise isnt afraid to stretch the genres boundaries, and the details are thoroughly grounded in the historical setting. Meredith "On Hiatus" Duran (@meredithduran) / Twitter MEREDITH DURAN grew up enamored of British history. I just wanted to say that I loved The Duke of Shadows. The Investiture Controversy would be an amazing setting and I wish you great luck with your story. At thirteen years old, she made a list of life goals that included writing romance novels, trying sushi, and going to London to see Holbein's portrait of Anne Boleyn. MEREDITH DURAN blames Anne Boleyn for sparking her lifelong obsession with British history. Same here, for some reason I found it extremely difficult to get into Sherry Thomas Charlotte Holmes series. Meredith L Duran, age 45 I miss LaVyrle Spencer and Muriel Jensen and, although I think shes still writing but never fast enough, Kathleen Gilles Seidel. She is writing. is meredith duran still writing - volat-publicite.com The hero is one of the sexiest and most seductive Ive ever come across and the heroine forthright, likable, sympathetic, and believably damaged. Im as hungry for new books from my favorite authors as the next gal, but Id rather wait longer and get a deeper, more interesting story than wait less for a rushed product. I may have come across as a bit harsh, but I actually do like the Harlequin Historical line. I hope she keeps writing though. And my name is Lydia so how could I not reply! June 14, 2022; did steve urkel marry laura in real life . Im happy Joanna Bourne is still working on her next book, however slowly. You're a doctoral student in anthropology! Every generation, every decade even, produces different ideas of the ideal man or hero. #cnsf18. (Would you be insulted if I told you I thought James was a bit Nardi-esque only without the vomit?) Congrats Meredith. Apr 22, 2018. var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1); Devastated by the idea that Meredith Duran is done writing. Meredith Duran - Anne Stuart We have a national election headed our way in months. I make quilts because at some point during the process of stitching I know/realize this is the essence of what will be left of me for several generations. London will still adore him in the morning. Fingers crossed: this sounds really good! I just miss her amazing HRs so much..! "Beauty is as beauty does Silver-tongued Viscount Sanburne is London's favorite scapegrace. Plus, I knew about the Egypt romances, Jeannie Lins work, etc. I dont necessarily believe that books are shorter today if you take into consider self-publishing, for instance. I also miss Elizabeth Lowell, her westerns (both historical and modern day) were wonderful. Which is crazy when you think about it considering someone else is using their characters without permission in the first place. Fool Me Twice. The same with books for many a reader. Die-hard erotica short story authors can easily pump out one, two, or even three stories per week a speed I have trouble keeping up with. 5.0 out of 5 stars Made a great . I can wait it sucks, but I can, but it would be kind of her to inform the readers, whatever her decision is. I thought I would post this here as a number of authors mentioned below including Anne Stuart and Jennifer Crusie are included in these interviews The Australian Romance Readers Association on YouTube have a ton of new interviews with so many favorite authors Including Nalini Singh, Amanda Bouchet, Jayne Anne Kremtz, SEP, Anne Stuart, Jennifer Crusie, Suzanne Brockmann and more. Like that line in movie The Devil Wears Prada where Miranda lectures Annie and tells her shes wearing a particular shade of blue sweater because Miranda and a few select others made a decision years ago that that blue would be fashionable and promoted in magazines and high fashion until it trickled down to the level of the market where Annie bought it. Someone believes something is a trend without evidence and voila, its a trend. I miss Linnea Sinclair as well. Yes, the husband/wife from the trilogy. Thanks, Dabney. so maybe I have missed something somewhere. And, without giving too much away, what readers can expect from your August release, Written on Your Skin? I agree with everything you have written here. A 100-125k word book about the Holy Roman Empire sounds fascinating. Hopefully, the authors who have stopped writing will return or new authors will appear on the scene to fill this void. Blind faith, he feels, gives a free pass to those who would abuse and use your love and give nothing in return for it. And I miss authors who may be an image of my youth, they might not work for me anymore, maybe: Iris Johansson (I do not like her crime books, same for others that come up), Judith mcNaught, Catherine Coulter, Tami Hoag, Elizabeth Lowell, Suzanne Brockmann, I just remember my enchantment when a new book came out . Thank you for your kinds words! The author gets all the blame, none of the credit, and the publishing house can look