He was flawless and I annoyed you with every little thing I did. You gave an eye roll and laid your head on his shoulder. Determined to be like the volleyball championship's star player nicknamed "the small giant", Shoyo joins his school's volleyball club. 17. Oikawa- Kiss. Haikyuu boys as your boyfriends 6. Azumane Asahi: Second Encounter Discover short videos related to haikyuu boyfriend scenarios on TikTok. ), Late night gas Station runs// their gas station orders. Yama scooted to the ground just as you lifted up your head, he smiled and you did the same, both of you laughing a bit.Nishinoya You gave a small frown then placed your foot to Noya's butt, pushing him lightly to get his attention. I would ask you to call me when you know what you what, but I think you already have an answer. He doesnt smile or touch you. The Scene In Haikyuu!! That Went Too Far - Looper.com You werent his punching bag, but a person he held deep feelings for. You rested your chin on Shoyo, making him give a small smirk. They were threatening me almost every day, they made me terrified of school, some of them even tried to poison my dog - can you imagine? You can't come because you have school to do. Akaashi raised an eyebrow seeing you laying on your stomach, hitting your but with the heal of your left foot only as you played on your phone when he came to walk to practice with you. You deserved each other, fought for each other and hopefully will be with each other forever. You always loved him more. is laser-focused on its core premise: Shoyo Hinata and Tobio Kageyama are two volleyball prodigies who differ in their approaches to the game but are united in their desire to be the best they can possibly be. I would gladly help you anytime. He finishes and this time he sounds less angry. "Then I'll lay on you." Warm, plump with flavored lip gloss on it - apples, he dared to guess. You cheered in you mind, because now you will have a little more freedom. Imagine life with these cute (and hot) Haikyuu! Iwaizumi Hajime: First Meeting Your eyes went back to the screen, as your hand dived into a bowl full of popcorn. "Ow." iwaizumi, karasuno, academy. You noticed it faster than he anticipated and opened a mouth like you wanted to say something but closed it, deciding not to. Kuroo gave an eye roll and stood up, just when he did, Kenma took his spot. He has no manners. Kyoutani jumped up and spiked the ball, but when he landed, he stumbled backwards, leading on your lap, he gave widened eyes as you gave parted lips then a small giggle when he sat up. You gave a bod but didn't move. Tooru, you know that I and he dont contact each other anymore. You try to assure him, but you know the lie youve just said is clearer than a drop of water. You want to throw up, but you did enough of that yesterday in the clubs smelly toilet. Usually, when you meet with your boyfriend he would express his love for you all the time. His head is hung low, eyes clouded with worry. | Sawamura Daichi ver. "Kyoutani You watched Aobajosai practice as you waited for the boys to get out of the locker room, you were playing a game on Kyoutani's phone. #nishinoya Your eyebrows raised slightly in anticipation, however, you tried your hardest not show how long youve waited for what was to come. 'Thats not it! Giving (Y/n)-chan a lap dance?" Yeah, its almost too obvious to handle. They didnt bother to continue their conversation after that. It felt different than any other, but also very similar.After five minutes, which seemed like forever, he finally moved away from your probably red face. Answer (1 of 31): i would like to start by saying a show in of itself cannot be gay or straight. Sugawara Koushi: Second Encounter Haikyuu ~ Who's your Karasuno Boyfriend? what?? But after five minutes you started to sob - so loudly and ugly that his heart shattered once again and before he could calm down, he broke down with you. Kenma- he likes to lay in your lap but when you do it he nuzzles your neck - Soft kisses - At least when your home alone - If your in public he looks annoyed but will just let you do you. Terushima smirked then started to move around, leaning more weight on you before you groan and shoved him off. Their debut on a national stage marks virtually the entire team's introduction to the world of high school volleyball outside of their hometown's region. Please consider turning it on! fifteen minutes of talking, kicking, arguing at throwing bals at faces - all of yelled some motivation things and decided to do their best to make Kuroo happyor quiet. Haikyuu!! Well, its not my fault you keep dragging this fucking tree everywhere we go! You let out a breath you held for way too long and sit next to him. Splinz: OP, you need to come to me that I may pray for you. Credit to whomever created us no longer active, but thank you for the support <3, Haikyuu bf/gf scenarios, one shots and headcanons, Aye Aye Captain [Haikyuu!Captains x Reader]. -stop it- Kiss. I forgive you. He couldnt hold it back. Haikyu!! (TV Series 2014-2020) - IMDb You know that Im not worried about me, but about you. #sugawara I know, because I will be your tutor., Originally posted by anime-trash-for-life. I really thought that our problems will somehow disappear and we can repair our relationship. And also he didnt really have any occasion to give much thought to his infatuation because your birthday was approaching and his gift must be the best one that year. Kuroo flipped the switch off and on, he then went over to you, you were sleeping on your back, so Kuroo sat on your thighs and started to bounce, leaning more weight on you. Everybody was slowly leaving, going their own ways until finally, you two were alone again. He did it in many different ways, but never once wasted a chance to show you how much you mean to him. 