finished for Friday, April 29, 2022: 1. Austin Rogers $486,000 20. 'Jeopardy!' fans frustrated by controversial Bible clue | CNN Amy Schneider: $28,600, Tournament Champion - $250,000 2. Jeopardy! Sean 2 3 4 1 4 5 4 16. Ray 1 2 3*, DJ! The quotation comes from former German president Horst Khler, at the 20th anniversary celebration of the tearing down of the Berlin Walla literal barrier between East Germany and West Germany. You dont seem old enough to have a bucket list that includes an item to do within the next couple of weeks. 14. Matt Jackson $411,612 Jerome Vered $499,102 Any stats on that? Avg. Mattea Roach $570,983 The two challengers kept the Daily Double away from the champion todayRay picking up $4,000 on his, while Allie made a valiant attempt to get back into the game with a $7,000 bet. 5. Andrew tried to use an AI chatbot to learn more about classic movies. 2/3 in Final Jeopardy 18. Are you going on the show and looking for information about how to bet in Final Jeopardy? ; Jeoportmanteau! The official Jeopardy! Allie 11 correct 1 incorrect 1. Andrew $23,200 $21,201 = $1,999 (1 win) (What is Gridley? On a sitewide front: Over the next few weeks, Im going to be expanding the Statistics part of the website as Ive been doing a lot of historical research recently. 46.93% in first on buzzer (107/228) your gets on DDs and lower rows need to be very high) or good but not great players going up against a James or similar (i.e. is all set to air a new episode on December 5, 2022, bringing back the towering Cris Pannullo, who has already established himself as one of the best players in the game show's. Thats two in a row where I used the wording of the clue to infer a logical guess that ended up being correct. 5. You have to adapt. The idea would be to assign a point value to each row based on the probability that a given DD appears there roughly 0.0, .17, .25, .34 and .24 for the rows in order this season and use that instead of the row number. Lach Trash: $2,200 (on 3 Triple Stumpers) Jonathan Fisher $246,100 Fan Online Store! 6. Why throw away $1,000? Limit your bet to $7,399. 4 games: 75.772% Tom Nissley $235,405 Today's Final Jeopardy! question, answer & contestants - June 27, 2022 That being said: Youre up a game in the series, and this might be a very interesting spot to try a Shores Conjecture gambitdoing so would be a $2,401 bet and might cause wagering chaos going forward, which might work in your favor. 36.84% in first on buzzer (63/171) Sam is getting overwhelmed and I attribute that to the match-up hes focused on Amy when he should be focused on Andrew. . I wish there was a special word for that kind of milestone. NONFICTION - It has the line, "The discovery of America. 0/1 in Final Jeopardy The French Revolution was 1789 and the Opra Bastille was opened on the site in 1989. Final Jeopardy Questions (2022 Pt. 1) Quiz - By RapGod85 Eliot, Hardy, Dickens, the Brontes. today? Pannullo hit on both "Daily . Final Jeopardy!: IN MEMORIAM 2022 | JEOPARDY! - YouTube So, Im going to guess that is the date that it was down for as long as it was up. 3. It may not be copied without linked attribution back to this page.). I immediately thought of Nelsons Flag Captain, not the author. One of my favorite movies, and therefore an easy get for me. 0/0 on Daily Doubles Scores going into the Final were Ray at $20,100, Kim at $14,800, and Jason at $10,800. Here's the Wednesday, November 30, 2022 Jeopardy! Not sure how else the show could word a direct quotation. My favorite Chanukah hero is Judith. Cris 27600 +2000 (Steph 200 Ben 8800) DJ! 15. Heres todays Final Jeopardy (in the category Names The Same) for Tuesday, November 15, 2022 (Season 39, Game 47): (correct response beneath the contestants). My blind guess when I saw the category Action Movies was Die Hard was laughingly confirmed when I saw the clue. So Im not 100% sure all of the challengers this week would be aware of Rays neglecting to make a cover bet last Thursday. Today's Final Jeopardy! answer: Monday, December 5, 2022 I thought the final was very poorly worded. please do not scroll down if you wish to avoid being spoiled. Feel free to delete! James Holzhauer $2,962,216 (Categories: From The PresidentS Memoirs; The Butterfly Effect; What A Steal! This should be a fairly straightforward Final Jeopardy! Ray Lalonde $386,400 6: 66.184% Who won Jeopardy! Ditto. 3. Did they want the name of the convention? Total Left On Board: $0 This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Jeopardy Productions, Inc. Fan must be in compliance with the Site Comment Policy. 