If reputation with the NCR is too low, Dobson will not talk to the Courier and one will either have to take all the supplies and smash the radio in the bunker that Dobson is staying in or kill him. He heard one asking Papa to break off with the Legion, and agrees that an alliance with the Legion is not the best course of action for the Khans. Secretary Liza O'Malley at the NCR Embassy will direct the player character to see the Gomorrah receptionist. Talk to Papa Khan about the alliance with Caesar. Mr Smith, of Farnham, Surrey, then travelled back last July. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Speak to Papa Khan in the longhouse, then talk to Regis, who is sitting next to him. Also, note that certain higher up Brotherhood members (i.e. Return to the control room terminal and select an option. Waiting until late at night will cause several Brotherhood paladins to spawn at which point a player character with even a moderately high Sneak skill can pick one of the paladins' pockets to acquire a keycard to the bunker (no Karma loss will be suffered). This alliance must be broken to both save the tribe and the denizens of the Mojave. Head right, where one can find McNamara, who is the easiest to steal from. Managing to ally the Brotherhood of Steel with the NCR will give result in some infamy towards the NCR, but it will not be enough to lower one's actual reputation level with NCR, assuming one has not gained other instances of NCR infamy beforehand. Go back to Moore at. One can sneak up on him there and use an explosive or silenced weapon, and the rest of the camp will not become alarmed. [Non-game 2], As such, any solutions that do not involve exterminating the Khans, the Brotherhood or the Kings will earn her ire; particularly if they include forging an alliance and/or peace. This method should work if the player character has completed all main BoS quests as well. With the Legion Slave Ledger in-hand, there's nothing left to do but to return to Red Rock Canyon with your evidence. Note: If one chooses to help usurp McNamara, they will be unable to broker a treaty. He heard one asking Papa to break off with the Legion, and agrees that an alliance with the Legion is not the best course of action for the Khans. Restored Scene Between Paladin Todd & Colonel Moore In Fallout New Vegas Alternative Gaming Channel 133K subscribers Subscribe 3K Share 76K views 8 months ago Fallout New Vegas. If Cassidy is a follower then she will talk to the Watkins in the room, when she is distracted the player character can swipe his card. If your making a bugfix compilation, yes you can use it, if your from Obsidian, yes you can use it.If you want to take it and rerelease it without any changes, no you cannot use it. Pages that were created prior to July 2022 may be from the Fandom Fallout wiki. Two of the people Regis mention are Jack and Diane (yes, this is a rather obvious John Mellancamp reference). Next Holy hell I finally fixed it in the most hilariously simple way possible. Upon going through all of the various dialogue options, talk to Papa Khan again. Colonel Cassandra Moore and Vault Boy, as they appear in the achievement/trophy for. A new option will appear, where the player character can formally request that the Khans break off their relationship with the Legion. set vstoryeventkhans to 2, setobjectivecompleted 140c3a 95 1 Contents 1 Synopsis 2 Walkthrough 2.1 Assassination 2.2 Diplomacy 3 Quest stages 4 Notes 5 Behind the scenes 6 Bugs Synopsis The Great Khans have recently aligned themselves with Caesar's Legion, spelling doom for themselves. One will learn that the Khans have an alliance with, Exhaust all chat options with Regis and Karl. Go to the [ Silver Rush] ( M6:2) and follow [ Birds of a Feather ]. This will allow the player character to set the bunker to explode (the knights who were supposed to be confronted but avoided by going around the crates will no longer be outside when escaping). Basically, I've completed all the tasks necessary to finish "Oh My Papa"- problem being that whatever I might say to Papa Khan, the result's that the game either registers the quest as complete- with the only option being to inform Colonel Moore (NCR lady. Given by Fallout: New Vegas - Oh My Papa Side Quest Walkthrough By Henry Moore Published May 23, 2022 Learn all the ways in which you can complete this important mission. It will also initiate the quest Beware the Wrath of Caesar!. Return to Colonel Moore and report that Mr. House is no longer a threat. Visit, If one assassinates Papa Khan and has not yet completed. fallout: new vegas oh my papa colonel moore bug setstage 140c3a 60, setobjectivedisplayed 157322 42 0 Sterilize the LS Chamber: Will yield the same result as the above option however will lead to a possibly more gruesome and violent death, with Mr. House being overloaded with electricity and most of his body exploding. However, the. It is still possible, albeit difficult, to get Caesar's slave ledger if the Legion is hostile to the player character. (Optional): Find a way to disgrace Karl in front of Papa Khan. When you do, he'll automatically engage you in conversation. Speak to Troike and mention Cachino. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNV_Regis_HeListensToHisTribe.ogg, Pretty Pretty Horsies: A History of the Mongol Empire. Karma This has happened to me on the PC before Oh My Papa is a notoriously buggy quest and I think I was able to fix it with console commands but you might just be SOL if youre on console, What command did you use, Im having thsi same bug with pc. The problem is that the only options I have is: The second in command is showing support to an NCR alliance"--->Leader . However, if all cards aren't collected, access will be denied. It is still possible, albeit difficult, to get Caesar's slave ledger if the Legion is hostile to the player character. Halfway through the quest, one may be randomly attacked several times by two recruit legionaries who say "Karl sends his regards" if one fast travels to and from the Red Rock location. Rewards Even though the Courier dealt with the issues the New California Republic had in Freeside, the Mojave is much bigger than that. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If the player completes Wild Card: Finishing Bets and completes the optional objective to save the President, the quest to save the president as part of for the republic part 2 will still be given, and Grant will be unresponsive, simply standing and gritting his teeth, rendering the NCR ending effectively impossible to finish. Sometimes one can walk around the counter to Grant and he will initiate a conversation about protecting the president, even if the quest was received from Yes Man before talking to the Colonel. The title of the quest is a reference to a song of the same name performed as an instrumental by trumpeter Eddie Calvert in the UK and as a vocal by Eddie Fisher in the US. I don't know what to do. This quest is still available for if one has or is planning to join the Legion; however, while the quest does not grant Infamy for Caesar's Legion, there are still consequences for completion, such as not receiving support during. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! This will enable you to progress in this quest. that the Great Khans are no longer a problem. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. One must then leave the Dam, and the quest will update to report back to the colonel and tell her that Kimball is dead. Activate the terminal in the control room, and choose to "Unseal LS chamber" to expose Mr. House's body. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! A possum feared extinct is discovered in Papa New Guinea being The journal can also be taken from Cachino's desk in his room in the Gomorrah suites. Completing this portion of the quest will earn the Courier Legion infamy, although possibly not enough to be demoted to shunned status. Image After the Courier has gained the Brotherhood's trust, they can enter their bunker. [3][4] Although she was subsequently promoted to colonel, a job which was less physically demanding, and given greater responsibility, she still misses those times, and she has never liked having to command from a desk. Cassandra Moore appears only inFallout: New Vegas. Talk to Regis about the Khans' allegiance. She is a noted conservative in military matters, favoring strength and determination over cunning and diplomacy. I talked to him, still on the cross, and he goes "Thanks so much for getting me down from there!". Hit Points:150170 This can be accomplished by telling Papa Khan about Karl's journal, as above. And exhausted all chat options. Pacer will come to his room to take some drugs and he'll die because of a heart attack. Contents 1 Quick walkthrough 2 Detailed walkthrough 3 Quest stages 4 Notes 5 Behind the scenes 6 Bugs Quick walkthrough Detailed walkthrough Note: This is a multiple option quest. I think I avoided installing mission mojave fearing that it would mess up Project Nevada but I'll go ahead and install it all anyways since there are compatibility patches. Another resolution to Oh My Papa involves assassinating Papa Khan. These guys are the key to getting this side quest going. Oh my papa quest bug? The Courier can get them to cooperate by simply offering a truce to them. However, if The House Always Wins II or beyond has been completed, then one elects to kill Mr. House for the sake of the For the Republic questline, Do not interact with Jane or Mr. House himself at any point before opening the antechamber door. Colonel Moore will disappear from the game world if the player character fails. Finding out what Clanden specializes in is a non-optional objective after talking to Cachino, killing him fails the quest How Little We Know but allows this quest to progress. Restored Scene Between Paladin Todd & Colonel Moore In Fallout New Vegas An easy way to clear level one is to go to the office on the left and kill Paladin Ramos. Talk to Papa Khan about breaking the alliance. Form ID If you don't have a Speech skill high enough, however, you'll need to find another route towards the end of the quest, which isn't covered here. Assassinate Papa Khan and return to Colonel Moore. Disable Cerebral Interface: Disconnects Mr. House, but keep him alive and practically brain dead. No I'm playing out both The House Always Wins and Wild Card: Side Bets at the same time. Well I actually haven't really "reset" my copy of new vegas, because of how many mods I have, in a long time so the bug fixes I have should be years old. You can walk there if you must, but there