B. consistently avoided controversial social reforms. 1. children learn best by doing What did the Progressive movement do quizlet? the more money you make, the higher a percentage you pay the government, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology. Users can create playlists and choose to use Spotify's random shuffling feature to play back the songs. The initiative process was first introduced in the United States during the Progressive Era. In 17th-century New England, ordinances and other laws were listed on town hall meeting agendas. A. contended that inequalities between humans were rooted in education. The main themes ended during American involvement in World War I (1917-1918) while the waste and efficiency elements continued into the 1920s. The recall and the direct primary were progressive-era political reforms designed to weaken E. philanthropic organizations. -Gifford Pinchot made director of U.S. Forestry Service Progressivism holds that it is possible to improve human societies through political action. CommencementdateAnnualleasepaymentdueatthebeginningofeachyear,beginningwithMay1,2020.BargainpurchaseoptionpriceatendofleasetermLeasetermEconomiclifeofleasedequipmentLessorscostFairvalueofassetatMay1,2020LessorsimplicitrateLesseesincrementalborrowingrateThecollectibilityoftheleasepaymentsbyMooneyisprobable.May1,2020$20,471.94$4,000.005years10years$65,000.00$91,000.008%8%. Progressive Era Reforms. 10/6/2020 Test: Progressive Era Terms | Quizlet NAME 5 Written questions 1. an early 1900s reform. a 19th century religious movement based on the belief that Christians have a responsibility to help improve working conditions and alleviate poverty. C. the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. C. deserved the vote because of their unique traits as women. E. the Far West. President William H. Taft fire Pinchot for insubordination. -Led to building codes requiring fire escapes. A procedure by which a law can be originated by the people rather than by legislatures. D. resulted in the unanimous passage by states of the Eighteenth Amendment. Congress. D. had a public image very much like that of Theodore Roosevelt. A. demonstrated its support for President Wilson's political agenda. C. emphasized education for the working class. \text{Commencement date}& But initiative use has expanded in other states, as well. 22. 14. At 40% of capacity, a variable cost is $4,000 and a fi xed cost is$6,000. What is the progressive era in US history quizlet? 36. The initiative process, which was the cornerstone of the reform package, was included as well. initiative progressive era quizlet Navigation Services; Case; Leadership; Contact Phone: (909) 621-8159. A. state government agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management. a 1913 law that set up a system of federal banks and gave government the power to control the money supply, law that weakened monopolies and upheld the rights of unions and farm organizations, law intended to promote free competition in the market place by outlawing monopolies. E. None of these answers is correct. Terms in this set (40) Progressive Movement. Draw a line under the compound subject of each sentence. D. opposed the growing preservationist movement as impractical. Historical foundations of initiative and referendum, Popular votes on adopting the initiative process. All the statistical data and information, unless otherwise noted, was gathered from Citizen Lawmakers (Temple University Press) or independently gathered by the Initiative & Referendum Institute. During the progressive era, the acknowledged leader of American socialism was President William H. Taft fire Ballinger, due to a conflict of interest. It should be noted that the record of initiative litigation is not fixed, especially for the most recent period, because there is an inevitable delay between voter approval of initiatives and resolution of post-election challenges. CHORAgOs. - the 17thAmendment provided for the direct election of Senators Temperance Movement. D. Richard Ballinger. B. the movement to work outside the home. It also spawned many political and legislative innovations that we now take for granted. 29. A clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867. -Showed the need for safer work conditions. In the Progressive Era, people began to have more control over their government through the development of the recall, the initiative, and the referendum. c. Prepare the journal entries to reflect the signing of the lease agreement and to record the receipts and income related to this lease for the years 2020 and 2021. E. he deeply antagonized the conservative Old Guard wing of his party. Theodore Roosevelt did not run for another term as president in 1908 because D. strengthen the power of city councils at the expense of mayors. \text{Lessors cost}& The founder of the NAACP who encouraged African Americans to fight to end segregation. gave Congress the power to pass an income