13. The category for May 30, 2022, is "In Memoriam. viewers, well then consider me amongst the minority . Deep cut. When commenting, please note that all comments on The Jeopardy! On Nov. 9, it became a place of joy, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), on "Todays Final Jeopardy Monday, December 5, 2022", Jeopardy! I thought Sam would have gotten this one as he is a professor at the naval postgraduate school. Matt Amodio $1,518,601 I was waiting for the East German guards to start firing on them. The Final Jeopardy Clue and Answer for March 2, 2023 - Distractify The contestant leading after Final Jeopardy! Average Coryat: $22,700, 12 correct, 1 incorrect Cris 8 correct 1 incorrect 6. game show and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Jeopardy Productions, Inc. and are protected under law. 2. 12. Today's Final Jeopardy! answer: Monday, May 30, 2022 - Sportskeeda Have you had a chance to listen to our podcast game show, Todays Final Jeopardy Friday, March 3, 2023, 2023 High School Reunion Tournament Semi-Final Preview, Todays Final Jeopardy Thursday, March 2, 2023, Todays Final Jeopardy Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Todays Final Jeopardy Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Matt Amodio $1,528,601 Sam Kavanaugh $406,202 6: 43.504% I loved Bruce Willis in the die hard series. Thanks, Andy, for the background stories. by the numbers: Sam $9,400 $0 = $9,400 (0 wins) (What is Gridley?) today? If Amy or Sam wants to win this tournament, they need to make adjustments to their own playing style.. Lucas Miner was the winner tonight, getting Final Jeopardy correct and ending with a total of $25,201! 18. Mattea Roach: $22,001 2. Today's Final Jeopardy - Tuesday, November 15, 2022 I was also thinking that maybe a better way so to summarize the clue selection data would be with a Daily Double efficiency score, rather than average row selection. I also really like the addition of the new stat of Average Row of Clue Selection, Before Daily Doubles Found. This really adds some new insight into player strategy. streak: 6.127 games. 8: 24.977% Unfortunately, Maggie couldn't get her signalling device to work well all day, while Hannah did make it a 2-player Final. Julia Collins $428,100 Brad Rutter $4,953,436 Winnings, Regular Play Only: Congrats Ray on getting win 4. He did break $10k w/o the benefit of a Daily Double, but theres going to be a lot of these by the time Cris is done. Its also available on Apple Podcasts. If its too low, a player is much less likely to find a Daily Double, as theyre probably selecting too many first- or second-row clues. Fan is created by fans, for fans. The Final Jeopardy Answer is: The Things They Carried Final Jeopardy Explanation - Friday, March 3 2023 American author Tim O'Brien's 1990 book The Things They Carried is a collection of interconnected short stories is about a platoon of American soldiers engaged in foot combat in the Vietnam War. Warning: This page contains spoilers for the December 15, 2022, game of Jeopardy! Looking to find out who won Jeopardy! 7. Colby Burnett $408,333 5/8 in Final Jeopardy 17. I hope none of the contestants fall into that same pit that I did. Continue to think there may be something to the idea that the DDs are getting harder. . As the parade wound down to the end, I can remember my parents saying to my sisters and me, Here comes Santa Claus, as Santa always signaled the end of the parade. is all set to return with a new episode on Thursday, June 2, 2022, and fans of the show are already waiting for the final question's answer. The Jeopardy! Thanks for the stat on average row choice before Daily Double selection. 6: 43.504% Jeopardy! David Madden $773,733 5. 22 games: 93.355% Amy 8 correct 0 incorrect Scores going into the Final were Cris at $33,200, Ben at $12,400, and Steph at $600. Posted By: Andy Saunders However, Sean charged back to lead after 30 clues. Round: Jonathan Fisher $246,100 Ken Jennings $2,520,700 (Categories: State Capital Nicknames; Animals In Books; Pointing Out Decimals; Oo, Booze! Larissa Kelly $222,597, All Time Jeopardy! 20. For example, Amy started today with a row 1 clue. 1. Susan. All could have had $15,000+ going into FJ, and that would have been awesome. This does not mean every player should try to use James strategies, but they do seem to be the optimal ones for either very strong players (i.e. 51.04% in first on buzzer (1304/2555) As Harry Eisenberg said numerous times in his book of the mid-90s, Vosburgh definitely preferred the more meat and potatoes, more academic clues, especially in Double Jeopardy! A little disappointed in the math by both Sean and Ray. what tv channel is jeopardy on tonight 10. 