virtuous by dropping the author like a hot potato when internet riots break out. wont ever write again but that they are no longer the commanding presence they once were in the genre and that I am pleasantly surprised when I hear of a new book from them. Joyce Millman started her writing career in 1981 as a music critic for the Boston Phoenix. Ivory had such a unique voice and I havent found anyone like her. Meredith Duran | At Least I'm Well-Read But they arent facts. But publishing eventually wore her down, as it does a lot of people. and our Through AARs reviews and words of mouth from the people here, Ive discovered wonderful new-to-me authors to fill the HR void. I keep hoping for an early release. Great interview, I think it is safe to say that I will be heading out to get The Duke of Shadows. What he doesnt anticipate is that shell choose to collect on that promise at the exact moment he finally wins his freedom or that his salvation from a very dark past might lie in the arms of a woman whos even better at deception than he is. Im a massive Drummond fan too. Sometimes success brings a whole new batch of troubles, and any artistic decision you make can affect the income of hundreds or thousands of people. I was excited when I heard about that mm book myselfthen I deflated when I read the blurb. Total immersion, fascinating experiences and interesting points of view from our heroes and heroines, even amazing and difficult and heartrending Redemption of thorough villians-dang, may have to go start re-reading.. Id like to see Deanna Rayburn continue the Lady Julia Gray series! I love her Darkyn series (among others) and long for the featured stories of some of the characters appearing in the series. I worry that the reason I find less and less of the type of historical romance that I like is because I have aged out of the the current style. Their maximum word count is 125,000, which is far higher than Harlequin HR. This seemed both a sad and very intriguing comment. Bound by Your Touch will set firmly on my virtual keeper shelf. I think in some novels the age of the author slips in somewhat even if they are writing someone younger. A business can only take so many chances at once. Im planning to read her upcoming book. But the concern is, sadly, reasonable. Meredith was born and raised enamored of British history. Social media has become an indispensable element in any digital marketing strategy. Its just generally not what I want. First of all Meredith, confession time: I loved Bound by Your Touch so very much that I havent yet read Written on Your Skin. img.scaleToMaxWidth(385); I have reservations I wont go into here, and quite honestly, think LB is simply jumping on a band wagon. Its my personal observation that the books publishers are choosing and pushing are more generic titles with lighter themes set in mostly 19th century England or Europe. I have also heard that editors all also asking authors to rewrite entire characters to make them more acceptable in some way and other things that seemed to be less about making the book stronger and more about making sure it fit into the mold they wanted. These two are Editors that were telling their authors how and what to write. Enjoys both carpe diem and the fish of the day. Also, I recently discovered Carla Kelly. Amazon scam authors are those who crank out a book a month, sometimes plagiarizing from others. Like others have mentioned, her books, along with Judith Ivory and Laura Kinsale, are so grown up, I suppose. Nina Bangs (pnr, a few years) As the old Tootsie Roll commercials say, The world may never know. Willread. They are still quite good. The other thing that occurred as I studied was that I realized some of the authors I miss the most are ones who are still writing but are writing books that just dont work for me any more for a variety of reasons. ', Okay, so you have to take that advice with a heavy handful of salt, but I get the point he was making. Wow. Its not that I think Joanna Bourne, Anne Stuart, Loretta Chase, etc. I know this series is a success for her, so shes going to continue it for quite a while I imagine. are being marketed more and given more of a PR push. Pamela Morsi is a good example. And the number of authors mentioned on this page who have been cited as saying its hard for them to make a living writing what they like is very concerning. I found myself skipping too many parts or throwing them in irritation. Why do some authors, actors, musicians, artists, and so forth become more popular and well-known than others, even if their work is of a demonstrably lower quality than some of their struggling contemporaries? I am trying to be part of the solution. Good for you. Shes amazing. Jill Sorenson now writes as Jill Cliff. With Bound by Your Touch, Im pretty sure that the keyword is faith or, more accurately, whether or not to love someone is to have total faith in him or her. Meredith Duran returns with another witty, humorous and smart romance