It's a great scene. Upon arriving at Gringotts, Harry noticed that he was in a chamber just off the main hall of the bank that he'd never noticed before. but apparently even after de Forgotten to his brother, forgotten by his parents. Especially if it was crack taken seriously . "Master Griphook, you mentioned unblocking what was blocked. Fifth year. When Harry blacks out after the Battle of Hogwarts, Ginny oversees his initial recovery at Grimmauld. He was back to being the "freak" that lived in the cupboard under the stairs. The story is "Twisted Fate" by moonbeamwolf - Work Search: He was angrier about the others then he was knowing who his real family was. Harry Potter and the accidental tax evasion, Harry Potter and the wizengamot lobbying, Harry Potter and the goblin mine strike, Harry potter and the Hogwarts-gate scandal, Harry Potter and the stop the count.Poor Harry. Once he was changed and lying on the enchanted bed, Harry found himself falling fast asleep, and he even started dreaming, Bellatrix was pacing in the parlor of the Lestrange Manor, in the middle of ranting to her mates about her fool of a cousin Sirius. When someone says this isnt over '' I really expected them to take longer to continue whatever evil act they were alluding to. Miniscule, in the grand scheme of things. The world better watch out for a Black with a plan. Well, one day 11 years ago he met a woman who looked like her. Now, standing in front of the oddly bent facade of the Diagon Alley entrance to the . So, he bowed to Mugmuff as he said "Thank you Mugmuff. And you wizards have the nerve to call us goblins greedy. Harry said trying to sound like he had some idea of what was expected of him in this situation. He later sets up his own secret personal account in Gringotts, which comes in handy when he is disinherited by his father. While at Gringotts with Hagrid, Harry Potter gets an unexpected note from the goblins which will change his life. Shall we begin?" Sixteen years old and already fighting for his and his friends lives just because some old men couldn't ignore a barmy woman sprouting some vague lines. . Have a please have a seat." Hogwarts seems to be the breeding grounds of trouble. It is true that your great-grandfather Henry held a seat, but he was succeeded by Griselda Marchbanks after his death. Instead of being used as a regular vault, it was used by the goblins as a (presumably unsanctioned) lounge, suggesting it was unused. Hermione gets sad but doesn't show it. In hindsight I should have used the last name of a minor character to avoid confusion. Bien sr, il y a une suite, en anglais, que j'ai dj commenc, suivant les livres avec Harry Potter, nomm Harry Potter et les Vulkens (Vous pouvez d'ailleurs lire 6 chapitres.). There is much to do. Harry Potter is actually Hadrian James Riddle Gaunt, the son of Tom Marvollo Riddle Gaunt and James Potter-Riddle Gaunt. A trait that Harry could appreciate, after all he did not want to be out in the open for too long least someone should see him. Harry nodded and sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk and Griphook, putting them on eye level with each other. He could not trust his voice to speak. I know that muggle-raised children are often unfamiliar with our political system. Not sure if they ever ended up together. Started before the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, this story jumps more than twenty years after Hogwarts, to a future in which Draco Malfoy and Hermione Weasley (though he refuses to call her anything but Granger) work for the Ministry of Magic. "Harry Potter" was answered quietly, as he handed the letter from Griphook out to the Goblin. Merit and Inheritance Chapter 11, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction The two lead very dif. /*# sourceMappingURL=*/, Vault 456 (10,000 galleons, 500 sickles, 100 knuts), Vault 67 (1,000 galleons, 200 sickles, 40 knuts), Vault 711 (200,000,00 galleons, 500,000 sickles, 100,000 knuts), Vault 500 (20,000 galleons, 2,000 sickles, 1,000 knuts), Vault 811-family vault (books on dark magic, blood magic, necromancy, artifacts, 800,000 galleons, 7,000 sickles), Vault 45-family vault (books on alchemy, runic magic, charms, transfiguration, Herbology, 500,000 galleons, 200,000 sickles, 100,000 knuts), Vault 600 (30,000,000 galleons, 20,0000 knuts, 40,000 sickles), Vault 7 (100,000 galleons, 500 sickles, 400 knuts), Vault 200 (20,000 galleons, 10,000 sickles, 5,000 knuts), Vault 589 (family artifacts, various books on Herbology and runic magic, various weapons and musical instruments, 400,000,000 galleons, 20,000,000 sickles, 1,000,000 knuts), Vault 560 (500,000 galleons, 20,000 sickles, 10,000 knuts), Vault 400 (200,000 galleons, 10,000 sickles, 5,000 knuts), Vault 206 (1,000 galleons, 500 