Decades passed before the governmental agency ban on LGBT employees was officially lifted by President Bill Clinton. Douglas M. Charles,Hoover's War on Gays, pp. She also wrote the books Penny Candy (1970) and How I Got to Be Perfect (1978). She said that Bohlen "walks, acts and talks like a homosexual." However, the agency lawyers said the records might have once existed but do not now. I imagine his treatment of his wife was extremely bad. That ardor sprang not just from a right-of-center ideology but from an eagerness to overcome anti-Catholic bias by showing that rather than harboring fealty to Rome and the papacy, American Catholics were true-blue patriots. Biography and associated logos are trademarks of A+E Networksprotected in the US and other countries around the globe. The allegation is specifically rejected in Richard H. Rovere. ", To his credit, McCarthy himself never actively played up his Catholicism for political gain. Logging in will also give you access to commenting features on our website. Since youre a frequent reader of our website, we want to be able to share even more great, As a frequent reader of our website, you know how important, Demagogue: The Life and Long Shadow of Senator Joe McCarthy, Cold Warrior: Americas battle against Joe McCarthy, recently relaunched the commenting experience, Cardinal McElroy responds to his critics on sexual sin, the Eucharist, and LGBT and divorced/remarried Catholics, Worried you retired too early? how old was jean kerr when she married joseph mccarthy los pasteles puerto rico how old was jean kerr when she married joseph mccarthy Posted on 19 czerwca 2022 by In December 1950 FBI agents were investigating Lovestone and Offie for suspected espionage. 1953 Washington DC Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Bride at Reception Wire Photo, 1953 featuring McCarthy Meets Bride -- To -Be on Luncheon Date --- Keeping a luncheon date today at the Carroll Arms near the Capitol, Miss Jean Kerr, 29, talks with Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wide) to whom, she will be a research aide to the 43-year-old red, Smiles For Each other - Facing the Cameramen outside St. Matthews Roman Catholic Cathedral today, Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis) and his bride smile at each other. He said that his source of information was Tom C. Clark, then Attorney General. As a judge, concerns were raised about his competence, ie. McCarthy's charges of communism and anti-American activity affected more and more powerful people, including President Eisenhower, until 1954 when a nationally televised, 36-day hearing illustrated clearly to the nation that he was overstepping his authority and any ideas of common sense. to the point of attacking orthodox Hasidic Jews because they are orthodox and ritually use live chickens. In 1946 he was elected to the U.S. Senate, and in 1950 he publicly charged that 205 communists had infiltrated the U.S. State Department. Paragraphing added. The report was written by former FBI agent Francis Flanagan. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. At the 1954 Army-McCarthy hearings, which explored the senators accusations and the militarys counter-charges, Joe watched in horror as his support nosedivedfrom a full half of Americans before the proceedings commenced to merely a third as they were wrapping up in June. They also saw him visiting David's Bar, another gay business. Is she still alive? Conservative Republicans opposed Bohlen. Douglas M. Charles,Hoover's War on Gays, p. 89. Holloman contended that his woman "fully realizes the seriousness of her accusations, and it is not believed that she will ever be guilty of such statements.". New York Times, November 25, 20011. Both the church and the Senate put aside any grievances two and a half years later in 1957, when McCarthy died of hepatitis at the too-young age of 48. He did less well in Social JusticeSacraments, getting a B the first semester and a C the second. It reminds me of a kind of left-handed version of her right-handed father style. Offie, the FBI learned, had been arrested in 1943, in Washington, DC, for cruising men in Lafayette Park. Not only did it collect from local vice squads the names of men arrested on homosexual morals charges; it also placed a watch on gay bars and infiltrated the Mattachine Society and the Daughters of Bilitis. Joe did not need Father Walsh to point him to an issue he had already been talking about for three years. Irish Catholics were welcome enough in the Appleton area that they had already carved out a colony amid settlements of transplanted Germans, Dutch, Scots and New Englanders. "Screener" files contain timecode that blocks the