in this Rules for th Your Wicked Heart (Rules for the Reckless, #0.5) by Meredith Duran | Goodreads Jump to ratings and reviews She also purposefully writes only middle-aged heroines because she tries to disrupt stereotypes of ageism in our culture. And availability often shapes most peoples choices. Is that a 100% accurate assessment of whats popular? Lydia gave me greater trouble.She always had my sympathy, of course.Being scorned, passed over, made to feel a foolif this happens at a vulnerable moment (like your first declaration of love), it can cripple your dreams and your courage for a long time to come.I found it entirely fitting, then, that she would want to fight for her loved onesthat is, the loved ones who actually recognized her worth, and made her feel valuedtill the bitter end. I also want a publsiher to help me build a career because I want to write one than one book and I want to throw open the world and write books that are set outside of Great Britian because I have ideas for books set in Russia and South America that I want to write and I just want to have the chance to write them. Covering theory, applications, and research, this comprehensive book has become the gold standard of health behavior texts. Im curious to know more about why light fiction focusing on light-weighted female characters is a trend., I dont mind it in contemporary romance or even a time travel, but I really dislike 19th century bluestocking heroines that write like modern bloggers., This! 2010 That Scandalous Summer. None of the writers I read tend to write more than a book at year at best and they write complex characters, including complex heroines.But Im only one reader and can only read a certain number of books per year. The "Strangler Fig" pattern for technology modernization may be my favorite for complex transformations, but there are varying approaches of the pattern that I rememberthat there was even a category line that was 85k, I think it was Harlequin SuperRomance, and even the Trad. But, clearly, this is your own voice and your own style and your own story. She is the author of twelve novels, all published by Pocket Books. Hi Meredith! Bound By Your Touch sounds great. (Not saying impossible, just impractical.). However, I worried that her devotion risked coming off as obstinacy, or, worse yet, as stupidity.And my greatest nightmare is writing a TSTL heroine. I know that is one of the big reasons why a lot of authors dont want anything to do with someones unpublished manuscript and I dont blame them. It also occurs to me in this discussion that I distinguish between authors who have literally vanished and havent been seen in years and authors whose output has significantly diminished and who I tend to think now of as semi-retired. She blames Anne Boleyn for sparking her lifelong obsession with British history (and for convincing her that princely love is no prize if it doesn't come with a happily-ever-after). Jacquie DAlessandro (8 years) I think Sarah Addison Allen still writes but she has suffered some family losses. Ive been saving it for a special occasion, I think. And Zemindar. But that he even had that thoughtwell, right from the beginning, I knew that he would need to have a very powerful reason to entertain such black thoughts, and it wasnt long before I realized that reason. I have fond memories of Zemindar. Ill be honest once again. Lydia, on the other hand, is the proverbial outsideran acknowledged spinster, overshadowed completely by her two beautiful sisters.She clings to the rules that James delights in breaking, if only because they seem to offer her safety. So hopefully well have more from her. But I think its fair to say that she liked it! Julia Spencer-Fleming released a new book in April Hid From Our Eyes. Meredith Duran - Facebook Definitely. Just wanted to say, I love those titles, especially Written on Your Skin. Still, going to make my way into another Duran book next. But I think it says something that Harlequin no longer accepts submissions for their lackluster line Dare, which never allowed erotic content despite advertising itself as Harlequins hottest line yet. by | Oct 29, 2021 | ark center hidden underwater base locations | john mccririck falling out of a boat | Oct 29, 2021 | ark center hidden underwater base locations | john mccririck falling out of a boat is meredith duran still writing - regalosh.com I miss Lynn Viehl. But that doesnt mean those authors have the same chance of being picked up by the casual Walmart shopper who still reads paperbacks and likes to grab a couple when they do their big grocery haul. Still love them, but esp THATC. Judith A Lansdowne; Marjorie Farrell; Barbara Metzger; Emma Drummond; Paul Detmer Riggs. Im going to review it for AG, so well see. Whatever route you decide to take, good luck to you! Sourcebooks allows up to 100,000 words. And their system definitely favors books less than a week old, which encourages more book churning. To enter for your chance