are other locations around the encampment that you can quick-travel to if you'd like, including Goodspring Cemetery to the west, Quarry Junction to the east, and the Yangtze Memorial to the south. Previously I've always been able to strong arm my way through it via console commands but since Regis won't add it to my quest log I can't manipulate it with console commands. I have convinced all the Khans to my side and simply need to tell Moore about Regis needing to take over. It is now actually the second most frequently asked question, and the answer is still the same: Which quest are you supposed to do next? Either way, the Great Khans will proceed to kill Karl, and the optional objective will be completed. See Colonel Moore at Hoover Dam for further assignments. If so, that's totally fine, but that route isn't covered here. The thermite is ignited using the detonator on the wall near the door to the weapons cache. Convince Melissa to speak out against Caesar. I've done ALL of these things and STILL cannot get this quest. After either killing all the Khans or completing Oh My Papa, return to Colonel Moore and inform her that the Khans are either destroyed, moving out of the Mojave, planning a suicide mission during the final battle, or willing to ally with the NCR. Location or So I just got Fallout: NV again after uninstalling it briefly. A marker will say to go directly to the stage after talking to Moore. If one cannot pass the Speech check, the third dialogue choice regarding past inspiration sends the player character to the Followers. 00136166 Alternatively, the Courier can kill everyone inside the bunker, after which they will get the message that the quest is complete. If the Ranger is warned in any way about the Brotherhood, the Brotherhood will become hostile and enter the bunker to kill the player character. Stealing. Once the bosses have been dealt with, return to Moore. From here, one must speak to the receptionist, then to Cachino. Form ID Enter the Great Khan longhouse, which is up a cliff on the right, and is the only non-tent building (It will be marked on the Pip-Boy map). Ref ID Colonel Moore wants me to deal with the Great Khans. Find Diane proof that the Legion persecutes drug runners. Assassinate Papa Khan without being detected. Find Regis either in the longhouse or in his tent and follow the conversation. So I open up the console and do "setav aggression 0" to make him friendly again and he immediately climbs back up onto the cross, with his only dialogue being him thanking me for getting him down. Press J to jump to the feed. Silver Killing the first knight along with others is also an option, albeit more challenging. setobjectivedisplayed 157322 46 1. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Think you're up for a real mission? Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. Legion armor can be used without problem up until one enters the drawbridge to the inner camp. IrrationalBebop12 years ago#1 I had just begun For The Republic, Part 2, coming out to the Red Rock Canyon for the first time.. I couldn't get the Khan to leave his room like.ever. during my play through. Regis, Papa Khan and Karl sitting at the table, 700 XP and 500 capsOR 5 Low-Condition 10mm SMGOR 2 super stimpaks, For the Republic, Part 2Wild Card: Side BetsAba Daba Honeymoon. Providing power and that's what it does.". Convince Melissa to speak out against Caesar. This will automatically fail the "You'll Know It When It Happens" quest. By passing a Speech check of 80, the player character can convince Cachino to take care of the bosses himself, otherwise, the player character will be supplied a sawed-off shotgun to aid Cachino in a battle against the bosses. Exhaust all chat options. Alternatively, these following console commands can be entered in exactly this order to fix the bug. I still completed the quest though so if he just wants to hang out on a cross for the rest of the game that's fine by me. Editor ID Unfortunately, Red Rock Canyon is one of those few locations on the map that don't have an easy springing-off point. The idea is to break through to the Fort's back end, where you'll find an ornate tent. This will take care of almost everyone on level one. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Fix: Open console and type "resetquest 00140c3a" to restart Oh My Papa quest and finish it the way you want. For the Republic, Part 2 Confront Cachino about the journal's contents. During the daytime, Talk to Papa Khan. Whatever her name is.) Wipe out the Great Khans at Red Rock Canyon. Talk to Regis Talk to Colonel Moore For the Republic, Part 2 Since he won't talk to me I can't get the quest added to my quest log meaning there's no real way to manipulate my way through it via console commands. The only way to complete it is look up the steps in the wiki before ever talking to anybody, save before everything, and . Failing that then maybe try gaining reputation with them through other missions and see if that helps. Note: This is a multiple option quest. One can sneak up on him there and use an explosive or silenced weapon, and the rest of the camp will not become alarmed. The Courier must then kill at least 15 other Great Khans to complete the quest. Why won't Colonel Moore speak to me? : r/fnv - reddit It is possible to only kill