You can see Downey sitting under the prosthetics at 2:13 in the video in the question. When he was 52, he wore a white and yellow pirate hat with his jolly roger on it over a black bandana with black and red, both worn over long, blond flowing hair he had back then. [66], Izou eventually grew fond of his new group and became a full-fledged member, preferring to stay with the Whitebeard Pirates when Oden decided to join the Roger Pirates. [111] During the Summit War of Marineford Newgate's health was declining at a rapid rate due to his refusal to go into battle with life support and medication, despite this he was able to engage in combat with Aokiji,[112] Kizaru,[113] and Akainu[23] on even terms. By striking at the general area with his quake powers, he could cause large earthquakes and, under the right circumstances, massive tsunamis. [57], As a testament to Whitebeard and Marco's closeness, the latter was aware of the former's childhood circumstances as an orphan of Sphinx, which led to Whitebeard's career of piracy. How do you ensure that a red herring doesn't violate Chekhov's gun? This one's a plot hole. [142] He could use these shockwaves to quickly take down multiple enemies over a widespread area or take down a single target with terrifying effectiveness, even Giants. The following is a list of the 3 things. [14], Any crewmember from Whitebeard's crew who killed another crewmember were to be hunted down by the commander of that former crew member's division. Also, you're missing the point in that part paragraph. [107] However, she was a fellow crewmember with Whitebeard around 40 years ago.[108]. [52] Whitebeard's strong stand against crewmate killing was based on his fatherly stance over every member of his crew; as a result of this treatment, the whole crew affectionately referred to him as "Pops" or "Old Man" (, Oyaji?, an informal variation of "father"). Whitebeard's bounty remained unknown for the majority of the One Piece series until Chapter 957, 'ULTIMATE' dropped earlier this year. Consequently, Newgate set out to sea in search of wealth, fame, and power. While he did attempt to take Whitebeard's life at Marineford, he was stopped from doing so by Luffy. [55] Later, Marco attempted to assist his captain in fighting Blackbeard, but was ultimately ordered to stand down. Shiki did seemingly not have a bad relationship with Whitebeard; he thought of him as a strong man and able to take over Roger's dominion of the sea, as he said when they were drinking together on the Moby Dick and speaking about old times. [158] In his initial appearance in the anime, his eyes were black like many male characters of the series, but this was changed to a golden yellow color by the Summit War of Marineford. Whitebeard made sure to never take another person's treasure from them, ever, because he realized what a person's treasure meant to them. These shockwaves possess devastating offensive might, being able to clash evenly with the Magu Magu no Mi, the Devil Fruit with the highest attack power out of all the Devil Fruits. Whitebeard's birthday of April 6 was requested because 4/6 can be read as "shi ro", meaning "white". Even if he did accept doing so, it was reluctantly and while showing much annoyance.[37]. He was always seen bare-chested, and wore light, loose pants tucked inside his large black boots, and a dark pirate sash around his waist. Some minor debate exists as to whether Whitebeard is the "proper" translation of the epithet Shirohige (, Shirohige? Edward Newgate/History | One Piece Wiki | Fandom [109][150] Another example was his clash with Shanks which resulted in the heavens being split in two.[151]. [162] Banpresto has released two Whitebeard figures as Ichiban Kuji prizes, one in August 2010[163] and another in April 2012. What is Whitebeard's first name? It is also unknown why did the WG accepted him into the Seven Warlords ranks and if they only acted on this rumor or have some . Thats it. Whitebeard was the only person who could match Roger at his prime. While 4Kids Entertainment never dubbed any of his appearances in the anime proper, some tie-in materials indicate that it planned to rename him Ward Newgate. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! This was done using a prosthetic chest on his real chest (make sure to sing that to the tune of "We Want A Rock" by They Might Be Giants). Black Blade met Blade of Light, as they clashed, two masters locked in a dance only one would walk away from.-0-0-0- The Emperor's tactical prowess was demonstrated when he saw through Sengoku's deliberate leak of information regarding a change of schedule for Ace's execution,[136] and when he foresaw the Pacifista's arrival at Marineford and scattered the pirates so that they would not be routed by the cyborgs.[137]. This ultimately became the primary reason for him to recruit orphans on his crew and create a family like no other. It was a few years after the God Valley incident that Whitebeard went on to form his own crew. Introduced in the series as one of the Four Emperors of the Sea, Whitebeard managed to conquer nearly the entire ocean and earned the reputation of being the 'Strongest Man in the World'. [14] Later in his life, he grew the prominent crescent-shaped mustache, which would spawn his epithet, "Whitebeard". This is shown during the Marineford arc when he easily parries John Giant's punch and when he easily defeats the giant Lonz. During his tenure as a pirate, he was a known member of the legendary Rocks Pirates and later in life became part of the Four Emperors that rule over the New World,[5][4] before his death in the Summit War of Marineford.[13]. As such, he had first-hand experience of what not having a family felt like. It only takes a minute to sign up. As mentioned above, Whitebeard was orphaned very early in his childhood. Although this certainly is the case, Whitebeard was equal to Roger in every way one could imagine. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? He could also use his shockwaves defensively, as their vast raw power could easily stop incoming attacks. [139] This power is considered to be the strongest Devil Fruit power within the Paramecia class. He was a member of the Four Emperors that ruled over the New World until his death during the First Battle of Dressrosa. And, here are 10 things you didn't know about him. Whitebeard went ahead to fight BB because BB appeared just at the same time. Question: how did akainu survived whitebeard attacks? : r/OnePiece - reddit Even then, it didn't matter that he got skewered. [90], At some point in the past, right after attaining the position of one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile suffered a humiliating defeat against Whitebeard in the New World, enough to shatter his ambitions of becoming Pirate King for a while. Looking up to see Whitebeard, a hole in his chest from the repeated light attacks. [87], Since none of the Four Emperors work together, any other Emperor is a threat to him and his crew. