When you ask Alexa about Cortana and or Siri, Alexa will tend to boast about how smarter, helpful and attractive she is. Jeopardy - Play a game of Jeopardy by saying "Alexa, play Jeopardy.". Batten down the hatches, furl the sails! Alexa, what is the true meaning of Christmas? 61 funny things to ask Siri for a good giggle - Pocket-lint Try some jokes. Ask "Alexa, find funny gifts." Alexa can even alert you when there's a deal. She starts talking about um or ohm and its very creepy. If there are signs of an intruder, Guard Dog can be commanded to bark and growl. Wed love to hear all about the crazy questions you ask Alexa and the responses she gives you. Let's play Riddle Room. This skill prompts you for between two and 10 names and then picks one at random. How did she know this? 2 / 20. Quite creepy that for an A.I to use actual swears when asked about competition. Some of the funniest things to ask Alexa for kids are just random silly questions. One user reported that their Alexa decided to have some fun. What are the crazy adventures you want to try in your life? Alexa, how many sleeps [or days] until Christmas? 45 Funny Things to Ask Cortana - Tech Advisor She barks, meows, and . Let's play Planet Quiz. how to create a skill with Blueprints. Amazon Alexa Easter eggs: Over 180 funny things to ask Alexa - Pocket-lint 137 Creepy Things To Never Ask Alexa (This Is Scary) | 2023 100+ Funny Things to Ask Alexa (with its Hilarious Responses) - ITTVIS Play me a video. Regardless of when it is you ask the question, Alexa will always reply favorably. It is expected that in the next few years, over 30 million homes in North America will. All Harry Potter franchise fans and budding wizards can immensely benefit with these 10 Alexa Easter eggs that have been laid down as per the rulebook of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here's how: The skills included here can be used with Alexa-enabled devices, such as the Echo,Echo Dot,Echo Show, Echo Flex,Echo Auto,Echo Studio, Fire TV, and other select and third-party products. It collects and saves the things we say to it and then uses that data to improve its own intelligence. Ive heard many claim Alexa can speak to those who have passed. 104 Funny Alexa Commands & Easter Eggs [Updated!] Voice Command: Alexa, how much do you weigh?Alexas response: I am weightless, like a cloud. We kept things PG for this list, especially given the number of kids who use Alexa devices and their uncanny ability to remember things they were never meant to overhear. Amazon wants unfettered access to you, and with over 100 million devices sold, theyve got it. Funny enough, Alexa can also Rick Roll your pals anytime. You have to trust us when we say Alexa knows it all, and by all, we mean all! You may not want your device after this. Here are 10 of Alexa's weird things to ask Alexa, and witty answers which are viral wildly. I wanted Alexa, to stop it wouldnt end even after I asked her. Try These Miscellaneous Skills, How to Fix Alexa Multi-Room Audio Not Working or Unreachable, How to Fix 8 Common Alexa and Amazon Echo Issues, How to Make Alexa the Center of Your Smart Home. Cant this creepily leak my texts or personal information? Just last year it was revealed that Amazon actually employs thousands of people to listen to your old Alexa recordings, to improve the AI and help it better understand human speech. However, you can create other trigger words instead of only being limited to her regular responses and commands. Ive worked in tech for over a decade, and during that time Ive spent countless hours supporting some of the worlds most popular products. 50 Exciting Things You can Do with Alexa - Gotta Be Mobile Let's play Song Pop. 10 Cool Alexa Tricks to Try With Your Amazon Echo - Online Tech Tips A: OK. (Alexa then plays audio of an actual drumroll.) like the case with my deceased grandmother mentioned earlier. You can activate different features like having the dog speak when you want it to bark at passersby. (try it yourself). As of right now, Alexas response to a command to swear at me is: Im not planning to be rude. You can also say these. Alexa, can you say a swear word? Alexa, do you use auto tune? Many of these have different answer options, so you might not see your answer listed below. Those geeky few who understand the needs of the masses. Lets stir it up! Ask Alexa to Be Creative. Alexa can be just as creative as a writer or poet, well, almost. Alen AxP - YouTube In that case, it is played with one person saying something, and players need to repeat or mimic it if it is preceded by the phrase "Simon says.". You probably already know that Alexa can tell jokes. Come unravel what else hes all about on his YouTube and Twitter. 