the named characters in the bunker to complete this quest. Did you get the journal from the footlocker, read it, then exhaust all chat options with Karl? All rights reserved. [1] Contents 1 Background 1.1 Personality 2 Interactions with the player character 2.1 Interactions overview 2.2 Quests 2.3 Effects of the player character's actions 2.4 Other interactions 3 Inventory 4 Notes 5 Notable quotes 6 Appearances House and NCR Truce at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community - Nexus Mods zelle unable to process payment; . This is the only way to fix the glitch and continue with the NCR. Categories In lysol feminine hygiene; yaman max m21 . She should now appear to be walking into her office. And yes I read the journal and talked to everybody. Upon going through all of the various dialogue options, talk to Papa Khan again. I've already locked out For the Republic. I've tried resetting the quest, using the setstage command, and pretty much everything I could think of short of going back on hours of gameplay (I already had to lose an hour of previously finished Great Khan questing due to interfering quest bugs) and doing it all over again hoping it will work. Finally, we have find evidence that Regis himself asked for, because he doesn't necessarily believe that a Great Khan-Legion alliance is a bad thing, either. the options are as follows: Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Also, an annoying glare will get in your way when trying to hack or read files on a computer terminal. Are you on For the Republic? Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, The Simpsons Hit and Run Designer Wants to See a Remake - IGN Daily Fix. The next person you're looking for is a woman named Melissa, and unfortunately, she's nowhere near Red Rock Canyon. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. Its outcome will affect what the Great Khans do by the end of the game. Return to Colonel Moore and speak to her about the offered truce. That sucks man. Oh My Papa is a side quest in Fallout: New Vegas. Choosing to fight him will be easy if one has two companions. Seth T. Reno (editor) - The Anthropocene_ Approaches and - scribd.com Glitch help! (Quest: "Oh My Papa" - Great Khans Recruitment) Good, you made it. Then with a Science skill of 75 or more, hack the computer on the wall and set the turrets to attack registered Brotherhood personnel. Talk to Regis about convincing Papa Khan. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. King's Gambit Fallout: New Vegas Guide - Game Guides https://www.reddit.com/r/fnv/comments/2rw4r3/oh_my_papa_wont_trigger_pc/. Oh My Papa/For the Republic Part 2 Help! : r/fnv - reddit When one reaches the point in For the Republic to save the president, both the colonel and Grant will act as if he's alive, even when the NCR troops around state that he is already assassinated. I paid for a PSNow subscription and play it on there. Return to the Lucky 38 and take the elevator to the penthouse level, then use a terminal to the left of Mr. House to open the antechamber. Colonel Cassandra Moore is a Californian commanding officer for the NCR stationed at Hoover Dam. If the first leg of the quest is bypassed (by talking to secretary Liza O'Malley) and speaks to the receptionist directly, a bug may be introduced making it impossible to complete this quest. Press J to jump to the feed. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Alternatively, complete Oh My Papa (this option is not available if one has completed Oh My Papa before starting For the Republic, Part 2; see Notes). Alternatively, with high enough Speech (at least 75 to get through all 3 Speech checks), Karl can be provoked into revealing his true feelings about the Khans. Papa will refuse. At that point getting caught by a Legion guard or mongrel on the way to the tent, turning the entire camp hostile, is nearly inevitable. Once there, seek out Regis, who should be back inside the longhouse. In this case, Colonel Moore will ask the player character to protect President Kimball, but Ranger Grant will not respond to any attempts to talk, therefore the quest cannot be completed. So if anyone knows of ANY way to force Regis to give me this quest please tell me. One must now complete You'll Know It When It Happens, and return to Moore accepting to fight for the NCR. Hoover Dam offices Doing so will result in all the Securitrons in Mr. House's suite becoming hostile. This side quest can be, in a word, complicated. Return to Colonel Moore and lie about the Omertas' plans. There will be a forced conversation with Regis. [1] Contents 1 Background 1.1 Personality 2 Interactions with the player character 2.1 Interactions overview 2.2 Quests 2.3 Other interactions 2.4 Effects of the player's actions 3 Inventory 4 Notes 5 Behind the scenes 6 Bugs 7 Appearances 8 Gallery [4][Non-game 1], A war hawk, Moore displays unfailing support for General Lee Oliver and President Aaron Kimball's push to seize the Mojave - support which has seen her gain great influence - and considers strong action to be the best means of ensuring NCR's dominance in the region. Then, walk straight down to the bunker. Cassandra Moore - The Vault Fallout Wiki - Fandom Has anyone else had this problem? One may accept the task, or reject it and take a more diplomatic approach.