sickles, 20 knuts), Vault 75 (5,000 galleons, 300 sickles, 206 knuts), Vault 9 (family artifacts, potion ingredients, books on parslemagic, extinct snake eggs under status charm, weapons, 900,000 galleons, 40,000 sickles, 20,000 knuts), Vault 156 (500,000 galleons, 2,000 sickles 450 knuts), 111 (60,000,000 galleons, 589,000 sickles, 300,000 knuts), 222 (50,000 galleons, 789 sickles, 456 knuts), Vault 335 (788,954 galleons, 456,980 sickles, 789,000 knuts), Vault 2 (800,000,000 galleons 456,000 sickles, 100,000 knuts), Vault 25 (700,000 galleons, 10,000 sickles, 4,000 knuts), Godrics Cottage in Godrics Hollow England (spell damage), Marauder Den in San Francisco, California USA, Zodiac Island (unplottable island near the Bahamas), Marriage Contract between Harry Potter and Ginerva Weasley (canceled due to death of Harry Potter), Loyalty Potions-last administered three months ago, Various love potions-last administered three months ago, Compulsion Potions-last administered three months ago, By right of blood owns the Deathly Hallows, Class: Grand Sorcerer with a 2,000 on the HMI scale, Holy fk that's something else. Newsflash, other kinds of high-end real estate exist, and not only castles too! If something's wrong there, there's definitely a storm brewing. Three days old Species: Vampire-wizard Parents: James Charlus Potter, Lilly Isis Potter-Rawthorn, Sirius Orion Black (adopted father) Godparents: Sirius Orion Black (deceased) Sire: Ash Star Ichor Birth: July 31st 1980 Death: July 31st 1996 Lines: 13 different fucking names. Harry waited a moment while the Goblin got down from his podium and followed quietly and quickly behind him, so as not to lose him in the crowds of the main hall. The moment he did, he felt it. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Griphook glanced through the parchment before handing it over for Harry to read, not even looking surprised by whatever was not written on it. Bonus points for ones I haven't read yet! Sixteen years ago several pureblood families were torn apart when their children were taken from them. But for the time being can you please call me Harry? My first thought: that AI that Tony Stark uses- fuck, thats Jarvis, My second thought: the Mad Hatter from Gotham, except his first name is Jervis not his surname, My third thought, which was actually a Google search: a shopping center in Dublin, Made it up. Press J to jump to the feed. People hate it but the wizards are stuck in a age where that was a thing, linkffn(13365454) has some of this - he and Ginny break up and shes a Quidditch player, and he hires Daphne to manage his image - but its still in progress, and it could explain the fanon idea of not allowing other people to access your blood - specifically becaue they don't want a gringotts blood test, Harry Potter and the Three Hundred Years of Property Tax Arrears, This would be so fun and definitely a fic I would read! Harry had to push down his nerves again, as he looked into the knowing eyes of his Goblin account manager. Write captivating stories, read enchanting novels, and well publish the books our readers love most on our sister app, GALATEA and other formats. Enter a corrupt Ministry, an insane snake man, uncaring adults, and a complete lack of common sense and logic. Will sparks fly when he finds his mate during his 8th year at Hogw. "ktet" egy rsze elrhet. He'd been determined when he let the Dursley's just a moment ago, but now that he was here he was afraid to learn the truth. This is a story that will have you hooked from chapter one. ", before disappearing back out the door closing it behind him. Merit and Inheritance. A mysterious little boy named Harry moves in next door to Draco Malfoy, and he's determined to make him his friend and learn all of his secrets. You don't deserve a family; you'd just get them killed. Birth Name: Hadrian Cygnus Radolphus Lestrange-Snape. NoHarry violently forced those thoughts to the back of his mind where they belonged. This article is about the bank. It pained him very much there was nothing he could do for her madness except find their son, and he'd not had much luck in that. Believing that their children were dead the fami Harry Potter finds out the truth. Young Harry Potter is a delinquent in the making. HARRY POTTER Fanfiction Stories | Quotev As such you are also the heir to your birth family and stand to hold their titles as well. He sent Cassandra Lillian Potter to muggles while her brother was hailed the Boy-Who-Lived. Hiding behind formality to get his nerves further into check, he knew he would need to be calm for this discussion. Luckily for him, the last known Potter died 80 years ago, so Harry gets an inheritance test and claims the remaining Potter properties (which are in heavy disrepair). He quickly changed, left