center of the image. Staying in County Tipperary during the Irish potato famine might have meant joining the million of his countrymen who starved to death; instead, he joined another million in exile. And shortly after the dinner, Joe did ask one of his speechwriters for a talk on subversion in government. Accessed Dec. 10, 2012, from: Clendinen, Dudly. But as McCarthy ratcheted up his attacks, America amped up its criticism to the point where the senator branded its coverage completely and viciously false. Over time and at the prompting of its Jesuit overseers, the magazine pulled back its criticism. Collections; . The couple would share child-rearing duties, which was almost as unusual for Irish-Americans then as Tims teetotaling. She received a bachelor's degree from Marywood College in Scranton and later attended The Catholic University of America, where she received her master's degree and met then-professor Walter Kerr. he arrived in New Zealand around 1853. married around 1854 Auckland,New Zealand. how old was jean kerr when she married joseph mccarthy She and Walter Kerr wed, and moved to the New York City area after she earned her graduate degree in 1945. She wrote the hit comedy Mary, Mary, which ran on Broadway from 1961 through 1964, for 1,572 performances, and was brought to the screen under the same title in a 1963 film starring Debbie Reynolds and Barry Nelson. Wisconsin farm families ran big, and the McCarthys already had four at home by the fall of 1908. Location: Washington DC USA; Date: 1953, October 1; Duration . She said that she "has met many homosexuals and claims she is able . 1950, July-September: Hoey Committee HearingsA committee headed bySenator Clyde Hoey (North Carolina, Democrat) investigates "moral perverts" employed by the US Government. Kennedy blamed his recent back surgery; in truth, he made no effort to pair his vote or clarify his stand for fear of alienating Bay State Catholics who backed McCarthy. in The American Magazine. Jean fits the profile of being a kind of trophy woman/object. The guidance of our beloved land is under the guidance of human beings, and as human being[s] we are all fallible. Flags across the city were flown at half-staff, the way they had been at the White House and other public buildings in Washington, and Appleton schools and shops were shuttered at midday. Together, they would raise six boys and four girls, never guessing that one of the clan would write their surname into infamy. "[16]Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10450, which mandated the firing of any federal employees guilty of sexual perversion.. 1950, April 2: Roy Blick to FBIOn "a confidential basis," the FBI received from LieutenantRoy Blick, Chief of the Morals Division of the Washington DC Police, a list of persons allegedly employed by the US Government and allegedly arrested on morals charges. Others kept vigil outside the church alongside honor guards of military police, Boy Scouts and members of the Knights of Columbus. On July 8, 1953, in response to the hearing reported by Pearson, the FBI forwarded information from its Sex Deviates Program to the US Civil Service Commission. They adopted a daughter in 1957, just before he died. Jean Kerr Minetti, the wife of G. Joseph Minetti, a lawyer and former vice chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board, died last Saturday at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, Md., after a cerebral hemorrhage. 1950s: Allegations of a PhotoAccording to the controversial, sensationalist writer Anthony Summers, John Weitz, a former official in the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), at a dinner party hosted by the former head of the CIA's counterintelligence division, James Angelton, had been shown a photo of Hoover and Tolson having sex. Please visit ourmembership pageto learn how you can invest in our work by subscribing to the magazine or making a donation. })(); This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, 3 Ways To Master Food Without Breaking A Sweat, All Personal Details About Breana Chloe Greenwood, You need to buy a Jacket like Rip Wheeler, World Wide Courier Service Company Insurance Coverage. Wiki User. Timeline: FBI and Homosexuality Chronology,, if you are trying to comment, you must log in or set up a new account. 