Florida | Map, Population, History, & Facts | Britannica The state would have the highest death rate in our country comparison, no matter the time frame. You may be surprised at what you find! The population of Florida is 21,781,128, an increase of 1.1% from 2020. In 2021 the population of Texas was about 29.53 million people which is roughly 8.8% of the total US population of 332 million people. Massachusetts > GDP: $226.6 billion > GDP: $63.9 billion Some are diligent. Look at the usual flat map of the world and it appears that Greenland is nearly as big as Africa. State leaders in Arizona are promising more education spending made possibleby economic growth that includes a $750 million surplus for the 2021 budget year. Scroll to read more Arts Stories + Interviews articles. Image: World Bank/Bureau of Economic Analysis. [4] As a result, the per capita GDP of Saudi Arabia is significantly smaller than Pennsylvanias. How US States Compare to Foreign Countries in Size and GDP Still, Croatias GDP of $63.2 billion is closely in line with Delawares $63.9 billion economy. But the delta variant has still infiltrated those defenses. Delaware is often the butt of a joke as one of the smaller American states"The Simpsons"once mocked that one of their main industries is screen door factories. > GDP: $322.4 billion Though the population of Hungary is more than triple the population of Utah, the European country covers a land mass less than half the size of Utah. Texas and Brazil. - GDP equal to: Bangladesh ($274billion) plus San Marino ($1.6 billion). America's second-largest state economyTexasproduced nearly $1.9 trillion of economic output in 2019, which would have ranked the Lone Star State as the world's 9th largest economy last year. Geography > Area > Comparative: Countries Compared - NationMaster > Hawaii population: 1.4 million (Myanmar: 53.4 million) The countrys chief exports include cotton, gas, and gold. > Ala. population: 4.9 million (Kazakhstan: 18.0 million) Mining, particularly in gold, is a big industry in Utah. - GDP equal to: Hungary ($157.9 billion) plus Benin ($10.4 billion). - GDP equal to: Poland ($585.7 billion) plus Liechtenstein ($6.2 billion). It posted a record-breaking 87.3 million visitors in 2011. Its total area is 65,758 square miles. But it doesnt have to be that way. British Virgin Islands. Massachusetts has a $490.2 billion economy, about the same size as Norways. Why is it so cheap to live in Florida? - 2023 COVID changed the world and the global economy, and the new numbers for 2020 are out, showing Florida's growth compared to the rest of the world. By The presence of Chinese firms have long boosted Hong Kongs GDP, but the current unrest there makes the future of the economy uncertain. Nearly half of the countrys $70.1 billion in exports in were copper, copper ore, and refined copper. Its closest comparison on a global stage is India, which is home to 1.3 billion people, making it the second most populous country in the world by population. Washington, particularly Seattle, has developed into a tech hub and is home to companies like Amazon and Microsoft. Rhode Island is the smallest state in the United States. A significant portion of Florida is on a peninsula with a diverse collection of islands, marshes, springs, swamps, and hundreds of small lakes, rivers, and ponds. Agriculture is key to Moroccos GDP too, but so are aerospace and tourism. > GDP: $480.9 billion Idaho Meanwhile, Wisconsins manufacturing industry employs 17.9% of workers in the state, well above the sectors 10.1% national average employment. Subscribe to our free Stephinitely newsletter. > Country w/ similar GDP: Poland ($600.9 billion) New Hampshire - GDP equal to: Zimbabwe ($31billion) plus Central African Republic ($2.2 billion). We then added Israel because it was quick to vaccinate much of its population, and New Zealand, which has one of the best track records of combatting COVID, though the small nation in the southwestern Pacific used strict lockdowns that likely would not have had the same success in much larger, non-island nations. How Much House Can I Afford? - SmartAsset Norway recently developed into a major exporter of petroleum after discovering offshore reserves. Time to flee to New Zealand? Iowa To be blunt: Too many people are still dying from COVID, and at a much higher rate in Florida than any other place in our comparison. 1. - GDP higher than: 148 of 212 countries > Texas GDP per capita: $57,077 (Russian Federation: $11,441). Qatar, an oil-rich Middle Eastern nation is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, with a GDP per capita of $65,694. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of cookies. Do Politicians Understand Your Business? Poland has the sixth largest economy in the European Union with a GDP of just over $600 billion, roughly in line with Ohios GDP. - 2018 state GDP: $563.7 billion Some have highly advanced innovation-driven economies, while others are dependent on resource extraction or agriculture. But Texas might not seem as big compared to an entire continent like Europe. > GDP: $199.3 billion $ 29,758. A financial advisor can help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of investment properties. - GDP higher than: 141 of 212 countries > Vt. population: 623,657 (Latvia: 1.9 million) > Kan. population: 2.9 million (Hungary: 9.8 million) County Comparisons - United States - IndexMundi In Somalia, livestock and telecommunications provide some economic help. A war-torn country for most of the 21st century, first with the United States then ISIS, Iraq has relied on oil to keep its economy afloat. - GDP equal to: Myanmar ($71.2 billion) plus Central African Republic ($2.2 billion). America's most popular voting guide for elections, political issues If youre an investor looking to minimize expenses, consider checking out online brokerages. Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing are some key reasons for Arizonas robust GDP, which surpasses Colombia, a country that is being aided by investment and tax reforms, but is still plagued by high inequality. > GDP: $184.7 billion > GDP: $484.3 billion Brazil. - GDP equal to: Romania ($239.6 billion) plus Marshall Islands ($0.2 billion). More recent data out of the US suggests that gun ownership . Bridgette Norris - GDP equal to: Cuba ($100billion) plus Marshall Islands ($0.2 billion). Nebraska New York - GDP equal to: Libya ($48.4 billion) plus St. Lucia ($1.9 billion). GDP in Texas was slightly higher than Brazil's GDP last year of $1.85 trillion. As Monaco doesnt have an income tax, the country is known as a tax haven. Among the specialized products South Carolina creates are gear boxes for motor vehicles. Tobacco, the auto industry, and aircraft industry, Best jobs that don't require a college degree, Countries with the most oil and who they're selling it to, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/?ref=chooser-v1. > Ohio population: 11.7 million (Poland: 38.0 million) 2022 California US Senate. on > GDP: $29.6 billion Construction, real estate and rental and leasing, and health care and social assistance are a few industries that make Floridas GDP so robust. Conversely, a relatively small amount of New Jerseys economic output comes from natural resources. Rhode Islands $53.5 billion GDP is about the same as the GDP of Slovenia, a country with nearly twice as many people. Which Countries Would Fit Inside of Texas? | Newgeography.com Rhode Island has approximately 2.35% the land area of Florida. This makes it the least densely populated in the country. 24/7 Wall St. matched each state to the country with the most similar GDP. Among other diverse economic growth, Floridas economy has added manufacturing jobs (+6.0%) while the U.S. lost them (-1.7%), landing at #2 in total manufacturing job creation over the past 5 years, and #5 in growth rate. Author has 10.3K answers and 13M answer views 1 y. Italy has an area of 301,340 km2 (116,350 sq mi) while Florida has an area of 170,312 km2 (65,757.70 [6] sq mi). > Miss. Oil and gas are similarly important to Canadas GDP, with Western Canada as a major location for wells and drilling. The rates are cumulative, so the longer the duration of time overall, 30-day, 7-day the higher the rate will likely be if measured from the same point in time. > GDP: $321.1 billion storytelling. GDP per capita: $52,240 (Libya: $7,315). - 2018 state GDP: $366.8 billion > N.J. population: 9.0 million (Iran, Islamic Rep.: 81.2 million) Map Compares US States To Countries by Population - Matador Network Kansas Suriname (163,820 km) Tunisia (163,610 km) Uruguay (181,034 km) Cambodia (181,035 km) Syria (185,180 km) Compared to Largest State. > Country w/ similar GDP: Angola ($101.7 billion) - GDP higher than: 136 of 212 countries Formed in 1961, OECD sets international standards on a wide range of topics, including education spending. That oil may go to fueling the aircrafts that regularly fly into Macau, which is a destination for gambling. - 2018 state GDP: $318.9 billion > GDP: $150.1 billion GDP per capita: $58,053 (Slovak Republic: $19,897). Oil has pumped billions into North Dakotas GDP numbers over the past decade. Just how big is Texas? Map compares to other countries, states - mySA Click here to see how GDP of U.S. States compares to countries around the world. The U.S. states