tax, Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages. During the progressive era, reformers of city government frequently tried to A. the Old Guard and what was to become the "Bull Moose." Ferguson. The measures were put on the ballot by petition of I&R advocates, using a statewide, nonbinding advisory initiative process established by the legislature in 1901. Various forms of I&R have existed in the United States since the 17th century, beginning in New England, where ordinances and other issues were listed on town hall meeting agendas. D. meatpacking industry. If no word In the sentence should be hyphenated, write C after the sentence. C. had little faith in the power of public opinion. D. Richard Ballinger. (a) The first group will determine whether the bank qualifies as a holder in due course and, if so, for what amount. . Have students identify and categorize A. campaign finance reform. CREON. How did the government change during the Progressive Era How were these changes important? Criminal procedure and punishment The initiative process was secured by Nevadas 1912 amendment. In 1910, in Osawatomie, Kansas, Theodore Roosevelt announced a set of political principles that called for Hayden, without authority, fills in the note in the amount of $5,000\$ 5,000$5,000 and thirty days later sells the note to First National Bank of Oklahoma for $4,850\$ 4,850$4,850. Spotify is a music streaming service that offers both free and subscription options. In the election of 1908, William Howard Taft E. gained the support of most Catholic immigrants. B. the business community. [This program would be] fully paid for by imposing a Robin Hood tax on Wall Street. It is hard to deny the heart! by | Jun 15, 2022 | north node conjunct neptune synastry | greek mythology son falls in love with mother | Jun 15, 2022 | north node conjunct neptune synastry | greek mythology son falls in love with mother After a flurry of activity in the early twentieth century, initiative use declined at mid-century, then experienced a dramatic resurgence beginning in the 1970s. B. was dominated by anarchists. \hspace{10pt}\text{\$20,471.94}&\\ A constitutional convention passed a very limited initiative process in 1970, and it was approved by voters. C. tenant agriculture. A. the political parties. C. New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California all granted women the right to vote. 16th Amendment. A. child labor. The 1914 strengthened existing antitrust laws. [12], Scholars refer to 1996 as the high watermark year for the use of the initiative process; out of 93 initiatives on statewide ballots, 44 were adopted (47 percent). B. limiting the authority of President William H. Taft. B. was one of Wilson's closest advisors. CREON. Come with me to the tomb. In Italy, an automobile can be produced by 8 workers in one day and a washing machine by 3 workers in one day. A. The main objective of the Progressive movement was eliminating corruption in government. justekst\underline{\phantom{\text{justekst}}}justekst were Spanish conquerors who were motivated by religious zeal and the desire for glory and riches. D. encouraged industries to write basic "codes" governing prices, hours, and wages across the board. 39. a. closure of red-light districts. founded the Tuskegee Institute to equip African Americans with teaching diplomas and useful skills in the trades and agriculture. Women's rights movement. C. struck down reform legislation. Other states soon followed. 10/4/2021 Chapter 9 - The Progressive Era Flashcards | Quizlet https://quizlet.com/51011181/chapter-9-the-progressive-era-ash-cards/ 3/4 Pure Food and Drug Act Two income statements for Bradford Company are shown below. In the U.S., the terms initiative and referendum refer to processes that allow citizens of states to vote on particular pieces of legislation.. Direct Legislation: Voting on Ballot Propositions in the United States. C. managed to match Roosevelt's personal dynamism. When did Theodore Roosevelt become president? [12], During the 2000 election cycle, more than 350 initiatives were filed, and only 76 (approximately 22 percent) were placed on the ballot.[12]. B. often took anti-lynching and anti-segregation positions. A law that was intended to prevent the creation of monopolies by making it illegal to establish trusts that interfered with free trade. Creon, yes! A. sided with the miners. On a separate piece of paper, write the best possible answer for each one. B. more than ten percent of all marriages ended in divorce. At the state level, Progressives supported all of the following EXCEPT. Teddy Roosevelt. Also Federal Reserve Act. 20. The banning of alcoholic beverages. 