That you would name your daughter after my own daughter that I long to hold once again has astounded me and I promise to care for this sweet child as though she were my own." This story is complete. 3 as Zoe Saldanas Gamora is set to return to the intergalactic band of heroes. For one, she was the one who had to grab his hand when he was being ripped apart by the. This should be exciting. Brash space adventurer Peter Quill and his best friend, (y/n) (l/n), find themselves in the quarry of relentless bounty hunters after they steal an orb coveted by Ronan. Guardians Of The Galaxy Stories | Quotev However, his reckless, womanising, music-loving attitude is not the best about him. He shifted his body a little bit so he could more comfortable. Drax, Rocket and Groot on the other hand. Gamora's always the one who ends up saving Peter. And that wish doesn't come true. If I threw a fit each time someone did something unusual in my eyes I wouldve died of a goddamn heart attack a long time ago., Were trying topreventyou from dying, Quill., Yes, Gamora, I know. He glanced up and met Gamoras gaze briefly, and she at least had the decency to look away. In other news, Peaky Blinders's Cillian Murphy and his wife Yvonne McGuinness keep love life discreet. Groot reached out to take the baby in his own arms, his branches forming into the shape of a moses basket which he used to rock Meredith back and forth. My opinions on them: you've come to the right place! As fans will no doubt remember, Gamora was dramatically murdered by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War as he sacrificed her in order to obtain the Soul Stone. Chapter 356 - Gamora, Rocket, and Groot. He's so tired. Finally prepped for the prison area, Peter, Gamora, Rocket, and Groot enter the Kyln cafe area. Peter and Rocket have to share a hotel room, but there's only one bed. permission from the author is required to publish them elsewhere. Please consider turning it on! Starmora, Quillmora, Petermora She then questions his motives. (See the end of the work for more notes.). Disclaimer: I do not own marvel. "No snaps for Thanos then". Please consider turning it on! Both of them are afraid of losing each other. ghostbusters villains wiki; what is the new name of eisenhower expressway? Cant you tell?, That? Oh, everything made sense now and Peter didnt know if he should laugh or cry. 1- Come and Get Your Love (by Redbone)The Milano flies through space to meet up with the Freedom Fighters and their spaceship, the Blue Typhoon. as well as Super United Heroes: Galaxy Quest Chapter 5: Act 3 - FanFiction.Net You do that sometimes when youre in a deep sleep., Oh, you were in a deep sleep? She sounded genuinely alarmed and Peter had to grin. guardians of the galaxy fanfiction peter and gamora pregnant For each challenge, this "mixtape" will have an A SIDE - a more conventional fanfic style, and B SIDE - my take on it. 3 thanks to the events of Avengers: Endgame. When the little child opened her eyes Peter gasped at the sight of her perfect blue eyes, so like his own mother, Meredith's eyes had been, that he choked on a sob as the little girl stared up at him curiously. No, they all said, though Groots reply sounded a little different, but Peter got the sentiment. Gamora grabbed his face, her fingers forcing his eyelids open, even though they were already very much open. 3 Marvel Studios. "So all he has to do is click his fingers and half the universe dies?" ! Rocket bellowed back, and Peter caught sight of him as he all but threw himself toward what they had temporarily named the medicine cabinet, which was really a very messy box in the corner. Gamora returns to her "fool" insults and says hell kill them all. {completed}. Blame Game, a guardians of the galaxy fanfic | FanFiction Sorry. To evade Ronan, Quill and (y/n) are forced into an uneasy truce with four disparate misfits: gun-toting Rocket Raccoon, treelike-h. PETER AND GAMORA'S FIRST TIME All characters and locations are owned by Marvel Bette Davis Eyes is written by Donna Weiss and Jacki DeShannon Peter Quill took a last minute look around the suite, making sure every last detail was perfect. There are some things you should know about me Long ago the officers of the Nova Corps were respected. Scroll down if you still wish to read it. (How in the fuck his eyes are blue now? Peaky Blinders's Cillian Murphy and his wife Yvonne McGuinness keep love life discreet, {{#media.media_details}} {{#media.focal_point}}. 400 guests Peter and Gamora discuss Ego the Living Planet. Gamora could be afraid of forming a close bond with Quill because Thanos could try and hurt Gamora's loved ones. You dont even have a wand, Drax said, and Peter stood up so suddenly that Gamora almost fell over. "Come and meet our daughter, Peter." Drax had taken Mantis to see the legendary singing gardens. Thats partly our fault. Her smirk almost made him blush, and he couldnt help but to breathe out a laugh. Wha- Gamora? Oh Sweet Child of Mine - Chubby384Dumpling - Guardians of the Galaxy Please consider turning it on! , Peter is thinking a lot since he met his fluffy partner. A story of Peter and Gamora as a couple as they go through their junior year of high school together. While answering a distress call from a crashed ship, the Guardians of the Galaxy run into a genetically engineered monster in the cargo bay. Guardians of the Galaxy - Peter and Gamora dance - YouTube They all just stared blankly at him, and he realized that neither of them knew what the hell he was talking about. Gamora asks how theyre going to sell the orb if theyre trapped in prison, but Peter defers to Rocket for support. To retrieve the Soul Stone, one must sacrifice the soul of someone they love. bringing light, to everyone around her.