his room and walked throw Diagon Alley. "We shall begin with an inheritance test, then we will discuss the matters of the Potter and Black wills, then we can discuss titles and accounts. Ha szvesen vgigkvetnd Harryk kalandjait Az azkabani fogolytl kezdve, de az ket krlvev felnttek szemszgbl - st, kezdetben kicsit mg annl is szlesebb perspektvbl nzve -, akkor vrlak kalanddal, sszeeskvssel, politikval, rmnnyal, romnccal, bartsggal, hsggel, csalrdsggal, Bob Roshta httrsztorijval, egy beszl menyttel, rengeteg alkohollal, meg kpzelj ide mg 3 random dolgot, biztos, hogy mindet belertam. Parts of souls do not go on alone. ( ). Looking up at Griphook, Harry could tell that he knew more about what was really going on than he ever would. Gringotts Wizarding Bank - Works | Archive of Our Own Press J to jump to the feed. He knew it would be better to blend in. Now, child, hold out your hand so I can stab you. Next to the massive, but kindly man, he had felt safe and secure. But Sirius wouldn't leave his pup without a chance of survival. Please consider turning it on! Alive thanks only to a timely surprise visit by one fugitive godfather and a mischievous pair of twins. Counter to the "Lord Harry Potter-Black" trope, at one point in the story he is legally known as Harry No-name. First step, Harry had to go to Gringotts. "Yes, Mr. Potter, though we generally do not speak of it so bluntly, out of respect for the, er, survivors.". So he followed his mates, and looked within himself. ", "You thought there was more than just one treasure-filled vault waiting for you? There's naturally a lot of friction and drama between them because of the forced nature of it. The small bond, their son was reaching out. Harry accidentally goes back in time to a parallel universe. They could not even be sure he was still alive, except for Bella's madness was not complete. As he watched the writing appear on the parchment written in his own blood, he was having a hard time pushing his fears to the back of his mind. House Gaunt? It wasn't lie; he was very conflicted by what was happening now. Seth Vulken, vampire n, grandit magiquement et physiquement deux fois plus lentement que la normale, se retrouvant l'ge de 22 ans Poudlard avec Tom Elvis Jedusor. 'Griphook' he assumed. He hesitantly accepted the results and his fears were all pushed to the side, as he was momentarily overcome with surprise and shock by what he was reading. Yet, as Death spent time lazing in sun patches with their new Master, they realized that the missing shard of Lord Voldemort's horcrux did more damage than when it was sitting in his soul. If now that her secret is out to The Order of The Phoenix Hope uses her new resources to plan a certain bank heist. Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor by cloneserpents - In this beloved erotic comedy with over 1,000 reviews, Harry leads his friends on a Horcrux hunt after reading a magical book that gives him special powers. When Voldemort returns to a body he is much more sane than before and realizes that he cannot go on as he started. Their footsteps echoed off the glistening marble that made up the hall. story identification - Harry Potter fanfic where Ginny is determined to That's when she felt itthe smallest bond, which she had not felt in fifteen years. IIRC she's a lawyer in that one at least (I started reading it a while ago and then got distracted when I ran out of chapters), Am I the only one who gets the right of conquest? Death was surprised by how quickly his new Master, Harry Potter, was to accept both his status and the cat form they inhabited. Harry Potter est mentionn dans les chapitres plus tard, mais n'est pas le centre de cette histoire. The Sorting hat had wanted to put him in Slytherin, maybe it right. Harry said that she wasn't important potter-hogwarts-dursleys-azkaban-james-sirius-severus-parseltongue-quibbler-hagrid-hermione. Here's a few that I have enjoyed. when harry was strong enough to walk around he went to Gringotts to find out what creature he had inherited. What would you like to do Master Harry?" It certainly isn't a Faustian deal that's about to blow up in your face. Harry was feeling determined and angry now. I'm 99% sure there's a crack fic out there where Parsleytongue is the ability to talk to vegetables. He wakes up in Gringotts where he finds out many truths. Hermione and Draco have their work cut out for them. non canon He fell back against his chair and gasped "Hadrian" as he fell asleep, dreaming. A long story from a well-known fanfic author, it centers around the titular "Legacy Preservation Act" that essentially forces marriages between certain pureblood linesand thus, Harry and Daphne end up together. How do you do that?" 10 Best Complete Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass Fanfiction Teddy! "Of Course Master Harry, I will get started on the when we finish here." Community content is available under. Bonus(? 