Larkin Creek hunt Club is looking for 2 members for the 2021-22 season.Located in south Covington county Al. 6 members total. Dues are small, $750 annually. Trying to keep it as a family friendly club. Our staff of wildlife biologists work closely with our hunting clubs each year to help them make the most of their hunting lease. July 28th 2022 (Thurs..) 6:30pm General Membership meeting. Saugahatchee Hunting, Alabama Quail Hunters Club is a place where you can take a step back in time. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Organizing a Hunting Club -- ANR 537 (new pdf version) (old pdf . Existing members will have first option to fill the vacant spots with personal references. Each of these clubs offers something unique, so it is important to research to find the one that best suits your needs. The yellow property lines, however, only indicate Westervelt property lines and not necessarily the hunting lease boundaries. Alabama Hunting Clubs Public Group | Facebook Only Westervelt signs may be used for posting leases (aluminum nails are required). Is a lease for the entire year, or for just the hunting season ? 366 acres in North East Florida. Ultimately, the best way to determine the lease price for a specific property is to contact the owner or leasing agent directly. Alabama 800-272-4263 Arkansas 800-482-9262 Florida 888-404-3922 . Swamp Creek Hunting Club - Yola For those not interested in dog drives, there are several trophy managed tracts of land that aren't included in the dog drives. Looking for two members for a club in Camden Co GA. 1900 Acres, Still Hunt, $1800.00. This ensures customer safety and a quality hunting experience. Cleaning station.. Have 40 acre with cabin, 3 camper hookups. We are found on the North side of Lake Tuscaloosa. We recommend relaying gate issues to your hunting lease manager. Anyone interested in placing their name on the waiting list please provide me with name and phone number as well as email. Dues are $600.00 per year. var year = today.getFullYear() The Black Belt region is known for its large deer population and has been dubbed the deer capital of Alabama. This area is home of the biggest bucks in the state, and its no wonder that hunters flock here each year in search of a trophy. Memberships are $450.00 per Great hunting land in Coosa County, 1800 acres. ; To cooperate with all local, state, and federal agencies dedicated to . Clear Creek HC in southern Covington Cty. In fact, the Westervelt Company was the first private industrial timber company in the Southeast to hire a wildlife biologist (1951) and among the first to implement a hunting lease program in the 1970s on over 400,000 acres of company owned lands. The abundance of game is what keeps them coming back. Similar Leases Beautiful Hog hunting land in Alapaha, GA. 100 Acres $1000 - $5000 Persimmon Hill - 100 Acres in Wilkes County, GA. 100 Acres $1000 - $5000 Twin Creek Hunting Club is a deer and turkey hunting club located midway between Jasper and Tuscaloosa Alabama. The versatility of the Black Belts wildlife, long seasons, and generous bag limits is part of what makes it so appealing to hunters and anglers. - 2500+ acres with 35+ Green fields. 6 POINT OR BETTER CLUB. Camp Creek Hunting Club is located in Fostoria, Lowndes County, Alabama which is about 45 miles southwest from Montgomery, Alabama. Alabama Black Belt Adventures. Westervelt Hunting Land Lease and Hunting Clubs Services. Triple J Hunt Deer and Turkey in Florida. Turkey Hunting Land in Alabama - Saugahatchee Hunting Club 1600 acres of pines, hardwoods, and clearcut club. $1200 per year planting included. This camp offers short-term and long-term leases, making it a versatile option for hunters of all experience levels. Westervelt Wildlife Services is staffed with professional Certified Wildlife Biologists and hunting lease and hunting clubs managers that have over 100 years of combined experience managing wildlife, wildlife habitat, and hunting lease programs. Our on-line hunting land lease services make leasing and managing your hunting lease easy. All rights reserved. Chris Chambers, a hunter from Walker County, recently harvested a massive 11-point buck. I have a small club, 177 Acres, all timber with food plots. Whether he was hunting deer, ducks or turkeys at Millwood, or quail or turkeys elsewhere, Coleman wore that tie with his brush pants, hunting cap and khaki shirt. A hunting club may be the perfect fit if you are an outdoorsman and enjoy hunting, fishing, or just spending time in the Alabama woods. We have white-tailed deer, bobwhite quail, Eastern wild turkey, and duck hunting complemented by some of the best bass fishing anywhere. In addition, each membership (including family members and guests) allows a seasonal harvest of five does. Collectively, we manage nearly 700,000 acres of hunting leases and clubs in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, and Virginia.. Westervelt Wildlife Services is staffed with professional Certified Wildlife Biologists and hunting lease and hunting clubs managers that have . Call ty for details. We have 43 food plots with shooting houses on 41 of the plots. Management strategies such as timber thinning, harvest, burning, and fertilization applications are used to promote desirable wildlife cover and quality forages. var today = new Date() Alabama: Russell. . This catch proves that there are big bucks to be found in Alabama. Food plots are currently being worked on as well as stands and locations. This is for the 2022/2023 season. Not only will you have the chance to meet new people, but you will also have access to land that is prime for hunting. Hunting & Fishing Bluff 100,000 $ HUNTING CLUB MEMBERS NEEDED - $650 (N.TUSCALOOSA,AL) So if youre looking for a great place to hunt big bucks in Alabama, check out Jackson County. A few counties stand out if youre looking for a good place to hunt deer. Once at the tract, Westervelt property lines are marked on trees with yellow paint. And dont forget to check out our website for more information on outdoor activities in Alabama. North Alabama Club Openings - ALDEER.COM That is, your total lease price is the lease amount ($/acre) plus the insurance amount. Westervelt Lease Manager to find out more about the lease or to secure the lease. $550.00 per year. Alabama Heart of Dixi "The Camellia State" - State Capital Montgomery. Updated: on 6/15/2022. 