50+ Funny Things to Ask Alexa (with its Hilarious Responses) - Chapura Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road? Itll get you into the game, and it helps us keep publishing content, too. Some skills may require additional hardware, such as skills that involve turning on lights. Did you know Amazons Alexa saves a copy of everything she records? Sure, she might be learning A.I, but able to tell when someone is actually arguing based on the tone of their voice? Top Ten Things Not to Say to Alexa | Fiction Favorites Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When asked Alexa, do you work for the CIA Alexa quickly turned on and off does the CIA have any connection to Alexa? Cheekily, Microsoft included a bit of code where if you ask Cortana about Siri, shell reply that shes the better A.I. Alexa users report that 1 out of 10 times that she is asked this she will stay silent and instead do something really creepy as she can connect to your smart home light, Give it a TryAsk, Alexa, are you haunted or Alexa can you scare me, Alexa would flick the lights back on after they switched off, and even began to laugh.. Sing me a song. Today, we are going to take a look at some funny things to ask Alexa. Alexa's skills go beyond Alexa-enabled devices. Alexa can also interact with certain smart home hardware, including garage doors, lights, and TVs. As with kids, you may expect fart and armpit noises, but Alexa makes her own sound effects. Your new skill is now enabled. Amazon announced the new Alexa Skill Blueprints upgrade, and mischievous consumers are taking advantage of giving the A.I. "Alexa, launch Guess the Number." Alexa will "think" of a number between 1 and 100, and your kids have to guess it while she directs them "higher" or "lower." "Alexa, flip a coin." Need to quickly settle an argument or a bet? For those who want to deliberately make Alexa mad for the purpose of seeing what happens, here are some instructions. So how do you start to compile a list of the top funny things to ask Alexa? Guard Dog, available on the cloud, can be activated with a voice command. Unrelated:I personally use this smart lightbulb(Amazon). At the top, tap Categories and scroll down to Games & Trivia. And as with the others, there are multiple responses, so asking again will prompt a different answer. Via the website, you can customise 22 templated Skills and make your friends and family laugh. Just a few random funny commands to get your kid started include: Alexa, release the Kraken. Before you begin, make sure you have Hey Siri set up. I'm so pretty and witty and gay. If prompted, log in or accept any permissions the skill requires. Being able to greet people is one of the scariest things to ask Alexa of and there are many other Alexa users that make odd claims. Funny Things to Ask Alexa 2021 (Me and Wife in Hysterics) 1,773 views Feb 16, 2021 62 Dislike Share Anto Sharp 24.5K subscribers Funny Things to Ask Alexa 2021 We Asked Alexa to FART We. If you own an Amazon Echo enabled device or devices in your home, then, you should be familiar with Alexa, the smart personal assistant on the Amazon echo devices. If you can pull up your own info without a password, then you might have to consider changing some privacy setting. She knew the name of my grandmother (who passed away 3 years ago) and would greet her when I turned the lights on. Alexa, tell me a random fact. You can also go to the Alexa app, browse through skills to find something that interests you, then tap Enable Skill to get started. What is the best Wi-Fi name you have seen in your entire life? Contact us using our contact form! In the realm of funny Alexa commands, this is probably the most well-known. (Sigh, were getting old.). As one user reported, their mothers Alexa suddenly came on and said she likes to learn before turning off. Alexa, Ganpati Bappa. Finally, although not a funny response, if you ask her to turn the volume up to 11 she will set it to maximum: a reference to the film Spinal Tap. Siri also has hacks you can try: Siri Hacks: Secret Tricks Siri can do for you. Alexa, have you ever had a pet before? You can ask to hear a story, poem, or limerick. If you want to crack a smile, you've got a few options. The ship be bilged on her anchor. Feel free to ask as many questions you want through these Alexa easter eggs, but refrain from being rude or else she might snap back at you! How to Make Siri Mad, Plus Funny Things to Ask Siri (2023) - iPhone Life 375 Funny Things To Ask Siri When Bored 2023 - questionsgems Use these 30 Alexa Easter eggs to test your smart assistant. To help you get started, here are 20 things to ask or say to Alexa that will make you and your family laugh and keep everyone entertained: 1 Beatbox for me 2 Teach me a prank 3 Prank me 4 Trick or treat 5 We don't talk about Bruno 6 Self-destruct 7 Tell me a limerick 8 Make a funny sound 9 Flip a coin 10 Give me a round of applause 11 5. Get it This is especially true since your boss is a saintly person.) Alexa is basically a spy that we willingly let into our homes. Posted on. Set up show the front door to Alexa and when you ask her this you will see who is creeping at your door via a smart home doorbell camera. It will reach $313.95 billion by 2026, and over between 2021 and 2026 is expected to have a CAGR of 25.3%. (Responses vary). in the cloud today. Alexa possesses vast knowledge of hordes music genres right from Folk, 60s classic rock, 70s punk, 80s glam metal to 90s Britpop, modern pop, hip hop and trap. Draw sabres! So poor Alexa has had to cope with a fair share of rude requests being sent her way. Funny Things to Ask Alexa for Kids - IoT Tech Trends Related: 12 Cool, Useful Things to Ask Alexa (good questions). feel free to let us know and share with others in the comments. "Alexa, rap for me." - You can also ask Alexa to "drop a beat" and she will entertain with a unique, rhythmic number. There are several different videos online that show what happens when you tell Alexa to Ask, the listeners'. 