1953, November 17Photo, Hoover and Tolson. Daughter of William P Kerr and Elizabeth Fraser Kerr It was the wild reaction he would generate in his breakout anti-Red tirade in Wheelingnot the words of an aging Jesuitthat convinced him of the political hay he could make from it. Kennedy complained to his friend John Cavanaugh, C.S.C., the former president of the university: Robert F. Kennedy likely disagreed with his father on that anti-Jewish swipe, but he did embrace the political philosopher Peter Vierecks observation that anti-Catholicism is the anti-Semitism of the intellectuals, and he joked that the ideal headline in the Jewish-led New York Times would be More Nuns Leave Church.. But it did not happen quite the way historians have told us. Jean Kerr, Playwright and Author, Dies at 80 - The New York Times Research request: full citation? In the winter of 1954 Offie telephoned the FBI for help in responding to burglaries at his home on a farm in rural Virginia. Wondering why we ask for your email, or having trouble registering. Required fields are marked *. Claire Bond Potter says: "In 1951, at the request of several federal agencies, Hoover devised the Sex Deviates program, which sought to identify gays and lesbians working in government. CRITICALPAST.COM:
The relevant FBI memos relating to this incident are reprinted in Athan Theoharis, From the Secret Files of J. Edgar Hoover. Frank Kameny, PhD, a gay mapping official and astronomer who was fired from his job, would challenge the order, issue a groundbreaking 1961 legal brief to the Supreme Court (which would deny his petition) and years later organize a protest in front of the White House. decline point. Through adoption, Joseph McCarthy has a daughter named Tierney Elizabeth. how old was jean kerr when she married joseph mccarthy. On January 18, 1968, Vandenberg died at the age of 60, probably a suicide. Jean Kerr had just married Joseph McCarthy in 1953, just as her career was in decline point. Despite this setback, McCarthys popularity nevertheless continued to rise, as his claims had struck a nerve with an American public tired of the Korean War and concerned with communist activity in China and Eastern Europe. Another version: "In 1952, using rumors collected by [columnist Drew] Pearson, Nevada publisher Hank Greenspun wrote that McCarthy was a homosexual. Theoharis,J. Edgar Hoover, Sex, and Crime,page 43. A) 148 B) 497 * 1025 C) 55.85 D) 0677 E) none of the above 16) How many grams of calcium chloride are needed to produce 100 g of potassium chloride? Password reset instructions will be sent to your registered email address. listeners: [], It was heartfelt, but he set the terms, not the church. 1958A Florida Legislative Committee ("The Johns Committee")began interrogating suspected homosexuals among students and faculty on Florida campuses before the Legislature gave specific authorization for the investigation of homosexuals. Her worldview and way of thinking dont line up with his fathers. It contained an interview and detailed information on a Bohlen's associate allegedly homosexual associate Carmel Offie. how old was jean kerr when she married joseph mccarthy See also: 1961, Florida. Recalling Personal Life Of Tierney Elizabeth McCarthy Interview: Whats it like to photograph Pope Francis? The recipients of Hoover's document were Herbert Brownell Smith, U.S. Attonrey General, Cutler, and Sherman Adams, White House Chief of Staff. It was later revealed that his 24-year-old son had been arrested on June 9, 1953 by the Washington DC police for soliciting sex from a male undercover police officer in Lafayette Swuare. His personal and professional papers were made available exclusively to me and I have used them in my new book, Demagogue: The Life and Long Shadow of Senator Joe McCarthy. Jean Kerr McCarthy (1924-1979), wife of US Senator Joseph McCarthy, USA, 26 November 1954 (Photo by FPG/Archive Photos/Getty Images) Embed. (The hearings also famously prompted special counsel for the Army Joseph Nye Welch to ask McCarthy, Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last? We ask readers to log in so that we can recognize you as a registered user and give you unrestricted access to our website. Joe McCarthy wed his staffer Jean Kerr, 30, in 1953. Later, Jean remarried a very successful aeronautical engineer and lawyer; she died in 1979 at the age of 55 of a stroke. Determine the [OH] of a solution that is 0.280M in HCO3.? . The casket was slowly lowered into the ground between the graves of his parents, Timothy and Bridget, where a simple stone would read: Larry Tye is a former reporter at the Boston Globe and the author of eight books, including Demagogue: The Life and Long Shadow of Senator Joe McCarthy. Republican Senators threatened to make this arrest known to Senator Hunt's constituents if he ran for another term. . Summarizing the information until now: g(1) = -5 > x = -5 in this special case for t = 1 h(1) = 1 > y = 1 in this special case for t = 1 g'(1) = -6 h'(1) = 1 for those specific values of x and y, the partial derivatives are: dz/dx = 1 