that are bigger than Britain include Alaska, Texas, Oregon, Montana and New Mexico. Wheat, once a strength of Oregons economy, has fallen on hard times. > R.I. population: 1.1 million (Slovenia: 2.1 million) Thanks to the booming tech industry in Huntsville and surrounding areas, Alabamas GDP received a boost of $22 billion. New Mexico has a GDP of $91.0 billion, in line with the GDP of the South American nation of Ecuador. > Country w/ similar GDP: Hungary ($153.1 billion) - GDP equal to: Poland ($585.7 billion) plus Sri Lanka ($88.9 billion) Tobacco, the auto industry, and aircraft industry make up some staples of Ohio's GDP figures. - GDP higher than: 111 of 212 countries The way North Carolina relies on furniture, Tajikistan is reliant on minerals. Wisconsin is nearly eight times the size of Israel by landmass, but it has a smaller population, and the two areas have a similar economic output of more than $290 billion. The True Size Of Largely through its chemical, petroleum refining, and highly mechanized agriculture sectors, the country bordered by Belgium, Germany, and the North Sea regularly maintains a trade surplus, exporting more than it is importing. At 268,597 square miles, Texas has about 171,902,808 acres of land. Motor vehicles, iron, and steel buoy Swedens economy. Still, there are four states with GDPs over $1 trillion. Factors like the European Union instability, Brexit, and protests in Hong Kong are hampering markets around the world. > Country w/ similar GDP: Singapore ($310.0 billion) > Tenn. GDP per capita: $46,925 (Singapore: $55,236). Both economies are largely focused on manufacturing more than 40% of Polands exports are manufactured goods like cars and computers. > Texas population: 28.3 million (Russian Federation: 144.5 million) Overall, the US produced 24.3% of world GDP in 2017, with only about 4.3% of the world's population. A statement from Mark Wilson, Florida Chamber of Commerce President & CEO regarding Floridas affordable housing: Florida Chamber Foundation Predicts Another Positive Year of Population and Economic Growth in 2023, A statement from Mark Wilson, Florida Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Regarding Historic, Consumer-Focused Property Insurance Reforms Pass During Special Session, Floridas Childhood Poverty Numbers Trending in the Right Direction, 113 of 116 Florida Chamber-Backed Candidates Win General Elections, New Florida Chamber Statewide Poll Shows Governor Ron DeSantis Holding Commanding Lead over Charlie Crist, Moving the Needle on the Six Pillars Driving Floridas Economy, Florida 2030 Blueprint Goal Leader Interest Form, Florida Equality of Opportunity Initiative, Florida Business Alliance for Early Learning Project, Florida Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Project, Florida Chamber Litigation & Regulatory Reform Center, Florida Institute for Political Leadership, International Center for Economic Development. Bermuda is heavily dependent on tourism for its GDP. Floridas economy is heavily dependent on tourism one of the sectors hit hardest by the pandemic. Select two states below to get started. For one, not every country reports COVID numbers the same way. More than three-quarters of Saudi Arabias exports are oil-related either in crude, refined, or gas form. However, it also shares borders with Israel and Syria and has been involved in armed conflicts. Or they obviously cook the numbers to disguise the extend of the problem were looking at you, China. GDP per capita: $33,558 (Angola: $3,414). > Country w/ similar GDP: Nigeria ($460.5 billion) To be blunt: Too many people are still dying from COVID, and at a much higher rate in Florida than any other place in our comparison. One of the nations leading coal producers, West Virginias economy is heavily based on resource extraction. > Del. Though Saudi Arabia and Pennsylvania have similarly sized economies, the Middle Eastern country has a larger population by over 20 million. You may also like: 50 most congested cities in America, - 2018 state GDP: $168.3 billion slightly smaller than the US. And the U.S. had the 37th highest death rate over the last month, again ending Wednesday. population: 6.1 million (Chile: 18.1 million) > N.Y. population: 19.8 million (Australia: 24.6 million) > Country w/ similar GDP: Israel ($297.4 billion) What about over the last month, ending Wednesday? - 2018 state GDP: $169.3 billion > Vt. GDP per capita: $47,408 (Latvia: $15,553). Floridas growing economy is on the right path forward as the Florida Chamber Foundation, through its Florida 2030 Blueprint, works to grow Floridas economy to the 10th largest in the world by 2030. - 2018 state GDP: $3trillion