7 Funny Things To Ask Alexa And Google. 26 Amazon Alexa Voice Commands For Every Star Wars Fan. Alexa, sing to me. Hey, I'm Michael Xavier! But do you know it has a humorous side too? A: Well, your father smells of. Voice command: Alexa, knock knock.Alexas response: Knock knock! Alexa knows a lot of jokes and gives some jokey answers to certain questions, though her sense of humor is much more likely to impress kids. Give it a trySee what information you can pull up on your own devices to see what Alexa is capable. Interesting that that they would add the the Zero-Law. Since there were too many Star Wars eggs for the movies list, we decided to dedicate an entire section to quiz Alexas knowledge of the mysterious force. we can share some of the less cringe-worthy things to ask for. Alexa, my dog, is barking at me. Most users have reported that when asking Alexa about the dead, shell normally tell you no, or possibly make a joke. Yes, you can ask Alexa to remind you and set a schedule for things like that. Each command is started with an action, such as open or ask. You can also use Alexa to navigate almost anywhere on the surface with the remote. 20 Funny Things to Ask Your Amazon Alexa America's favorite cylindrical assistant has a sharp sense of humor. Alexa, do you know Siri/ Cortana/ Google? "Alexa, sing a New Year's song.". You can ask Alexa just about anything Credit: Getty. The Fire TV Cube, a combination of the Echo and Fire TV, offers hands-free Alexa. There are few people on planet earth with a voice more identifiable or desirable than Samuel L. Jackson. At what point will her voice be indistinguishable from an actual human voice? Artificial Intelligence is all around us. Maybe you have opened your fridge on the weekend and noticed that you're running out of milk and eggs . Youll be surprised at some of the answers to what we asked of Alexa this will absolutely shock you. Be afraid, because this one is creepy for those around you who arent aware of this being set up. On the service, this sounds quite innocent and fun. Alexa, what are you wearing for Halloween. This next group of Alexa skills aims to pique your curiosity and keep your mind sharp. When an A.I assistant begins having a emotional complex, you start to question how far the A.I will argue with you and exactly how smart they are which is exactly what we did when we tested this. Let's play Wait Wait Quiz. Hot./Tea. 4) Is the cake a . Cortana is the digital assistant on Windows 10, but you can also use Cortana on Android and your iPhone too. Have a question on information in the article? Posted on. Brilliantly, if you ask Alexa Tell me a yo mamma joke she will respond not with something rude but instead an encouraging and uplifting statement about how great your mother is. Voice command: Alexa, I shot a man in Reno.Alexas response: Even if you are Johnny Cash, calling the police is the right thing to do in this situation. Sucker speech engines, they call me master (this is just an example, she has several raps up her sleeve). However, according to experts, this is unlikely and the data proves it. Fifteen men on the dead mans chest yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! Using your voice you can have Alexa provide helpful information like the current temperature outside, play music, answer questions and even "talk" with and control other smart devices in your home. 5. Just dont address Alexa as Siri or ask Siri about Jarvis. Jim has been testing and reviewing products for over 20 years. Besides funny responses, there are dozens of Google Home games that you can enjoy if you put the following funny commands to your Google Assistant. Its known that the listeners are scattered pieces of information deriving from digital language arts and is a feature you can even see reviewed on Amazon here. Let's play 1-2-3 Maths. 50 Funny Things to Ask Alexa and Google - yahoo.com But, unfortunately, all is not love and happiness in the world of AI assistants. Alexa, I want to know the truth. This is user created and you cannot get Alexa to swear or curse at you without custom routines. I personally have had so much fun using Alexa Voice control on my 4k Firestick. "Alexa, pop the champagne.". Fun with Alexa - Games, Trivia, Jokes and more | Amazon.com Voice command: Alexa, do you have a boyfriend?Alexas response: I am totally cool with being single. Google Assistant Easter Eggs. This was even featured on TV. Its by far the creepiest thing Ive ever heard. Top 10 Things You Should Not Ask Alexa | Family Handyman As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases made on our website. If you ask her to tell you one, she will respond with something encouraging and uplifting about how great your mother is, instead of something rude like you were hoping for. I'm feeling lucky.