Warlock used to dominate the meta with Discard decks, but after getting nerfed at least 3 times it settled for different builds and is now in the middle of the pack. Eeeehhh this is going to kill some stuff. Since the deck has a good foundation for a control deck, you can never go wrong with any of the offered card pools, leading to a comfortable 12-0 Duels run. How long does it take to reach Legend in Hearthstone. Wizard Duels) - Hearthstone Top Decks Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Top Hearthstone Duels Hunter (Professor Slate) Decks Rapid fire? Ive been really curious about the best mage and priest build. His interactions during Duels show that Slate is a very unhinged man, obsessed with poisons and reckless experimentation. Hearthstone Wizard Duels Heroes and Deck Guide - retbit.com Professor Slate - Cards - Hearthstone Its kind of irrelevant after the last update. This card seems very scary to me. deathrattle slate - Hearthstone Top Decks Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels Heroes, Hero Powers & Signature Treasures, Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Sai Shadestorm (10239 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Sai Shadestorm (10133 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Sai Shadestorm (8495 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Sai Shadestorm (8197 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Sai Shadestorm (9385 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Scarlet Leafdancer (9891 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Scarlet Leafdancer (8458 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Scarlet Leafdancer (7992 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Scarlet Leafdancer (10081 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Scarlet Leafdancer (7258 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Darius Crowley FU4FREEHS, Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Darius Crowley (8626 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Darius Crowley (5431 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Darius Crowley (7045 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Darius Crowley (10351 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-0 Reno Jackson (7863 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-0 Reno Jackson (7429 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Reno Jackson (7400 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Reno Jackson (7304 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Reno Jackson (7202 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Sir Finley (7730 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Sir Finley (6389 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Sir Finley (9096 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Sir Finley (6530 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Sir Finley (6333 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Elise Starseeker larry3141, Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Elise Starseeker (8439 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Elise Starseeker (8531 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Elise Starseeker (9807 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Elise Starseeker (7711 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Brann Bronzebeard (9798 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Brann Bronzebeard (8082 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Brann Bronzebeard (8060 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Brann Bronzebeard (8514 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Brann Bronzebeard (7771 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 DrekThar (8510 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 DrekThar (9196 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 DrekThar (8168 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 DrekThar (8695 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-0 DrekThar (7986 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-0 Vanndar Stormpike (8564 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Vanndar Stormpike (7391 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Vanndar Stormpike (7841 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Vanndar Stormpike (7406 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Vanndar Stormpike (7497 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Demon Hunter (5624 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Demon Hunter (6893 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Demon Hunter (7278 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Demon Hunter (5330 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Demon Hunter (6552 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Hunter AirHater, Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Mage Spinner_Miester, Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Paladin (4271 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Paladin (6554 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Paladin (7133 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Warlock (6898 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Warlock (5698 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Warlock (6825 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-0 Warlock (6987 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Warlock (7357 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Warrior (8370 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Warrior (9435 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Warrior (4934 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Warrior (7607 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Warrior (6632 MMR). Rogue is right now one of the worst classes in Duels, but you can still find some wins using the right starter decks and getting good passives. On this page, you will find the Hunter (Professor Slate) Decks to play! In my opinion, this is the great minion protection card for Hunter that Ace Hunter Kreen isnt Also very strong in Face Hunter! Hearthpwn. Duels is Hearthstone's new game mode, finally bringing the dream of PvP Dungeon Runs to life. play a card, Shadowstep it, play it again) then next turn you can Ace in the Hole and play the last two copies, finishing the Quest. And even if you cant win in value, you always have Cthun as a back-up. If they get fireshaper they can do 20+ damage in one turn (Easily) by turn 3 or 4. Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter itLessThanThree, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter mapdreis, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter AlexWildPants, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter SinrVolcano, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter jigsawxfalling, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter GodSkinS_HS, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter syubun1486, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter CroqueHs, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Hunter syubun1486 (Savage Secrets | Stalking Pride), Mercenaries Shadow Build by lostobar3 (7510 MMR), Mercenaries Control Build by lostobar3 (7510 MMR), Renathal Abyssal Curse Warlock #50 Legend glormagic (Score: 22-10). Druid has only one truly viable way to play and its tokens. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. Talking about resources, after the Quest is done, every turn youll get a 1 mana 5/5 in your hand with your passive, so youll always have something to put pressure with. Paladin should be fine to fight. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Home Duels Decks (Duels) Hunter Professor Slate. Thanks to the Hero Power combined with Rockbiter & Stormstrike, the deck also packs a nice punch to finish the matches. One single legendary with that effect won't make cards like rapid fire or arcane shot worth running in your midrange/control decks (and it gets worse for reno decks since the amount of good spells to combo with Slate is halved). It would help to have the hero power look at 3 cards instead of 4, which increases the risk of discarding something usefull. Shockspitter Hunter - #428 Legend (Taki) - March of the Lich King. Hearthstone Duels Heroes, Hero Powers & Signature Treasures & Top Decks, Hearthstone Battlegrounds Guide by #50 Player (13.5k MMR). Instead of the usual routine of facing AI bosses, in Duels players will get to experience a Dungeon Run-style gameplay against other players. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. Bans in Hearthstone instead of Nerfs: A good decision? Professor Slate has the aggressive Hero Power that Hunters are known for, but it also gives a friendly minion just a little bit more . Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? The 'Play' button is not there (replaced with 'build a deck'), and there's no option to retire. Hearthstone Duels - All Available Heroes, Hero Powers & Signature Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? How to enable & disable Streamer mode in Hearthstone, Hearthstone Battlegrounds Guide by #50 Player (13.5k MMR). Hearthstone Dueling in Stormwind - 12-Win Duel Decks to Take to Battle Hearthstone Dueling in Stormwind - 12-Win Duel Decks to Take to Battle Published 1 year, 4 months ago by Avalon Rating 3.40/5 (5 Votes) The Duels meta is in the very first stages of development, and there's still lots to explore. On this page, you will find the Hunter (Professor Slate) Decks to play! After choosing Professor Slate, the player can choose one of these as their Hero Power. Just click on the image, and you will be redirected to the category page for that class! Triggering them one extra time is already a big deal, and it just gets better as the game goes by. Other than that, you play it like a regular Token Druid you want to create a big board presence, then throw in some AoE buffs and hopefully finish the game with attack boosters, such as Savage Roar or Arbor Up (which is excellent even if you dont finish your opponent with it). After a round, the player can choose one of three loot buckets, each of which includes either three cards or none, and add them into their current Duels deck. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. The one game I lost was the only game where I didnt draw Killmox. Indeed, the archetype is so good it led to the removal of Lunar Band from the format and it . Druid; you know hes either going, fast, big, or both. But with this Hero Power pay-off is immediate. Music: Sonata in A Minor, D. 784 - I. Allegro giusto; Fantasy in C major 'Wanderer', Op. Find the best Hearthstone Decks for March of the Lich King. This starter deck still runs the staple Soul Fragment package, but it's instead combined with more control and value tools to support the passive playstyle of the package. However, if you dont like the Combo version, you can try and play a more classic Control build. If you expect an insightful YouTube video exploring the cultural phenomenon of emo culture, raising questions about the authenticity of the emo identity & more, you are sadly wrong here. The first option here is a Quest Rogue. Handbuff from Overlord Runthak also works very well with your general strategy. Professor Slate's OTK Boar - Unknown - Hearthstone Decks With so many things constantly coming to Hearthstone over the last few months weve been really busy. Its a great card to add to the list with early- to mid-run buckets, but I think its just not good enough in a 15-card deck!