Tennessee Californias massive economy is bolstered by its nearly 40 million residents and a diverse range of industries, from agriculture to technology. - 2018 state GDP: $54.7 billion Florida's most populous city is Jacksonville, with an estimated population of 949,611. Florida Economy: 13 Facts - Markets Insider - 2018 state GDP: $348.3 billion > GDP: $192.7 billion - 2018 state GDP: $865.3 billion How Accurate Is Zillow's Zestimate? | Examples & Findings We found that most states have a unique industry that inflates their GDP. Only so much can be gleaned by comparing the United States with its world-leading economy to much smaller and more impoverished countries like Peru and Botswana. Drag and drop countries around the map to compare their relative size. At 7 692 024 km 2, it accounts for just five percent of the world's land area of 149 450 000 km 2, and although it is the smallest continental land mass, it is the world's largest island. New Yorks economy is so diverse that it equals the GDP of Russia, a country that is a major world power player in moving oil, gas, and metals. Of all the national economies in the world, Romanias is the closest in size to that of Louisiana despite having a population over four times the size of Louisiana. Delaware Florida ranks No. New Zealands economy is driven largely by agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing. - GDP higher than: 189 of 212 countries Peru had the highest rate. Benin, meanwhile, is relatively reliant on cotton. The largest county is Palm Beach County (2,034 sq mi, 5,268 km 2) and the . Ranking all 50 states by size in square miles including overall area, land area, and water area. > GDP: $590.7 billion Virginia 7 by GDP, but no. Still, their populations closely align, as they are each home to some 5.6 million people. A 2018 survey by the Council for Community & Economic Research (C2ER) ranked Florida as the 30th most affordable state in the US regarding the cost of living. > Mo. - GDP equal to: Ethiopia ($84.4 billion) plus Tuvalu ($42.6 million). Florida attained statehood in 1845, yet not until a pair of railroad barons built lines down the Atlantic and Gulf coasts in the late 1800s and early 1900s . I t's easy to forget how large the United States is for one country, especially when you compare it to a continent like Europe that's made up of so many smaller countries. > Neb. They often offer low investment fees, helping you maximize your profit. As the animated GIF belowcreated by Reddit user, neilrkaye - demonstrates, northern nations such as Canada and Russia . Michigan has a $458.8 billion GDP, roughly in line with the economic output of the South American nation of Argentina. > Maine population: 1.3 million (Azerbaijan: 9.9 million) - 2018 state GDP: $84.5 billion > GDP: $546.5 billion Florida encompasses 65,757 square miles, which would make it the 90th largest country in the world, according to Self Storage, and would make it just above the median size of a country. > Country w/ similar GDP: Croatia ($63.2 billion) > Wyo. > Ga. population: 10.4 million (Belgium: 11.4 million) Arizonas $297.2 billion economy is about the size of Israels economy. For more information visit The World Factbook. Rhode Island has a total area of 3,144 km 2, including 438 km 2 of water. Africa Is Way Bigger Than You Think > Calif. population: 39.5 million (India: 1.3 billion) about 0.3 times the size of Washington, DC. > Country w/ similar GDP: Latvia ($30.2 billion) The United States fares okay, but that graph doesnt scream American exceptionalism. Several of the other countries have kept deaths at far lower rates. Alaska is equal to 7.05 UKs. Shows like The Walking Dead have made the Peach State home, helping boost its GDP past tiny Liechtenstein, and Poland, which has the sixth largest economy in the European Union. Kentucky has a diverse economy, notable for whiskies, horse breeding, and a relatively new industry of antisera. > Calif. GDP per capita: $65,160 (India: $1,965). Florida Population 2023. The only states with larger populations than Florida are California and Texas. North Carolina We have a choice in this fight. U.S. States' GDP Compared to Countries - finance.yahoo.com > Country w/ similar GDP: Qatar ($173.4 billion) New York state, home to one of the financial capitals of the world, is one of three states with an economic output that exceeds $1 trillion. Kentucky generated $184.7 billion in economic output in 2017, closely in line with New Zealands $181.5 billion GDP. In an international context, however, we find that the population sizes of many US states make them comparable to numerous foreign countries. - 2018 state GDP: $128.4 billion