33. C. was exposed by a federal commission as a fraudulent science. National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. U'Ren, Initiative and Referendum League of Maine Regarding divorce in the United States during the progressive era, by 1916 E. would help to defeat the growing movement for temperance. \hline \hline Rose Award for Excellence in Public Service, Battleground Pennsylvania: The 2022 Midterm Election, Red vs. Blue States: Competing Visions for 2022 and 2024, Webinars: 2020 Census and the New Redistricting Cycle, Rose Institute Q&A: CAs Top-Two Election System, COVID-19, the CARES Act and State and Local Government, Archive of Kosmont-Rose Institute Cost of Doing Business Survey. And it must be done at once: God moves Swiftly to cancel the folly of stubborn men. When Christina looked at the tag on the dress? B. were attacked by progressive reformers. 105 CREON. \textbf{Income Statements}\\ He insisted that education should be child centered and that schools should build character, teach good citizenship, and be instruments of social reform. South Dakota became the first state to adopt the statewide initiative and popular referendum process in 1898. Read 'Chicago' and 'Wilderness' by Carl Sandburg and answer the following question. Figures used to calculate answers provided by the National Conference of State Legislatures. C. should exist only if they benefited the middle class. A. Booker T. Washington's ideas were unnecessarily limiting to blacks. The brilliant lawyer Louis D. Brandies, who later became a Supreme Court justice, argued that the federal government should work to break up the largest corporations because the "curse of bigness" In 2000, 76 initiatives made statewide ballots, 17 fewer than what appeared on the ballot in 1996but still consistent with the decade average of 73 initiatives per election cycle. Du Bois asserted all of the following EXCEPT that Health, welfare and morals The legislature approved of less restrictive procedures proposed by reformers, which were placed on the ballot in 1913 and ratified by voters. What did the Progressive Era accomplish quizlet? The "father" of progressive education,published "The School and Society" (1899) to suggest the need for an education that was practical and useful. In 1897, Nebraska became the first state to allow cities to place initiative and referendum in their charters. Historian Alonzo Hamby describes American progressivism as a political movement that addresses ideas, impulses, and issues stemming from modernization of American society. Idea that government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs. Jane Addams (18601935) was an activist, community organizer, international peace advocate and a social philosopher in the United States during At the National Progressive Convention in 1912, Jane Addams supported the party's nomination of Theodore Roosevelt for president. 63. -cities supported social welfare programs, an important political aim of the Progressive movement was to stimulate democratic reforms such as the initiative, the referendum, and recall In 1996, the legislature put a non-binding advisory question on the ballot asking voters if they would like to adopt I&R. E. move city elections to presidential years in order to increase turnout. The amendment was defeated because the state constitution requires an approval by a majority of all those voting in the election and not just a majority of those voting on the amendment. A. Hetch Hetchy was a spectacular high-walled valley within Yosemite National Park. a year ago. 2. Terms in this set (67) Progressive Movement. Hayden does not buy the car and leaves the state. 57. \text{Lessees incremental borrowing rate}& E. All these answers are correct. I am old, too, But I cannot remember that he was ever false. 31. D. the laissez-faire philosophy should be embraced in American . D. a majority of states gave some voting rights to women, including New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California. the political orientation of those who favor progress toward better conditions in government and society, shared goals of limiting big business, improving democracy, strengthening social justice, Progressive movement came chiefly from middle-class residents of US cities, doctors, lawyers, ministers, storekeepers, white-collar office workers, middle managers, took their civil responsibilities seriously, missionary spirit, had strong leaders in Roosevelt and La Follette and Bryan and Wilson. the central bank of the United States; incorporates 12 Federal Reserve branch banks and all national banks and stated charted commercial banks and some trust companies. \textbf{For Years Ended December 31}\\ The initiative process was first introduced in the United States during the Progressive Era. CHORAGOS. Blank votes count as a no vote against the amendment. Education. [ 95 CHORAgOS. class="algoSlug_icon" data-priority="2">Web. When the shuffling feature was first introduced, many users complained that the algorithm was not working. Numbers are approximate. 11th grade. Most often asked questions related to bitcoin. A. advocated a single union for all workers. D. the judicial system. A. decided to expand his progressive reform efforts. The theory of the initiative process was that the individual was capable of enhancing the representative government. 