} When they see its there, Gamora tells Peter they need to go. )Usually, he'd be rational, maybe he drank too much. Was this what his parents had felt at the moment of his birth, he wondered? !, We dont know! they all screamed. With an ever-growing universe that currently features a whopping 30 films and eight TV series, it can be hard to keep track of everyones whereabouts in the MCU. Nuh-uh. She said, her hands folded elegantly in her lap. You keep doing these things and making us think youre dying., Its not my fault you start panicking over everything! Maybe there's a meaning to all of this? With no clue where it came from, they decide to investigate it and put a stop to whoever made it. When the group pauses their walk, Peter is distracted as he sees a guard mess with his beloved music player. While the trailer also reveals that Gamora is alive and will appear alongside the Guardians, helping them to escape a prison/medical facility. "Drax is right, man." Rocket said, his furry face peering up at him. Peter appears to have a mix of annoyance and disappointment from Gamoras comment, but she takes no notice as she tells them shes going to contact the buyer. 2014 on Xandar Part of the Journey Isn't the End, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction -explain what the hell is going on? Gamora is visually irritated by this, but she complies. The guard abuses Star-Lord with his taser while Gamora and the others watch the guard work with no protest. 01. Youre ticklish. Or, at least the middle of the ship's artificial night and day cycle. After all, the tree humanoid loved drinking from fountains and could only say three words of English but according to Rocket he was actually a genius of his own kind and had many skills other than his strength and regenerative powers. Tony And what happens next? That sums it up right? As if Rocket wasn't already having a hard time keeping his feelings for Quill buried, now he has to deal with a job that forces him to confront pain he has tried his best to forget. Just because the universe is apparently coming to an end doesnt mean that some fun cant be had. Another loud shriek from Gamora had Peter tensing where he stood but once again he was reassured by his comrades (he still wasn't used to referring to them as his friends). Rocket considers himself somewhat rational. Not telling Gamora any specifics, he instructs her to get to the ship while handing her the bag with the orb. Chapter 353 - Peter Quill. Peter provokes real conversation toward Gamora about the orb, explaining how it seems to him in earthly pop culture references which none of the others catch onto. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. BGM-Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. Last but not least Drax entered the room, looking happy but with a hint of sadness at the memories that such a scene evoked. Title says it all: a bunch of one shots about my favourite marvel ships. Little do the band of " ; When she starts her adventures with Peter and the other Guardians with the Orb, which contains the Power Stone, she refuses to let them know just how much power is in Peter's hands during their journey across the galaxy, despite his warning her that . , , , 96 : KMS 2022 23 , , , : , Get subsidy to buy machinery and equipment | , 3 . " He said, snuffling Meredith's hair with his nose and smiling when the little girl sneezed because his whiskers had tickled her nose. Will she help them defeat Loki and the Chitauri? Forget it. "Quill, don't you dare." "Dare wha- hic!" "Quill!" In which two very distant individuals learn to dream, forming an intense connection transcending temporal boundaries. Gamora is having some weird dreams lately. Ill let you choke on your snores next time., He didnt expect her hand to find his side, but it did, and he jerked away with a laugh when it squeezed. Work Search: Includes: He is nervous and unable to connect his witty gestures well with literal Drax, but he makes a compelling argument to keep Gamora alive. Dont you cut your nails where you come from?. She replies yes but doesnt see it in the bag as she throws Peters things out of it. Also, I do take requests. He whispered, stroking Gamora's sweaty face and kissing her softly on the lips. .. So Peter had trusted Groot to take care of his lover and to safely deliver their child. "Thank you Peter and Gamora. With his free hand Peter reached out and gently pushed back the blanket to finally reveal the perfect little form of his newborn daughter. He bent down and placed a gentle kiss on his daughter's wrinkled forehead and chuckled when her small hands reached up to tug at his cherry red leather coat. Meanwhile, Peter navigates the complexities of crushing on his friend slash teammate. Starmora (+ Their baby) Fanfic :) Peter watches her climb the stairs with a smirk on his face. Gamora and Peter have a baby together. But with her being of the grid and not knowing who he actually is, will they ever even find eachother A few months after the battle with Ronan, the Guardians are sent on a mission to retrieve a powerful weapon from the hands of a group of Sakaarans. They involve Peter Quill who you don't want to trick, (Name) Quill who will break you're arm you look at funny, Gamora that will stab you if you get on her bad side, Drax that doesn't . They all looked doubtful, but they let it pass for now. Enough so that when he has a gig to deliver a magic artifact to a buyer, he totally doesn't touch it and wish for the pain to stop. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2- Peter & Gamora dance/Argument clip First met Site code originally based on Storyline IO Designs 2002. And he doesn't entirely wake up without fur, paws, or even a snout. {Infinity War~Endgame} the fifth book of the "eternity" As they were on their way to the warehouse, where they were meeting the dealer, Peter and Gamora heard something different. That way we can make sure you dont die, but wont focus on the wrong things., Peter crossed his arms. "She's so bald" Rocket exclaimed in bewilderment as everyone burst out laughing. Post Infinity War AU i look for wanted people with a talking, kind tree named Groot, and with a talking raccoon named Rocket. Rocket agrees that theyre getting out where hell sell Peter to Yondu for the bounty due him. random funny sentences that make no sense; . {Thanos X fem!OC} It'll take more than winning to get there though. I don't think I went too explicit, but better safe than sorry. "Gamora may be in pain but you must remember that she is doing this for your offspring. Rocket and Drax rush out with their stuff while Peter rifles through his belongings, Gamora behind him, to ensure he still has the orb. Groot provides no explanation in terms that Peter can understand. Totally normal, Gamora replied, and Peter couldve sworn she winked at him. When the raccoon takes it the wrong way, Peter has to have a serious talk with his best friend. + Some chapters are now also available on Wattpad - you can find me there as LetUsWriteItOut XOXO! Peter merely tells her to keep the Milano, his ship, close by. I no longer do requests. He reached out and took Gamora's hand in his own, his fingers interlinking with hers as she drew him closer to the bed and to the sleeping little bundle on her chest. Rated mature for gore. Marvel Studios Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. What do we have?, Bandaids, some sort of liquid medicine for coughing, drugs for headaches-, What am I supposed to do? Can someone please- hic! Wave a magic wand and make something better appear out of thin air?. Peter and the gang set up a surprise birthday party for Rocket. Hiccups?, Yes, hiccups. I just think its a bit endearing how worried you all get. The first piece of fluff I have ever written so sorry if it sucks! An online web portal fornews, views and reviewson Agriculture, reaches out to theIndian FARMERfortransforming them into agripreneurswith free accessto any information they might need for their farming operations and for diversifying into value-added vistas. Rocket has been sleeping with Peter (literally) for a few weeks now, but they're not entirely on the same page. Turns out their little baby was capable of inflicting as much pain on its mother as she did on the numerous men she had killed. Peter chuckled and petted Rocket's head, knowing just how much he secretly enjoyed the sign of affection. Its a normal Terran thing to get.. Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana ChocolateMallowmelt, Tina_thebestboi, CrimsonAmaryllis, music_is_the_cure, Cheruphim, Koyregei81, HouseOfBlues, Home_Depot, OtakuSam, TheTentDweller, Queen_Goose, Im_A_Gummybear_Of_Hell444, phyiari13, Dragon_Halfblood7722, JustMe2004, teadaddy, Imaslutforhim, Thenumbers48, Aku_the_second, A___reader_a, Manerva, acegrace72, Hoseki13, TheArchivist, Fujoshi_Kween, 0Sssrinmyheard0, KarmaMayOrMayNotBeOkay, Bookworm55556, millerevils, wraven881, Salixjacop14, NoirElizabeth, Tottalyinsane123, Erichan24, TheRainbowConnection, MaferNajar23, NicoTheGhostKing, Skyler69, Iron_America_Stony, LemonWolf, ThoseFiveChicks, Fangirling101B, Kurara, Toriwayne, RosyKat23, AkiraKiyamura, 8Xanadu8, Delighted_to_Read_You, Kos926, Vestrais, and 381 more users Guardians of the Galaxy | Reader | Fanfiction Rocket Xreader Two legendary outlaw know as Star Lord & Star Dust are The leaders of The Guardians Of The Galaxy. I love her. Outside forces seek to sabotage their attempt and, as if that wasn't enough of a problem, each of them comes with their own set of baggage that won't stay in the past where it belongs. Wanda Stephen Strange Summary: On vacation, Gamora gives Peter Quill an unexpected surprise. The next moment a baby's small cry tore through the air as it made its entrance into this world and Peter's heart skipped a beat at the sound. Scott tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Gamora is alive in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. Gamora is alive in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. New villains in the form of Adam Warlock, who was teased in Guardians Vol. Im sorry for waking you. Both met when they were outside the Broker's office on Xandar and, later, they attack each other. {she was, in fact, a child of the moons. Rocket misunderstands the intention, and the two have to talk. -', Terran Physiology - nhasablog - Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies While answering a distress call from a crashed ship, the Guardians of the Galaxy run into a genetically engineered monster in the cargo bay. They do other stuff too but this is just the beginning. Hey, Groot, you wanna inspect his neck to make sure nothings stuck in his throat?. 