'No one wants you Boy. What would happen if Harry finally ran away from the Dursleys? He shuddered to think what the rest of his account looked like, now he knew the extent of the betrayal. He's not been given any way to contact his guardian, Mr. Roberts, though, so maybe he really has been kidnapped. Alex has been kidnapped into the Wizarding World. ): The author creates a reasonable backstory to explain why inheritance tests always happen at the Gringotts bank and why they aren't commonly done. When Harry hops on the Knight Bus, he isn't alone. Harry suddenly was not so sure he wanted to know anymore. I think the pairing was him and Ginny, but they broke up because she still wanted to be young/become a pro-quidditch player or something? "I am. Books that perform well based on their reader engagement are published by Inkitt in different formats and channels. Well, that and the rumor about dragon protecting the vaults in the bowels of the bank. Cocky and ever and getting himself killed in a duel. Harry Potter did not live a normal life. Well, proving it will be a challenge. They may stay out of Wizard business, but they defiantly paid attention to what was happening between Wizards. Site: | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 3 | Words: 79,067 | Reviews: 1,275 | Favs: 6,121 | Follows: 7,658 | Updated: 9/17/2017 | Published: 8/14/2016 | id: 12101842 | Language: English | Characters: Harry P., N. Tonks | Download: EPUB or MOBI. Harry finally consented to Pansy taking off during business hours to drink an alcoholic beverage at the Three Broomsticks, all in the interest of research into Dieter Berg, or any other member of the Berg family who might be using standard investigative techniques, going around, asking questions in places that might have been familiar to an . May your vaults over flow." At least two of the Lordships you can claim when you turn sixteen and there has to be a public will reading. Fear not, you are safe here young wizard." It independently maintains the balance of the British wizarding economy, disallowing individual wizards, witches or groups to manipulate national financial matters for personal gain. Hagrid: That's a great idea Harry! You won't see stories with a lower score when you browse or search. "Good day Master Mugmuff, I have a meeting with Master Griphook." So even if his real family turned him over to Voldemort he'd be tortured and killed, at least he would not be able to hurt anyone else. Although given their job, he supposed that being intimidating helped to deter thieves from entertaining the idea that they should attempt a bank robbery. Work Search: Thank you so much for reading [Making an Observation] Part I of this series!Without further adoAt last, Hermione and Draco have looked up from their work long enough to find comfort in each other, however, the worst has happened, Taffy and Haze have been abducted by Hazes brother Ambros. Trapped in the abusive home of his aunt and uncle, he steals, he fights, and he spends his days in the park with his cousin Big Dee and the other Privet Boys. Chapter 3: Gringotts Part 1: The Truth, By signing up on Inkitt, you agree to our. What if when Voldemort arrived at Godric's Hollow with a grumble about how 'If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself', there was a dead James, a dead Lily, and a dead Fenrir Greyback, with Harry's blood wards already active? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Or will they have to take matters into their own hands before its too late?Join me as I branch out into magic like youve never seen. Cecily Potter had one wish: to go to Hogwarts like her twin brother, Harry. what if his parents were alive? A fertilised egg is about the size of a full stop. It has close to 100,000 hits, and that number only grows as each additional chapter is published. The vault required a key for entry, and was at a moderate depth further down than the, Harry Potter first ventured to Gringotts in, Sirius used gold from this vault to pay for. He and Severus had spent years looking and found no trace. Chapters are not meant to be long. The last time he had entered the halls of the goblin bank he had been with Hagrid. Harry Potter stood in front of the entrance to Gringotts bank, building up the courage to go in. The ministry has educational booklets on the subject available for free, suitable for children aged 10 and older. He was abused by the relatives and told that his parents, Lily and James Potter, were dead. Gringotts Stories - Wattpad Harry watched him enter the door, leaving it open enough that harry could hear a conversation in gobbledygook, before