'You forgot, huh? I-I wanted to call you for a long time, but I chickened out again. This is a TMNT Boyfriend Scenario Series featuring the four mutant brothers: Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey. All haikyuu characters and plot lines belong to Haruichi Furudate Chapter 1: Sugawara Koushi: First Meeting You attend Aoba Johsai and are pretty good friends with the seniors on the team You're actually the manager after Oikawa convinced forced you to take the job Asshole You gave a smirk and a shoulder shrug, Iwazumi then tossed the ball to the side and went over to you, sitting on your thighs. "Huh? *Images used are not mine. You called him by his given name for the first time and he didnt want to forget how your voice sounded with it on your lips. Come closer! Someone, whose voice you could recognise everywhere, whispere from somewhere in front of you. Am I comfortable to sit on" - Put his hands on your shoulders like around them, Tend- wraps his long ass arms around you - Doesn't really care much - He likes he feeling of you no matter how much you weigh- It reminds him that your real, When you want their Attention if their ignoring you, When they see you sleeping in their bed / Q and A, How they would react if you moved to the US, If they touched you Inappropriately by accident, How they act when they have a crush on you, If you were hurting durring a sport match, More headcanons ( a little bit more romantic), 1-10 how husband good of a husband they would be, ALL FINAL REQUESTS (last one for the book! Karasuno High libero Yu Nishinoya, meanwhile, almost chances into what he calls his "lucky perv" incident. Characters include (currently): Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Atsumu :] "Bokuto off! Tsukishima Kei: Second Encounter Determined to be like the volleyball championship's star player nicknamed "the small giant", Shoyo joins his school's volleyball club.Determined to be like the volleyball championship's star player nicknamed "the small giant", Shoyo joins his school's volleyball club.Determined to be like the volleyball championship's star player nicknamed "the small giant", Shoyo joins his school's volleyball club. 5. He has been just noticed and it was the best feeling in the whole world. Lev- He man spreads - You fall in between his legs HAHAH- does that because he doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of you - "Sorry I didn't see you there, stand up taller", Bokuto- "Y/N, baby get off it feels weird"- Flustered - Hates when you do it in front of his friends - Hides behind your back, Akaashi- He puts his head on your neck - Nuzzles it - Kisses your hand - He likes to make you flustered, Ushijima- doesn't want to touch you wrong - Sits super still - "Are you alright y/n? As a result of the commitment of "Haikyuu!!" Pinkish and reddish colours reflected on your face, showing him a side of you, he hadnt had a pleasure of meeting. You got it bad, prince charming. Scoffed Yaku, turning to face him when the lunch break began. The way you turned and hopefully will turn Kuroos world upside down was indescribable. Opening the gym door, you were welcomed by a swallowing darkness. Aone gave widened eyes and lifted up a bit, you remembered your foot with playful narrowed eyes. Semi Eita: Second Encounter requests, headcanons, scenarios. But remember that I will hug you to death!. You were currently doing absolutely nothing when Yaku came out of nowhere looking determined for a reason you werent ready to know. ", When Oikawa left to go "talk" to Karasuno, you followed to make sure he wasn't too rude to them, While out there you finally look at all of them, but mostly the pretty setter, "Oh come on! Akaashi Keiji: First Meeting His now dry palm slowly fell from his face and moved against his will towards your form. 'You read my texts?! Work Search: You try not to avoid his eyes, but that makes it harder for you to respond. He just couldnt shake off the emptiness, which came immediately after he found himself not being able to remember how you used to pronounce his name. Boyfriend Scenarios and Oneshots by Sissy_matsouka (Xakaashi) with 2,143 reads. I dont remember when was the last time I desired to be so lazy, like I do today.. Heey, Yaku-senpai..since we are here too, maybe we could His morning practice was quickly approaching and sweet hours of sleep were very appreciated by a person as hardworking as him. #daichi Scenarios and preferences with your Haikyuu Boyfriend! And poor Lev, left gym whining like a child. Kenma did, he played his game as you held him close, kissing his back, he leaned more weight down on you, making you giggle. Today is undoubtedly different and it terrifies you. Some Haikyuu head-cannons, one-shots, and scenarios! Im not saying it to make you feel guilty, I just dont want you to be sad when we dont go into the same university. Characters include (currently): Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Atsumu :] Updates are very slow! "Give it or I'm going to sit on you." I know you have problems focusing on your tasks, but if you want we can always study together. "I love you." His eyes shined furiously. "Keeping it warm for me?" He only winced and gave you a silly smile in return, already regretting listening to Bokuto. Free! Boyfriend Scenarios and Oneshots - Sosuke x Reader fluff - Wattpad It will help you ignore your hunger for a while. You suggested, smiling warmly at him as you imagined his body cuddling and tightly hugging your body. "Ah, Kuroo! He'd had a nightmare, but he couldn't remember what it'd been about. His time at school was finally moving towards its end and since he didnt have practice later, he could just walk lazily home and then relax with a hot drink and a good movie in the background. ; betrunken nicht unter kontrolle; bewerbung zahnmedizinische prophylaxeassistentin Hovewer, you need to work hard. You see, your boner is under the influences of the marine kingdom. Yams gave widened eyes and a light blue face and did so, he sat on your back, trying not to put all his weight on you, as you gave a whine like groan, he rubbed your back. Fluff Scenarios for the soft heartsLemon Scenarios for hardcore ones!Submit your request in the comments, I'll be happy to write about it ;), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. I think I have an idea. Added Sugawara, who literally appeared out of nowhere. 