dz/dy = -1 Filling in gives: (dz/dt) = (dx/dt) (dz/dx) + (dy/dt) (dz/dy) dz/dt = -6 1 + 1 -1 dz/dt = -6 2 dz/dt = -8 Edit: I have to admit, thats a bit stupid :). They did the same thing later on the Lords Day when they walked the farm, surveying their oats, barley and dairy cows. . a large percentage of them name their children after them. After Kris Jenner split up with Robert Kardashian, she married again, this time to a famous athlete, Bruce Jenner, now known as Caitlyn Jenner. Help keep Joseph McCarthy and Jean Kerr Mccarthy profile up to date. 1952:Adlai Stevenson: "One of 'the Two Best Known Homosexuals in the State'"According to David Oshinsky: "In 1952, . In fact, his opponent was still barely defeated, but he was totally wounded and humiliated and committed suicide. See also: Wikipedia: Carmel Offie, accessed September 7, 2015 from event : evt, Scores of employees were thus fired or resigned out of fear of persecution, with various surveillance measures instituted to try and track down citizens' intimate habits. Bid was the family balance-wheel,. Some sources cite 1923, but the Social Security Death Index gives her date of birth as 1922. Website Terms & Conditions |
On Febuary 11, 1953, Hoover distributed a document listing the "pervert allegations" against Office, including his 1943 arrest, his dismissal from the CIA, and his associates. Douglas M. Charles,Hoover's War on Gays, p. 83. All 44 Democrats present voted against McCarthy. Potter, "Queer Hoover", 355-356: This account refers to Anthony Summers, Ofcial and Condential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (New York: G. P. Putnams Sons, 1993), 25355. On July 5, 1953 journalist Drew Pearson quotes a statement by Major Don Reynolds at a Senate hearing on immigrants. how old was jean kerr when she married joseph mccarthy Dorothy Dandridge, Part 1 of 1. American Politician Joseph McCarthy was born Joseph Raymond McCarthy on 14th November, 1908 in Appleton, Wisconsin, USA and passed away on 2nd May 1957 Bethesda, Maryland, USA aged 48. Old Joe Kennedy, the patriarch of what would become Americas first family, was outraged when fellow Catholics criticized McCarthy, even indirectlywhich is what Msgr. community In closed sessions testimony is taken from Assistant to the Director of the FBID. Milton Ladd. OutHistory asks the public to provide citations to additional data sources. Your email address will not be published. If his earliest years planted the seeds of his religious identity, Joes years at Marquette University also left a mark. He furnished the names of 45 individuals with whom he claimed to have had homosexual relations since 1951. His psychopathic narcissism was, desperately surrounded by a sea of alcohol. Deep and obvious narcissism characterised Joseph McCarthy. Old. When you register, youll get unlimited access to our website and a free subscription to our email newsletter for daily updates with a smart, Catholic take on faith and culture from, Were sorry registration isn't working smoothly for you. to discern homosexual tendencies in individuals. The avidly anti-Communist Father Walsh probably did urge Joe to play a more active role on the issue, whether or not he used the words attributed to him. Douglas M. Charles,Hoover's War on Gays, pp. She was previously married to Giacinto Joseph Minetti and Joseph McCarthy. Theoharis,J. Edgar Hoover, Sex, and Crime,pages 49-52. In 1941, she married football star Alvin "Shipwreck" Kelly in a ceremony in her mother's Ritz Carlton apartment. Jean Kerr | American author | Britannica He married Jean Fraser Kerr, a researcher in his office, in 1953. how old was jean kerr when she married joseph mccarthy42 ft gibson houseboat. If z = f(x, y), where f is differentiable, and the following applies, find dz/dt when t = 1.? See also 1967, Gordon Novel. Help us build our profile of Jean Fraser Kerr Minetti! Your source for jobs, books, retreats, and much more. The 1960 film version starred Doris Day and David Niven; NBC television aired a 58-episode situation comedy starring Pat Crowley from 1965 to 1967. Offie's 1943 arrest record was detailed. Many sources disagree. She was 55 years old and lived in Sumner, Md., a suburb of Washington. He and his wife adopted a baby girl, whom they named Tierney Elizabeth McCarthy, in January 1957. As a lawyer, he was said to be a poor lawyer in terms of competence. Lvl 10. What did matter was that Stevenson had spoken out against loyalty oaths, criticized Joe McCarthy, and vetoed a bill that would outlaw the Communist Party in Illinois." The report also contained derogatory information about Offie, described as single and "not effeminate." Before you can comment, you need to update your profile to include your first and last name, as required in our. Wedding of Joseph Raymond McCarthy, Republican U.S. In 1953, McCarthy married Jean Kerr, a researcher in his office. On the explicit instructions of Hoover, it 'confidentially made available to George Washington University information concerning sex deviates or Communists employed as teachers there.' Kerr's play Finishing Touches ran from February to July 1973. Joe McCarthy seldom missed a Sunday service or a chance to confess, but he would not be caught dead lighting candles or attending a Holy Name Society breakfast. DEmilio, Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities, p. 124. 