he was led into the small office. Harry Siruis James Potter was born to James Potter and Lily Potter .. or so we were told Albus Dumbledore manipulated everything . "We will do that for you here Master Harry. That sound familiar to anyone? Before Mugmuff could leave Harry thought it best now to thank the Goblin in case he did not see if on the way out. The Weasleys and Dumbledore tell him they will have Poppy verify the paternity. The poem that reads at the entrance of Gringotts may have been inspired by the poem at the entrance of, Harry believed that a primary reason Voldemort chose the bank (specifically the Lestrange vault) to hide. A long forgotten werewolf pack, a noble society of sirens from the Aegean Sea, a secret village of fairies, Gods of an ancient time and friends from a great Academy of Magic. Its main offices were located around the North Side of Diagon Alley in London, England. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. LOOK. Her hex was meant to stun the stupid mutt, but nooo.he had to go and fall through that damn vale. Harry walked to the impressive building that is Gringotts and walked in, ignoring the creepy song. Located in the new vault area. But how can a Muggleborn witch suddenly become a vampire without being turned Harry Potter goes through an early inheritance, courtesy of Vernons abuse. Smutty stories with witches paired with sentient magical creatures. Maybe he was more Slytherin then Gryffindor. Gringotts Wizarding Bank - Works | Archive of Our Own to you mr. moonbeamwolf. "Point me!" Betrayal Even with knowing he had a creature inheritance, and 2 biological 'I at least know where I stand with themDead man walking.' . "Good day Master Potter. But honestly, he was 15, and until now someone else had always handled any dealings with the Goblins for him. Maybe they'd turn me over to Voldemort? Was there a way to unblock and reverse what Dumbledore did? If there aren't any questions?" Join harry as he I'm going to be completely honest-This is on an indefinite hiatus. He fell back onto the couch and gasped "Hadrian" as he fell fast asleep, dreaming, He sat in his chair, reading through letters and paperwork for their lord, as he listened to his lovely Bella rant. He'd take any hope right now, no matter how small. Potter?" And more about himself and his mysterious inheritance.. "You are indeed expected young Master. On Harry's 14th birthday he went into his inheritance he had almost killed his uncle with his new powers rage had taken him over. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Dumbledore and the Weasley's had done everything they could do, to keep him dependent on them. (Look. Hogy igazat rt-e a Hrver, kinyrja-e Siriust a fggny, s legyzi-e a j a gonoszt, azt termszetesen nem fogom elre elrulni, de grem, minden tlem telhett elkvetek azrt, hogy gy rezd, a HP-t olvasod, csak Pratchett, Gaiman s Stephen King tollbl. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. Fanfiction Authors: How do I show that my character is mysterious and edgy? With cameos from crowd favorites (Hagrid! Little does she know that this is the perfect storm to lead her down the dark path of Blood Magic rituals with a certain blonde-haired, grey-eyed former Death Eater, the one wizard she hates most. Harry Potter Fanfiction | Fandom However what I found here takes the cake for all the overpowered storylines that I have read in the last year. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. "As the Potters made you their Mast Harry, you are entitled to the family magic's, the properties, and a place on their family trees. Harry comes into his strange Creature Inheritance and also gains eyebrow raising mates. It wasn't a mother's love that saved Harry James Potter, it was his twin sister's. On the Halloween night that Voldemort vanished Dumbledore made one of his biggest mistakes. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (137), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies) (6), Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Video Game) (6), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (5), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (4), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling (4), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley (16), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (68), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Original Werewolf Character(s) - Freeform, reading this is basically emotional self harm, It's the full moon when I want it to be the full moon dammit, and is trying to figure out why they made the story start when the character was 8, ignore that that's at the bottom of the tag list, it's actually one of the most important ones, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.