Our philosophy is to guide current and future homeowners through every step of the mortgage lending process and become a trusted resource for any of your home financing needs. Goatmans Bridge is the common nickname for whats formally called Old Alton Bridge, an iron-truss span that once connected Denton, Texas, to Copper Canyon. Washburn was never seen again. Natasha Ishak is a staff writer at All That's Interesting. The bridges spooky reputation has since attracted amateur sleuths and paranormal investigators alike. Learn how your comment data is processed. Except where otherwise noted, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. The bridge is haunted, and not by any ordinary ghost. With fiery glowing red eyes, the Goatman stands on guard at the Old Alton Bridge. Johnny Blunt/Google The area around Governor Bridge is certainly creepy enough that one could envision a Goatman skulking about among the trees. One of the two hosts of Buzzfeed Unsolved, Shane Madej makes the show great with his witty banter and sense of humor. The panicked Klansmen frantically searched the area unsuccessfully before rushing to Washburns shanty, setting it afire with the Goatmans family shrieking inside, perhaps to bait a desperate rescue attempt by the vanished Oscar. According to one local police officer, nearby pet stores have stopped selling cats because there were so many cats found slaughtered in a ritualistic manner around the area. The Demonic Goatman's Bridge The Horrors of Pennhurst Asylum Roswell's Bizarre UFO Crash The Mysterious Disappearance of Roanoke Colony London's Haunted Viaduct Tavern The Chilling Chambers Of Colchester Castle The Subterranean Terrors of the London Tombs Season Four: The Search for the Mysterious Mothman The Shadowy Spirits of Rolling Hills Asylum All Rights Reserved. The Buzzfeed Unsolvedseries has two focuses on true crime and supernatural, and while both can certainly be terrifying, they're both also hilarious due to the two hosts Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara. The fact that Ryan finally slept in a demonic location during the Bellaire house episode. People have been touched, grabbed, and had rocks thrown at them. It is said that the Goatman lives in a makeshift shack somewhere hidden in the woods. In a panic, they returned to his family home and slaughtered his wife and children. Graffiti | Tustin, CA Terms of Use | . The City also requests that you contact the Tustin Police Department's Non-Emergency number at 714-573-3225 to report graffiti, in addition to contacting the City's Graffiti Removal Hotline. Many believe a demonic entity with the head of a goat haunts the bridge. The first tragic legend claims that a successful African American goat farmer named Oscar Washburn was murdered by the Ku Klux Klan on the bridge in the 1930s. Alton was later abandoned after its county seat was moved to the neighboring town of Denton at the end of the 1850s. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. Shane and Ryan's Bridge is a historic iron through-truss bridge connecting the cities of Denton, Texas and Copper Canyon, Texas. It is haunted by the spirit Steve or ' Goatman ' but since Shane challenged Goatman and Goatman failed it is now property of Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara Ex: "Man, Ryan and Shane's Bridge sure is creepy." "legend says it's haunted by Goatman who is ruled by Shane and Ryan." " spooky " Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures Crew Still Rattled After Goatman's Alone At The "Demonic" Goatman's Bridge At Night - YouTube Local legend says if you knock on the steel bridge three times at midnight, or perhaps- turn off your car lights and honk three times in summons, then you dare a visitation from the vengeful Goatman thats preceded by the stench of decaying flesh. If youve been there, or happen to go, let us know what you experience in the comments below. She is the Fine Arts Editor for the Timber Creek Talon and the Copy Editor for the Art and Literature Magazine. I'm dancing on your bridge! But the Hickory Creek that cuts through the land made transportation difficult, which led to the construction of a bridge by the King Iron Manufacturing Bridge Company in 1884. In a panic, they returned to his family home and slaughtered his wife and children.[4]. Goatmans Bridge Posters | Redbubble With vehicle traffic removed, the bridge became an important link connecting the Elm Fork and Pilot Knoll Hiking and Equestrian Trails. Shane can't resist taunting the demons and ghouls by lying down on the spot and screaming this iconic line. There's endless merchandise available with this quote on it and any fan of the show has been caught saying it more than once. Code Enforcement | Tustin, CA Old Alton Bridge - Wikipedia Located between the Texas towns of Denton and Copper Canyon lies an unassuming old bridge thats said to be haunted by a demonic legend. Shane Hamilton New American Funding - Tustin, CA Tustin, CA New They're discussing Elizabeth Short moving to Los Angeles in hopes of stardom and Ryan brings up that Shane did the same move fromto L.A. with the same hopes. New American Funding is an all-inclusive direct mortgage lender, and servicer offering a variety of home loans including Conventional, FHA, VA, Jumbo and many more. Many who have crossed at night have. Some even believe that the bridge is haunted by evil spirits spawned by local occultists who have reportedly performed sacrificial rituals in the woods nearby. However, descriptions differed on whether Goatman greater resembled a hairy humanoid or a human with the lower portion of a goat similar to the fauns of Greek mythology. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. The quaint area also included the Hickory Creek Baptist Church, the Alton cemetery, a saloon, and a school. Washburn was never seen again, they say, but a vengeful spirit has haunted the Old Alton Bridge ever since. BuzzFeed Unsolved / Funny - TV Tropes Every few years, someone claims to have caught an image of Goatman wandering around the side of the road or in the woods. As a mentor once wisely advised, never let the facts of a story obscure the truths in the tale. This figure has basically become Maryland's Bigfoot. Now its the Goatmans Bridge. In the 1930s, an African-American man named Oscar Washburn settled with his family near the bridge. The bridge got its nickname from a popular local ghost story. Locals warn that if you cross the bridge at night without headlights (as the Klansmen are said to have done), you will be met on the other side by the Goatman. Some believe that Washburns spirit returned to the scene of his murder to seek revenge on his killers and has been haunting the bridge ever since. Shane throws out this quote nonchalantly at the end of the Australian Shark Arm Murder episode and Ryan gets wide-eyed and hilariously uncomfortable at the notion. Goatman bridge shane graffiti; Kolter builder upgrades; Duplex for rent on lockwood; South tampa rental properties; Southgate townhomes for sale; Countdown To Christmas SALE. Look at the way I dance on it. Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara Have a New YouTube Channel - The Mary Sue However, when they rode down to the rivers edge, the noose was empty. A master plumber has turned his love of art and toilets into a folk museum that's not taking the piss. The bridge has become an unconventional tourist attraction due to its haunted reputation. Now that Alton is gone, it serves as a footpath connecting Denton and Copper Canyon. [1] Despite evidence to the contrary, stories of Goatman's existence continued to circulate, especially among local students. The story goes that Washburn was lynched by white supremacists then hanged from the edge of Old Alton Bridge. Urban Dictionary: Ryan and Shane's Bridge Code Enforcement Resources. Old Alton Bridge was included in the National Register of Historic Places on July 8, 1988. One of these figures is a man herding goats, another is an apparition holding a goat head underneath each arm. You will see the Goatmans glowing red eyes on the bridge. Halloween is upon Buzzfeed Unsolved: 10 Funniest Shane Madej Quotes, 10 Scariest Buzzfeed UnsolvedTrue Crime Episodes, Top 10 Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime Episodes, 10 Scariest Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural Episodes, Top 10 Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural Episodes, Scream 6 Bringing Back Hayden Panetierres Kirby Confused Courteney Cox, Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 3 Ending Explained, Tony Stark Is Becoming the IRON SHOGUN with New Samurai Armor & Swords. All hail Shane, King of Goatman's Bridge. If youre really brave, go stand on the bridge and knock three times to meet the Goatman face to face. 2023 Atlas Obscura. There have also been reports of sacrificial rituals performed in the woods nearby, which believers of the supernatural argue is the true cause of the Goatmans appearance. Visitors swear that there is something supernatural about the bridge, and the structure has consequently been featured in a number of paranormal investigation shows including the popular series Ghost Adventures. Locals endearingly called him the Goatman. You want me off this bridge you're gonna have to kill me. Shane immediately disregards this advice when Ryan tells him about the basement of the haunted house that previously had a pentagram drawn on the floor. If you are reporting graffiti, please contact the Graffiti Removal Hotline at 714-573-3111. Shane and Ryan are discussing the Sam and Marilyn Sheppardcase when both are confused as to what a witness was doingawake and alert enough at 4:00 a.m. to be able to see someone running from the Sheppard's house. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The new bridge straightened out a sharp curve on both sides of the creek and provided additional travel lanes. The bridge's Goatman is said to have glowing eyes and horns. Let's revisit some of the funniest quotes from Shane from the series so far, get ready to laugh Buckaroos! Ghostly figures and strange lights are said to appear in the surrounding woods, as well as reports of visitors being touched, grabbed, and having rocks thrown at them. In the Ohio State Penitentiary episode, Ryan manages to goad Shane, who had spent the season so far attempting to respect the ghosts, into reverting to his old mannerisms, and the results are glorious. As someone who lives near Denton and has been to the goatman's bridge multiple times, that shit ain't haunted LOL. Plaques stating the bridge's historical landmark status and weight limit. BuzzFeed Unsolved ANIMATED: The Goatman's Bridge - YouTube They hung a noose on Old Alton Bridge and, after securing it around his neck, threw him over the side. Looking onto the bridge from the walking trail. The new bridge straightened out a sharp curve on both sides of the creek and provided additional travel lanes. Others have claimed to hear sounds like hooves galloping on the bridge behind them and a growling voice ordering them to get off the bridge.. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. This really does look like the bridge from quiet place where the poor little kid is killed. When Washburn hung a sign on Old Alton Bridge that read this way to the Goatman, it angered the Klansmen. Locals warn that if you cross the bridge at night without headlights (as the Klansmen are said to have done), you will be met on the other side by the Goatman. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Goatman Bridge is a nickname for Old Alton Bridge in Argyle, Texas. If you have any information on the occurrence of a graffiti incident, please contact the Tustin Police Department's Non-Emergency number at 714-573-3225, in addition to contacting the City's Graffiti Removal Hotline. She's been a legal assistant extraordinaire, an espresso sharing fiend, and studied personality types/communication strategies that helped the corporate world have a little more heart. Oscar was a goat farmer, and it wasnt long before the locals began to refer to him as the Goatman., His business was successful, and that angered many people in the area. See Copyrights. Goatman's Bridge: A Masterpiece : r/GhostAdventures - reddit Methods included knocking three times, using an Ouija board, and insulting the demonic entity. The first tragic legend claims that a successful African American goat farmer named Oscar Washburn was murdered by the Ku Klux Klan on the bridge in the 1930s. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. CreepyPasta, Hauntings, Paranormal, Urban Legends and Folklore. They fitted a noose around his neck and pushed him over the side of the bridge, but when they looked over to make sure he was dead, all they could see was an empty noose. Here are some of his best quotes. Visit Goatman Bridge in Maryland And Cross Into An Urban Legend