12 hunt stands.3 cabins.. Signs are available through our hunting lease managers. Due to our expertise and experience over these years, our hunting lease program has been extremely successful and currently leads the hunting lease industry in quality and customer satisfaction. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Lease is 10 Archery **Buck Only**---Oct. 15 - Oct. 24, Fast Lane Outdoors - Guns & Outdoors Supplies. No camping on property but there are places to stay in the area. Expect an annual price increase of 5% throughout the duration of the contract (usually 3 year contracts). Thank you! We also have an online payment option that can be customized for each club. Camp Creek Hunting Club is located in Fostoria, Lowndes County, Alabama which is about 45 miles southwest from Montgomery, Alabama. There may be several hunting lease tracts within one large Westervelt owned tract of land. Each of these clubs offers something unique, so it is important to research to find the one that best suits your needs. Who do I contact if I have a question about my lease ? Wearing hunter orange can help to increase visibility and reduce the risk of accidental shootings. Westervelt does not mail invoices. Triple J Hunt Deer and Turkey in Florida. We offer a variety of hunting opportunities, from small to big game, and our land is open to hunters of all experience levels. Stands put in are shared stands by 4 people, all like minded hunters. 814 acres in Long County, Ga. We have Deer, Turkey, Hogs and small birds. Last Post 02/12/23 12:50 PM, by Kang. At Alabama Hunting Clubs, our goal is to connect hunters with hunting clubs around the state of Alabama from one, convenient location. Tuscaloosa, Alabama (Headquarters) (800) 281-7991. With full-service Alabama Black Belt outfitters, lodges, hunting clubs, and land lease or sale options, we offer unique experiences to outdoor enthusiasts of all abilities. Membership is $1,500 per year for deer. our hunting club near brewton, al approximately 15 miles north of brewton has three to four openings for club members for the 2018-2019 hunting season. A Few Dollars More Hunting Club - Home this guide and sharing it with your club members. Hunting Club Membership Hunting & Fishing For Sale - Alabama 6 members total. Browse for sale listings in As any dedicated hunter knows, the deer season is a critical time for managing the population of deer. (General Membership meeting ) Caseys Hunting club are located in the southern portion of Dallas County in an area that has been known for decades, The Wilcox County Hunting Club has over 50 wildlife food plots, pine plantation areas, good road system and nice hardwood creek bottoms. Shelby County Club taking members. We are very particular about how we take deer and what the rules of the club, not the state are. These dog drives are organized hunts that take place on Wednesdays and Saturdays during the Georgia firearms season. NEED MEMBERS FOR THE 2012/2013 HUNTING SEASON,WE HAVE 2300 ACRES,CAMP SITE FOR CAMPERS,MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES ALL SMALL Purchasing, Merchandising and Procurement, Alabama Airplanes and Helicopters for sale, Alabama Refrigerators, ovens etc. We have an outstandingherd of deer and turkey throughout our land. A hearty breakfast is served each Saturday at the Club House located just off George Perkins Blvd. If available leases do not fit your needs, but you would like to be on a waiting list if any leases become available that meet your needs, contact one of our lease managers via email or phone. HUNTING CLUBS SEEKING MEMBERS. Example: To create, foster, and promote the ideals of outdoor sportsmanship and to actively manage, protect, conserve, and hunt white-tailed deer and eastern wild turkey. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Still hunt 1600acres 16 members at 1500$ each. Weve had this property for 21 years and its a family oriented atmosphere and no alcohol. Youre sure to have a successful hunt with some planning and preparation. 1400 Jack Warner Pkwy. Hunting Club Membership For Sale - Alabama Come experience the true southern hunting experience at any of our 25 food plots. Yearly Lease. Please browse around and enjoy our site! Roblyn's Neck is comprised of 14,000 contiguous acres with 200 tree stands, each providing you with a unique hunting experience. RLU 596167 in Dozier, Al. May require some work days to help with food plots and road maintaining. 814 acres in Long County, Ga. We have Deer, Turkey, Hogs and small birds. Our fall and summer food plots as well as our mineral licks, provide afeeding program that offersfood for maximum body and antler growth. Our guides know every trail, stand and food plot to the last detail. Where needed, and only with Westervelts written permission, hunting clubs will be allowed to erect gates. we currently have four members and would like to get to eight total members. No commercial trees can be cut to establish shooting lanes. Looking to join a club in St Johns, Duval or within an hour of either county. You will find a, Troy's Hunt Club are family owned and operated and pride ourselves on personal attention. Looking for a few new members , club has a little over 3800 acres of property to hunt.