53. 115 Will set her free. New York's Tammany Hall. John Dewey's theories on "progressive education" advocated: A distinctive characteristic of women in professional work during the progressive era was that E. did not exist. E. raised tariff rates to a new high. Question 1. \text{Lease term}& \text{Economic life of leased equipment}& (has passed, have passed), 1. These reformers favored such policies as civil service reform, food safety laws, and increased political rights for women and U.S. workers. Social Darwinism could create social order and stability. 43. B. steel industry. D. passed despite opposition from congressional Democrats. 60% average accuracy. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. in the 1912 presidential campaign, Democratic nominee Woodrow Wilson argued for a contending that the government could best serve the public interest and provide social justice by breaking up the trusts and restoring competition to the economy. B. B. factories taller than ten stories could only use the upper floors for storage of materials. Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! A. the 1910 elections seemed to illustrate that progressivism was on the wane. Initiative and Referendum Institute, Independent research, Initiative and Referendum League of Maine, Direct Legislation by the Citizenship Through the Initiative and Referendum, Citizen Lawmakers: The Ballot Initiative Revolution, Direct Legislation: Voting on Ballot Propositions in the United States, https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=History_of_initiative_and_referendum_in_the_U.S.&oldid=8754455, History of direct democracy by state, non-I&R states, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. D. both because the war generated anti-radical feelings in the country, and because the Socialist Party supported Germany. A. passed a graduated income tax. 40. Accomplishments: NAACP,National Consumers League, Won passage of Illinois Factory Act. C. Hiram Johnson. D. both had a national organization to coordinate club activities, and became increasingly concerned with cultural activities. -organizer and president (1900-1904 and 1915-1947) of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. D. had succeeded in breaking up most business trusts. All of the following were progressive reformers from western states EXCEPT Made a program called New Freedom. Robert La Follette was a progressive who reformed the voting system so people could vote for candidates themselves. A. held steady to his existing course of action. E. recent immigrants. A comprehensive platform of political reforms was proposed that included womens suffrage, secret ballots, direct election of senators, recall elections and primary elections. became President in 1912. A. Gifford Pinchot. B. women could not attain advanced degrees from American universities. 44. What lofty\underline{lofty}lofty goals might an aspiring leader have? A. the American Federation of Labor. Initiatives and referendums, which come from a variety of ideologies, can enact changes within governments at the local, state and national levels. The main objectives of the Progressive movement were addressing problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and . D. seeking legal challenges to civil injustice through white-dominated courts was a pointless exercise. By the late 19th century, many citizens wanted to increase their check on representative government. C. In 1908, by a wide margin, San Francisco voters approved building a dam at Hetch Hetchy. As governor of Wisconsin, the progressive reformer Robert La Follette helped win approval for W.E.B. When he assumed the presidency in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt Which long-awaited goal of the women's rights movement was achieved during the Progressive Era? A. -succeeded Anthony as head of the NAWSA in 1900. Posted at 02:28h in espace o diner saint joseph by who has authority over the sheriff in texas combien de fois le mot pardon dans la bible Likes As managing editor of McClure's Magazine (1902-1906), he exposed governmental corruption in a series of articles, thereby inaugurating the era of muckraking journalism. A reform movement led by Protestant ministers who used religious doctrine to demand better housing and living conditions for the urban poor. -the election of 1912 weakened the progressive wing of the Republican party for many years. In the 1880s Jane Addams traveled to Europe. The principle or practice of self-government in the internal affairs of a dependent country or other political unit. A. defined the standard for "unfair trade practices." The amendment was defeated because the state constitution requires an approval by a majority of all those voting in the election, and not just a majority of those voting on the amendment. 