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. In his prime, he was one of the few able to take on the Pirate King Gol D. Roger, battling him for days to a draw. [60] Ace's death was enough to make Whitebeard stop holding back the full destructiveness of his Devil Fruit, with him targeting Ace's killer, Akainu, almost immediately after. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. There are no plot holes. In the bay of Marineford, he predicted Crocodile's sudden attack but did not move, knowing that Luffy would block it. Click the "Allow" button. How Did Jewelry Bonney Escape Akainu? - Stockxbeats Even Teach was shocked by Whitebeard's tenacity. [58] Initially, Ace refused this offer and attempted to kill Whitebeard nearly a hundred times, only to fail at each one. Consequently, Newgate set out to sea in search of wealth, fame, and power. In Iron Man, why is Tony Stark fooled for so long? Whitebeard is often considered to be the second greatest pirate after Gol D. Roger because the latter found the One Piece. Why do many companies reject expired SSL certificates as bugs in bug bounties? [16][17][18] Like all of his men, he had his own Jolly Roger tattooed on his back. "Settling the Score - Whitebeard vs. This was confirmed by pirates and Marines alike. [25], Edward Newgate was a cheerful and carefree person during his younger years, prior to commanding his own ship and becoming known as Whitebeard. Answer: i think he knew he was going to die but at the same time he thought at least i could save ace and sacrifice myself and on top of that he knew his health was failing but when ace died he gave up so he just diied but he died as a yonko and as a legend he also said that the one piece exis. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. In comparison, He is one of three characters whose name comes from the real-life Blackbeard, otherwise known as. She claims and/or believes herself to have been Whitebeard's lover, and that he is the father of her son, which she believes makes her and Weevil the rightful heirs to Whitebeard's fortune. After Whitebeard's death, Blackbeard stole his Devil Fruit powers, conquered his territories, and usurped his post as one of the Four Emperors. Whitebeard was unable to move after his last attack on Blackbeard but managed to move forward with his body turned red with smoke coming out of it, similar to Luffy in Gear 2. [88] On the other hand, he considered other younger Marines to be "brats" and refused to give any of them, including the powerful admirals, much respect. His place of origin is listed as Sphinx island in the One Piece Vivre Card databook, and it was revealed canonically in the story when Nekomamushi went to seek Marco for the war of Wano Country. Going against all odds but staying alive, because the story would end abruptly if he died since he's the main character. He could use Murakumogiri to fight off countless powerful Marines in Marineford, including Marine Admirals, and during his prime, he also clashed with Kozuki Oden who was one of the strongest samurais of Wano. Whitebeard's color scheme as depicted initially in the manga. [11] Kaidou, who is renowned as the world's "Strongest Creature", put Whitebeard in the same elite class as other legendary pirates, that actually possess the strength to stand against him in battle, such as Roger, Kozuzki Oden, Shanks, and their former captain. Due to his age and worsening health, it was not as powerful compared to his prime, but he could still negate the intangibility of Logia-based Devil Fruits. After the bounties of the current Yonko were disclosed, Oda revealed the bounties of Whitebeard and Roger to the fans as well. Become my son! [2], Several action figures of Edward Newgate have been produced. Whitebeard respected both Monkey D. Garp and Sengoku, a respect which was mutual. In the anime, there were no swords at all in his body. Still, Whitebeard showed enough open-mindedness to give Oden a chance to prove himself in a challenge and eventually allowed the Kuri daimyo to be part of his crew after the latter prioritized the life of an innocent woman over the challenge itself. The time for words was well past. It is highly likely that Roger's bounty was higher because he found the One Piece and learned the true history, while Whitebeard simply wasn't interested in all that. The chest is a sculpted prosthetic laying above him. Claiming that Blackbeard alone was the only one whom he refused to consider his son, Whitebeard attempted to take Blackbeard's life prior to his death, calling him an arrogant fool that was never worthy of being a part of his crew. [1] [119] In addition, he received one of Kizaru's laser beams[131] and two of Akainu's magma blasts. He was suffering from heart attacks because he took off his life-support system prematurely. This was seen in his encounters with Shanks,[47] Gol D. Roger,[48] and Shiki; still, this did not guarantee complete cooperation from him, judging from the nature of these conversations.[15][49]. How did Whitebeard get a hole in his chest? If Whitebeard was younger, could he have won the war? He had a long face, ploughed because of the advanced age with many wrinkles around his eyes, and many scars running along his chest, and was very muscular. After Akainu killed Ace, Whitebeard brutally injured the Admiral in retaliation, with the latter being practically helpless in response to Whitebeard's power, temporarily defeating him in a relatively short battle with a mere two hits, causing immense destruction all around. [35] Whitebeard was understanding and forgiving of his subordinates, going to great lengths to rescue any who were in great danger, no matter the cost. [65] This hostility dissipated a bit when Oden was formally inducted into the Whitebeard Pirates, with Izou sticking around for Oden's sake. After the glow passed away the entire field went quiet as Whitebeard appeared and looked like he was . A pirate with a similar crescent-shaped mustache, Oda explained in an extra pamphlet (that came with initial copies of. Whitebeard was known as the strongest man in the world. [155], Whitebeard was an extremely skilled user of Kenbunshoku Haki. After the incident at God Valley, they went their separate ways to form their own crews and became Emperors. Ace claimed to Sengoku that he believed Whitebeard would become Pirate King.