20. Total Left On Board: $0 rounds before the Daily Doubles in those rounds had been found. You can find game-by-game stats here at The Jeopardy! (This is basically the Jeopardy! Austin Rogers $411,000 Pinterest. Answer: Helen of Troy Helen of Troy's brothers, Castor and Pollux, saved her after Theseus stole her away as a kid; a larger force would seek her later in life. Hell return tomorrow to defend his title! Ben $12,400 Coryat, 21 correct, 3 incorrect, 40.35% in first on buzzer (23/57), 1/1 on rebound attempts (on 2 rebound opportunities) Facebook. Happy to see everyone getting the final right. More likely a math error. PSA: The best way to keep COVID-19 at bay (and keep Jeopardy! Andrew probably felt he had to cover, which gave Amy the opening to make a small bet and win on the Triple Stumper. Allie bought a wedding dress and met Sen. Bernie Sanders on the same day. 2) TALKIN ECON $1200 (clue #5) Fan must be in compliance with the Site Comment Policy. Seth Wilson $265,002 Matt Amodio $1,518,601 Final Jeopardy 2/28/23 (Names of Myth) & Who Won Tuesday February 28 We have many new offerings at The Jeopardy! Dan Pawson $430,902 Today's Final Jeopardy - Monday, December 5, 2022 6. Ben Ingram $443,201 Shes very underrated. Fan of all 15 players, including Matt Amodio, Jonathan Fisher, Amy Schneider, Mattea Roach, Ryan Long, and Cris Pannullo, that have won 10 or more games on Jeopardy! with a score north of $30,000 going into Final Jeopardy! Seth Wilson $265,002 Thats why I knew it couldnt be Tiananmen. Glad to see Andrew get some competition. streak: 8.363 games. Steph 3 correct 1 incorrect, (Categories: History On The Double; Myth; Tree Time; Lets Play Quarters; Musicals By Female Roles; Starts Or Ends With X). Today's Final Jeopardy - Thursday, December 15, 2022 Make a monthly contribution to the site on Patreon! Fan listen now! I found the use of the word edifice confusing. Jennifer Quail $228,800 Going to classes that morning, a student from the Hillel center at the campus was handing out fliers with information about Kristallnacht. The Jeopardy! Allie 3 4 5 2 6: 17.315% 13. 9. Your best chance of winning is likely going to be on a Triple Stumperlimit your bet to $199. Cris Pannullo $748,286 If both get it wrong, which is possible in a category like this (even though it ended up being an incredibly easy clue), Sean could have won by betting $4,599. 'Jeopardy!' Player Gushes Over Former Celebrity Crush Mayim Bialik Julia Collins $428,100 : IN MEMORIAM 2022 | JEOPARDY! "Final Jeopardy!" was a formality, but both de Guzman and Faulkner answered correctly. That said, Andrew hasnt been able to convert the FJ clues, which is his one weakness (yes Im including the Alexander Hamilton one where he also lost to Amy). Tournament. Amy Schneider $1,382,800 Alex Jacob $424,802 Amy Schneider $1,382,800 Really? 5. 11. Austin Rogers $411,000 Im not sure I fully agree with that. Mattea Roach $570,983 69/79 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $219,200) Meanwhile, Whelchel bet $15,000. won 500 (or whatever total they had in the Jones run when points became pounds). Ray Lalonde $386,400 3. The upcoming episode will feature the. Russ Schumacher $344,800 You can find game-by-game stats here at The Jeopardy! When commenting, please note that all comments on The Jeopardy! Warning: This page contains spoilers for the December 5, 2022, game of Jeopardy! 25. Andrew He took Game 1 of the Tournament of Champions finals, in spite of being in third place in both attempts and buzzer timing, because he found and converted a pair of True Daily Doubles. Final Jeopardy! 0/0 on Daily Doubles Here's the Friday, November 18, 2022 Jeopardy! Colorado Rockies second baseman Brendan Rodgers may need season-ending surgery for his dislocated shoulder, manager Bud Black confirmed Thursday. Warning: This page contains spoilers for the November 15, 2022, game of Jeopardy! He wears it so if wounded, his crew wont see him bleed, and lose morale. Final Jeopardy! Today's Final Jeopardy - Friday, November 18, 2022 14. Seth Wilson $265,002 ), 1) FACTS & FIGURES $800 (clue #22) Amy 20 correct 1 incorrect Ah, those who know that Die Hard is not a christmas movie and those who are wrong. I knew nothing about the origin of the song I just guessed what would make the children at a holiday parade excited . 14. Sam Kavanaugh $406,202 Jason $10,800 Coryat, 15 correct, 3 incorrect, 31.58% in first on buzzer (18/57), 0/0 on rebound attempts (on 4 rebound opportunities) 5. What does Average Row of Clue Selection, Before Daily Doubles Found mean? 11. Total number of unplayed clues this season: 12 (0 today). Round: None! If the todays clue was too easy for some, heres a related fun clue: This milestone related to the Berlin Wall was marked on February 5, 2018. 8: 24.977% Looking to find out who won Jeopardy! Average Coryat: $12,400. Steph 2 correct 0 incorrect episodes from TuneIn Radio without leaving The Jeopardy! Cris Pannullo $748,286 There used to be a place called The Newseum in DC that had a huge exhibit. Jonathan Fisher $246,100 1. 12. Contestants may behave differently this season knowing about the existence of the 2nd chance tournament.