'Records which may be response to your FOIPA request were destroyed betweeen August 1, 1993, and May 16, 2008.'" You wiil save time and money, Wolffs law is concerned with Select one: O A. the function of bone being dependent on shape O B. the diameter of the bone being dependent on the ratio of osteoblasts to osteoclasts O C. the thickness and shape of a bone being dependent on stresses placed upon it O D. vertical growth of bones being dependent on age Wolffs law is concerned with Select one: O A. the function of bone being dependent on shape O B. the diameter of the bone being dependent on the ratio of osteoblasts to osteoclasts O C. the thickness and shape of a bone being dependent on stresses placed upon it O D. vertical growth of bones being dependent on age Answer Wolff law is concerned with: Answer: (C) The thickness and shape of the bone being dependant on stresses placed upon it. : Notorious Types and Places of Amusement, October 15, 1955-April 15, 1956. 1955, MarchJ. magazines Greenspun wrote that: "It is common talk among homosexuals in Milwaukee who rendezvous in the White Horse Inn that Senator Joe McCarthy has often engaged in homosexual activities.". She died in White Plains, New York, of pneumonia, in 2003. Nothing, apparently, came of this investigation. The FBI's information about Bohlen came from interviews with three of Bohlen's State Department associates. 1952, December:Arthur H. Vandenberg Jr.: "probably a suicide"Dudly Clendinen writes: Clendinin writes that, late in 1956,Confidential, "a smut and scandal tabloid probably fed by the FBI, published a lurid expos" about Arthur Vandenberg, Jr. After this, President Eisenhower cut his contacts with Vandenberg, who also resigned from his university job. Joseph McCarthy Publicly Accused of Homosexuality. Senator McCarthy was a dedicated man, not a fanatic, the Rev. 1954, May 22Photo, Hoover and Tolson:Original caption: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (right) and his assistant Clyde Tolson, at Pilmico Race Track, MD. As of right now, Tierney Grinavic would be 49 years old, while Jean Kerr, Tierneys mother, will be approximately 83. He was married to Catherine Wingate Cameron. He died on May 2, 1957. A) 6.02 x 1023 B) 3.49 x 1024 9103 1023 D) 400 E) none of the above 15 15) How many moles are there in 82.5 grams of iron? Jean Kerr, ne Jean Collins, (born July 1923, Scranton, Pennsylvania, U.S.died January 5, 2003, White Plains, New York), American writer, remembered for her plays and for her humorous prose on domestic themes. 1954, June 19:Senator Lester Hunt's SuicideOn this date Senator Lester Hunt, a Democratic Senator from Wyoming, committed suicide. His first victory was achieved by lying about his opponents age and claiming he was a war profiteer dodging recruitment when in fact. But the Colony Restaurant story was embraced with special zeal by those who wanted to link McCarthys campaign to the conservative Catholic Church, just as it was roundly rejected by Catholics eager to be free of that taint. For years, he quietly mailed $50 a month to Catholic missionaries he had met in the South Pacific during his service in World War II. What happened to Joseph McCarthy's wife and daughter? Jean Kerr Minetti - IMDb Born January 21, 1924 Died December 15, 1979 (55) Add or change photo on IMDbPro Add to list Credits IMDbPro Archive Footage You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Born: 14-Nov-1908 Birthplace: Grand Chute, WI . Protestants presumed that Catholics supported the senator merely because he was Catholic; Catholics proposed an equally simplistic take on his Protestant detractors. Tierney participated in politics and was against Joseph McCarthy. It says that the forces that are placed upon of a healthy person makes the bone to grows and remodel in accordance with that. Senator. We dont have comments turned on everywhere anymore. 