3 thanks to the events of Avengers: Endgame. Gamora. Drax asks what he was retrieving, and Peter simply holds up his music player. A marvel AUWhere an 18-year-old female is left on earth by the Ravagers in the middle of the battle of New York. , Thor Peter states clearly to Gamora that he doesnt care whether she lives or dies following her near-death experience. Despite his kind demeanor and nudging tone, Gamora reverses the scenario asking how much he trusts her. However, the Gamora we see in Guardians 3 is an alternate version who was brought to Earth when Thanos invaded in the final moments of Avengers: Endgame. Gamora remains secretive and reports theyre on the right track. Rated #2 starmora. When I wake her up, the first thing she does is hug me and make me promise I won't leave her side. Gamora's fatigued eyes landed on Peter and despite her utter exhaustion she smiled. hell, she isn't even human. I mean, are the others asleep?, Not yet. Gamora, having been raised by Thanos, is well-versed in the abilities of the Infinity Stones. 3 Compliant, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (Video Game 2021), The Price of Paradise (and Power, and Prestige), Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (Video Game), SPOILERS for the Guardians of the Galaxy Game, A Whole Lot of Plot For the Excuse of Writing Gay Shit. wandering around aimlessly, in the dark. At the end of the altercation, Peter, Gmaora, Rocket and Groot are arrested by the Nova Corps. guardians of the galaxy fanfiction peter and gamora pregnant costco crushed tomatoes. I will try my best on them PART TWO OF "Starmora: Decimation" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Keep dreaming, Quill. But she was smiling, so Peter didnt take her seriously. Blame Game, a guardians of the galaxy fanfic | FanFiction "Peter, Peter, wake up," is the first thing he hears when brought out of a downright blissful sleep. As was the day he first got an erection. The book that i swear to update every week! Also Peter has Asthma now idk why but now he do. Drax accepts and removes his chokehold while Gamora gasps for breath. This is my first ever attempt at a Guardians of the Galaxy fic, and I hope youll like it! How could I? I never did give you that crash course.. Status Where is the first aid kit? Chapter 357 - The Kyln. My own wife" with the mention of his wife Drax trailed off with a grief-laden sigh and Peter reached out to pat him on the shoulder, his skin hard and rough under his palm. She hesitates before spilling that it costs 4 billion units. Both met when they were outside the Broker's office on Xandar and, later, they attack each other. Drax has a literal mindset, and is not a character who sees nuance in things. Guardians Of The Galaxy: 5 Times Gamora Should Have Dumped Peter (& 5 Youre choking on something, Gamora continued. En route to the starship, Star-Lord plays one of his favorite songs called Come and Get Your Love for the entire crew to listen.He's enjoying the music and lip-syncs to it . Peter Quill was frantically pacing up and down on the main deck of the Milano - his usually carefree attitude replaced with an all-consuming anxiety for his girlfriend Gamora who could currently be heard screaming and groaning in pain as she fought to bring their little star baby into the galaxy. He shook his head. Gamora tells the crew she doesnt know what it is, only that her buyer is willing to pay for it. They'll have to face their toughest enemy yet: an honest conversation about their feelings! Chapter 351 - Guardians of the Galaxy. Maybe someone spiked his drink for the second time in this lifetime, or is it the experiments all over again? The first trailer for Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. Summary: Peter knows Gamora is the most dangerous woman in the galaxy but for some reason that makes her even more attractive in his eyes. Lapis_stella, petitgremlin, lumos_solemn, Kalifa100, vanigry, Darkrai_Pika, sassyprep87, RobosexualCat, anonymous_kudos, Amani2002, beaubcxton, Kitkatqueen1, Lbely, Studycutter, Catherine256, lilyflower1171, idcjustlove, MxMultiverse, Never_Give_In, selinakyleer, Glarinetta, Cereal_Overlord, KoreaBoo670, sharkinterviewee, Smithkia, HarlleyqQueen, TardisPunkie, Mightytrivia, Mrs_Harry_Holmes, TheoMiller, Charlinne, Luna_Hallows, BeluKertasOrang, TinyTaser, asxrum, Poly_Is_My_OTP, joohoneybeee, pinkgrapefruit, mchan134, Myseashellcat, kitsxnes, Skyshin, AmayaYoura, sasunaru_209, But_I_Digress, FireChildSlytherin5, Thecoolshelby, Lost_Heaven, Medium_Range_Trash, magicjedigirl, and 32 more users