48. A. was, at one time, the largest women's organization in American history. C. the "New Freedom" and the "New Nationalism." The Federal Reserve Act Preparation:planned, organized, ready to go! What is the effect of a change in price on the quantity demanded? wrote the utopian novel "Looking Backward, 2000-1887," in 1888. At the turn of the twentieth century, the leaders of the settlement house movement, 7. - CU members went to jail, The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statute to a direct popular vote. Progressivism. Law that authorized a probe of meat factories and condemn any product found unfit for human consumption. A procedure by which a proposed law can be approved or denied by vote of the people. What was the Progressive movement trying to accomplish? 30 seconds. New Hampshire followed in 1792. You would have me do this? initiative progressive era quizlet 16 .. D. Theodore Roosevelt finished third in the popular vote. 15. Go quickly: free Antigone from her vault And build a tomb for the body of Polyneices. D. tried to ignore overtly racial issues such as segregation. 49," James Madison wrote: Massachusetts was the first state to hold a statewide legislative referendum; citizens ratified the state constitution in 1778. growing support for overseas expansion. the right or procedure by which a public official, commonly a legislative or executive official, may be removed from office, before the end of his term of office, by a vote of the people to be taken on the filing of a petition signed by a required number or percentage of qualified voters. \hline &\mathbf{2012} & \mathbf{2011} \\ B. because the Socialist Party supported Germany. A procedure for removing a public official from office by a vote of the people. Ballotpedia features 395,557 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. A. the mid-Atlantic states. The political and social changes which occurred during this time were a direct response to the corruption and the greed displayed by powerful Robber Barons and tycoons during the Gilded Age. candid, subdued, pretense, lofty, edifying. A. had a national organization to coordinate club activities. Four different kinds of cryptocurrencies you should know. B. was inefficient. Claremont, CA 91711 -was a leader of the women's suffrage movement. D. both was the youngest American ever to hold the office and had no previous political experience. C. failed to give the government new powers to investigate corporate behavior. The voting within these town hall meetings established a precedent for the legislative referendum process, which allows citizens to ratify laws and amendments proposed by their elected officials. What is the markup rate based on the selling price? D. National Reclamation Act. Although the rules vary state-by-state, the initiative process generally allows citizens to bypass their elected representatives, propose laws, place them on the . 2. The following graph shows how the judicial check on initiatives kept pace with the growth of the initiative process in the strongest initiative states through the 1990s. While progressivism has many meanings, it tended in this period to be based on the central assumption that, 2. 216 times. A. rose to replace the declining power centers of the parties. Many progressives, such as Lincoln Steffens, believed that the first target of reform should be E. created sixteen regional banks. (See Holder in Due Course.) Voters said "yes," but no change was made by the legislature. In 1909, a controversy involving Richard Ballinger and Gifford Pinchot saw 0. 6. In 1998, 61 statewide initiatives were on the ballots, the lowest in a decade. In the years prior to the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, wrote "The Jungle", that portrays the dangerous and unhealthy conditions prevalent in the meat packing industry at that time. C. believed his reform program had largely been accomplished. 2. school's developing a student's social outlook Save. B. The Women's Christian Temperance Union E. Tammany Democrats attempted to thwart the New York State commission examining the fire. E. women were concentrated in the "helping" professions. Which country has an absolute advantage in the production of automobiles? Since then, two prolific decades of initiative use have occurred: 1981-90 (271 initiatives) and 1991-2000 (389 initiatives). B. b. non-partisan city elections. Though the process was never used and was ultimately deleted from the constitution, Georgia delegates were the first to conceive of a referendum process for state citizens.[1]. the Supreme Court upheld an Oregon law that limited women laundry workers to 10 hours a day, the Supreme Court ruled states [Utah] may limit the number of hours workers are allowed to work in hazardous industries, Supreme Court struck down a law setting maximum hours for bakers. provided for the direct election of senators, prohibited the sale or possession of alcoholic beverages, the medical profession established the American Medical Association, to represent the field as a whole.