to win, simply comment to this post by 11:59 p.m. eastern time on Thursday, June 11th. From exotic sandstone palaces. Elizabeth Hoyt hasnt written much in a long time and based on reviews of her last book, I havent started her new series. This is why I get so miffed when authors get pilloried on Twitter, like theyre wholly responsible for iffy content they were probably pushed into writing in the first place in order to secure that next advance. If the average romance reader tears through Regencies with titled heroes and bluestocking heroines, thats what theyll keep producing. Meredith Duran Phone Number, Email, Address & More - CocoFinder This is not the only example. Thats interesting about Avon. mozzart jackpot winners yesterday; new mandela effects 2021; how to delete a payee on barclays app As some here have said, the recent kerfuffle with RWA would be enough for a lot of romance authors to quietly vanish and secretly publish under a new name or genre. I am really looking forward to Meredith Durans new books especially as several AAR staff have good things to say about them. I too wish shed write more romance! Thank you for bringing up how authors are often forced to alter characters, major plot points, and word counts in order to fit into an industry standard box rather than telling the best possible original story. They never were., The 2nd annual Nothing but Reading Challenges' Best 'DRESS'ed Cover Poll. My own reading selections belie that notion. I didnt post often but I read a lot of the posts, and I clicked on your Amazon links whenever I bought a book to show my support. Im still writing some romance but Im also moving over to historical detective stories. Im audio only now, so I have no objection to the audio experience, obviously. Shes so active on social media that it feels like shes around. Sandra Antonelli, a romance author who is reviewed here, wrote her doctoral dissertation on ageism in romances and blogs about it frequently and has lots of great insight on the issue. Interview with Meredith Duran - Edwardian Promenade Was it a reaction to something the way that the pop music resurgence happened after grunge ruled the music charts? Calhouns radio silence is particularly troubling because she shut down all of her social media accounts and has been completely out of the Romancelandia loop. I am unlikely to listen to this one though, even though I love both narrators, because Im not enjoying any of her work right now. Yes, agree about Judith Duncan; I loved her books set in the Canadian wide open spaces. Meredith Duran - Fantastic Fiction Influencers and endorsement: a legal perspective for brands If you are a member, the books on Audible are nearly always the same price regardless of length, which depends on your membership level. I just cant cope with the romance community as it is right now, and historical romance sales have gone right down since the Amazon scam authors moved in. As a concluding point about romance trends, I think measurements would prove extremely difficult if self-published and indie works are included in studies. Perhaps not always to be taken seriously but good always for a smile. Kris, you are spot on in your assessment regarding some of the major problems in mainstream publishing today. As of this writing I am two and a half years into a PhD program and still relatively fresh off of a stint in corporate America, which means that like most members of Dexys in the 1980s, I know a thing or two about trying to make something worthwhile in an environment where nobody around you knows what they're doing and you're constantly . If we don't know the name of the reviewer, we've placed their reviews under this generic name. Duran grew up with a love and obsession with British history which led her to set many of her novels in 1880s Britain and Victorian England. https://jakonrath.blogspot.com/2012/05/harlequin-fail.html, https://justpublishingadvice.com/kindle-scams-are-still-making-easy-money/. The problem is, trends are often just a product of cultural resonance without any rhyme or reason. Unfortunately, while authors do break out in self publishing, its the ones that get contracts with big publishers that make it into most of the casual readers hands. Are readers suddenly not interested in reading complex books? Youre right to be wary of claims without concrete evidence, Blackjack, but publishing and other forms of pop culture can be difficult to measure objectively. Yes, I follow Stuart on social media. Was there a marketing survey or research that said shorter, lighter romance books sell better and in larger amounts than more serious convoluted ones? IVE READ EVERY COMMENT And thats a huge problem although is sadly what a large part of the m/m audience seem to want. And then I get the sinking feeling either when I read it and am disappointed or when I know not to even try to read it for same. Heres what Blythe had to say: For me, its all about the hero he was completely delicious.