1950, April 17On this date, and on April 28 and May 4, the US Civil Service Commission receives from J. Edgar Hoover lists of alleged federal employees arrested "for alleged sex offenses" or investigated for alleged sex offenses. McCarthy was reelected in 1952 and became chairman of the Senates Committee on Government Operations, where he occupied the spotlight for two years with his anti-communist investigations and questioning of suspected officials. A deeply troubling movement helmed by a demagogue inspired the 1953 Arthur Miller play The Crucible, which looked at the Salem Witch Hunt Trials of the 17th century to draw parallels to contemporary McCarthyism. Nationally, his Catholic support was strongest among the working class, the upper crust, Republicans, Bostonians and Irish Catholics. On the same day, Senator Kenneth Wherry announced that the man McCarthy had referred to had been fired. 1951: D.C. Beauty Parlor Operator Calls Hoover "Queer"Athan Theoharis writes that, in 1951, a Washington D.C. beauty parlor operator was interviewed twice by two senior FBI officials at her place of business because someone had reported to the FBI that she had told a customer that J. Edgar Hoover was "queer". 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What stuck with McCarthy, however, was his churchs opposition to Communism and its Index of Forbidden Texts. McCarthy considered a libel suit against Greenspun but decided against it when he was told by his lawyers that if the case went ahead he would have to take the witness stand and answer questions about his sexuality. A large crowd gathers at St. Matthews Roman Catholic Cathedral in Washington DC to wish a bride and a groom. It hardly mattered to Hoover that the informant was a college basketball player under indictment for fixing a game or that his evidence was based only on rumor. Theoharis strongly contests Summers' research in J. Edgar Hoover,Sex, page 46. Jean Fraser Minetti (Kerr) (1925 - 1979) - Genealogy - geni family tree Note that if the article is from a wire service such as Catholic News Service, Religion News Service, or the Associated Press, we will not have direct contact information for the author. On September 29, 1953, he married Jean Kerr, one of his staff researchers. 1951, June 20: Sex Deviates ProgramOn June 20, 1951, reports Douglas M. Charles, J. Edgar Hoover, greatly expanded the Sex Deviates Program begun in April 1950 (see). Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. Site contains certain content that is owned A&E Television Networks, LLC. Not only was it all about his narcissistic ego, but he was even more empowered by alcohol. Bridget Tierney McCarthy Wife: Jean Kerr (m. 29-Sep-1953) Daughter: Tierney Elizabeth (adopted) window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Twenty-five thousand friends and fans from Green Bay, Neenah and his native Grand Chute paid their respects at his open casket. Contact Jean Edward Smith,Eisenhower: In War and Peace, page 546. But we still want your feedback. Clarke is the latest actor announced for the movie, which is set to start . He lied about his military service He claimed to have been wounded by ground fire during 34 combat missions. Tierney Grinavic was opposite Joseph Raymond McCarthy. If some dismissed Joe and the rest of the McCarthys as shanty Irish, so be it. The only lawmakers not to vote or to cancel their votes by pairing them with opposing senators who also were absent were the Republican Alexander Wiley of Wisconsin and the Democrat John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts. While the most commanding Catholic voice at the time was the pro-McCarthy Cardinal Francis Joseph Spellman of New York, known as the American pope, liberal Catholics produced offsetting roars from the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists, the journal Commonweal and, most convincing, Bishop Bernard Sheil of Chicago. (See xxxxxxxx), On March 17, 1953, Hoover met with Secretary of State John Foster Dulless and CIA Director Allen Dulles and recommended against Bohlen's appointment. If you have an article that you think would be a good fit for our website, please review our submission guidelines below and send it to us for review. 1953, February 27:Charles E. BohlenPresident Dwight Eisenhower nominated Charles Bohlen as United States ambassador to the Soviet Union. So did 22 of 44 Republicans and the Senates sole independent. Joe: That hasnt enough sex. How about a pension plan that covers all aging Americans? 1958 and 1959: Parties in New York?According to a strongly contested account in Anthony Summers' biography of Hoover published in 1993, Susan Rosenstiel said she attended two parties, in 1958 and 1959, in New York, at which J. Edgar Hoover was dressed as a woman and had sex with men. Jean Kerr Biography - life, family, children, name, story, school