15. That gesture always made you smile, because it made his hair even wilder. Kyoutani gave a nod, he then walked away with the same expression, shocked, passed Iwazumi. "Do you want me to sit on you again?" You dont have to respond, I will tell you myself. He clears his throat and continues. ! Then he dropped to his knees, faking sobs and loud cries. "Don't mind. You obviously still explored one another and the boundaries surrounding you, which obviously could cause some major misunderstandings. And just in the moment, when he wanted to cry out your name in delight - he understood the whole situation. 12. He saw you asleep and gave a groan, picking up a pillow after going over to you and dropping it on you. We've all thought about it , #academy It makes you feel even worse. "We have to go agains-." He smirked and sat on your thighs, bouncing up and down. "L-let go." Ukai sensei gave a small head shake with his hands on his hips. Thanks for 1 million/ new updaging Schedule. You dont know what to say caught between being guilty and stressed. Which lasted approximately two minutes. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. "Other Akiteru You were over at Akiteru's Mum's house today, as you sat in a bar stool at the counter, you talked with her about high school as she made dinner. Enjoy! ((also sorry ive been so inactive recently hkkfjf . For a while, you are not ready to ask for the reason of his bad mood, but when he refuses to hold your hand you finally snap. He gave a grunt, you narrowed your eyes then took another selfie picture of him, he gave sigh and a head shake, when he stood up, you looked back at him, just for him to peck your lips, taking the phone. This is my haikyuu! Ukai chuckled with an eyebrow raise. He knows and you dont have the balls to face the reality. may have merit, it's the show's unabashed sexualization of Amanai that crosses a line. You threw words at each other, comforting, loving and so beautiful that every scar caused by previous pain vanished. You gonna tell me about it or what? You asked, standing up and sitting closer to him after he didnt respond to your silent plea. I just couldnt get myself to study somehow! I just thought we could get past this, but it was stupid. You, young lady, need to stop with this stupid, unnecessary breaks between sentences and words, because honestly, they suck and well, they are going to give me a heart attack someday. Kuroo peeked open your room door and flipped on the light to see you still asleep. You know that I cant stop seeing your heartbroken face anywhere I go? I felt like an idiot when everyone was looking at me with pity in their eyes, but I seriously thought something happened to you. Kuroo suddenly stands up and you open your mouth to apologise, only for him to raise his hand to shut you up. Its small and hesitant, but lifts your mood in a second. And just when he wanted to dig deeper into the thoughts that kept his brain hostage, the phone laying directly in front of him lit up and let out some famous song. That said, whereas "Haikyuu! Your headache got worse with every passing minute, you feel sweaty and disgusting and on top of that Kuroo is pissed. Not wanting to disappoint him, you just did what he asked for. "It was necessary." Very slow updates, will be posted on tumblr first, and then here. Is Kyoutani shocked by what (Y/n) said or that he sat on her lap? Yamaguchi Tadashi: Second Encounter "Here." This upward trend ultimately culminates in a scene in "Haikyuu!!" Maybe even your love was lame, but he wouldnt have it any other way. *In Editing* Fanfiction. While characterizing Nishinoya's teenage sexuality as fittingly pathetic a semi-frequent occurrence throughout "Haikyuu!!" You gave duck lips at him for not noticing you, then smiled and grabbed his jersey he held in his hand. 2 Likes. -already,- Kiss. It was about 2:30AM when he suddenly woke up, sitting up straight and breathing rapidly. 3. Like you hadnt made Tetsurou the happiest man alive. "I know. Finally, after the third series of pounding at your door, you try to stand up and see who wants to see you so badly at 7 in the morning. Then he begged for you to stay forever by his side and you loyally vowed that you will - without any doubts. "Akaashi"What are you doing?" He patted your arm gently to gain your attention and asked you to go to the gym. Things were fine. It was a better response than he expected and it made him satisfied for a little while. His eyebrows are still furrowed, however, his face seems softer somehow. 157 Likes 7 Shares. Tsukishima "Give it." You were incredible. Nothing to worry about.. heyo! ' Your lips kissed his knuckles and then you cuddled your cheek to the back of his hand, clearly needing comfort and affection. You have a small laugh as you leaned on him to get him off, but he pushed more weight on you then leaned all the way back, Oikawa came into the gym with an eyebrow raise when you and Iwazumi looked over at him. "Scoot." Ladies, How Do You React If You Sit On A Guy's Lap And He - Nairaland "I'm not moving." "TanakaWhen Tanaka got on the bus so the team can go to Nekoma, he gave narrowed eyes seeing Noya sitting in his spot next to you. 19. You immediately started regretting nasty words from earlier.Your bodies froze for a minute, before your eyes finally caught a proper contact and millions of overwhelming emotions made you throw yourselves at each other, into the long awaited kiss.You were too much in love to behave like that and this cheesy Christmas tradition was able to remind you of that.